grave-keeping note

56. jue shu

56. jue shu

Li Fu sat aside. A few minutes later, he heard a sound of the fish coffin, which was about to crack. I was extremely nervous. When the fish coffin exploded, the sound almost deafened my ears. The fish coffin was torn apart, and the monster's bones turned into ashes in an instant. I was stunned.

Under the fish coffin, there was something. When we walked over, it turned out to be teeth. Thirteen teeth were arranged into a shape, ten thousand words.

"It's the monster's teeth, which should be a mechanism."

The second master said.

"It's a mechanism, guarding the gate in witchcraft, thirteen teeth, all moving."

"What do you mean?"

The second master looked at Li Fu and asked.

"This is a unique skill in witchcraft. If you move it wrong, no one can go out alive. Thirteen teeth need to move one to solve this witchcraft."

"What will happen to the magic?"

"You see, these thirteen teeth are placed in a 'Wan' shape, nothing special, but after you make a mistake, the people here will explode, and even the meat and bones will be broken into rice grains."

Li Fu said evilly, and I trembling.

"Which one to move?"

"This unique skill is absolutely on this. A wizard's practice is uncertain. It is not done by itself, and there is no way to crack it at all. This is uncertain. We have to choose a tooth by our fate."

"Thirteenth, it's not fun."

After I finished speaking, I looked at the second master.

"Let's choose."

Li Fu's nervous hands trembled.

I won't choose, because I don't know which one to choose. Li Fu hesitated and finally stopped on a tooth in the middle, and then looked at the second master.

"I think so."

I know that the second master had no idea. Li Fu stretched out his hand several times to pull out his teeth, but he still stopped.

He went to the wizard map again and looked at it, and the flowing water had stopped.

I don't know what he is looking at. Maybe there will be a cracked mechanism on it.

Li Fu looked at it for a long time and shook his head. It seemed that there was nothing he could do.

We sit separately and no one talks. If we choose the wrong one, our whole body will become something the size of a grain of rice, as Li Fu said.

The second master finally stood up, walked to his teeth, looked at them for a long time, and pulled out a tooth. The second master looked at us with his teeth. At that moment, he was dead and had no reaction for a long time. Li Fu stood up and said.

"It's okay, it's okay."

He wiped his sweat.

Li Fu just finished speaking, and there was a wind. I don't know where the wind came from, and it was getting bigger and bigger. We had to lean against the wall. If we didn't lean against the wall, we would be blown down. It seems that what Li Fu said was okay. That's not true. It's not that it's okay, but that something hasn't come yet.

I couldn't open my eyes and closed them. The second master and Li Fu also closed their eyes. The wind stopped. We opened our eyes and I was stunned. In front of me was an empty field of thousands of square meters, with a tomb five or six meters high and a diameter of four or five meters in the middle.

"The tomb in the mausoleum, this should be the tomb in the heart of the mausoleum."

When we walked over, the tombstone was completely polished and placed on it. There was no adhesive, but there was no gap. It can be seen that the technology at that time had reached the top.

There is no entrance. After turning around, they are all the same. These stones, half a meter wide and one meter long, are a kind of black stone, all picked from the deep sea, which surprised me a thousand meters deep. I don't know how people went down hundreds of years ago in the sea less than 1,000 meters. Of.

These black stones in the sea are so strong that it is impossible to destroy them.

Li Fu took out a knife and wanted to insert it through the contact, but he couldn't insert it at all.

"I'm afraid this tomb is difficult to open. If you dig a side hole, it may still go in."

The side hole is a common technique used by grave robbers. The second master looked at it and nodded and agreed.

They took out a shovel from the bag and began to dig. The side hole was dug diagonally. When we had time, we dug slowly.

It took two days to dig this side hole before reaching the tomb, but we were disappointed that there was a black stone under the tomb.

"It seems that this builder is also an sconnominator, which he has long considered."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he sat aside and sighed.

"Is there no other way for you grave robbers?"

I said.

"You are the thief."

Li Fu is unhappy.

The second master stared at me.

"You can think of another way."

The second master said.

"There is a way, but I'm afraid it doesn't work. This construction industry is also an insider and knows a lot about tomb robbers, or this person is a tomb robber, so other methods are impossible. The only way is to find another way, not to rob tombs."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he stood up.

"This is the tomb in the water mausoleum, which should be the heart of the mausoleum. You can see what you want to see when you go in."

The second master said this to Li Fu. He just wanted to enter the heart of the mausoleum to see what kind of mausoleum the water mausoleum was.

I went very far and looked at this tomb, the tall tomb, and the tomb in the water mausoleum. This is a very evil thing. There is only one tomb in this thousand square meters, which looks very lonely and abrupt.

I don't quite understand such a construction. What does it mean to leave such a large space?

I looked at it from a distance, and it was a lonely grave. Such a big water mausoleum, will this be the heart of the mausoleum? I don't believe it. It's just a bit of a joke.

The second master and Li Fu stood there and looked at it. They seemed to be a little dazed and didn't know what they were doing. I didn't move. I sat in the distance and looked at it. I felt that it was really desolate.

The second master came to me, sat down beside me and said.

"This tomb is a little strange. It is said to be the heart of the mausoleum, which is a little unlikely."

"That's what I think."

"Li Fu will find a way to get in. He is crazy again now."

The second master and I looked at Li Fu. He turned around like a donkey.

Li Fu stopped, waved to us, and we went over. Li Fu said.

"Look at this black stone, in the deep sea, it looks like a lonely tomb. In fact, it uses a lot of manpower and material resources. It's not easy to build this stone together without any gaps. It's so high and big that there is no adhesive at all, and with the principle of profit, every stone brick is squeezed. With thousands of catties and tens of thousands of catties, it is impossible to get a piece at all.

Li Fu finished speaking and looked at the second master.

"You have a point, but now you're trying to find a way to get in. The side hole doesn't work. What else can you do?"

"Open the skylight."

I know that opening the window is the term of a grave robber, which is to enter at the top of the tomb, which is very evil.

Li Fu looked at the tomb and said.

"I'll climb up and have a look."

Li Fu is barefoot and climbs up, which is actually a very dangerous thing. He uses the grip of his feet. If he accidentally falls down, it's not good to go anywhere without breaking his leg.

He still climbed up. Li Fu watched on the top of the tomb. Ten minutes later, he climbed down.

"No, the stone bricks on the top of the tomb are also squeezed and can't be opened at all."

"Is there any other way?"

"Yes, drill."

Li Fu took out his hand drill from his bag. He walked to the tomb and began to drill, emitting smoke. A few minutes passed, but it was just a day, and I laughed. Li Fu stared at me, and it seemed that this move didn't work.

I sat aside and watched Li Fu tossing. I don't think it's that easy to enter this tomb. If you use explosives, it's about the same, but Li Fu doesn't have that thing, and the second master doesn't have it.

The tomb is located in the center of this place, three meters higher than the highest point of the tomb. I'm afraid this place will take ten or eight years to complete. It is guaranteed that this tomb is a little too bad.

I suddenly found an abnormal phenomenon. When you look at the tomb sideways, it is thin. When you look at it in the right position, it is fat. I turned around and there are different visual effects in four directions. It looks square in the east, round in the west, and fat and thin in the north. I couldn't help but be stunned. This is definitely not a problem with my sight.

I was really strange. I walked to the second master and whispered about it. The second master was stunned.

The second master turned around and looked. After a few laps, the second master shook his head.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not sure, wrong vision, but what is the reason? I can't find the reason. Those stones are the same. There is nothing special.

The second master sat down and couldn't figure it out. Finally, he told Li Fu about it. He turned around and looked around. Half an hour later, he sat aside and said.

"It seems that we have underestimated this tomb. If there is no mistake, we should really enter a tomb in the heart of the mausoleum, or the entrance."

Li Fu said it correctly. That's what I thought. It seems that this tomb is not that simple. It looks like a lonely tomb. In fact, he doesn't want to attract the attention of others.

Li Fu stood up again and circled around the tomb. It was really evil. With different directions, the shape of the tomb he saw was also different. Li Fu leaned against the tomb and didn't know what he was thinking. He looked in the distance.

"Pay attention to Li Fu's changes. This boy is easy to play with us."

"I know."

The second master is worried that Li Fu will play with his mind. This boy has this intention. He is now worried that the second master will not fulfill what he promised him. This is very likely that the second master himself is such a person. For people like Li Fu, he feels that he is not a good person, so there is no good way to treat Li Fu. This is a principle of the second master.

Li Fu turned around and touched the tomb bricks.

"It seems that Li Fu has found something. Go and have a look."

I walked over and Li Fu was very attentive.

"What did you find?"

Li Fu didn't say anything, and I looked at him. He seems to be feeling something.

He stopped and said.

"Do you understand the tide time?"

I shook my head, and he walked to the second master.

"We don't have a sea here. We all grew up inland. I don't know this."

"They are stone bricks made of deep-sea stones. They actually have a rule. With the time of the tide, they will change, dry, tide, and even flow out of water."

This is what we didn't notice, and I couldn't help but be stunned.

"What will happen then?"

"Maybe we have the opportunity to pay attention to changes. In addition to superficial reactions, there may be other reactions."

Li Fu's words made me and the second master look at each other and felt that Li Fu was right. Maybe this was an opportunity. We went there again and touched the stone bricks. It turned out to be really damp, and it was the smell of seawater. It was strange that hundreds of years of stone bricks could still leach water after hundreds of years of leaving the sea. This is really a strange phenomenon.

We are divided into three directions. Looking at the tomb, the tomb is square in my position. It looks square. I really don't know what the tomb is in the real mausoleum.

Time has passed little by little, and it is unclear whether it is day or night here.

After about three or four hours, there was a change on my side. Looking at the square tomb, it was slowly rotating. The square had a corner facing me. Looking at the tomb, it was triangular. I knew that there was a problem.

When I stood up, I could see the second master and Li Fu. The second master did not move. He sat there and kept looking at the tomb. It seemed that nothing had changed.

Suddenly, the tomb returned to the square. It seemed that at the moment the tomb turned back, I saw a tomb door, right in the position of the side triangle. I ran over. The tomb in front of me was a round, a real circle, not a square at all. My sweat flowed down, the evil tomb.

I waved my hand to the second master, and he came to me. I told what I saw, and the second master was stunned.