The chief wife should not escape

024 pregnancy

"How's Dad?" Arriving at XX Hospital quickly, Fu Qingsi grabbed Fu Siqing and asked as soon as she arrived at the door of the emergency room.

Liang Ruo sat on the bench beside him and cried silently.

"Dad..." Fu Siqing still had tears on her face and choked and couldn't speak.

Seeing his father have a car accident in front of him, no one will be able to accept the bloody scene for a while.

She shouldn't have. She shouldn't argue with Fu Qinqin, so that there won't be no car accident, and her father won't lie in the hospital.

The door of the emergency room suddenly opened, and a doctor in a white coat and a mask came out of it. Several people gathered around, and Liang Ruo, who was sobbing beside him, also got up.

"Doctor, how's it going?" Fu Qingsi calmed down and asked.

The doctor took off his mask and meditated for a while before saying, "The situation is not optimistic. The patient is seriously unconscious, has lost too much blood, and needs a large amount of blood transfusion. It happens that there are many patients recently, and the hospital's blood inventory is insufficient..."

"Who are you with type O blood?"

"I am." Fu Qingsi said immediately when she heard the words.

The doctor nodded and walked back to the emergency room. Then a female nurse came out and led Fu Qingsi to donate blood.

Lying pale on **, Gu Sheng sat next to Fu Qingsi and looked at Fu Qingsi's face getting paler and pale, and he was distressed.

"Enough." Reaching out and pulling out the needle, Gu Sheng pressed Fu Qingsi's arm tightly.

Fu Qingsi opened her mouth and wanted to say something, and then a burst of sleepiness came and fainted.

"Nurse!" Gu Sheng was stunned and then shouted.


"Really, why do you still donate blood when you are pregnant?" The nurse complained while hanging the starting bottle.

Gu Sheng sat aside, holding Fu Qingsi's hand tightly, with unconcealed joy on his face.

Fu Qingsi is pregnant, and he is about to become a father, which is really a very gratifying thing.

Fu Qingsi opened her eyes quietly, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Sheng's smiling eyes.


"...what's the matter?" She asked.

"Mrs. Gu," Gu Sheng smiled, even with a smile in his voice, "you are pregnant."

Pregnancy, pregnant,

Fu Qingsi was shocked, and then she was also happy. She was pregnant!

"Really?" She struggled to sit up, but was held down by Gu Sheng.

"Good boy, don't move." Gu Sheng covered Fu Qingsi with the cover.

"You haven't answered my question yet." She doesn't follow the road.

"Really." Gu Sheng was helpless and affirmed.

The corners of Fu Qingsi's mouth were hooked up, and she was quietly stroked her stomach by her single hand and gently touched it.

She is happy to think of a small life in her stomach. It's her and Gu Sheng's child!

But when did you get pregnant?

Are they the two days in Paris? It should be.

Fu Qingsi remembered the blood transfusion just now and wondered if it would be harmful to the child, so she asked, "I just had a blood transfusion, did you..."

Gu Sheng shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious for the child, but you need to pay careful attention."

Fu Qingsi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she remembered another thing. A few days ago, she almost fell to the ground, and now she felt afraid for a while. She didn't know that she was pregnant at that time. In case she fell and lost her child, wouldn't she be sad to death?

So should she still thank Ning Ranxu?

When I thought of Ning Ranxu, my good mood just now was immediately corrupted.

In her life, the first person she hates most is Liang Ruo, and the second is Ning Ranxu, so that she feels uncomfortable when she thinks of the names of these two people.

She still doesn't know why Ning Ranxu framed her everywhere, perhaps because Ning Ranxu also likes Gu Sheng?

Thinking of this, she looked at Gu Sheng strangely.

It's all a big peach blossom caused by Gu Sheng, which made her unlucky.

"From tomorrow, you can stay at home and don't run around, good boy." Gu Sheng's tone cannot be refused.

"Then who will be your secretary?" She asked.

"I'll find another one."

"I want to change men." Fu Qingsi said that if it was a female secretary, she would be jealous.

"Good." Gu Sheng knew Fu Qingsi's thoughts and answered.

Gently caressed her stomach, and she was really looking forward to the arrival of the child.

This child may be more like Gu Sheng, maybe more like her, but in short, it's her and his child.

The door was pushed open. Fu Siqing walked in and asked, "Sister, are you all right?"

"Hmm." Fu Qingsi suddenly remembered that Fu Qinqin's life and death were still uncertain, and the joy brought by the arrival of the child was suddenly diluted.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at Fu Qingsi's pale face, Fu Siqing asked.

"I fainted from the blood transfusion." She replied and then asked, "How's Dad?"

"I came out of the emergency room and was out of danger, but I was still under observation."

"That's good." Fu Qingsi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your sister is pregnant, don't bother her too much." Coldly issued the eviction order, Gu Sheng looked at Fu Siqing unhappily.

The last time he was drugged, it should have been made by Fu Siqing, otherwise how could he react after drinking that glass of red wine?

But fortunately, it was Fu Qingsi who entered the room, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. I'm afraid that what happened to him and Fu Siqing will come out in the newspapers the next day?

With such a cheating sister... Gu Sheng looked at Fu Qingsi, and his wife Gu really had a broken family.

Fu Siqing's expression became extremely ugly in an instant.

Is Fu Qingsi pregnant? Is she pregnant?

"Well, sister, take a rest." Fu Siqing suppressed her inner excitement and tried to make herself look normal.

"Hmm." Fu Qingsi didn't find Fu Siqing's strangeness. She answered and stroked her stomach happily.

Looking at Fu Qingsi's happy face, she was about to distort Fu Siqing.

Turning around and leaving the ward, Fu Siqing grabbed her bag hard in an attempt to vent her inner anger.

Fu Siqing suddenly took out her mobile phone from her bag, opened her address book, and dialed a number.

"Hello?" Ning Ran's charming voice came from the opposite side.

"It's me."

"Siqing? What's the matter?" Ning Ran asked.

"Fu Qingsi is pregnant." Speaking of this, Fu Siqing went crazy with jealousy.

"What!?" Ning Ran at that end shouted in surprise when he heard the words, Fu Qingsi was pregnant? Did she hear it correctly?

"Gu Sheng said it himself."

"Oc's it, I know." Ning Ranxu quickly stabilized his mood, "I want to think about it."


hung up the phone with a haze on her face. She sat alone in a chair, and she was the only one in the corridor. Fu Siqing meditated silently.

Ning Ranxu may be unreliable. You can hear her tone of voice just now.

So what will she do? Fu Qingsi is pregnant, and it seems that Gu Sheng and Fu Qingsi have become very close...

Last time she didn't succeed, Gu Sheng must have come out with her medicine. She must have been disgusted by Gu Sheng

Ask mom and see what she says.


It was updated 30 minutes in advance... something will happen later!!

Today's third update is over, and it's almost half of my life after 1W3 in two weekends. Please collect it!