grave-keeping note

37. Nazu

37. Nazu

I didn't dare to look in too much detail, so I got out and told the second master.

"The water isolated the oxygen and kept the body fresh. The ancient man was extremely smart."

What the second master said makes sense, but at present, these water coffins are placed around the waterway. The bodies in the water coffin are seen and dressed by servants. If so, they will not be too far from the center of the mausoleum.

The second master looked at the water coffin. He got into another one to have a look and came out for a long time.

"The water coffins of the servants are all made like this. It's really luxurious. This subordinate is really not in vain."

The second master sighed.

I looked for the entrance, but I couldn't find it, the second master said.

"Don't look for it. I saw it as soon as I came in."

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't see it. I kept looking for it and didn't see it. I didn't believe what the second master said.

"Where is it?"

"Find it yourself."

I found it. I was tired and couldn't find it, so I sat aside and rested.

"You have too little experience. It's always impossible to go on like this, but I can't blame you. That entrance is very strange and can't be seen by your eyes. It depends on experience. You have little experience. I will slowly teach you in the future. If I really have that day, you and Li Fu will learn. Anyway, Li Fu still has a lot of experience. Of."

I don't want to learn from a thief. However, I didn't say.

The second master stood up and walked to the corner of the wall. I looked at him. As soon as he turned around, he was gone. I strangled him, and a tall man jumped up. He walked there and walked to the corner of the wall. I realized that it was a wrong entrance. Looking at the corner, you can't see the entrance when you go to the corner, only your body. It's really evil to stick it up before you go in. When I go back, I will also get this door. If I get such a door at home, it will be very interesting.

I went there, it was a step. The second master sat on the step and smoked. I don't know how long the steps are. Anyway, I can't see my head.

I think we are going down and should go up. I'm worried that we will go into hell.

After smoking, the second master got up and left. After walking for a few minutes, he looked up and still couldn't see his head.

"How long is this step?"

"10,000 steps to heaven, this is the step to heaven, 10,000. However, in fact, it's not that much, but level 100.

Level 100? It's impossible. We can't even see the 100th level. Now we have reached level 40 or 50. It's impossible.

"You just go, and you will know then."

We went to level 40 or 50 again. It should have reached level 100 and saw that there was no end in front of us, but at level 100, we turned around and entered a coffin hall.

I was stunned for a moment, and the second master looked at me and said.

"This is a 10,000 level, do you understand?"

I know, but there are still many things I don't understand.

I looked at this coffin hall, which is luxurious, which is luxurious, covered with gold and silver. The coffin is six on the left and right six, and there is a large coffin in the middle. In front of the coffin is a supply table. It seems that such a decoration is normal. The left six and right coffins should be a coffin guard. The person inside should be a guard, and the coffin in the middle is the coffin. The second master walked over and looked at the cards. It turned out to be empty, without words, empty cards.

"Why don't you write your name on the card?"

"These are not qualified, with cards but without a name."

This is not qualified enough, which is luxurious enough.

"It seems that this Shuiling has paid a lot of money."

The second master looked at me and said.

"Of course, the construction of this water mausoleum is to reach an extreme. It seems that the main coffin in the heart of the mausoleum will be. I don't know how luxurious it will be. I guess I can't think of it."

What the second master said is not wrong, and he can't figure it out.

The second master sat on the chair next to him and looked around. When he jumped up, I was looking at the coffin and the coffin in the middle. I looked back at the second master. The chair actually followed the second master, with two hands around the second master's waist, and I strangled him.

"Come and help me get my hand down."

I went over and saw that the two hands were golden hands, tightening the second master, and it was getting tighter and tighter. I broke it hard, but I couldn't break it apart. The second master shouted in pain.

"Sitting down, sit down."

After the second master sat down, the golden hand slowly loosened, and the second master jumped up and looked at the chair.

"The golden hand chair, I've heard of it, actually appeared here."

"Not everyone can do this chair. I remember that the chair has the most work. In ancient times, when I went to a large family, sitting on a chair was exquisite. I looked at this chair. The backrest is supported by a son. If a person without support sits, something will happen."

"Then sit down and see, you have a son."

The second master sometimes commits two crimes like this. I also followed the second and sat down all the time. Unexpectedly, there was nothing to do. I stood up and looked at the second master proudly.

"What a cow's up."

The second master is angry. I know why he is angry. I don't want to say more. This is the sadness of life.

"Don't be angry. I'm your son. When you die, I'll choose a good place for you."

"Get out of here."

The second master sat on the ground.

I ignored the second master. I looked at the main coffin, turned around, pushed the lid of the coffin, and unexpectedly opened it. I looked inside and strangled it. It was a woman with quite exquisite clothes, but looking at the skull, this man died very painfully.

In her hand, she looked at a knife. I gently took out the knife and looked at it. It was exquisite, not like something used by the Manchu people. The second master stood up and said.

"Don't move the things in the coffin."

He came over and looked at the knife for a long time.

"It's not Manchu."

He glanced at the person in the coffin and said.

"The real woman, who has entered the flag, may be a kind of companion. This person seems to be quite valued."

I want that knife, and the second master hesitated to hand it to me.

"To the Wanfang side, this knife is the knife of the female real woman. It kills people without sticking blood and leaves no wounds. It is a very good knife."

I really like this knife very much. After thinking about it, I received it in my bag.

I pushed the lid of the coffin, the second master said.

"You go to the stage and have a look."

The table is very large, and I go up from the side steps. There is a red cloth covered with something on the supply table, and you can't tell what it is.

I walked there and looked back at the second master. I found that the second master's eyes were wrong and there was a kind of evil. I think he would definitely take care of me. He was always like this. If he suffered a loss, he must come back.

I stood there and didn't pull the red cloth.

"You're talking nonsense!"

The second master urged me.

"Second Master, you should come to this job without too much effort."

"What are you talking about?"

The second master looked at me. I grabbed the corner of cloth in my hand, pulled it suddenly, and jumped down. I didn't see anything. After I jumped off the stage and looked back, I was stunned.

I'm stupid, and the second master is also confused.

The statue on the stage is like a real person, just like talking. This is not the point. The point is that this person's statue is absolutely impossible and impossible.

I was confused and sweaty at that time. How could this happen?

"Second Master, what's going on?"

I asked the second master, and he said that it took him a long time to recover.

"That Wan, it's really strange. What's going on?"

He even said that, which made me feel a little hateful.

"Go up and take a closer look. There is anything different from thatwan. It can't be thatwan."

I came to the stage again and looked at it for a long time and found that it was a little different from Na Wan. The difference was the look. Na Wan did not have that kind of look. After I came down, I sat there and said.

"Second Master, do you remember that the ancestors of that family once fought with Nurhachi, and there was also a girl in that family. If so, then that family has something to do with Nurhachi."

"I've heard of this, but the specific situation is not clear. If so, there is nothing strange about this. This person is not the Wan, but the ancestor of that family, who is here. It seems that the family also has an unusual relationship with the royal family, otherwise that family would not have such a large family business and can be rich."

I pushed away the main coffin again. That person is definitely not the person on the stage, but a human woman.

"How did this happen?"

"It seems that that place is very important in the heart of Mr. Nurhachi. Put the statue here and serve as a god."

I understand what this means.

I stepped on the stage, covered the cloth and shook my head.

If you understand this matter, you have to ask that Wan, and the second master turned around and said.

"We are very close to the center of the mausoleum. Everything should be paid attention to. We have passed so many levels, and I'm afraid the last few levels are the most evil."

I didn't say anything. I know this very well. Approaching Lingxin is killing me. I don't know if I can get to Lingxin.

It's been 20 days since we were here. In another seven days, we will leave the mausoleum. It's hard to say whether we can go out or not.

The second master looked at me and said.

"Twelve coffins are opposite, in the middle of one coffin, twelve guards and one, exactly thirteen, one yin number, think about these associations, let's find the entrance."

I can't think of it at all, and I don't think there's anything to think about.

"I can't figure it out."

I sat there and said that the second master scolded me, but I didn't hear it clearly.

The second master didn't know what he was counting, so he suddenly stopped and said.

"Come here, stand here."

I knew that there was nothing good, but I didn't want to be kicked by the second master, so I had to go there. That position is not a good position. The middle position corresponding to the twelve coffins, the position of the top of the main coffin, is a murderous position, I know.

"This is a murderous position. If something happens, play with eggs."

"You understand that you don't just stand in this position."

After saying that, the second master walked aside and looked at it. When I was nervous, the second master rushed over and threw me to the ground, and then there was a "gurgling". Looking again, a big stone ball fell from my head and smashed the stone floor into a hole.

I got up and stared at the second master. Looking up, there was a big hole, and a chain slipped down.

The second master got up and looked at the big hole and said.

"Go up."

"If you climb halfway, with another ball, my head will be developed. My head is not that hard."

"I find that you are becoming more and more disobedient."

"You are killing me."

"Have you ever died?"

The second master's words are right. I have never died. It's a feeling of nine deaths. Such stimulation will not be killed in the future, but will be stimulated to death. This is a terrible thing.

I don't want to talk too much anyway. I can't stand such a thing.

The second master looked at me. He grabbed the chain and climbed up. The second master was in his 70s, and his arms were very strong. He climbed quite fast. He went up in three minutes. After he went up, he waved to me.

I climbed up, and I couldn't stand up at all, like a mezzanine.

We are crawling and can't even squat.

There was a hole in the east. We climbed in from there. After entering, I was thrilled. The coffin was stuck to the wall and was only 50 centimeters thick. This is also called a coffin. I can't figure out how the body was put in.

The four walls are full of this kind of coffins, and there are 20 of them in the middle of the room.

The second master looked at it and didn't move.

"What kind of coffin is this?"

"Cuck the coffin, which takes up less space, just like a person being flattened."

"It's really painful to have such pain after death."

"Maybe there is something special."

"Do you see this?"

"I heard from Li Fu that the only coffin appeared once in Hunan, but it was an empty coffin with no body."

The second master walked to the middle and looked at the coffins. The second master said for a long time.

"Do you see that this color in the middle is different from other colors. Take a look."

I took a look. It's really like that. The other coffins are all dark, and this one is actually white. I don't know what this means.