grave-keeping note

3. Yuli

3. Yuli

Li Fu said for a long time.

"Second Master, you have gone too much. Anyway, you can't do this to me."

The second master didn't say anything and stretched out his hand again, and Li Fu waved his hand.

"I said, I don't know exactly what happened to that person. I can't see his face clearly. No matter how close it is, I can't see it clearly. Everything is vague, but I can hear what he said. That's the language of the Yuli people more than 300 years ago. Their clan has not existed for a long time, but I didn't expect that there would still be people to live and say this. I don't know whether this person is a Yuli or not, but he can speak Yuli.

"How did you say that?"

Li Fu hesitated for a moment and continued.

"The Yuli people have a tomb of the Yuli group. In a cave in the White Mountain, those coffins are hung up. This cave is a hole in the middle of the cliff. I don't know how they got the coffin up. I found this Yuli group tomb. I found the book of the Yuli people, which was marked with a special pronunciation. I slowly figured it out and understood it. When this person said this, I was also confused at that time, and I remembered it for a long time.

"What did he say?"

The second master is still very angry.

"He begged us for one thing. At this door of this platform, there will be a horse room. There are thousands of war horses. The war horses are wrapped in a special stone powder. When they are alive, they are wrapped in thousands of forms. They are placed there. Among them is a war horse. We need to find them and open the bag. The man will appear wrapped in stone powder. As for what to do, I asked, but he didn't say.

The second master thought about Li Fu's words to see if he was lying.

Li Fu looked at the second master. I don't know what kind of look it was. Anyway, it was a very strange look. I couldn't understand it.

The second master walked to the half-covered stone gate and looked in. He looked at it for a long time and said.

"I can't see clearly, Li Fu, you go ahead."

Although Li Fu was reluctant, he still went in, and my second master and I followed.

After the passage, there is a deep pit, surrounded by a gushing road and railings. There are really thousands of horses in the deep pit, with different shapes, running, hissing, bowing head, looking up to the sky... They are all as if they are alive. Although they are all stone gray, they are actually alive, shocking to the extreme. None of us To speak is to watch.

Li Fu said for a long time.

"Which one is the thousands of war horses?"

The second master didn't say anything and pulled me aside and whispered.

"Li Fu may be lying. Think about it, why did that man beg us? He wanted to find the horse himself.

The second master said it right, and I have been thinking about it. When Li Fu just said it, I thought it was a matter. Li Fu looked at us and didn't know what he was thinking.

Let's go there, said the second master.

"Li Fu, when will that person appear?"

"He said that he would appear when he found the horse."

"Did he tell you what kind of horse he is?"

"No, I asked, he didn't say anything, he said, in this thousand Mali."

"Nonsense, can you find this?"

Li Fu shook his head.

"This is also quite strange."

"Go down."

After saying that, the second master walked to the steps and went down to the deep pit. Looking at the horses, Li Fu and I also followed. After going down, I felt strange, as if there was a dangerous premonition.

These horses were wrapped in stone powder alive, and their shapes were different. I walked slowly and looked at these horses. It can be seen that the people in the mausoleum are important to Lao Nu, saying that they are his wife, which may be said to be another.

We turned around and looked for the horse. If the man said he was looking for it and didn't say what it looked like, the horse must be different from other horses, so it should be found.

More than two hours later, we still haven't found any special horse. We all went up the road and looked down the road, but still couldn't find it.

"Li Fu, have you told the truth?"

"Second master, you have to believe me. At this time, it's meaningless for me to lie."

Anyway, the second master doesn't believe Li Fu at all. He has never believed Li Fu.

Let's sit down and rest, Li Fu said.

"This is really strange. If that person appears again, I will ask him."

Li Fu said that if this person says that he will appear when he finds the horse, then he will not appear immediately if he finds it.

"I won't look for it. Let's find the entrance and get out of here."

The second master said this. In fact, I was also thinking about this matter. Li Fu promised and he solved it by himself.

Li Fu suddenly became anxious.

"No, you have to do what you promised them."

"Li Fu, when did you talk about credit? This is not your style."

The second master looked at Li Fu with a sneer.

Li Fu didn't say anything, so he closed his mouth.

When the second master and I stood up to leave, Li Fu also stood up.

"Master, there is one thing I didn't say. The Yuli said that we can't leave here if we can't find a horse, and it will be very unlucky. He said that when the Yuli people exterminate, there was a kind of insect that was ground into powder and sprinkled on them. When they followed us, we would have this kind of worm powder. This The worm will resurrect in our bodies and devour our internal organs, but he said that after finding the horse, he will release it for us.

The second master was stunned and looked back at Li Fu, and his evil eyes made Li Fu trembling.


I asked Li Fu, and he nodded.

The second master turned around and sat down against the railing, lit a cigarette, locked his eyebrows, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Li Fu, you have done something wrong. You should have told us earlier."

"I'm afraid of your worries, so I didn't say that I'm also kind."

Li Fu said so, and I have nothing to say.

Half an hour later, we went down to find the horse again. Half an hour later, the second master called me with a loud voice. I passed, and Li Fu also passed. The second master looked at a horse and said.

"It should be this horse."

"I can't see any difference from other horses."

I said.

"Look carefully."

I didn't see it when I looked closely, and Li Fu didn't see it either. This is really a strange thing.

"You didn't feel it. When we came down, I felt a pair of eyes staring at us, but I just couldn't find these eyes. I always thought it was the eyes of the Yuli people, didn't they?"

The second master said about the eyes. We looked at the horse's eyes and were stunned. It was not the horse's eyes, but a person's eyes. The eyes were very evil, as if they were looking at something, and seemed to be very angry.

My cold sweat has come down. It's impossible for the horse to grow human eyes. It's hard to say whether the horse is human.

"Break it, let's see what it is?"

After saying that, the second master walked aside, leaned against a horse and lit a cigarette.

Li Fu took out his tools and broke the horse. This horse was a fierce horse at first glance. Although it was lying, it was domineering and domineering. Li Fu smashed little by little, and the stone powder was very hard. Half an hour later, he broke a door and couldn't see what it was.

When Li Fu expanded again, he stopped.

"It's not a horse, it's a human."

The second master seemed to have expected it for a long time. There was no reaction. I was very nervous. I went there and saw that it was indeed a human bone, and this horse would be a human.

When I looked back at the roadway, I saw the Yuli. He was looking down, and I shivered.

Li Fu and the second master also saw it. Li Fu hesitated for a moment and waved to the Yuri. The Yuri hesitated for a moment and came down.

The Yuli stopped when they walked three or four meters away from us. He didn't come close to us and didn't speak for a long time.

The second master and I didn't understand. He said for a long time. Li Fu looked at me and the second master and said.

"He said thank us. The sixty-second horse from the west can be pushed out. After we go out, there will be a well and drink the water there."

After saying that, the Yuri walked back to the road and stood there looking at us motionless.

"Second Master, I think it's strange that there are still Yuli here. It's absolutely impossible to live in three or four hundred years ago. It's basically impossible to live so long in this water mausoleum. Even if he lives here and can't see the sun for so long, he can't live."

"He is not a human at all. In the hospital, death is regarded as death by brain death. There is no gas. The brain wave is still moving, and it is not death. That is medical death. This person is probably a brain wave that has been alive. He uses brain waves to make himself appear in this shape, so we can't see him clearly. Face, if you touch him, he doesn't exist.

"How is this possible?"

"We often say that when we see a ghost, it is in the dark sky. Only in the dark sky can the brain waves be strong. The so-called ghost is formed by this kind of radio wave. If he can hold it for so long, he must have any way, and he can speak. This is a miracle."

"It's even more strange that he can still use that bug."

After I finished speaking, I looked at the second master.

The second master didn't say anything. We counted the sixty-second horse, stopped, and then took a look at the Yuri on the road. Li Fu pushed the horse and pushed it. As soon as the horse moved, it was bad. The second master ran up to the road, and the Yuli disappeared.

I rushed up the road. Li Fu stood in a bad position and didn't rush up and was trapped in it.

After the sixty-second horse was pushed, I didn't expect that the other horses would move, like a running array, and kept running. Li Fu dodged left and right, dangerously. These moving horses, no matter which one of them hit, would be crippled.

"Second Master, this won't work. I'll save Li Fu."

"That's his life. Can you control these horses when you go down?"

What the second master said was right, but it seemed immoral to die like this. The second master didn't let me go, so I didn't move.

Li Fu rushed up the road, lay on the ground, and was weak.

He recovered and gritted his teeth and stared at me and the second master. I didn't say anything about this, and the second master ignored Li Fu.

Thousands of horses are still moving, and the Yuli disappeared. At some point, the Yuli has cheated us, or Li Fu has listened to what the Yuli said, or he has discounted it. Anyway, there is something wrong with it.

We didn't expect this problem, the second master said to Li Fu.

"It's troublesome this time. These horses have never stopped. Maybe the entrance is below. Have you reached any agreement with the Yuli people?"

This is the second master's suspicion of Li Fu. In fact, this is also my suspicion. At this point, the Yuli will actually avenge him. This is either Li Fu's problem or the Yuli's problem.

Qianma slowly stopped, but their positions were all changed. It seems to be in a formation, which looks a little scary.

None of us planned to go down. Li Fufu looked at the railing and shook his head for a long time. Maybe he didn't figure out some things.

The Yuli suddenly appeared opposite us, the second master said.

"We have to maimed this goods, otherwise we may not be able to pass this, and we always feel that this is an invisible organ."

The Yuri looked at us for a while and jumped over the railing.