grave-keeping note

21. Human coffin

21. Human coffin

I touched and walked. For the first time, I dared not walk. Although I knew that there was a flat road ahead, I still walked very carefully. I remembered, touched, passed a passage, and when I walked through the third passage, I felt something strange and something was wrong.

But I didn't take off the blindfolded cloth, because I knew that this strange feeling might be to find the strange exit. I stopped at that position. If there is no mistake, this should be the fourth channel.

I touched carefully, and suddenly touched what I shouldn't have touched. Normally, it should be a wall, but it was not a flat wall, and it was definitely not a raised wall. I stopped touching my hand and hung there. I thought about what I touched before, so that I wouldn't be scared when I took off the blindfold cloth. Actually, I'm going to pee now.

I don't know what it is. In the end, I took off the blindfold. I jumped eight feet high, and I strangled it, human coffin. I was scared to pee. It was the first time I saw the human coffin. The second master said that the humanoid coffin stood in front of me. Where did it come from? I don't know. It should have come in through a wrong-sighted door.

The strange thing about the human coffin is that it can be moved and uncertain.

The family that made the human coffin is extremely secretive. Only the main members of the family know that when building the human coffin, if you want to hire a wizard, Li Fu will be invited to go there.

The human coffin is not a coffin used by ordinary people. This kind of coffin is completely a humanoid, and even has the same facial features as people. It is a little taller and bigger than a human, that is to put the body inside.

The day of coffin selection is the 13th of the lunar calendar, which can be made on the 13th of each month. One day to make a coffin and prepare for a year.

The strangeness of the human coffin is its movement. It is not buried, there is no grave, no tomb. After the human coffin is caused, the wizard will use witchcraft to push the human coffin into a strange space, and the human coffin will move freely in that space. However, no wizard can enter this space, so whenever relatives miss it or want to pay tribute, they will find a wizard. Such a wizard's income is quite high, and the cost is more than 10,000 yuan at a time.

People who enter the coffin are retrograde people, and there are people who violate humanity and what they say violates long-term reason. Such a person is terrible. Of course, it's okay if you don't want to enter the coffin. Entering the coffin is a large family. A man, single transmission, entering the coffin is to turn these retrograde and be a normal person in the next life.

However, the human coffin moves in another space, and sometimes it will come out. The human coffin is a hundred years old. The hundred-year-old human coffin needs a wizard to do witchcraft, otherwise it will have the possibility to come out. Some families will have no descendants after a hundred years, and no one cares about this matter.

This coffin in front of me is probably the case, at least one hundred and two hundred years, or three hundred years, it's hard to say.

I retreated and the coffin did not move, which made me feel much more secure.

After seven or eight meters, I stopped and looked at the coffin, which was two meters high, so the dead should be 1.7 meters to 1.8 meters high. So who would die?

I looked at the human coffin. The human coffin has no other decoration except that it looks like a dead person as much as possible. Its hands and feet are just like shape, and the key point is on the face.

The coffin with a good face is lifelike, which is quite good. I haven't seen this man's strange appearance. Of course, I don't know people who have died for hundreds of years.

I think it's strange that the human coffin suddenly emerges? I walked back and forth so many times and didn't touch it, or he followed me, always in the passage behind me, so I couldn't see it. But why did it suddenly appear now? I don't know.

The human coffin suddenly turned around and moved. Judging from the flexibility of movement, it is estimated that there will be a 350-person coffin.

I followed and kept such a distance. I think it was going to take me somewhere.

After I turned into the No. 5 channel, suddenly, the human coffin disappeared and shouted in fear. I strangled it, came and left as soon as I said, and the evil spirit immediately dispersed.

After thinking for a long time, the place where the coffin disappeared should be a wrong exit. I slowly walked over. When my hand touched the wall, it turned out to be empty. I was excited and felt at ease. Finally, I went out. If this person's coffin doesn't appear, I really don't know if I can go out.

However, I didn't go in. Is the coffin waiting for me? As soon as I entered, it killed me. It's hard to say that these things are evil, no good or bad.

There is always a reason for the human coffin to do this, so this is a very terrible thing.

I hesitated for a long time and then touched the wall. I stabbed him. Unexpectedly, there was only the wall, and I didn't touch the air. I panicked and began to eat **. It was still the wall. I was a little confused. The wrong door actually had a moving position.

I touched the fifth channel, but still didn't. I sat down. It seems that I missed the opportunity. Sometimes people will do this, and they will miss countless opportunities in hesitation.

I think this time I'm dead, and sometimes life is just a chance.

I sat there and felt very tired. When I fell asleep, I heard a sound. As soon as I opened my eyes, the coffin was not far from me. It seemed to be a little anxious and kept shaking. I didn't expect it to come back. It seemed that it had to take me out.

The coffin saw me stand up, turned around and walked into Channel 7. At the top of Channel 7, it disappeared. I didn't hesitate and followed the path in. I don't want to miss such an opportunity again. The coffin will not give you opportunities again and again.

After I went in, I was tripped and almost didn't come to a big horse party.

After I stood firmly and looked at the things that tripped me, I went. It turned out to be a step coffin. I was on the steps, and my head was big. I didn't see the human coffin. The step coffin was made use of a step, one coffin, and the steps were larger than other steps. It was strange to say that the steps were a little wide, and ordinary people would not think of each step. The steps are a skeleton inside. The step coffin was found in the Western Regions. At that time, many people died in the war. After the war, they occupied a mountain city and needed to repair the steps, so they put the body in the steps, which is also a memory of the people who died in the war and a strange way of remembering.

After I took a step, I stood there. The cover of the coffin slowly removed. In fact, I should stay away, but I can't move. The human coffin is behind me. I can't go down. I can only watch and see what will happen.

This kind of thing makes people the most helpless. The helplessness in life is generally like this, and you can't break your eyebrows.

This is really nothing to do, unless you strangle yourself to death. I have tried, but I can't do this. I can't kill myself. However, you can strangle yourself, which depends on your determination.

The coffin board of the step coffin was removed. I couldn't see anything in it. I couldn't see where I was standing. The step coffin was actually very deep, and my sweat came down, dripping like water.

It was very quiet and there was no sound. After the lid of the coffin was removed, there was no movement. What does this mean? I thought of it. Will it let me go in and escape this disaster?

Seven doesn't say that you can't enter the step coffin, or this is a great opportunity. However, I'm still hesitating whether my choice is right or not, which means that you are the most difficult choice.