grave-keeping note

27. Black light presentation

27. Black light presentation

I hesitated for two days, but I still called Director Ma and asked him to come over. He came over immediately. It seems that Shuiling's matter is his main task now. He plays emotional cards, which is useful to me.

He also knows what I want to tell him about Shuiling. Of course, I won't tell him the situation in Shuiling. It's a five-year witchcraft.

After he came, I took out the black beast and put it on the table. After he looked at it, he was stunned. Obviously, he understood this. If he understood it, he would not be afraid to understand it.

I didn't say anything. He looked at it for a long time.

"This is an antique for at least a thousand years."

It's easy for him to say so.

"You give me a price, and I want to sell it. You can take this to the experts, the things in Shuiling. As for the things you don't want to say, you also understand."

Director Ma understands very well.

"To be honest, I should ask you to make a price, but I can't do this, and I can't make a price, so it's very difficult."

I hesitated. What he said is the most unbearable for me. Xinla City uses money. Although there are benefits, the cost is not enough.

Director Ma saw that I was embarrassed, he said.

"Well, I'll find an expert tomorrow, not the kind of expert you mentioned. I know you don't like experts very much."

I was stunned. Obviously, Director Ma prepared lessons for me. I don't like such a person very much. I'm not very happy.

Director Ma saw it and said.

"Actually, I did your homework, but I'm not that kind of person."

"Oc, then tomorrow, but it won't be in this place. My father is in the backyard. He doesn't like to see these things."

"I'll find a place."

Director Ma left, and I also hesitated. I don't understand whether it's right or wrong to do this.

At 7:30 the next morning, Director Ma called. It seemed that he was very attentive. I still didn't go out until nine o'clock, a private home.

I don't like to go to such places. I've been to several places. However, for the sake of the elderly in Xinla City, I must go.

I'm out of Yin Village and have a car to pick me up.

I got in the car, only the driver. He didn't say anything and pulled me away.

I feel a little gloomy, and I don't like to stay with people who don't talk.

He didn't talk, and I didn't talk. I closed my eyes and didn't want to see anywhere.

After driving for an hour, I entered the backing place.

I opened my eyes and the car stopped. The driver didn't look back and threw a blindfold behind me.

I know what that means. I opened the window, threw away the blindfold, looked at the driver, and the driver called. I got out of the car and left. I won't play with them. Director Ma doesn't think the water is so shallow. I can't be so calculating.

I walked less than a few hundred meters, and a car stopped beside me. Director Ma got out of the car.

"Brother, I beat the driver. If you feel unresolved, you can do whatever you want. Throw it into the lake and don't feed the fish."

Director Ma said so, what else can I say? I just need to beware of this boy.

When you enter a private place, you can't see it, especially outside. After entering, it looks ordinary, but if you look closely, it is indeed that every place is carefully designed, and the more you like it, the more you like it.

I entered the room and put the black beast on the table.

There are three experts sitting in the room. They are all white-haired. If you look at them, you will know that they are powerful masters.

After I put the things on, an expert stood up at once.

"I have something to do."

He turned around and went out. No one stopped him, and the other two also frowned and said nothing.

Director Ma's face was already difficult to see the place that could no longer be difficult to see. He wanted to give me a mawei, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. As soon as I put the things on, an expert turned around and left.

"Are you two leaving or staying?"

This is obviously a threatening element. The two experts didn't say a word and looked at the black beast.

Cold, quiet, Director Ma has lost face today, but there is nothing he can do. It seems that he can't control this situation.

"Look at the two teachers, what do you mean?"

I spoke.

An expert said for half a day.

"Invaluable things."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

I said.

"Black cloth beast."

I'm surprised that he can call out the black cloth beast.

"The black cloth beast is a divine object of the Er clan. It can emit black aurora, which will make the whole city, or a larger place, become darkness in an instant. I don't know anything else."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Director Ma. Obviously, he didn't know so much. After listening to it, he was stunned. He covered up well, but he could see that he was panicked.

"Is this thing in Shuiling?"


I just answered Director Ma simply. I don't want to say too much.

"I want to..."

He didn't go on.

Director Ma went out, and I think he asked the leader to go.

I asked the expert about this effort.

"Do you two teachers have any other specific statements?"

"Evil things."

One expert said that the other expert was nervous and kept silent.

I don't know if they know more, whether they know or not, or why, I'm not sure. Director Ma has been looking at me.

I don't know how much I want.

"Experts say it is priceless, Director Ma, please make an offer."

I asked Director Ma. Obviously, he didn't expect me to ask him like this. He was stunned and said for a long time.

"Actually, I mean, this black cloth beast is priceless. If you donate it to the country, your contribution will be great."

This guy actually said such a thing. I didn't say anything. I turned around and left with the black cloth beast. I came out, and Director Ma followed me.

"Actually, you can think about it. If the police know about this, then this thing is the state, and you can't get anything. Now the municipal finance is also very difficult, and you can't get any money."

Director Ma told the truth, but his method was revealed again, which made me very unhappy and unhappy.

I finally returned to Yincun. Soon after I returned to the small building in Yincun, I found that the casual clothes were around the small building. It must have been arranged by Director Ma. This boy was a little too much.

The next day, Director Ma came to me again. I didn't open the door. He stood outside for a long time before leaving. In fact, this has spread, the black cloth beast, but the discovery of the black aurora will turn a city into darkness and permanent darkness, which is evil enough. I don't know if it will be like this. It is hard to say whether the black cloth beast can emit the aurora, but this thing is absolutely valuable.

When the deputy mayor came, I let him in. He was the only one. I have ever fought with this deputy mayor, and I will definitely look for him. Now no one knows this black cloth beast. It is impossible to walk in the underworld. It is only possible to take action clearly, so only the city dares to take this job, which makes me very uncomfortable. Director Ma is very bad. At the beginning, he didn't plan to pay, but he played like this. It seems that this boy is insidious, and I have to be careful everywhere.

The deputy mayor talked to me until dark and received it at the price of 2 million. I agreed. There is no need to toss around any more, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat.

After 2 million arrived, I gave the card to Gu Ye, and the black cloth beast took it away.

I thought everything would pass, but it was not over. The deputy mayor came, he said.

"In terms of personal feelings, I can tell you that people from the province came to have a meeting yesterday, which is about Shuiling. The black cloth beast is the center of Shuiling. This is a priceless thing. That is to say, you have arrived at the center of Shuiling, seen a lot of things, and know the whole route. The result of the research is that you are allowed to take people into the water mausoleum. If you were not a gravekeeper, I'm afraid you would have been arrested long ago. This is a chance for you.

I was stunned. The deputy mayor said it right. The police can arrest me for theft at any time, and the black cloth beast can keep me in prison for a lifetime. There is no problem at all.

I've been thinking about it for a long time.

"Actually, you don't know that the organs of Shuiling, especially in the center of Shuiling, can't come out alive. There is a reason why I came out alive. Don't talk about it. Now I just say it, and my life is gone."

"Don't be stubborn. You are the gravekeeper. It is a responsibility to take over the second master's class, but this page can be turned over. You don't have to do this."

"It goes without saying that it's up to you to kill or cut. I can't take anyone into Shuiling."

The deputy mayor was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. Soon after he left, the police rushed in and took me away. I knew it would happen.

In the interrogation room, they asked Shuiling's route and how to get in. After entering, what was inside...

It's very tiring to ask, but unfortunately, they didn't get an answer to one of their questions.

A deputy director of the provincial department came in and talked to me a lot alone. I talked about everything else. When I said Shuiling, I shut up.

Finally, the deputy director said.

"If you have to go through legal procedures, I'm afraid that with this black beast, you will be sentenced to life imprisonment."

"There's nothing you can do about it."

I was really prosecuted. This is what I didn't expect. Gu Ye looked for people everywhere, but no one dared to care about this matter. This matter is definitely a big deal, and the city and the province also insist on having to enter Shuiling.

They arranged for me to meet Gu Ye in an office.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Just let me take me into the water mausoleum, not the water mausoleum, and draw the route I went in."

"Then you can draw for them."

"No, I promised the second master, not to mention..."

I didn't say anything about five years of witchcraft.

"Then tell me the situation."

"Who can't say it."

Gu Ye shook his head.

They recorded everything we said in an attempt to get something. In fact, I won't say anything. Those five years of witchcraft will make me die, not to mention that I don't want to die.

The eighth day I was locked up, something suddenly happened. I was brought out and taken to a big house. When I saw that the big house was supposed to be a house in the museum, where the black cloth beast was placed.

The deputy mayor and some people are on the side, who should be experts.

"Actually, you don't have to do this. Sooner or later, Shuiling will be developed. You should be very clear about this."

"I also know that I am a mausoleum guard."

The deputy mayor looked at me for a long time and said.

"Let's not talk about this. What's wrong with this black cloth beast?"

They lifted the cloth, and there was a black light around the black cloth beast, like an aurora, but the wave line was very short, the light was not strong, and there was no large aurora belt.

This surprised me. I shouldn't bring out this black cloth beast myself. I think Li Fu died for this thing. I brought it out as a comfort to Li Fu, but I didn't expect that there was still a problem.

I stood there and watched. I knew that if I couldn't use many meanings, the black aurora belt would form. Not to mention using a piece of cloth, I couldn't cover it with anything.