The chief wife should not escape

015 Aphrodisiac

Gu Chen left first because of something at the last minute and said goodbye to Gu Chen. Fu Qingsi slowly walked back to her room, thinking that if she stayed so late today, she must stay at Fu's house for one night. When she entered the door, she locked the door of the room.

As soon as she walked a few steps into the room, she was suddenly hugged tightly from behind. She struggled to get out of this person, but stopped instantly because of his struggle.

"It's me." The familiar tone of voice, familiar breath, and the person holding her was Gu Sheng.

She stopped moving, Gu Sheng's head was buried in her chest, and her breath was hot and sprinkled on her neck, causing an itching.

Fu Qingsi was confused and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

The sling on her shoulder slipped loosely, and a big hand with heat reached into her chest and kneaded it hard.

Fu Qingsi's breath gradually became heavy. She wanted to take off the hand that made trouble on her chest, but was held tightly by Gu Sheng's other hand.

He bit her earrings gently, causing her to tremble.

"I was drugged." The short five words made Fu Qingsi forget to resist.

He was drugged? **?

These words only echoed in his mind. Fu Qingsi leaned softly against Gu Sheng, and both of them were messy in clothes.

Suddenly, there was a whirlwind, and her feet were empty. She exclaimed and was then thrown into her big **.

The weight from her body made her realize that her next fate was to be eaten. She pushed Gu Sheng slightly with resistance, but was grabbed by both hands and kissed her lips.

He had already leaked in spring and sighed helplessly. Fu Qingsi no longer resisted and let Gu Sheng move as an antidote.

It's just that I haven't slept all night.


After tossing around all night, Fu Qingsi and Gu Sheng slept until two o'clock the next day.

It was originally planned to leave for the airport at 3 p.m. on Sunday, but I almost missed the flight.

She didn't eat anything and left the Fu family with a red face. On the way to the airport, Fu Qingsi stared at Gu Sheng with complaining eyes.

If you say you do it, just do it! With so many traces left, she was full of tears by the dense red dots on her body, on her chest, neck, and even the inside of her thighs... She turned over the wardrobe and finally found a high-collar dress to barely cover the kiss marks.

It's not only Gu Sheng, but also the person who took the medicine! What's the age of this? ** Shit!

The little face didn't break until she got on the plane, and Fu Qingsi remembered that she was a little airsick...

Dizziness, chest tightness, red face, and even a feeling of spitting out...

At the thought of ten hours, Fu Qingsi wanted to faint directly, but she couldn't faint!

Gu Sheng finally noticed the strangeness of the person sitting next to him at this moment. Looking at her reaction, he guessed that Fu Qingsi might be airsick.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

Fu Qingsi was confused and heard Gu Sheng's question. She looked up at Gu Sheng and nodded with difficulty.

Gu Sheng took a big hand, and half of Fu Qingsi's body was nestled in his arms. Only his faint, as if a hypnotic and unprecedented gentle voice came from above her, "Go to sleep..."

Somehow, she slowly closed her eyes and seemed to forget everything around her.

Gu Sheng stroked Fu's long hair and gradually smiled at the corners of his mouth.

When she woke up again, Fu Qingsi found that she had been lying in a soft **, and her previous clothes were also changed into soft pajamas, which was only dull for a second. Then she looked around, and the strange environment around her made her feel panic.

What is this?!

She only remembers that she was not on the plane, then fainted, and then lay in Gu Sheng's arms and slowly fell asleep...

Then, now, as soon as I woke up, I found myself in a strange place, and my whole body was changed!

"Gu Sheng?" She tentatively called Gu Sheng's name and observed the room by herself. The direction she was facing was a huge floor-to-ceiling window, which was slightly covered by curtains, and the faint sunlight sprinkled into the room.

Except for this, the rest of the decorations are nothing outstanding, just like the hotel.

Is she in the hotel?

"Mrs. Gu." The sudden sound behind her made Fu Qingsi's heart beat suddenly. She turned around and saw Gu Sheng looking at her jokingly.

"You scared me to death." Fu Qingsi frowned and stroked her chest and exhaled gently. Just now, Gu Sheng suddenly appeared behind her, which really shocked her.

"Where is this? What time is it now?" After reacting, she also confirmed that she was safe and asked.

"Paris, 3 p.m." Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows and then said, "Mrs. Gu, don't you think you should change your name?"

So it arrived so soon? She just closed her eyes and opened them again and then arrived in Paris?

"What to change?" She doesn't understand. What's her name?

Gu Sheng smiled gently, and his lips slowly came to Fu Qingsi's ear and whispered, "What do you think?"

Let her say?!

How does she know!!

"You don't have a fever, do you?" She turned her head and her face was farther away from his face. She gently put her right hand on his forehead and her left hand on her forehead. She repeatedly confirmed that her forehead was not hot and there was no fever!

Are you sick?

But it doesn't look like he is sick. What's wrong with Gu Sheng? The behavior is so strange.

Seeing Fu Qingsi's thoughtful appearance, he knew that she must be thinking about something again.

"It's impolite for you to call your name directly after we've been married for so long."

Fu Qingsi looked at Gu Sheng in surprise when she heard this sentence, and her little mouth opened slightly with the surname O.

"I won't tease you anymore." Reaching out and pinching Fu Qingsi's face, the loneliness in Gu Sheng's eyes flashed by.

Sure enough, it was him who spoke too heavily that scared her away.

In the United States, he has thought about forgetting the past and accepting the present. Maybe Fu Qingsi is his future.

And the contract was torn off by him a long time ago.

'Goo--' the uncomfortable voice sounded, and Fu Qingsi looked at Gu Sheng with a red face.

She hasn't eaten for a day since she got on the plane!

"Go change your clothes and take you to dinner."

The gorgeous crystal lamp casts a faint light, making the whole western restaurant very elegant. Soft music sounded in my ears at the right time, and people of all colors were talking in a low voice, making it very quiet.

Fu Qingsi quickly swept the food in front of her. As the saying goes, she was so hungry. What's more, she didn't eat it for a day. She was really hungry!

"Cough!" Being choked by food, Fu Qingsi coughed violently and sent it to her with a white hand holding water. She looked up. It was Gu Sheng.

After taking the water in Gu Sheng's hand and drinking it, she finally stopped to look at Gu Sheng.

"Why did you suddenly treat me so well?" Finally, she will ask questions from yesterday to now, and she is waiting for Gu Sheng's reply.


"You are Mrs. Gu." Throwing this unclear sentence, Gu Sheng turned his head and looked aside.

He has always been unsuitable for expression!

Fu Qingsi was shocked and lowered her eyes to quietly think about what his words meant. She felt that he seemed to have changed a lot after returning from a 'business trip' in the United States, and the sense of distance seemed to have disappeared.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, which almost makes her doubt whether Gu Sheng wants her to taste a period of gentleness that belongs to him and then throw her from heaven to hell with his own hands, which makes her in pain.

After all, he still hated her so much before, and even avoided her like a snake and a scorpion, didn't he?

This really made her wonder whether she really encountered the vulgar routine in the novel.

Thinking like this, it seems that there is no appetite to continue to eat these delicacies in front of you.

"I'm full." Her mind was a mess. She didn't know what to say, so she could only say these three words.

"Let's go shopping." He stood up and naturally took her hand. Fu Qingsi could only be pulled behind him.

The seven-day trip to Paris is now officially launched!