grave-keeping note

45. Household

45. Household

Li Fu probably forgot the rest and took out the camera and took photos one by one. The second master looked at these coffins, and his eyes told me that these coffins were indeed quite amazing.

Looking at these coffins of different sizes, different colors and shapes, I also think it's really perfect. Perhaps by this time, it is close to the heart of Ling, and everything is becoming more and more perfect.

This makes me feel more scared. There is often a kind of ** that is too perfect.

The second master sat aside without saying anything, watching Li Fu keep patting. I looked at the hundreds of coffins and took a closer look at each coffin, which were all carefully crafted, including every detail, which will surprise you.

Li Fu stopped and looked at a coffin. I knew that there was something wrong with this boy. I walked over and looked at Li Fu and said.

"Li Fu, what are you looking at?"

Li Fu pointed to the coffin and said.

"This coffin is a little different from others. Take a look."

I can see that each coffin is different, and there is no need to look at it at all. However, what Li Fu said is probably another difference.

"What's the difference?"

"This is not full of coffins."

I can't see why this is not full of coffins. Li Fu can see it.

"What's the difference?"

"I can't understand this for a while."

Li Fu slowly walked to the coffin and was very careful. The second master kept watching Li Fu move. I don't know what the second master thought. Li Fu walked to the coffin and stopped.

This coffin is 800 meters wide and two meters long. It seems to have no problem in size and is no different from other coffins. There is a pattern on the coffin, which is painted, bright and bright, and it remains as if it had just been painted. The pattern is a little inexplicable. On the side is a donkey pulling an old car. There is a coffin on the car, and the coffin is the same as this coffin. Four donkey cars, Li Fu looked at the pattern and shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"The old donkey pulls the coffin, and the gloomy air is soaring."

What Li Fu said made me trembling. It must be an evil coffin.

"What will happen?"

"This coffin is a little particular. Look, the old donkey is just like living. I'm afraid such a painter is not an ordinary painter. There is a kind of painter, the most weird painter, a yin painter. He never reveals his ability. The paintings he draws are all strange. That is to say, if you draw ghosts into ghosts and immortals, everything will become a reality.

I laughed, and Li Fu stared at me.

"I don't believe what you said at all. Isn't that Ma Liang?"

"You don't know the ability of this Yin painter, and you don't have to laugh. Maybe you will see it in a moment."

At this time, the second master stood up and came over to look at the coffin and said.

"Wizard Li, what are you going to do next?"

"I didn't expect this, but it's also a good number to build bridges and open coffins."

"What are you waiting for?"

The second master looked at Li Fu in a daze.

Li Fu stretched out his hand and pushed the lid of the coffin without pushing it. He turned around and said.

"Yin seal, can't be pushed open."

"You, Master Li, know this best, or it's up to you."

Li Fu is not very happy.

"Second Master, this is a little wrong with you. You are the Lord and I am a guest. You can't let me do anything."

"Then I'll come, but you'd better not follow us again."

Li Fu was angry.

"I'll come. You are ancestors. I can't afford to provoke you."

When the second master and I leaned aside, I felt strange that the lid of this coffin was actually shady. This kind of coffin is the most evil. The second master told me that at least someone knows this. Such a coffin should stay away from it. The shady coffin will have a curse. The upper body will be very effective. What kind of curse will it be? Everything will kill you.

Of course, I don't want to die, the second master doesn't want to die, and Li Fu doesn't want to die, but he wants to enter the heart of the mausoleum. There is no other choice. If he leaves us, he will have no chance to enter the heart of the mausoleum at all. This is certain, otherwise Li Fu would have run away.

The second master is also taking advantage of this and taking advantage of him. The second master also knows that if Li Fu can enter the center of Shuiling, he can't control it. Now Li Fu's eyes are still normal. If it's a while later, it's not easy to say.

Li Fu sat down and muttered something. A few minutes later, he stood up, took out yellow notes from his bag, and glued them to the coffin one by one.

"Second Master, is this okay? It's a bit like a jumping god."

"The profession of wizards starts with the jumping god. If it's okay or not, it depends on Li Fu playing by himself. If he can't play well, he will play himself in. I don't think he will play with his life."

The second master said it right. Li Fu will not play with his own life.

After sticking the yellow note, Li Fu sat down and closed his mouth tightly. He didn't know what he was playing. Suddenly, he shouted, which scared me to trembling, and the second master looked at me and smiled.

Li Fu stood up, pushed the lid of the coffin, and unexpectedly pushed it away. At this time, I knew that Li Fu, a wizard, was worthy of the name, not an ordinary wizard.

The second master and I leaned over, and Li Fu was looking in.

Li Fu looked up at me and the second master. The second master and I looked in. The second master shook his head. I was excited and turned out to be another corpse.

"Is it displayed? This extra head should be another person's head, which is quite similar.

"What's on display? It's a pair of bones."

I took a closer look, and sure enough, the bone pair was indeed connected to two heads and shared several bones.

"How could this happen?"

"What's so strange about this?"

Li Fu doesn't seem to think so.

"Isn't it strange? Have you ever seen a person with two heads?

I wanted to strangle Li Fu when I said this.

"This head grew out after this person's death. After entering the coffin, it grew out within three days. In fact, people have two heads. When there is a conflict, two heads fight in their minds. That head is hidden. Some people will be born after death, but there are very few, which is."

After saying that, the second master walked aside and sat down.

This kind of thing makes me feel too evil.

"What will happen?"

"Two-headed life, no life left."

Li Fu stared at me and obviously thought I was an idiot.

"He said that if you see two heads, your life here will end."

The second master added a sentence. I sweated. I have encountered too many such evil things. Some of them are really true. Sometimes, I really can't believe Li Fu's words.

Li Fu stood aside and looked at the second master.

"Don't look at me. You will deal with the things you have caused."

The second master's words were annoying enough. Li Fu was going to jump, and the second master pointed to him and said.

"Don't jump, it's useless to jump."

Li Fu probably scolded the second master and said something without saying anything. He went to the coffin and looked at it for a long time without saying anything. I went over and looked in again. There was nothing to accompany him. Looking at the clothes, it was not full of clothes, but should be of another race. However, I don't know this kind of clothing.

Li Fu suddenly smiled and looked back at the second master and said.

"Second master, you are too smart, but it's a little too much. Come and see what kind of person's body this is?"

"I've seen it, but I don't know."

"The household."

After saying that, Li Fu looked at the second master. The second master was stunned for a moment, jumped up and ran over to look at him for a long time.

"Sure enough, there are bones of households here. It seems that the people who set up this organ in those years know the household very well. Sure enough, this Shuiling organ is very different."

After saying that, the second master went to the corner and sat down.

"What's going on? Can you tell me?"

"The household is a group living in the deep mountains of Changbai. The number of people is very small, but there are 100 people. The strangest thing is that more than 100 years ago, the household disappeared at once. When they were found, they were all in the coffin. I don't know who put them in the coffin. However, it is said that after a household becomes a corpse, it can become a organ or take it into the organ. If it is guarding the organ, there will be no life here. What he can do is a kind of air emitted by the user clan, tasteless and colorless. If you don't feel it, you will slowly die. Households live in the deep mountains of Changbai Mountain. The place where they live is to pass through a one-kilometer-long canyon, which is so dangerous that almost no one can go there. There, they eat a kind of grass from birth. It is this kind of grass that allows them to emit this deadly gas from their bodies after the age of ten and use them to guard the tomb. Yes, that's foolproof."

"The second master said it right. Thirty years ago, I found such a tomb on Ghost Mountain. At that time, this tomb made many tomb robbers die in it. Later, experts found this tomb, and there was nothing they could do. I didn't know what the reason was, and I didn't dare to go in."

"You mean that we are now in this smell, colorless and tasteless, and the rest of us is waiting to die."

After I finished speaking and looked at them, the second master and Li Fu actually shook their heads at the same time. Their calmness makes me a little unacceptable, especially Li Fu, a person who is afraid of death, who can face death so plainly. I think there is something wrong with this.

I panicked, but there was no other reaction.

The second master asked me to go over. I went over and sat down. Li Fu sat ten meters away from us, and the second master whispered.

"Don't be afraid. Li Fu is afraid of death. He said that he met such a tomb once, and he said that he didn't dare to go in. That's lying. He won't let go of any tombs and mausoleums, especially those who can't go in. In fact, he went in and didn't die."

I was relieved when I heard it, and I felt that Li Fu was a little wrong. I sat there and lit a cigarette for the second master, and then lit another cigarette myself.

I don't want to talk to Li Fu. He didn't tell the truth. He just wanted the second master to beg him, and then he put forward more conditions. He has been playing with his heart, that is, even if I saved him, he is the same. Such a person will die if he doesn't play with his heart. There is nothing he can do.

When Li Fu saw that the second master didn't say anything, he stood up and said.

"We are going to die. It's better to choose a coffin first. There are hundreds of coffins here. Choose any one to go in, and at least there is no place to live when we die."

Li Fu is forcing the second master.

"If you are dead, what kind of coffin do you want?"

The second master said lightly. Li Fu locked his eyebrows and sat down again.

When I felt the right thing, the second master's reaction was already very strong, and his face was like white paper, but the second master endured it, as if nothing had happened.

I felt a stomachache and went crazy. I moaned. The second master stared at me. I looked at Li Fu. He also felt uncomfortable, but pretended to be fine.

The second master whispered.

"Hung well. He is playing psychological tactics with us. He is most afraid of death."

Li Fu finally jumped up. He couldn't stand it anymore. He took out a bag of things, and the second master jumped up and grabbed it.