grave-keeping note

55. Fish coffin

55. Fish coffin

The second master didn't look at Li Fu, as if he didn't exist. Li Fu looked at the second master's face and went to the blue coffin and said.

"Fish coffin, God, how can this thing be here?"

He looked at the big coffin and shouted again.

"Coffin, God, what's wrong with this?"

"Nine sets of coffins."

I said.

Li Fu jumped up and shocked the second master. At this time, the second master noticed that Li Fu was coming, and he went up and gave Li Fu a kick.

"You farted and didn't scare the ghost to death, so that it scared you."

"Nine sets of coffins, fish coffins, the most evil thing."

Li Fu looked at the second master and said.

"Nine times yang, fish become qi, yang qi give birth to each other, and ghosts return to yang."

Li Fu said.

"Shut up."

The second master stared at Li Fu. At this time, I knew that the nine sets of coffins and fish coffins were evil, and I sweated coldly.

The fish appeared again, which scared me, and then got into the water and spit out a bunch of bubbles, as if it was angry with us. The second master stood aside and looked, stretched out his hand, and waited for the fish to come out. I felt a little ridiculous.

The fish came out again, and the second master suddenly caught it, but he didn't catch it. The second master scolded angrily, Li Fu said.

"I can't catch it at all. This is a fish coffin. Open the coffin. The fish must be in the coffin. There should be water in the coffin."

Li Fu finished speaking and looked at the second master.

"The fart can be opened, what am I doing with this effort? If the fish is caught, the fish coffin can be opened.

Li Fu didn't believe what the second master said. He looked around the fish coffin and turned around a few times, and there was no place to open the fish coffin at all. The strange thing about this fish coffin was that there was no coffin cover, and it was as a whole, like a whole piece of wood. However, I caught the fish just now, and the fish coffin was not opened, so I was a little suspicious of what the second master said. However, I didn't dare to say it. If I say it, this two are anxious and can splunder me.

The second master sat aside and knew what he was thinking.

The second master asked Li Fu to take out the useless things in the bag. He also took out the useless things. Those things could be burned, and there was even a book.

The second master turned over the thing and said.

"Bring it to the coffin and burn it."

It's a pity that I set fire to the fish coffin.

"Second Master, the things in this mausoleum can't be destroyed casually. You do this..."

"You talk too much."

The second master stared at me, and I had to do it, took those things next to the fish coffin, and then lit them. Strangely, the fish coffin was fine and could not burn, but the water on the fish coffin slowly became hot. I tried it and felt hot.

Two minutes later, the fish suddenly came out. The second master came over and smiled so much that I couldn't help shudling.

The second master did not catch fish with his hand, but stood aside and watched. When those things were burned, the fish swam like crazy. Finally, it jumped out and tossed around on the ground.

The water on the fish coffin suddenly disappeared, and then there was a hole in the place where the fish coffin was filled with water. This is the entrance to the fish coffin, and the body should have been put in from here.

The second master looked in. The fish coffin was full of water. He didn't see it clearly and let me see it.

I looked in, and for a long time, I said, "Ah!" In addition to the water of a coffin, there is a bone in the bottom of the fish coffin, which is not human. It looks very strange and a little like a monkey.

"What did you see?"

The second master asked me.

"It's like a monkey's bone."

After I finished speaking, the second master was shocked. Li Fu said, "Ah!" A sound.

"What is that?"

The second master sat aside, and Li Fu looked at the fish coffin and hid aside.

"What's wrong with you?"

I have lit the fire.

"It is recorded in the city chronicles that it happened ten years ago."

Li Fu said. I went to Li Fu and sat down, and he continued.

"According to the city chronicles, in October of the lunar calendar, a man died in the lake. When he floated up, he was already miserable, as if he had been gnawed, as if he had nibbled a big radish. No one knew what kind of animal and monster was in the lake. The expert observed by the lake for a month before he found the monster, which looks like a monkey. The expert eats people in the water and can actually speak. The words in the book are probably able to speak! Moreover, it is recorded that the IQ of this monster has reached the level of a 15-year-old child, which is extremely surprising.

After listening to it, I also trembling. There will always be strange things happening in the lake of Shuiling. It's not surprising that this monster is strange. What's strange is his IQ. So far, no animal with an IQ that is very close to human has been found.

"What happened later?"

"The expert caught one, and he committed suicide. After the monster committed suicide, the expert saved the body for research. But a week later, the body disappeared. The place where the body was placed was very tight. It disappeared. There was no place to be destroyed, and the police also scouted it. In the past year, I haven't found a clue, and this matter is over. I didn't expect that it would be here.

After Li Fu finished speaking, I looked at the second master and didn't know what the second master would do next.

"It's getting weirder and weirder. I think it's better not to go in."

The second master actually said such a thing, which made Li Fu feel a little confused.

"Second master, it's all here. Why don't you go?"

I asked the second master.

"With the appearance of this monster, things are getting more and more strange. What I'm worried about is that we have a destiny to go in and not go out."

It turns out that this is what the second master is worried about. He has never been afraid of anything and is scared by a monster. I don't think this is what the second master wants to say.

I walked to the fish coffin and looked inside. That thing was indeed a bit like a human, but it was definitely not a human. I reached out to fish for the bones of this monster, and the second master shouted at me.

"Don't touch that thing."

I trembling, took back my hand and looked at the second master.

"Although this thing is dead, it is also very strange. He can disappear under such a tight situation, and when he comes to Shuiling, I'm afraid it's not that simple, so don't touch him."

When the second master said this, I felt that my back was cold.

"What should I do?"

"This monster must be guarded at this entrance and should be an organ, so we can't move this thing easily."

After saying that, the second master stood up and went to the fish coffin to look in. After looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and sighed. Li Fu went to the fish coffin, put his head in, put his hand in, and fished up the monster's body one by one and threw it to the ground.

"What's so terrible about this? A person's death is just a bone. This is just a monster. His IQ is just 15 years old. What's so terrible?

The second master hid aside without saying anything and looked at the bones and Li Fu.

Suddenly, the bodies were connected by themselves and put in his shape. Li Fu went up and kicked the bone away.

"If you die, you will still be a demon."

Li Fu was a little crazy. The bones that were kicked away came together again a few minutes later, and Li Fu did not move this time.

"I don't think you can do anything, I'll watch you."

Li Fu looks a little out of control.

The bones of the monsters were connected and never moved again.

"It's okay. That's all. Don't be afraid."

Li Fu went to the coffin again and looked in, as if he was looking for something.

"Second Master, there is something here, in the corner of the coffin, unreachable..."

When Li Fu finished speaking, the monster slowly got up. The second master and I were blindfolded, and the body actually got up. This was impossible, but it happened in front of us.

Li Fu found something was wrong and turned around and saw that the monster's bones were running for him. He went up with a foot. The skeleton dispersed, and Li Fu also sweated.

"This is really evil."

Li Fu wiped his sweat and said.

"I think it's something that controls the bones of this monster. Let's look for it."

The second master stood up and looked around. Li Fu sat aside and his eyes turned around. This matter was really evil. From time to time, I looked at the bones and worried that other things would happen. There was really no way to deal with such a strange thing.

Li Fu suddenly stood up, walked to the wall, looked at it for a while, got water from the fish coffin, and poured it down on the wall. A strange pattern appeared on the wall. I couldn't see what it was. The second master passed by, looked at it for a while, and asked Li Fu.

"What is it?"

Li Fu didn't say anything and looked at the pattern in a daze.

The second master kicked him and then he woke up.

"It's too strange. It's too strange. This pattern is a big picture of a wizard. No one knows it. That's the secret of the wizard. It's impossible for outsiders to know it."

Li Fu said. I looked at the picture and found three words at the bottom. I pointed to it and Li Fu took a look.

"Oh, my God, Wuzu, how is that possible? Did Wuzu also come to build Shuiling? There is no other possibility except this. Only the wizard's picture can be engraved.

"What is the great picture of the wizard?"

The second master is a little impatient.

"The wizard picture is a picture of wizards's witchcraft. It can control a lot of things, living, people's hearts, dead, bones. No wonder this monster is like this."

After Li Fu finished speaking, I was very surprised. The wizard's big picture is a secret of the wizard. It is absolutely impossible for this outsider to know that it will appear here. It can be seen that the organs in the water mausoleum have exhausted their minds.

"How to crack that?"

"I'm afraid I can't crack the witchcraft under Wuzu."

After Li Fu finished speaking, the second master stared at him and said.

"You are a wizard, inheriting the manor's manor, can you do nothing about it?"

Li Fu hesitated, walked aside, sat down and smoked. It seemed that he was not unable to crack it, but was worried about something. The second master and I didn't talk and let him struggle by himself.

Li Fu didn't stand up until more than ten minutes later.

"Wuzu set up a game. The people below us can't crack it. If it is cracked, it will be unlucky. Wuzu will teach me a lesson."

It turned out that Li Fu was worried about this matter, and I think it was just a disrespect at most.

"Bullshit, a living person can set up a game. What else can be set up when he dies? You don't have to worry. It will take hundreds of years for Wu Zu to die. What are you afraid of?

"I go to the statue of Wuzu every day to kowtow. Today, I met the big picture of Wuzu's wizard. I'm going to crack it, I'm afraid..."

"You are like a woman. I don't think you can crack it. That's Wuzu. You are just a grandson or a third grandson."

The second master's words made Li Fu angry.

"Who said I couldn't break it? I can break it."

"Then you come and break it. I don't think you are a good wizard."

The second master is on fire.

"Let's all hide."

The second master and I leaned aside, and Li Fu stood in front of the wizard's picture and sat down. He recited a spell and didn't know what he was reading. He took out a knife from his bag and walked to the wizard map. He carved a vertical position in the center and connected it with the upper and lower lines. I was shocked. At this time, I understood that the wizard map was actually a flowing river, and the river was actually moving.

Li Fu looked back at the second master and said.

"It's cracked and waiting for the result."

I don't know what would happen. The second master smiled strangely. Li Fu was angry. He knew that he had been fooled, but he still resisted and scolded something. In a low voice, neither the second master nor I could hear what he was scolding.