grave-keeping note

36. Coffin worm

36. Coffin worm

However, within two minutes, the two voices began to sound in turn, and the sound doubled, and I sat on the ground in pain. The second master frowned and looked at the coffin.

The second master jumped into the coffin, turned over, and turned over the bones in a mess. Looking at the second master's eyes, he was red, meaning that he was going crazy. Suddenly, all the voices stopped, very quiet, very quiet.

The second master was also stunned and stood in the coffin, which was really scary.

Suddenly, the sound sounded, which was another sound, moving something.

I saw that the coffin at each hole was moving out. I shouted.

"Second Master, the coffin must be moved."

The second master jumped out of the coffin and watched the coffins move little by little.

"What should I do?"

"There's nothing we can do. It depends on the situation."

The second master was a little nervous and repeated that he had never been like this.

One hundred and eighteen coffins finally came out and fell to the ground, making a loud noise, which scared me and the second master. Then there is the silence.

"It seems that we need to open these coffins one by one."

After saying that, the second master stared at a coffin. The coffin was different from other coffins. It was a little deformed and did not seem to be in a positive shape. The second master slowly walked over. Sure enough, the coffin was different in appearance and shapes from different angles.

This is a coffin. I heard from Li Fu that this kind of coffin is made of mud. The characteristic of this kind of mud is to change shape. After making a coffin, it looks different from different angles and can change at any time. This kind of mud is in the Xijiang River. This river has disappeared for hundreds of years, and this kind of mud is gone.

This mud has a fishy smell, and I really smell it.

The second master walked over and pried open the coffin lid on it with a crowbar. Looking in, it was an empty coffin, and there was nothing inside.

"The mud and empty coffin."

After saying that, the second master nodded.

"It seems that we are going in."

The second master looked at me after saying that.

"What are you doing in?"

"I think it should go in. Maybe this is the entrance."

"Maybe not. I think it's very evil. It's better not to let it go. This mud coffin is also very evil."

The second master didn't say anything and locked his eyebrows. The two statements sounded again. I had a headache and felt like I was going to crack. It seemed that I had to listen to the second master.

After the second master and I entered the mud coffin, we covered the coffin and couldn't hear the sound. I think this is a good way, but we can't stay in this coffin.

"Second master, we can't stay here, can we?"

"I'm also thinking about this. The entrance is quite strange. I can't find it, and there is no hint."

Suddenly, the mud coffin was deformed, and my second master and I trembling.

"The mud of Xijiang can be made into a mud coffin, but Xijiang mud has a very strong characteristic. After the body enters the coffin, the body will turn black overnight. I suspect that it is poison. This kind of Xijiang mud is eaten by a kind of fish in Xijiang. The fish is called mud fish. The mud fish tastes delicious, and it is not so fresh. However, no one dares to eat it. The poison of mudfish can kill millions of people. Its poison is on a line on the body. This poison line usually does not secrete venom. It is secreted at the moment of its death. Some people risk their lives to eat mud fish. They cut off the meat alive and keep it from dying.

I was stunned for a moment.

"Is this mud coffin poisonous?"

That's what the second master means.

"This uncertainty is what I said. It is also a legend that Xijiang has disappeared for more than 100 years after all."

It's just a legend, which is scary enough.

The mud coffin stopped and changed. An hour later, the mud coffin suddenly broke up. Our second master sat there and was stunned. There is a big water wheel in front of us.

"We came in. When the mud coffin was deformed, it was moving."

The big water wheel in front of us is the kind of ordinary waterwheel, slowly turning, taking the water and sending it into the waterway, but the one in front of us is much bigger and more exquisite.

I didn't expect that we would get rid of the terrible sound like this, and the mud of the coffin was scattered on the ground.

The second master sat down against the wall, and I looked around.

There is such a big water truck in the middle, and there is nothing else.

I walked to the waterwheel, held a handful of water, washed my face, and then sat aside and watched the watermill turn. The water was sent into the waterway. I don't know where the waterway led to. On the edge of the wall, the waterway went down. I thought, I could drill through there and maybe reach the entrance. Now I feel more and more wrong, farther away from the center of the mausoleum, which are all ancillary facilities of Shuiling.

The second master probably knew about this situation. He didn't say anything, and I won't mention it.

The waterwheel suddenly stopped and turned backwards. I was excited. What's going on?

The waterwheel turned backwards and couldn't bring water. The speed was slow. I looked at the second master. He didn't react and couldn't see any change in expression. Suddenly, the second master stood up, walked to the waterwheel, and straightened the waterwheel. The waterwheel was really turning.

"Second master, do you think this water truck supplies water to a certain place?"

"It should be like this. It probably keeps the water mechanism of a certain water system running normally."

The water truck is tall and has a large amount of water. It seems that it should be so big to supply a water organ. It needs such a large amount of water, and the water mechanism can't be too simple.

I stood up, walked to the waterway, and looked down. I couldn't see my head.

"You can go down from here."

I told the second master.

"Don't be like a mouse, drill in the hole."

I stood up and looked at the second master and said.

"What good can you do?"

"At present, there is no worry about anything. Let's see what happens first."

The second master sat in the corner again and looked at the waterwheel. The waterwheel suddenly flew up and went crazy. It made a loud sound. It was scary to watch. I was nervous. This thing was too scary. The water truck still uses the power from water and does not need external forces. I didn't understand this design.

The speed of the waterwheel has always been so fast, and the water in the waterway is full and flowing down.

The second master got up and said.

"It seems that this is going to start something. We have to be careful."

The second master looked at me, stood up and walked to the waterway.

He looked at the waterway, and suddenly he put it on me. I went over and looked at the water in the waterway. There was a kind of creature that was not big enough to see.

"What is this?"

"I don't know you! This is a coffin worm, which is very powerful. It can bite the coffin to pieces. Whether you are a wooden coffin, iron coffin or sarcophagus, if you bite people, that is, a piece of meat in one bite. Don't look too big. Eat people, but just for an hour, the meat on your body, your internal organs, and finally bones will be eaten.

After saying that, the second master looked at me with an evil smile.

"Really? Don't scare me."

"Try if you don't believe it."

Why do I have nothing to do with this? That's purely sick.

The second master stood up and said.

"This is a coffin washing, rushing out this kind of coffin worm, but these coffin worms will not die. They are very tenacious, but they are washed away from the coffin."

"Is there a coffin in this kind of bug?"

"That's not necessarily. There will be a big tomb, and there will also be a big house. That is, the white worm, a big house, has been destroyed in more than ten years. This kind of coffin worm is even more vicious. If it is placed in the big house, I'm afraid that this big house will not exist for a week."

"How can you kill them?"

"I don't know."

The waterwheel stopped, as if it were a tired person, gasping.

I suddenly remembered the mud coffin. I walked over, took some of the mud of the mud coffin and threw it into the waterway.

When the waterwheel turned again, those coffins appeared again, and they were dead, the second master looked at me and said.

"The mud coffin is really poisonous. If there is a broken place on our body, I'm afraid it's us who will die."

I shudled. The mud fish is poisonous, the mud coffin is poisonous, and the toxicity will not be small. Such coffin insects have been poisoned.

I got some more and put them in it, waiting to kill these coffins. It seems that this is the only way to go down the waterway.

After a few wheels, the coffin worm was gone.

"Second Master, after the water truck stops, go down."

The second master nodded.

I think that if I went down rashly just now, there would probably be only bones left, and I would break out in a cold sweat.

The waterwheel stopped, and I got in. The waterway was very big. I slid down, and the second master followed.

More than 200 meters, I slid into the pool. There was half a pool of water in the pool, and it was still falling. I looked around, it was a pool. There was no other exit, and I became nervous at once. If the pool was full, that is to say, the second master and I had to stay in the water. The whole pool was extremely top. The second master also saw it.

"The waterwheel will turn in a moment."

The second master looked at me after saying that.

"The water in the pool is falling. I stuck my head down, found the mouth of the water, and showed my head."

"The water outlet is five or six meters ahead."

"I have seen it for a long time that there is such a big outlet on the surface of the water, and you still need to pierce it into the water?"

I didn't know that I wanted to strangle the second master hundreds of times, but this time he was strangled by my mind again.

The second master didn't move, and I didn't move and leaned aside.

The water truck above is turning, and the water is flowing down, filling the whole waterway. I waited for the second master to take action, and the water soon lost its neck. The second master shook his head and walked that way. After he plunged in, I followed him in. Before I got there, I felt a strong suction. I was sucked over and rushed down the waterway like a high-speed train.

I don't know what's going on below. If it's a wall, we will become cakes at once. If it's...

I dare not think that such a speed, no matter what will be good, I regret coming down the waterway.

The second master must be scolding me.

In just three minutes, we were sent to a branch. The water slowed down and the amount of water was small. We took a breath, and the second master looked back at me. We were still sliding, getting slower and slower. When we stopped, we were at the exit of the waterway.

We went down to a hall where the coffins were soaked in water.

"It seems that we are going to get close to the center of Shuiling, and this water coffin has finally appeared."

The second master walked over, and dozens of coffins were placed there. The coffins were all polished with stones and carved with various patterns. Each coffin has a separate waterway to wash the coffin.

I looked at the coffin, and the coffin lid was not there. It was all one.

"There is no coffin cover."

The second master didn't say anything. He looked at these coffins and said for a long time.

"Look, one-third of the bottom of the coffin is in the water. The water is circulating and keeps washing the coffin. I think it should be at the bottom of the coffin."

I reached out and touched the coffin. I should be able to get into a person. I touched a deeper place and couldn't be sure what would be below.

"Second master, get in and have a look."


The second master is straightforward. I always make such a suggestion, and finally I will finish it by myself. I am desperate and can't control it. I am worried about myself.

I didn't wait for the second master to speak, so I took a breath and got in. Sure enough, there was a mouth at the bottom of the coffin, and people of all sizes could get in. I was stunned. The water was in one-third of the coffin, one-third, and there was a table with bones. The bones were actually very intact, except for the skin on the face. It's rotten, but it's quite intact.