grave-keeping note

52. Stone pump

52. Stone pump

I'm shivering with cold. I have to go out or I'll freeze to death here. When I looked back, my mouth was sealed when I came in. I walked by and wanted to open it with my body temperature, but the warmth on my body was not enough. If I persisted to do it, I'm afraid I will die here.

I think this time it's over.

I want to find a stone pump and go in, which is also a burial for myself. My consciousness also seems to be frozen, moving very slowly.

I opened a stone pump, which was empty. It turned out to be empty, just like it was kept for me. I got in without hesitation. I know that if I don't get in, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in.

After I went in, Shi Chui actually closed it by himself. I strangled it. This time I died miserably enough.

It's cold. It's never been so cold. I slowly lost consciousness.

I have never thought that this kind of death method in my life. I don't know that this kind of death is a cruel death.

I woke up and pulled out of the stone. That should be my soul. I didn't see the second master or Li Fu. I don't know where the world is. In fact, it can only be the underworld, and there is no other world.

In front is a meadow, green grass, and further ahead is a house, a few rows of houses, as well as a watermill and an ox cart, like a manor. I originally thought that the underworld was a gray and colorless world. The second master also said so, and Li Fu also said so. I strongly believe that the underworld has no emotion and no color, but at this time, what I saw was not like that, so I suspect that the second master and Li Fu did not arrive at all. Pass through the underworld. In fact, they have never been to the underworld, and they have never died.

I walked slowly, but it was still cold and shaking all the time, but I felt much better. It's not cold here. I seem to be slowly relieving this cold.

I walked into the room, and I wanted to find a room to get in and get into the quilt, which would be warmer. I opened the door of the first house in the first row and opened it gently. I shouted twice. No one, or no ghost answered. I think this should be the same as the world. There are ghosts living in each house.

When I enter, it is a four-entry house, which is the same structure as a full house, but in appearance. There was no one in the room, or no ghost. Maybe they went out.

There was a quilt on the bed. I went into bed and never slept so sweetly.

When I woke up, I didn't know what time it was. The sky here was not dark and white, and it was the same when I woke up. Maybe the world here was like this. The ghost here hasn't come back yet. Maybe this room is reserved for me.

What's strange is that I miss that Wan, the children, and the second master. They say that the underworld has no emotion, but I actually miss them. Maybe it's because I just died. Slowly, your feelings flow away like water.

I walked out of the room and didn't see any ghosts. Maybe I can't see the ghosts yet. Maybe it's that time. I just think so. No one has ever told me about it.

I sat on the grass and had never been so quiet. Not long after I sat down, a black spot moved from a distance. I think it should be the soul. I can finally see the soul.

The black spot is slowly getting bigger.

I'm too familiar with the walking posture. It should be the second master. There is absolutely nothing wrong. That is, the second master. I didn't expect that there were thousands of ghosts in the underworld, and it was a miracle that they could meet the second master.

I stood up, and the second master slowly came over. I ran over and hugged the second master and cried. I actually shed tears, and the ghost has no tears.

"Oil, a man, don't be like a woman."

The second master said.

I let go of the second master and was stunned for a long time.

"This is the underworld. It's a miracle that we can meet. Aren't you excited?"

I feel that my tone is changing.

The second master was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"What the hell, we haven't died, and we are still living well."

I became stupid at once. How could this happen? I didn't die. Didn't I die? I pinched myself. It really hurt. I really didn't die.

"What's going on?"

"After you were taken into the stone room by the boy, the two prodigal children began to torture me and Li Fu. First, it was cold and then hot. They didn't kill us. They watched us jump and scream for a while. They were happy. They only blamed them for being too kind and didn't really want to kill us. They just wanted to kill us. The soul is taken away, but Li Fu is a wizard. He won't let them take it away like that.

"What about the last one?"

"After they learned Li Fu's way, they knew that Li Fu was a wizard, and they were frozen in the cold room by Li Fu."

I was stunned. Indeed, I saw them in the stone pump.

"Then I..."

"Actually, that boy has been helping you, that is, freezing them in the stone pump, and he also guides you into the stone pump with a consciousness, which is an entrance to come in."

I didn't think so at all.

"You shouldn't freeze them there."

"Maybe for you, you think so, but for Li Fu and I, we dare not freeze them in it, otherwise they will kill us."

The second master is right. If they are worried, I'm afraid no one can escape the disaster of yin and yang. After all, they are different from human beings.

"What is this place?"

"It should be a place in Shuiling."

"How did it happen?"

"Such a large water mausoleum is a world. Such a house is probably the place where the deceased lived when he was alive."

The second master's analysis makes sense that there should be such a place in such a large water mausoleum and a big underwater world.

The second master stood up and said.

"Let's go to the house and see what we can find."

"Where's Li Fu?"

"We quarreled and left separately. This boy probably knew that he was about to reach the center of Shuiling and had to leave separately."

The second master shook his head. At this age, when he was helpless, the second master would always shake his head.

We walked into those rows of houses, and the second master counted and said.

"Seven rows of houses, thirteen doors in a row, ghost count, it's better not to enter easily."

"But I went in yesterday, the first room in the first row."

The second master looked back at me and said.

"The ignorant are fearless!"

"What will happen if I go in?"

"There will be one or several ghosts in each room, and they will trouble you. No matter what soul haunts you, it's enough for me."

"I didn't find it or see it."

The second master calculated the days.

"Today is Ghost Festival, a festival for ghosts. Where should they go?"

I'm a little confused, and the ghost is also having a holiday. No matter what the world is like this.

The second master took a look and said.

"They will come back in two hours."

The second master pushed the door and went in. After entering, he looked around, and then came out without saying anything. I didn't know what he was looking for. Until the last house in the last row of houses, the second master and I stood in the middle of the house.

"It should be this house."

"What the hell are you looking for?"

"Entrance, after entering this entrance, I don't know if it's Lingxin."

The second master looked at the house, and I didn't see any change from other rooms.

We were watching and heard footsteps, and I was shocked.


I whispered.

"There is no one else except Li Fu, and the ghost has no footsteps."

The second master didn't move. Sure enough, Li Fu pushed the door and came in.

"Are you both here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you leave by yourself? What are you still doing with us?"

"Do you want to work together?"

Obviously, Li Fu had no choice but to come back.

"You are so thick-skinned."

The second master scolded Li Fu, but he didn't get angry and was still laughing.

The second master jumped on the kang and opened the cabinet door on the kang. I thought it was a quilt, but it turned out to be a bone. It was placed neatly. It was not the shape of the body, but one by one, long together, short and short together, and the skulls were placed in the middle. I'll strangle it. What is this ghost's hobby? It's evil enough to look like this.

"Li Fu, look at the pendulum."

Li Fu jumped on the kang and looked at it for a long time.

"It's evil enough. The people who built this organ at the beginning must have understood this. I didn't expect that there would be a lot of people coming from Shuiling."

"What kind of pose is this?"

"Only wizards can do this. This person is a wizard."

I thought it was the ghost himself, but someone arranged it in advance.

"What's the point?"

The second master looked sideways at Li Fu and asked.

"This is a kind of bone pendulum, a kind of bone pendulum, which is a door. Look at the skull in the middle, surrounded by those broken bones, which are clearly separated. Behind the skull, there should be an opening, that is, the door swing, which should be an entrance."

I think it's a little evil. Even if it's a door, we are so big that we can't get in at all. It's more troublesome for this cabinet to get in.

The second master took a look and said.

"There are still more than an hour, can you crack it?"

"I'm afraid not. It's not a matter of time. As soon as we move, the ghost will know and he will rush back. I think Ghost Festival is an important festival for them, but guarding the door is more important than that."

"Let's get out of here first and then figure it out."

We came out of the room, passed the grass, and went west, and there was a house, which was not big. After we went there, the second master said.

"Hide here. This is a kata room. They don't dare to come over."

We got in and said it was a drill, but the house was too small. It was not a normal house, so we had to get in. After we got in, the room was full and we found a corner to sit down.

"Li Fu, hurry up. We can't stay here all the time. It's too dangerous."

"I know."

Li Fu closes his eyes. He always likes to close his eyes when he thinks about things.

The second master lit a cigarette and smoked fiercely.

"Second Master, how big do you think this water mausoleum is?"

"I don't think it will be too small."

The second master can't give an exact number at all. I think this water mausoleum should be the largest mausoleum, right? Perhaps, I haven't seen too many mausoleums. I have seen the three mausoleums outside the customs. Even if the scale is large, although I have never entered the underground palace, the underground palace in Shuiling is larger than the buildings outside the three mausoleums outside the customs. It can be seen that this scale should be the largest.

Li Fu suddenly opened his eyes and scared me. Those eyes were really weird.

Li Fu took out a piece of black paper from the bag. The black paper was not dyed, because when Li Fu tore it, the bales inside were all black.

"What kind of paper is this?"

"This is not paper, but leather, black leather."

"What skin?"

"The skin of the black-hearted."

I'll go, this two-handed guy, it scared me to death.

Li Fu laughed after saying that, and I knew that he was lying to me. I squatted up, and Li Fu waved his hand and said.

"Don't mind, it's either black-hearted skin or cat skin. I've been feeding this cat black things since I was a child, that is, raising this black skin. I took off the skin until it died and used it today."

Wizards are always evil and skin cats, which will suffer retribution. I have always felt that cats are spiritual.