grave-keeping note

29. Yin and Yang cut dawn

29. Yin and Yang cut dawn

I sat there without saying anything and was about to fall asleep. In fact, my head was running at a high speed.

What the experts give is just a theory. The theory is only limited to one level. As for how evil this black cloth beast will be, it is difficult to explain now.

The deputy mayor asked me what Gu Ye and I said in coffin language, and I told him that it didn't matter. It was our new secret.

This is a very troublesome thing. I still haven't figured out the last chapter of the number. After a night, the black aurora seemed to be expanding, and the people of the city almost knew it, and panic immediately spread all over the city.

The announcement on TV said that it was just an experiment and there was no danger. I know this is a lie, but what if I don't use a lie? Maybe this is the best way.

The black aurora is indeed expanding little by little. Now standing upstairs a little higher, you can see this kind of black aurora around.

I'm also in a panic. I'm not a black polar panic, and I don't know what the consequences of this black aurora will be like. Maybe it's the whole city, maybe on a larger scale, a big disaster, which is hard to say.

That day, the deputy mayor ordered me to be released. I don't know what he thought.

I returned to Yincun, and I could see this kind of aurora in large and small buildings. He wrapped around the sky of the museum like a black demon.

I still can't figure out what is written in "The Number" and recite it over and over again.

I went to the ancestral tomb and sat next to the second master, or my father's coffin, thinking about it. I think if he was alive, I would have figured out that I was stupid, and I shook my head.

In the middle of the night, I came out of my ancestral tomb, sat in front of the window and looked outside, as if all this was going to be destroyed. Gu Ye asked me if I had come up with a solution. I told her that maybe I really couldn't come up with a solution.

Gu Ye went to Xinla City. I entered Gu Ye's house, and the children looked at me strange. She beat the children out and told me.

"The last chapter of "The Number" is about this black light. Now there is another person who can understand that this person is a new man. He is not in Xinla City. He has never been in Xinla City. He is already 120 years old. The second master doesn't let me tell you about this matter. I don't know why. He was assigned to Xixi Street in the ancient city by the second master. In a century-old house.

Gu Ye finished speaking and looked at me.

"I'll go and have a look."

I went to Xixi Street in the ancient city, and I knew that street. There is indeed an old house, three into three old houses.

When I walked into the old house, there was wormwood on the top of the house, and there was even a small elm tree, which seemed to be in disrepair.

I knocked on the door for five minutes, and an old voice came out.

"Who is it?"

I was shocked. The sound was too old. When the door opened, I was shocked. The old man was also too old. His hair and beard were white, so his skin was pulled down layer by layer.

"Come in!"

He was not surprised, which surprised me. He seemed to know me.

After I went in, he took me into the south room and sat down and said.

"I'll have a few cups of tea."

I had to make tea. After I poured tea for him, he said.

"I didn't expect that you just came now. If you come two days later, I don't know if I can stick to it."

This makes me a little fray. He is really too old. Maybe he is the oldest new man I have ever seen.

"You are..."

I asked.

"I'm Gu Ye's grandfather, Cuban face."

I was stunned at once. How could this happen? I don't think I have the face to see this old man.

"You don't have to think too much. In the last chapter of Epilebium, the black aurora is mentioned, which is the light of the black cloth beast. It can cover the whole world and cover any light. It is like a beast, growing a little longer. I don't know how big it is. However, it can completely turn the world into darkness. From now on, without sunshine, people will slowly die.

I was stunned when I heard this. How can this be possible? There was nothing that could make the sun disappear. I was stunned and didn't expect that regret would be so serious.

"The last chapter of "The Number" has a solution, but I didn't understand it."

"Yes! That's the most difficult chapter, and almost no one can understand it, and I am no exception. However, one thing, I understand that new people can crack this kind of aurora. This kind of light is a kind of light that can be touched, and it is only a kind of light that exists in the world. If it is used well, it is a kind of wealth.

Jibayan took a sip of tea and then took a long breath.

"In fact, the solution of the last chapter of Epilebius is not in this book, but in another place. The solution it mentions is just nothing, so you can't figure it out. I did the same thing back then. After thinking about it for ten years, I didn't figure it out. Finally, I knew that its solution was in another place."

I was stunned. I didn't expect it to be like this. How could it be like this? The other solution was actually in another place. The second master didn't mention it or say it. Did the second master not know, or did the second master know and didn't say it? This has become a mystery.

"Where is it?"

"Old and New City."

I was stunned, and now the old and new city is occupied by coffin people.

"Where is the old and new city?"

"Ancestral tomb."

I was stunned and was in the ancestral tomb of the old and new man.

"Then I'll find it."

"I'm afraid you can't do it alone. You have to follow Gu Ye. As for the reason, Gu Ye is very clear. Just ask her then."

I was stunned for a long time.

"Then I'll go back."

When I left, Cuban Yan said.

"Remember, there is no one in the world who loves you more than others, that is, Gu Ye."

I stood there, nodded for a long time, and went back to Xinla City.

I told the matter, and Gu Ye was stunned for a moment.

"I really didn't expect this. I really have to go to the ancestral tomb with you, otherwise you can't get in, and I can't get in."

I didn't ask why, there must be a reason. The second master has never given the ancestral tomb of the old Xinla City to the coffin. It seems that there is a reason to keep the ancestral tomb.

After Gu Ye arranged Xinla City, we went to Old Xinla City, which took more than 40 days to go back and forth.

After Gu Ye and I went into the mountain, Gu Ye said.

"No matter what happens, don't stay there, leave as soon as possible and return to Xinla City. You are needed here. The black aurora is expanding every day. If we don't deal with it, I'm afraid we will live in the dark and die slowly. No life can survive without sunlight."

"Let's go together, and we should go back together."

Gu Ye didn't say anything.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, but our speed is not slow. We don't stop at night. We only sleep three or four hours a day and night.

After we entered the old and new coffin-pullery, the coffin man came out, and the coffin man stopped us from entering.

"We have to go in."

The coffin man thought for a long time and went back to report. The coffin man's head came and looked at me and said to Gu Ye.

"I didn't expect you to come. I thought you would never come to this place again."

"We're here to take something. I don't think you know that the black cloth beast has appeared, right?"

When I talked about the black cloth beast, the coffin man's face twitched, and I knew that he knew this thing.

"I said that some animals are abnormal during this period! Come with me!"

The head of the coffin man actually let us in like this. Standing on the hillside of Laoxin Lacheng and looking at Laoxin Lacheng, Gu Ye actually cried and threw himself into my arms. I can understand this. This is her hometown, and I grew up outside.

We entered the room, said the head of the coffin man.

"We are going to negotiate. I don't know what you are here to take away. However, one thing is that this is already the place of our coffin, and even a stone belongs to us. If we take away our coffin, we have to agree, so there must be conditions.

The coffin negotiated with us, which is what I expected.

"Actually, you shouldn't make a deal. If the black aurora expands to a certain extent, none of us will live, and you are also responsible."

"Don't say that. I'm not that noble, so don't say anything anymore. My condition is that the ancestral tomb must belong to us, and you can take everything in the ancestral tomb."

I looked sideways at Gu Ye, and she was hesitating.

"I'm afraid we can't agree to you on this condition."

"Then we have nothing to talk about."

"We promise you."

Gu Ye said that I was stunned. There was a reason why the second master said that he did not agree to die. Gu Ye actually agreed to the coffin man so happily, which surprised me.

"Well, since this is needed, we can take your things tomorrow, and our coffin people will cooperate with you to transport the coffins in the ancestral tomb."

That day, the coffin man arranged a room for me and sent a coffin man to guard it.

"Actually, you should not agree to the conditions of the coffin man. There is a certain reason why the second master did not give up the ancestral tomb to them until he died."

"Now there is no other way. The coffin people are evil, so if their conditions are not agreed, we can't get anything. Even if we enter the ancestral tomb and we come out, they won't let us leave."

In fact, Gu Ye is right, and we have no other way.

"How do we enter the ancestral tomb?"

"The four-pillar mechanism has been closed, but it can't be used, but there is another way to go in on the top of the mountain. You will know by tomorrow, and you can't understand it for a while."

The next morning, when we got up, the coffins followed us up the mountain.

"Don't mess around. There are coffin people everywhere."

Gu Ye whispered.

We climbed to the top of the mountain, and the wormwood grass on the top of the mountain was as high as people. Gu Ye went to the middle of the top of the mountain, pulled out the wormwood, and then asked the coffin people to help dig. After digging out a large pit four meters in diameter and one meter deep, there was a jade slab. There were two fish on the slate, and the head and tail were connected, forming a circle.

"This is a male and female fish, also known as yin and yang fish, yin and yang intercourse..."

Gu Ye didn't go on.

I was stunned for a moment and understood.

"I think you should be one kilometer away from here."

I said to the coffin man.

"This is impossible. One kilometer away, we know the strangeness of your Xinla City. You can't leave our sight."

"There are mountains around here. You are guarding one kilometer away, and it is impossible for us to run out."


The head of the coffin man was very resolute, and I took a look at Gu Ye.

"Then let's go back! We won't take that either."

The head of the coffin man was stunned. He discussed with a coffin man for a long time and finally agreed, half a kilometer away.

Gu Ye and I agreed. The coffin people began to retreat, and they also hesitated and slowly. Finally, they withdrew half a kilometer away, which was already a very safe distance. They could not see us.