grave-keeping note

35. Four broken tones

35. Four broken tones

The sound makes me feel evil, I can't hear it clearly, and I still want to hear it. Anyway, it makes me uneasy and hairy.

The second master suddenly opened his eyes and scared me.

"What are you doing? It's cold and cold. It's scary.

"Can you hear what the sound is?"

I was stunned. It turned out that the second master was listening to the sound, and I shook my head.

The second master also shook his head.

"Are you young and your heart is too mixed. You can't hear this kind of voice at all."

"You just need to hear it."

I looked at the second master, and he sighed, probably because he was a little disappointed in me or for other reasons.

"That's a broken sound. The listener breaks his mind, breaks his aura, breaks his soul, breaks his popularity, also called four broken sounds. Li Fu mentioned it, and he has also been there. He knows that this is a kind of organ that can't pass for people who have too much desire, pursues too much, and those who want too much. People who come to Shuiling probably want to get something and get something, so they can't get through this mechanism. I have nothing. I just want to make Shuiling stable, but it's also a desire.

"What should I do?"

"Let's see what happens then! If you don't do it well, you will become a fool. Tell me, who is the person who has no heart, aura, soul and popularity?

"It's almost the same as the dead."

The second master sighed and stood up and patted the stone wall. I think it has been shot a hundred times, and it is useless at all. The second master was still patting. When I wanted to ask him to stop, I recognized that it was the rhythm of the shooting, and it was like that sound. I was excited.

It seems that the second master still has a lot of experience, and it is not in vain to be a gravekeeper in his life.

Ten minutes later, my feet fell down. A few meters later, a door appeared. My second master and I went in. I shivered when I entered. The walls were full of two meters long and 1.5 meters wide holes. I couldn't see inside. One by one, very neat. The room was empty. I walked in. There was a gust of wind, and there was still wind here.

"There is wind, and there may be an exit to the outside."

"That's the wind. You can't even distinguish it."

The second master stared at me. He went to the middle and sat down. He didn't lean against the corner. Because of those holes, I went over and went to a hole to look inside. I said, "Ah!" With a voice, I strangled it. It turned out to be a coffin. I didn't see what kind of coffin it was, because I could only see one side of the coffin. I counted 30 coffins on one side and 120 coffins on four walls.

"Second Master, there is a coffin inside."

"Have you seen clearly what the coffin is?"

"I can only see one side, but I can't see it."

"Look at what the coffin is."

This means that let me climb in. I climbed in, but I still can only see the side of the coffin. This side is a plain board, and there is nothing on it. I knocked on the true color of the wood, as if it were made by Qiu Zi.

I climbed out and told the second master.

"I can't see it. It's tightly squeezed. The gap is only as big as a toothpick. I can't see it. It's just made of Qiu Zimu."

The second master looked back at me and said.

"Come and sit down!"

I went over and sat down. The second master didn't say anything else. It was normal to have a coffin in Shuiling. If there was no coffin, it would be abnormal. I don't feel anything. I feel that these are normal.

"120 coffins have been put in the wall. This place is empty. It's really strange."

"Naturally, there is a reason to do this. Drag out a coffin later and have a look."

This is also my idea, but I think it's a little scary. I don't know who the coffin is. What's going on? What should you do if you drag it out casually and drag it out? But I didn't say that maybe we can only drag the coffin now, and there is no other way.

The most frightening thing is that the four broken sound is gone. There is no sound here. It's very quiet. I didn't ask the second master about this matter. I don't think it will be that simple. The second master came in with the mechanism opened by the four broken tones, so the four broken sounds should be here.

The second master took out two hooks from the bag and tied them with a rope. The hook was only as thin as a toothpick, and the rope was the same.

"It's so thin that it can't be pulled at all."

"Try Lala."

I took it over and thought that this hook would be straight without hard work. However, I didn't pull it, and the rope didn't stop pulling.

"This is made of special steel, which is used for a fine work. Its tensile force can reach four tons."

I was a little surprised that this thing could pull up four tons of things. It seems that I'm a little suspicious of the second master guarding the tomb. These things are a little similar to those in Li Fu's bag and can be used for everything.

I took a look at the second master. He stood up and looked around with a hook, but still didn't decide which coffin to drag. I walked to the west and stood at an entrance. The second master came over.

"Let's drag this!"

I climbed in and slowly sent the hooks in. It took a lot of time to send the two hooks in.

After I came out, the second master said.

"One person should pull one, evenly, and don't get stuck."

We pulled it together. The coffin was very heavy. When I pulled it out, the second master and I carried it down, at least 300 catties, and it was difficult to carry it.

After the coffin came down, we saw that only the outside was plain, and the other three sides were painted, which was very beautiful. On top were dogs, dragons and so on, which were Manchu totems.

The second master looked at it for a while and said.

"Ordinary coffin, but very exquisitely made."

The second master stopped and looked at it with good eyes. I felt that his eyes were a little wrong.

"Open the coffin."

I went to push the lid of the coffin, but I didn't open it. After a closer look, I found that there were more than 20 nails on it. Looking at the head of the nail, the nail was not small.

"There are nails."

The second master took out the pry stick from his hug, which was a little small and difficult to pry. The second master sat aside and looked at me.

I was so tired that I pried out a few nails.

"This won't work, I'm tired."

I put down the crowbar and sat aside.

"Take your time, we have time."

The second master means that this work is all mine, and he won't reach out.

I rested for a while and then pried it. The last nail was pried out, and there were already several bubbles on my hands. I threw down the crowbar and didn't lift the lid of the coffin.

The second master stood up and walked to the coffin. With a sudden effort, the lid of the coffin was lifted. "Bangdang" hit the ground, which shocked me. Obviously, the second master was intentional.

The second master was excited, and I saw that I slowly stood up and stared at the second master. He stood still and didn't say anything.

"What? What's inside?"

The second master ignored me. I walked over and was shocked. It was a body wearing a black iron mask, and the clothes were men. There are still no other funeral items in the coffin. I reached out to lift the black iron cover, the second master said.

"Don't move."

The sound was so loud that I trembling.

"You are not afraid of spending electricity when it's so loud."

The second master stared at me and said.

"This is a black iron cover. Black iron is an evil thing. Don't touch it first, and then drag out a coffin to have a look."

When I heard this, I suffered again this time.

The coffin on the other wall was dragged out and carried to the ground. I sat aside and didn't say anything.

The second master sat there smoking and didn't know what he was thinking.

I didn't look at the second master. He stood up, picked up the crowbar and began to pry it. It was simply destructive. He directly knocked on the lid of the coffin and pried it open in less than five minutes. I was so angry! Last time you didn't tell me, let me pry nails one by one and make blood bubbles.

The second master looked at the body inside. I went over. There was no black iron cover. The clothes inside were intact, and the skull was intact. It was already bones.

The second master looked up at me and said.

"It's strange that there is no black iron cover. What does it mean?"

I don't know what that means. Anyway, I feel it's extremely evil. The black iron cover looks like a black-faced man, cold and gloomy. I feel hairy when I look at it, and my heart lifts up and I can't let it go.

"Open it and have a look."

The second master shook his head.

"If you don't understand, it's better not to move. Twenty years ago, there was a gold cover, in an ordinary grave. At that time, it was necessary to repair the highway and move the grave, but by the deadline, the grave was not moved, so it was treated as a masterless grave. When it was dealt with, the gold cover was found. On the face of the body, at that time, I reported it to the cultural relics department, and someone came to see that the gold cover was indeed just gold. However, it is also quite expensive. There is no stone tablet on this grave, and it has never figured out whose grave it is, but it must be an old grave. The golden cover has been seven or eight hundred years old, but no one thought that when the golden cover was taken off, there was a dog's head below, and everyone was stunned. Because below is the human body. The strangest thing is, of course, the man who took off the gold mask died that night, and after the highway was repaired, there was a car accident two or two days.

I know that there is always an accident on that highway. It is said that there is a design defect. It has been changed several times, but it is still useless. I think it should be the reason for the golden dog head in those years.

"What about the last one?"

"It has become a mystery."

The second master sighed, and we looked at the black iron cover and felt its evil more and more.

"The problem now is that if we want to find an exit, then we have to do something that we have to do. We can't open all 120 coffins."

"Yes, but this black iron cover must be removed."

After the second master finished speaking and looked at me, I knew that I had to pick it. That's how I fought. When I thought of the golden dog's head, I was scared. However, there was nothing I could do. I stretched out my hand, and the second master took a step back.

After I pulled off the black iron cover, I shouted. The second master was so scared that he also saw that there was a head-sized snake head under the black iron cover. How big is the snake?

The second master stood there stunned and said for a long time.

"Evil, evil."

The second master said that he didn't move, and I was cold, holding a black iron cover. I didn't know what to do. I heard the sound, four broken sounds, and the second master also heard it. It was extremely clear that the four broken sounds were extremely strange. People who had heard "Warriage Clothes" should know that it was more strange and unbearable, a kind of torture, horror, panic and palpitations.

"Flying snake, the legend of more than a thousand years ago, did not expect it to be true. The flying snake will make a musical sound and sounds very beautiful. It uses this to attract people and then suck their souls. After their souls are sucked, they are stupid."

As soon as the second sentence was finished, there was a kind of music mixed in the four broken tones, which was clearly divided. The music was quite beautiful, and it was a kind of enjoyment. In these two sounds, my second master and I were almost broken.

The second master suddenly said.

"Cup your ears, hurry up."

I covered my ears, but it didn't work at all.

"It's useless, second master."

"Bone conduction, through the ears, I didn't expect it to be so evil."

This sound is actually transmitted by bone, unless you take off your ears.

"What should I do?"

"If it goes on like this, my mind will soon be torn apart, and then my spirit will be torn apart, and in the end..."

I got hairy and buckled the black iron cover back. It's useless and still doesn't make a sound.

The second master walked to the coffin and looked at the snake's head. He stretched out, took out the snake's head, and fell to the ground. The two voices suddenly stopped. I was relieved, but...