grave-keeping note

5. Distant corpse

5. Distant corpse

I stood there and didn't move. The second master looked back at me and stopped. Li Fu stopped. He kept looking at me and the second master. With a little wind and grass, he didn't move. This guy has been scared to the extreme.

I was turned down and fell down. I didn't expect that in addition to the wall, there was also a trap.

After falling down, I got up. It was indeed a pit, completely a pit, but strangely, it was not deep. I climbed up, and the second master and Li Fu looked at me, and neither of them spoke.

I don't know what they are looking at me for. The wall suddenly rises and rises, and I know the bad thing. If they rise to the roof, we will do bad no matter where we are in that compartment.

The second master ran like crazy. Li Fu actually hesitated for a moment and wanted to run back, but in the end, he still ran with me and the second master.

Our second master rushed over, but Li Fu didn't come over. I don't know which wall it was separated from.

My second master and I sat down to calm down, and I asked for a long time.

"What about Li Fu?"

"This guy is afraid of death, and finally got into trouble. It seems that the more he does something, the more he becomes."

The second master didn't say what to do, but he sat there and didn't move, as if he was waiting for Li Fu.

In fact, it is also his bad luck that such a thing happened to Li Fu. Generally speaking, he stole countless tombs and encountered countless things, and suddenly happened. I don't know what happened. Is it really scared? Or what is Li Fu playing? I don't understand this, and the second master won't say anything.

It seems that there is something wrong with this. I looked back at the strange wall, which was covered with no gaps. It seemed that if Li Fu came up with it, he had to think of other ways.

I didn't expect this horse mechanism. It doesn't look complicated. In fact, it's not simple. It's lucky that my second master and I escaped. The second master stood up and said.

"Let's move forward."

"What about Li Fu?"

"We can't care so much now. It's not certain that we can live or not."

The second master is sometimes very cruel. I don't know if this is his nature or if there is really nothing he can do. I didn't say anything more. I followed the second master. After the stall wall, there was a bed coffin in front of it. In a stone room, there were three bed coffins.

The bed coffin hung high, like a bed, opened the sliding door, empty.

"Go in and have a good rest. The next one we may face is a more deadly mechanism."

The second master didn't say anything more. He got into a bed coffin and went to sleep. I hesitated for a moment. After all, this is a coffin, no matter what kind of coffin it is. I still went in, and I can't think so much at this time.

When I heard the second master snoring, I knew he was asleep. I can't sleep, thinking about the messy things, Na Wan, the child, Gu Ye, Xinla City, these are all my thoughts.

I slowly fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept. I woke up without any movement. It was very quiet. I also wondered if the second master got up, or something happened?

I opened the sliding door and was stunned. This is not the location of the bed coffin, and I didn't go to the bed coffin. I came out. It was a dark room, not big, and there were stone walls on all sides. I knew the bad thing as soon as I thought about it. I shouted at the second master, but there was no response. I looked for the door everywhere, no.

probably got tricked again. This two-bitt got in and slept without checking it. This time, it's okay. If this happened, it's no better than Li Fu.

I think this bed coffin should be the bed coffin of the lady's bed. There is such a bed in the Wan lady's room. The difference is that there is no coffin. I sat on the bed coffin and patted it. It turned out to be empty. I was excited and lifted the upper part. There was a drawing board. I hesitated for a moment and pulled it away. I pulled it away. Under what I slept was actually a skeleton. The bones were undressed. It should be Gege's clothes. The crown is quite beautiful, not the kind of ordinary people. Looking at the skull, it should be only ten * years old. It won't be Burial, perhaps due to illness or accidental death.

However, it is strange that the water mausoleum is not an official mausoleum, which has the characteristics of a people's mausoleum, and it is not a people's mausoleum. At the beginning, I don't know what angle it was built.

I looked inside again and shook my whole body. The four walls in the coffin were painted. After hundreds of years, the paintings were still very bright, which made me not understand how it was maintained. Looking more carefully, I don't understand that these four paintings are strange.

This is the lady's bed coffin. It should be flowers and grass, but it's not. It's painted with ten carriages. Ten carriages are actually empty. Under the carriage is a long box. I said, "Ah!" It was a car coffin. The box under the carriage was a coffin. Such a coffin was used to transport distant corpses. After a person died in a foreign country, he used this kind of carriage to transport and call distant corpses.

How could this happen? What does this mean? Who is in this car coffin?

I really can't figure it out.

I pushed the drawing board and sat in the corner. The more I thought about it, the more strange it became. The carriage seemed to be like a chariot. The hoop on both sides of the axle was iron, and only the chariot would be like this, anti-collision.

I opened the coffin again and looked at it for a long time. I was sure it was the chariot. The horses were all war horses, not ordinary horses, only there was no one in the carriage. What do you mean?

I looked at the lady's bed coffin and opened the square pillow. There was a book under it. It was written in a handwritten book with a beautiful font. It should be written in this grid.

When I opened it, it turned out to be Chinese.

A paragraph of text is recorded on it.

In the autumn of 1687, Wang Yun, the commander of the capital, led troops to attack Suoyang City, and the boat and car were tired. The news spread to Kyoto, and I cried bitterly for three days. Three days later, I went to the north and saw the man who defeated my brother Wang Yun. I asked for my brother's body and nine soldiers. He agreed, but he asked me to be a Gege, not a wife. I don't know what that means. I agree.

Later, I knew that let me be Gege and marry his son, which is also a tactical way!

When I came to northern July, I chose to commit suicide. I can't watch my enemy live every day. That man is so brave that I have no chance to revenge.

At this time, I realized that this grid is not full of people.

I didn't expect this to happen. It seemed that this was a corpse full of hatred. I actually slept on it all night and couldn't help trembling. I'm looking for an exit. I can't stay here. If I can't get out, I'll die.

Then, there is no exit, which is a strange thing. If such a large bed coffin can come in, there should be an exit and come out.

I didn't find the exit. Maybe I've been here for two days. I'm sleepy and go to bed. I don't think so much. It's useless to think about anything.

When I woke up, I was still in this dark room, but I looked up and saw that it was empty. I climbed up and only saw a bed coffin. Probably the second master was the same as me. I walked to the position of the bed coffin. Sure enough, I jumped down and saw the second master smoking in the corner. He saw me It's

"How did you get in?"

When I said the matter, the second master got into the bed coffin and looked up and shook his head.

"We think things are complicated."

Let's go out and look for the entrance there. I think this matter is a little vigilant. It always feels too simple. Maybe it's really like what the second master said. We think too much.

The bed coffin that has not been lowered seems to be somewhat different from the other two bed coffins.

I got in and saw that there was only one sword without bones. After a hundred years, the sword was still cold. I hesitated for a moment, picked up the sword and came out.

The second master was stunned.

"It's a good sword."

The second master took it and looked at it. When he saw the hilt of the sword, he was stunned. There were words on it, which was already abundant.

I don't know who this person is, the second master thought about it for a long time.

"The sword used by the governor of Tulun City in those years."

I was stunned. This has something to do with Tulun City, but I only know another piece of history about Tulun City, and I don't know that Feng Taishou is the man.

"I don't know this person."

"You don't know that Feng is the person with the shortest time to be the governor in China, only three days. However, in the past three days, he was slaughtered for the reason that it was related to a woman.

I sat down. Maybe there was a sad story in it, and the second master told me. That's really a sad story.

"He fell in love with Ejier, the daughter of the governor of Echeng, but Ejido, the governor of Echeng, disagreed and said that he could become the governor of Tulun City, so he married his daughter to him. After he became the governor of Tulun City, Ejido did not agree and wanted to attack Tulun City, which made Yifeng very angry. It turned out that they should It is time to work together to deal with foreign invasion, but there is a dispute because of this matter. On the night of that day, he entered Echeng. He stood at the door, carrying a sword until dawn. Ejier knew that Efeng was a very handsome and smart man, and she had fallen in love with him. She saw Jifeng standing at the door and ran over. She thought he was here to kiss her father. After she stood in front of him, Feng said coldly that I was going to kill Ejido. Ejier was stunned and didn't even say a word. Jifeng dragged the sword and walked in. The sound of the sword was everywhere. Ejiduo came out and saw Shifeng dragging the sword to run to himself, knowing that things were not good. But he didn't move, so he pulled out his sword and held it in his hand. In fact, Egado has regretted at this time. He wanted to destroy the city of Tulun because he was so jealous that he became a governor at such a young age. In the future, his way will be blocked by this boy. But think about it, he may not understand something on the battlefield today, but men can't explain it at this time. They are weak and incompetent, so they have nothing to say. When the sword was raised, Ejido thought that he would not be defeated by Yifeng's hand. He didn't know how good his swordsmanship was. He didn't understand what was going on and had spewed blood. Ejier's face turned pale. She walked to Ejier's side. After touching her face, she rose with a sword and both of them fell down.

After the second master finished speaking, I haven't moved for a long time.

I seem to have seen the tragedy of that year. Picking up this sword again, I think there is another weight.

I stood up and dragged the sword. Sure enough, the sound of the sword was everywhere. This is definitely a good sword. In fact, my hand was very in debt. After the sound of the sword, the bed coffin fell down. I was stunned there. Don't raise a bed coffin. I strangled it. Li Fu got out of it and saw me, he frowned and said.

"Why are you dragging that sword?"

Li Fu's words did not fall. There was a strange sound. I don't know what the sound was. The second master stood up and looked around. The bed coffin with the skeleton rose, and then the drawing board was moving, and the grid actually came out, with a white veil on his head, cold and boneless. I knew that the sound of swords and whistles could make some bones rise.

I was stunned, and the skeleton stood there without moving.

"This time it's a problem, and it's easy to send it away."

Li Fu leaned aside. The second master stared at me. Sometimes, I always owe it. I really can't help it.

I threw the sword to the ground, and with this move, Gege's bones moved and went for the sword.

"Take up the sword and cut her."

The second master said.

I was stunned, picked up the sword, raised it and cut it. I heard the cry, I stopped, and the cry was like the gentle cry.