grave-keeping note

31. Black and white

31. Black and white

I don't like foreigners who owe me like this.

"I asked you to solve the problem, not you to talk."

The expert in China kept silent and stared at me like that.

"You said."

Foreign experts are always owed.

"Light stripping."

Both experts were stunned.


"Light peeling, two kinds of light are fused together and need to be peeled away."

"This is impossible."

Foreign experts said.

"You must have never learned light stripping when you were in school, so you can't. Since you can't do it, go out."

The foreign expert was a little annoyed and stared at me for a long time.

"That's impossible."

"Get out."

"You don't have the right to let me out. I'm an international optical expert and the best optical expert in the world..."

Foreigns are always arrogant, which is the kind of agance given to him by their country.

"Get out of here."

The foreigner obviously understood the sentence of getting out of here and rushed over. I ignored him.

Chinese experts persuaded him to push it out.

The closing was closed again.

"Can light stripping be done?"

"Find the source, turn it off, and it's fine."

"Before this source is found, the light should be peeled off. Otherwise, after the source body is pulled out, the light left outside will still merge with other light, which is a problem to be solved."

"I haven't done such a topic, and I haven't even thought that only matter can be fused and stripped."

"Now this black aurora has the amount of light, which is the weight of the substance, so this light is now material."

The expert is a little stupid.

"I also thought of this, but I can try it, maybe it will succeed."

"Then how do you peel it off?"

"Of course, what is it to find another light you are talking about?"

"You can't see the white light in the black aurora."

The expert was stunned.

"You can consider it."

"In this case, I will ask someone to transport the black cloth beast here. If you need any equipment, bring it up immediately and let them send it."

"However, I just said I would try, and I may not succeed."

"Yes, I will stop you at any time."

The expert went out. Half an hour later, the mayor came in with someone. He did not agree to transport the black cloth beast to the basement. He said that the black aurora had expanded to a large extent, and the black aurora of the black cloth beasts would also move, which was afraid that it would cause serious consequences and cause panic among the people. This consequence was very serious.

I didn't expect that the mayor would disagree.

"There is no way to solve this problem in that place, only here, in the dark."

"It only takes us an hour to get dark in the museum."

"Black aurora, there is another kind of light. The thickness of the top of this basement is five meters, and it takes time for my light to penetrate these five meters. This kind of light can no longer go out, so I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

I didn't tell the mayor too specifically, and I also told the expert not to tell anyone.

The mayor hesitated for a long time.

"Can you be more specific about your plan and situation?"

"Now all I can tell you is that there is only one, light stripping."

The mayor was stunned for a long time and said.

"Let's study it again."

I shook my head, sat back in the corner, and looked through the book on water conservancy. I wondered how could they bring me such a book? Do I look like water conservancy?

I shook my head and smiled.

An hour has passed, and I'm a little impatient. I don't like to stay in the dark, because I've been in Shuiling for too long. After I come out, I don't like the darkness. For me, darkness is not seen with my eyes, and I feel it. This feeling is more uncomfortable than the darkness I see.

I stood up, walked to the big iron gate and opened the big iron gate. It was too heavy and took a lot of effort to open a crack. There was a row of policemen standing outside, which scared me. I hesitated and went out. The police stopped me.

"The mayor said that you can't go out without him."

I was furious at once. The mayor was too nothing, which obviously locked me up. I was furious, but I didn't show it. I was furious. I turned back and decided to give up this stripping. Until the end, I had no choice but to let the mayor finally take off his official hat.

After three hours of the meeting, the expert came.

"More people disagree with moving the black cloth beast. It is the source of light."

"Who are they?"

"Experts, provincial leaders, five major teams in the city."

I didn't say anything.

"We can do light stripping in the museum."

"If so, what can I do with this effort?"

"You have to give them a reason before they are willing to do it."

"If I don't tell them the reason, there is also my reason."

"Why don't you say it? Or everyone can help you."

"Is it them? There is no possibility, I said, there may be bad things."

The expert looked at me and said.

"You are too stubborn."

I don't speak.

"If you agree, I can take you to the conference room."

I hesitated for a long time and still agreed. I can't do that. In the end, it may hurt more people.

"I agree."

I was taken to the meeting, but I didn't expect that there were 50 or 60 people sitting here, which made me feel a little strange.

They all looked at me, and I could see the eyes of those people. They were all arrogant, like arrogant cocks.

I sat down and didn't say anything for a long time. I was still hesitating.

"You can say it."

The mayor is very cold.

"The consequences are very serious, I think..."

I speak slowly.

"You say it directly, we know that the consequences are very serious."

The mayor is very impatient.

"I think before I say this, block it, don't go in or out, and you have to hand over all the communication equipment."

As soon as I finished my words, someone got angry.

"What do you do? However, we are a cemetery watcher. We are experts and leaders. We are very busy with our work. We don't have mobile phones and communication equipment, which will delay a lot of things..."

This made me hurt, and I slowly stood up.

"Then play by yourself!"

I turned around and left. They were stunned. No one stopped me, and the police didn't stop me. I went back to Xinla City. Gu Ye was a little surprised to see me come back. I told her about it, and she thought about it for a long time.

"Actually, I don't have to care about them at all. The sharp field you stand on is different, so your ideas will be different. You should think about the overall situation and do what you want to do.

Gu Ye is right, and I have no problem with it, but seeing the appearance of those experts and leaders makes me extremely uncomfortable. I really don't know what they are thinking.

After dark, the expert came to me. I think this expert is quite good.

We are in the room, the expert said.

"I'm also quite dissatisfied with their methods, but in terms of the overall situation, I think you should still come forward."

"Give me time to think about it."

"I know what you want to say. You are afraid of telling the truth and causing panic. First of all, they escape, or tell their families to escape and escape from the city. Ten people know it, and ten people know it. In this way, people in the whole city will know it."

This expert is right.

"If there is a panic, it will cause great losses, and the bad guys will jump out and toss desperately, and..."

"I understand, you don't need to say this. I think you can just talk to the mayor now. On a small scale, only he knows, and maybe it won't cause too much problems."

"I have also thought about this. The mayor has a wife, a son, a son with a girlfriend, a girlfriend with parents, a father with a brother, and a brother with a wife..."

"Can this horror reach this level?"


The expert's sweat came down, and it took him a long time to say.

"Then we should work harder for the overall situation."

This expert seems to have some official words, and it seems that he is also a real leader.

"I'll call the mayor and ask him to come over."

He really called the mayor. The mayor came by taxi alone, which reassured me a lot.

The mayor came in and it was still very cold.

"After I finish talking about this, I can't call, and I have to be with me all the time, the three of us."

"No, I'm the head of a city. Without me, I don't know what will happen in this city."

"Maybe it only takes a day or two. I think you still have this time."

The mayor is hesitating. I don't know what he is hesitating about.

The expert looked at the mayor, and a few minutes later, the mayor said.

"Then I agree. I'll go back and arrange the work, and then transport the black cloth beast to the basement. The instrument has been transported to the basement."

I didn't expect that this expert was still doing practical things. He really wanted to do something practical.

After the mayor left, the expert and I went to the basement of the city library, where martial law has been martial, five steps a post, seven steps a whistle.

The expert and I went into the basement.

"I need light, otherwise I can't operate the instrument."

I hesitated for a moment.

"However, each time can't exceed half an hour. After half an hour, there will be an interval of an hour. You know, the light will be absorbed by the wall. I don't want other light to affect my judgment. That's what I mean."

"I understand that it must be operated accurately. I also need an assistant."

I agreed. The expert's assistant came. I was stunned. It turned out to be a girl in her twenties, very beautiful, with an eldest daughter. I was stunned there.

"My assistant, didn't you expect to be so young and beautiful?"

The expert is a little joking.

I nodded.

"It's really beautiful, but it's a pity that we got married early."

After I finished speaking, they all laughed and the atmosphere was much better. I also hope to work in this atmosphere.

Half an hour later, the mayor called and told him that half an hour later, the black cloth beast would arrive.

We felt nervous.

I don't know if it will succeed. This is also the first time for this kind of stripping expert. He has no fear, although he is a little nervous. But it looks comfortable, and the female assistant seems to know nothing, and even a little excited. I know that this success means to this young assistant, and that's an expectation.

The black cloth beast arrived in 40 minutes, and the black cloth beast was transported to the basement. The black aurora was still entangled, quite strong.

"Cash the door to death. If we don't go out after 24 hours, it's up to you!"

Everyone understands the meaning of this sentence.

The expert looked at the light emitted by the black cloth beast and frowned.

"I started working. After half an hour, I stopped for an hour. You are watching. If there is anything wrong with you, you can say it immediately."

He told me.

The instrument was opened, and the part of the black aurora was sucked into the instrument and began to analyze. More than ten minutes passed, the expert said.

"There is no white light at all. The phenomenon of light fusion does not exist, only a single black aurora."

After the expert said and looked at me, I was stunned for a moment. It was impossible.

The new eyes have specific conditions. I closed my eyes. In the dark, I closed my eyes and felt white. I opened my eyes again and saw the white light in the black aurora.

"It exists. You can take a look."

The expert was stunned when he saw that I was so sure.