grave-keeping note

7. Poison pool

7. Poison pool

Neither Li Fu nor I knew what had happened, and the second master slowly returned.

"Second Master, what's going on?"

"Do you want to know?'

I didn't answer. I knew that the second master didn't say a good word, and I didn't know what the old man was crazy about.


Li Fu said.

"Think? Then go and see for yourself."

Li Fu's eyes turned white and it took him a long time to say.

"Look at it."

Li Fu walked that way carefully. I looked at Li Fu, and the second master sneered.

Li Fu has not been very lucky recently. He probably ran out of the first half of his life and had bad luck in the second half of his life.

He walked to the position where the second master had just stood and even bent down to look down. What is it?

Li Fu "Ah!" With a shout, he leaned against the wall and was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, ** spewed out of the pool, like a water pipe. I went to his eight uncle's, and Li Fu ran over with a face.

I didn't move. After a while, the pool in the middle began to jump out. I looked carefully and realized that these seven or eight pools were connected with the middle. They jumped out from the middle. The pool in the middle should be relatively shallow. Except for that pool, they couldn't jump out.

These poisonous frogs jump more and more, and I know the bad things. The second master also stood up. It was useless and there was no place to hide. The poisonous frog jumped this way. The second master and Li Fu rushed with tools and couldn't get close for the time being.

Suddenly, the pool in the middle moved as a whole. I don't know what was arching up. There were thousands of poisonous frogs on it. When I arched halfway, I saw that it was a big poisonous frog, God, the size of the pool. Those small poisonous frogs jumped up from him. I strangled the pool. The child is at least two meters deep and three meters wide.

"It's over."

The second master and Li Fu have not stopped yet.

The big poisonous frog is bulky, but at this distance, it will come in ten minutes at most, but he can't come. He sprayed venom and is going to die. Like a water pipe, Li Fu just came. At this moment, there was such a bubble on his face. From time to time, he scratched it, and the water flowed out, which was disgusting.

The big poisonous frog has been facing us, and its eyes are like a light cannon.

I was a little confused. Suddenly, I smelled the pure fragrance. I was shocked. It was indeed pure fragrance, absolutely pure fragrance.

"That Wan."

I shouted.

"You second child, when is it? Come and help, and think about that Wan, she can't save you."

I didn't move. I looked at everything here and wanted to see thatwan, but I didn't see it.

After the second master also smelled the pure fragrance, he was excited. He looked back at me. Li Fu was a little nervous. He had always been afraid of Na Wan. This makes me feel that it is not a good thing. Every time Na Wan comes out, she will let herself go back to the original road.

The pure fragrance is getting better and better, but the gentleness still does not appear, which is a strange thing.

If Wan wants to enter Shuiling in a normal state, it is impossible. If she comes in in another form, it is a ghost state. That's a very simple thing. I don't know why she came in? Perhaps, the mechanism we encountered is unbreakable, and she can only come out. I told her before I entered Shuiling that no matter what happened, don't worry about it. However, she still came.

The second master's cold sweat came out, and he probably knew that this organ was unbreakable.

"Na Wan, you leave here immediately. No matter what happens, you don't have to worry about it. If you do it again, I'm afraid you will never come back."

I shouted.

"You call your grandma."

The second master covered my mouth at once. Li Fu also came up and put my neck and put me down. The two of them actually tied me up and blocked my mouth.

It seems that they all understand that this organ is an insoluble organ, and that Wan is here to save me.

I'm struggling. I'm going crazy. No matter what, I won't forgive the second master.

The pure fragrance became heavier and heavier. The huge poisonous frog actually returned to the pool, and the small one also returned to the pool. And when he became honest, there was no movement.

The second master said.

"It seems that Na Wan does have this ability. If we pass this level, I'm afraid the next level will be more difficult. I'm afraid we will arrive at Lingxin soon."

Li Fu took a look at the second master.

"If you die, I will also go into the heart of Ling. If you take a look, you can die immediately."

The second master "hummed" and ignored Li Fu.

On the opposite side of the pool, there is a poisonous frog pattern. I think that is the entrance that should be opened.

The second master slowly walked over, walked to the pattern of the poisonous frog, pressed the eyes of the poisonous frog, and shouted loudly, which almost scared the second master to pee and almost fell into the pool.

The loud cry shook the whole stone room, which was really scary.

After the cry, the upper half of the stone wall was opened, and people should be able to climb over.

"Let go of him."

The second master shouted, and Li Fu let me go, but he didn't let go completely, and then ran to the second master to look at me. Li Fu knew that the first reaction to let go of me was to kick Li Fu into the pool, and he probably also thought of it.

After struggling, I stood there staring at the second master and Li Fu, and the pure fragrance slowly faded.

I'm not going to fight with them, but I won't let them go.

They turned over, and I didn't move, so I didn't plan to follow them again.

The second master looked back and shouted again.

"Second-hand, why don't you turn it over quickly? Do you want to die?"

"Get out, you all get out."

I was angry, and the second master's head was gone. I sat there in a daze and didn't know what was going on. I called Na Wan, but there was no response at all. It seemed that Na Wan went back and returned to her original state. If so, I'm afraid I don't know if there will be any chance for her to struggle again. My tears flowed out.

The open stone wall slowly closed, and I was motionless. It may not be so important to me at this moment.

I heard the sound of knocking on the stone wall, but I still didn't move. I knew that it was knocked by the second master. It was a special way to transmit the sound of the new man, and I ignored him.

Ten minutes later, the sound of knocking on the stone wall stopped ringing. I knew that the second master left me and left. This is the principle of the second master. He will not lose his life because of anyone. If that person does not have a living life, he is inability. The second master always says so.

I'm not angry. I'm angry that the second master is too cruel.

I stood up and turned around the pool. The poisonous frogs were as dormant and motionless. The huge poisonous frog's eyes were still open, like a light bulb. I was angry at once. I actually jumped down and punched the poisonous frog in the eye. I knew I was dying. I hate this thing. If it hadn't been for his appearance, Na Wan wouldn't have come.

What I didn't expect was that the huge poisonous frog was very honest and motionless. I knew that it was the gentleness that restrained him. After beating, I climbed up the pool. The huge poisonous frog actually moved and climbed out of the pool. I knew the bad thing and he got angry.

This time I'm dead, and that Wan can't have a second chance.

What I didn't expect was that the huge poisonous frog climbed to the west wall and sprayed venom on the wall. In just a few minutes, a hole appeared there, and I shuddered. This hole is in the opposite direction of the second master, and I don't want to do so much. I don't want to stay here for another minute.

I got in and walked into the passage. A few minutes later, when I came out of the passage, I was stunned. In front of me was a mountain, which turned out to be the highest mountain in the West Mountain of Changbai Mountain. I was so familiar that this mountain would appear here. It seemed that the dead in the mausoleum liked this mountain, so this family had his old Nu I moved the mountain. It seems that love is heavier than the mountain, and love is like a mountain.

There is a mountain in front of me. The difference is that those trees and grass should not be real. Without the sun and natural rain, they will not survive at all.

I stood and looked at the mountain of the same size from afar. Although it was only a mountain on Changbai Mountain, if I looked at it on Changbai Mountain, it might be a small mountain, but here it was a big mountain.

Moreover, the strangest thing is that everything here is the same as the Changbai Mountain seen outside. It can be seen how big this project is and how many years it will take. It is really hard to say.

I slowly approached. When I reached the bottom of the mountain, the first tree, I was stunned. The tree was fake, not a real tree, but the tree turned out to be jade, natural jade, transparent jade. Such jade is a palm-sized piece, which is worth a lot. This is a tree, and there are thousands of trees on the mountain, tens of thousands of trees. I'll look at the grass, emerald, and I'll go. This is a treasure mountain.

There is a mountain road, and I slowly go up. If I remember correctly, there is a cave on the top of the mountain. The entrance of the cave is aimed at the sky, and there are natural steps. Although it is not easy to walk, it can still go down.

I slowly climbed up the mountain. I don't know where the second master and Li Fu are. It's better not to let me touch them. If I touch them, I will strangle them. If I can bite them to death, they will bite them to death. They hurt me. If they don't tie me up and gag my mouth, maybe I can convince that Wan, this It's late to say anything.

Halfway down the mountain, there was a spring. When I walked to that position, there was really a spring and water was bubating. I held a handful and took a sip. It turned out to be the same as that of Changbai Mountain. I shook my head. This water must be a kind of living water. Where did this living water come from? It is definitely not from this Shuiling itself. Since it is called Shuiling, there will definitely be no less water here.

I sat down and rested, sad, but sad. I don't know what will happen.

When I walked to the mountain again, I felt a little strange. The season on the mountain should be summer, but at this moment, it feels like spring. When I get to the top of the mountain, I feel cold, really cold. Looking at the trees and grass, most of them have turned into a withered color.

I strangled it, but it was still snowing. I trembled and grabbed it to climb to the top of the mountain. When I looked down, the leaves turned yellow.

I was stunned. This is the four seasons of reincarnation, and it is the season of inverted, winter, autumn, summer and spring, which makes me stunned, and their changes are actually the same as the climate of Mount Changshan.

I stood there in a daze. When this reverse season happened, it was a kind of fierce appearance, abnormal reincarnation, and there would be a strange situation.

I don't know what will happen.

I sat in the cave and didn't plan to go down. Because at that time, the second master took me down to this cave of Changbai Mountain, but we came out in less than ten minutes. There were 99 forks there. The second master didn't know which one to choose. He had lost his way here for 48 days and finally ate white rat meat and escaped. Moreover, the second master told me that these 99 forks are changing. With the change of the four seasons, they will fundamentally change the seasons and reduce or increase the forks. It is a natural spectacle. At least what's going on? Experts have come countless times and have not found the reason, and no one dares to go deep. Because of the change of seasons, I don't know when the alternation will disappear at any time, or add some fork roads, so that people will be trapped in it. If they are trapped in the disappearing fork, they will have to wait for the change of seasons before they can come out.

I looked at the foot of the mountain. The change of the season is reversed, and the speed changes rapidly, one by one an hour.