grave-keeping note

57. Tide Tomb

57. Tide Tomb

The second master didn't expect this to happen.

"Don't tell Li Fu. He asked you and said nothing happened."

In fact, Li Fu is quite sincere now. It doesn't seem to be right to treat Li Fu like this.

However, this is the second master's idea. I dare not disobey the second master's intention. That's all I can do.

Li Fu came to sit aside and looked at the tomb and said.

"It's really strange that there is no entrance. According to reason, there should be an entrance when this tide appears."

Li Fu thought about this matter, and I knew that sooner or later he would figure it out.

"Maybe there is no entrance at all. Maybe this is not an entrance to the heart of the mausoleum at all, but just a fake tomb."

When the second master said this, Li Fu didn't say anything. Obviously, he didn't believe what the second master said at all. I think the second master was quite boring. Everyone came in and found the entrance together. Li Fu's condition was just to take away something from the mausoleum, which was nothing.

However, in this case, I dare not say that I can't figure out what the second master thinks. I don't know what he is thinking. The second master has been using Li Fu, and Li Fu certainly knows it.

"Today is off, and now we are already in a mess, day and night."

The second master took a cushion in his bag and slept on it. Li Fu took a look at the second master. He was also too tired and took out something to sleep.

In fact, I know that the second master would not sleep at all. He waited for Li Fu to fall asleep, and then entered the mouth and threw Li Fu down. The second master did this, and it seemed that this was the entrance to Lingxin. The second master has a lot of things in his heart that he will not tell anyone. He lived in his 70s and summed up an experience that no one can be trusted, including me.

That day, Li Fu fell asleep and slept soundly. Obviously, this time he believed us.

When the second master and I got up, Li Fu didn't notice it at all.

We stood in that position and saw the edges of the triangle facing us again. We saw the door.

"You stand in this position. I'll go there. After I go there, I can't see the door on the side of this triangle. Tell me."

The second master walked over, and the position of the door he walked to seemed to not see it. Obviously, the second master could not see the door in that position. I gestured. The second master looked at my gesture and touched the door. He pushed it open, and the second master went in. I ran over and touched the position. The second master stretched out his hand and scared me. The second master pulled me in.

That is indeed an entrance. After entering, it is the platform of the tomb. There are steps going down. The platform is all made of jade. The transparent jade is a whole piece. The largest piece is three or four square meters in size. This jade is also rare. I knew that this should be fast to reach the heart of the mausoleum, only There is such a place. This is a simple luxury. The second master and I looked straight, and the second master touched the jade on the wall and said.

"It's okay to have such a coffin in my life. I didn't expect that the whole mausoleum was this kind of jade. What a pity."

The second master has this idea, and so do I. It's a pity to put such a jade here. It's only used as a wall brick.

We went down the steps, and the steps were actually jade. When we stepped on them, we felt hairy. Every piece of jade was a whole piece. Such a big jade was rare, and the mausoleum was all.

After going down the eighteen steps, there is a gushing road, which is very long. The passage is red from top to bottom. It is coral. In the deep, it is still alive. I'll go. This is also too luxurious.

The second master shook his head. I have never seen him. This time he opened his eyes. If Li Fu sees it, he will go crazy. If he doesn't take a few pieces back, he will die.

The Yongdao passes through a coffin room, a square coffin room with a circle of coffins against the wall, and a large coffin in the middle, all black, one yard of black coffins, and black things for sacrifice on the table.

"It's interesting that it's all black."

The second master didn't say anything, walked over to see, touched it, and said for a long time.

"Black fish bones are all made of black fish bones. The black fish was originally the fish in Shangshuiling Lake, with the largest weight of tons. Hundreds ago, it should have disappeared later. This is what the elders said. The bones of black fish can cure diseases, not to mention all kinds of diseases! General diseases can be cured, and this kind of black fish bone is quite delicious. People who have eaten it say that they are willing to die once. Of course, I don't know how delicious it is. These coffins and things on the table are all made of black fish bones.

I'm stunned. It seems that this is extremely luxurious.

I looked and touched the coffin of the black fish bone, which was like touching the skin of an 18-year-old girl.

When the second master stopped, I found that something was wrong, and his whole body was shaking. I stood motionless and looked at the second master.

The second master turned around and said.

"There are black fish beads in the bowl on the table."

I don't know what black fish beads are.

The second master obviously knows that I don't know what it is.

"Black fish bead is the largest black fish in the lake in its mouth. Legend has it that if anyone gets this black fish bead and contains it in his mouth, it will never grow old. This is just a legend. I don't think it exists, but look, the light from the black fish bead in that bowl is actually black."

I trembling as soon as I heard it, black light, I have never seen, white, red, green, blue... but I have never seen black light.

I saw that it was indeed a black light. This was really evil. I didn't dare to move. The second master stood there and didn't move.

"Second Master, it seems very dangerous here."

"Yes, let's be careful."

When he said this, it was actually too late. Our second master didn't realize it at all, or didn't feel it. When we enter this coffin, we will make mistakes.

"I'll go get the black fish beads later. If there is a situation, you can react quickly and take care of it."

The second master looked at me and walked forward slowly. At this time, I found that there was a dark shadow moving. In the coffin room, it was moving uncertainly. It was not the shadow of the second master, nor mine. I don't know whose it was.

The second master walked forward and quickly went to the black fish beads, and I called the second master.

The second master was shocked.

"Don't call me at this time, do you want to scare me to death?"

The second master stopped and became popular.

"Second Master..."

"I really want to strangle you."

I'm also angry. I wanted to tell him about the black shadow, but now I don't want to talk about it. I leaned against the wall, and the black shadow moved unhappily, but it was terrible when it was moving. There should be something moving in the shadow, but I couldn't see anything moving at all. The second master's shadow was moving. Little by little, I leaned against the wall, and there was no shadow. It was the light emitted by the black light.

The black shadow was moving, as if following the second master. I found that it was indeed the shadow following the second master.

"Second Master..."

I shouted again, and the second master stared back at me, and his eyes could kill me.

"Look, shadow."

The second master only saw the shadow at this time, and he was stunned.

He told me that the shadow is actually your life. One day, when you find that your shadow is gone, you can't live long. People without shadows are not human, but people are still the same as normal people within three days of the shadow disappearing, but three days later, life is gone, and ordinary people will not pay attention to it.

The second master moved and avoided the shadow, but the shadow did not give up the second master's shadow.

"Second Master, there is no shadow when you lean against the wall."

The second master took a few steps and leaned against the wall. He was relieved and the shadow stopped.

The second master looked around and wanted to find the source of the shadow, but like me, he didn't find it at all.

Suddenly, I found that something was wrong. We leaned against the wall and thought there was no shadow, but I saw the second master's shadow on the roof, and I also saw my shadow, which was also on the roof, and the shadow was moving to the wall.

"Second Master, I'm afraid it's going to be troublesome. In this place, the shadow will exist at any time."

The second master also saw his shadow. The shadow on the wall was moving, and it seemed to speed up.

"Second Master, what should I do?"

"What should I do? You ask me, shall I ask you to go?"

The second master speaks stinky. If he is not my second master, I don't know how many times he will strangle me.

I moved, because the shadow came, and I moved slowly, but I found a terrible problem. The shadow speed is really accelerating. If so, I'm afraid the second master and I will be in trouble.

The second master is also moving, avoiding the shadow.

"Second Master, this doesn't work at all. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid our shadow..."

"Shut up and find the source of this shadow."

This is all nonsense. If I can find it, what else can I say? I looked around and my eyes turned painfully, but I still couldn't find it, and so did the second master.

The speed of the shadow is getting faster and faster. The second master has run away. In such a big place, you can only run around, and the shadow will catch up sooner or later.

The second master said that if the shadow is pressed on your shadow, everything will be over.

I won't move, because it doesn't make sense, sooner or later. I didn't move, and the shadow chased the shadow of the second master.

The second master stopped, and he couldn't run. The shadow covered the second master's shadow, and then mine.

Our shadow has disappeared, and that shadow has also disappeared.

The second master sighed and said.

"I didn't expect it to end like this."

I feel panic. Is it really like what the second master said? Everything is over, and three days later, we disappeared from the world.

I don't believe this, but we really don't have a shadow. There is black light, but no shadow, which is definitely a strange thing. In real life, if you can't see the shadow of that person, you will finally stay away from that person, and his life will end. He is a shadowless person.

I met him in real life, and I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. Three days later, when the man died, I knew that this was a fact.

The second master smokes fiercely. I don't like people who smoke like this. It's scary to look at me.

I sat down and didn't think about anything. Maybe we only have three days, or less. Everything here is luxurious, and we don't have a chance to take it away.

The second master really didn't do anything, and he didn't want to open the coffin or look at the entrance. He slept, ate and smoked like that. A day passed, and I didn't think it was a thing. I just looked around, looked at the coffin, and thought about opening the coffin. Anyway, he was dead. Who would such a luxurious coffin be?

However, I can't find a way to open the coffin.

"Second Master, shall we give up like this?"

I looked at the second master.

"What else can we do if we don't give up?"

It seems that there is nothing he can do to give up.

"If only Li Fu were here. He is a wizard. Maybe there is a way."

The second master didn't say anything, obviously agreeing with what I said.

I want to go back, but the way back has been blocked. This Shuiling is like this, and there is no way back.

I think Li Fu will come. I hope he can come in three days. Maybe there will be a way.

The next day passed, and I know that there may be no hope. I have checked this coffin a hundred times. There is no exit, no entrance, and I can't find it. None of those coffins can be opened. It seems that this time, it is true.