grave-keeping note

14. Rainbow Bridge

14. Rainbow Bridge

"What's going on?"

I said.

"It's strange. How can this happen?"

Li Fu said.

The second master sat down again for a long time.

"Maybe it's an illusion, maybe it's real."

Let the second master tell him that such an evil thing happened. No one knew that they saw us. I saw that no one over there seemed to see us. They were all doing their own things.

Now the question opposite us is not how to cross the meat washing river, but whether to go there or not. After that, what will these people do to us? No one wants to talk about this problem. However, sooner or later there will be a decision.

Finally, we decided to cross the river. In fact, we have no choice but to go back. I'm afraid there is no way back.

The second master stood up and looked over there. It seemed that it was a paradise outside the world. People lived and worked peacefully.

In the face of this meat washing river, I'm afraid no one wants to wash away the meat on their bodies. That's not losing weight, it's terrible washing meat.

Li Fu sat there and did not move. Sometimes, the wizard had no choice, and the second master seemed to have nothing to do. I just thought so. Maybe none of them would want to do it. After doing it, there would be unexpected consequences, so they were very careful.

There is no bridge in the meat washing river, and the river more than 50 meters wide is not a river. The water flow is not urgent, but this water can wash meat.

I sat aside and looked at the doll. Now the doll is completely an ordinary doll. I shook it and said.

"What should I do?"

He didn't answer me, as if he laughed at me.

Unexpectedly, it rained. I looked up at the ceiling. The ceiling was very high, just like the sky, and it started to rain. There was really no shortage of water in this water mausoleum, and the water was used to the extreme.

The rain is really rain. It's not big. It stops after ten minutes.

It's been sunny for ten years. I didn't expect that a rainbow bridge would appear on the sea washing river. I'll build it here and there. This is indeed a bridge, but who dares to go up?

I'm just a story told by an eight aunt.

The second master looked back at me. I didn't pay attention to him at all. He still wanted me to go first and do your spring and autumn dream! I didn't move. Li Fu walked over. Is he coming?

The two stood there and talked for a long time, but Li Fu really walked up. I was stunned. I got up and rushed to the bridge. I know that the Rainbow Bridge will not exist for too long. If it is too late, it will fall into the meat washing river, and the result will be only a bone shelf. No one can live without meat. Everyone knows this.

I ran so fast that I almost squeezed Li Fu down. He scolded behind me. I couldn't control so much and rushed over in one breath.

Li Fu and the second master also ran all the way. No one wanted to leave their lives here. Probably no one was willing to choose such a tragic way of death. I arrived at the shore and looked back at Li Fu and the second master. It was a little interesting to run one after the other.

When they arrived at the shore, Li Fu came up and gave me a kick.

"Do you want to kill me?"

I ignored him. Anyway, I came here. The strangest thing is that those people are gone, probably scared by us. I think they will probably wait for such an opportunity when they cross the river.

In fact, there are some such houses in our Manchu Autonomous County, which are north-south buildings. Probably the southerners came to the north to build, and some of them were found, so they were retained.

We went in and looked carefully. After a few laps, we didn't find anything. This was a strange thing, and the cooking smoke was also very evil.

This cooking smoke seems to be the same as the cooking smoke from the house.

No one smokes, that's weird smoke.

I sat in the yard. There was a lid in the corner opposite me, which was thrown on the ground. It seemed to be a useless thing. The more I looked at it, the more I felt something was wrong.

I walked over and picked up the cover. I was shocked. It was a well full of water. What I was most afraid of was the well. Since I was a child, when I saw a well, I had a nightmare for a few days. I don't know why. Anyway, when I saw the water in the well, the water seemed to have no bottom.

I was afraid of the well behind the small building in Yincun at first, but later I was familiar with it, not that I was not afraid, but I was not so scared. I don't know what happened to me when I was a child. I'm afraid something terrible has happened, which is related to the well.

The second master and Li Fu came over. Li Fu put his hand into the well, held a handful of water, and looked at it for a long time.

"It's normal."

"It's normal. What's abnormal is that you have to go down and see if there is an entrance below."

The second master said this a little evil. He actually smiled evilly. Li Fu stared at the second master and looked back at me.

"You see, I'm useless. I won't go down. Now I won't listen to anyone."

This is for the second master and also for Li Fu.

Li Fuduo took out the rope from his bag, then tied a stone and went down. The rope was 50 or 60 meters long. The rope reached the end, and there was no end. I trembling and leaned aside. I didn't know what would be under the 50 or 60 meters deep well.

In my memory, the well was to survive, but later, I felt that the well was used to commit suicide. As far as I know, almost all the wells have jumped into and died, so it is not clear what is underwater. However, the most evil thing is a well in the southwest of Suoyang City. Every year, someone is pulled in and suddenly stretched out a hand from the well and pulled you in. That's what I heard, but the well does happen every year, so the lid is finally sealed by an iron lid, that is, every year after it is sealed. There will be a great cry, followed by the well water spewing out. From the cracks in the iron lid, people were initially afraid of this evil. Over time, it was not taken seriously.

People are this kind of thing. Once they are familiar with something, it is the most terrible thing. If they are familiar, it is not terrible. The Guizhou donkey seems to have this meaning.

Li Fu pulled up the rope, and the falling stone turned into the size of a fist, but the weight did not decrease. Is this a matter of water pressure or something else? That must be another situation. In terms of water pressure, it is only 50 or 60 meters, and it is impossible to press a big stone into a small stone even 500 or 600 meters.

Li Fu jittered, put away the rope and sat aside without saying anything.

The second master looked at me, looked at Li Fu, and said for a long time.

"It seems that we have no choice but to go down. None of us can count on others to go down. The only way is for us to bet once and whoever loses. Is that reasonable?"

The second master's insidious trick stunned me and Li Fu. Li Fu nodded, and I had no reason to disagree.

"What bet?"

The second master asked.

"I think it's the most reasonable to catch the way."

Li Fu said.

The second master looks at me, and I agree.

Li Fu asked to make a cast, and we agreed to watch Li Fu make a cast.

In fact, there are many ways to make lots of ghosts, which can't be seen by you. The second master has calculated me countless times in this way, but I just stared and didn't understand it.

Li Fu's hand was very fast, and he finished the lot in a moment. He shook the lot in his hand for a long time and threw it to the ground. None of us moved. I looked at Li Fu's expression, and I knew there was something wrong with it.

The second master did not move and looked at Li Fu.

"You catch it first, so as not to say I'm unfair."

Li Fu is justice. The second master sneered and said.

"Li Fu, Wizard Li, you are very good at the show, but this time you have made a deal. If you don't go down, we will throw you down. Tell me, is that okay? Or is it better for you to go down by yourself?"

Li Fu's face changed greatly and he stood up and shouted.


"Master Li, you can cheat others, but it's not that easy for you to lie to me. It's useless for us to catch anything if you use witchcraft. You will definitely not catch it, because there is no word on it, and only when you catch it will there be words in your hand."

"I didn't."

"Then I'll open it and have a look. If that's the case, Li Fu, we'll tie you up and throw you into the well, just like just tied the stone to the well."

Li Fu stopped talking and walked to the well. I didn't expect that Li Fu would really play tricks. This witchcraft is more than enough to play this little thing, but he shouldn't play in front of the second master.