The chief wife should not escape

059 amazing things

At 12 o'clock at night, everyone in the villa slept, except one person.

Fu Qingsi really slept on the sofa.

Pinch the quilt with one hand and gently cover the sleeping Fu Qingsi.

With a faint sadness in his eyes, Gu Sheng sighed.

This woman is really so stubborn.

Gu Anzhi suddenly wanted to go to the toilet in his sleep, but he woke up after a while, half asleep and half awake. Gu Anzhi rubbed his eyes and slowly walked towards the toilet. When he passed the living room, he happened to see this scene.

Gu Sheng carefully covered his mother with a quilt. Although Gu Anzhi was unhappy about Fu Qingsi's proposal to sleep in the living room today and with him and Xiao Nian... But at this moment, when he saw Gu Sheng like this, that little displeasure also dissed.

The little adult sighed. He crept to continue walking in the direction of the toilet, but bumped into something in the dark.

"Hiss--" Gu Anzhi covered his head and howled gently.

It hurts so much...

He rubbed his head to see what he hit, but he didn't know when a person stood quietly beside him.

"What's wrong...?" Gu Sheng frowned slightly and wondered why it was so late. Gu Anzhi hadn't slept yet.

"..." Gu Anzhi's hand was still on his forehead, and the sudden sound around him shocked him and looked at Gu Sheng standing beside him like a ghost.

"You...I..." He was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say. He simply bit his lips and looked up at the man who was several times taller than him.

"To the toilet?" Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows and whispered.

Gu Anzhi nodded.

"Dad will take you there." After saying that, Gu Sheng bent slightly and took Gu Anzhi's hands on both sides of his body.


Gu Anzhi let Gu Sheng take it. In the faint darkness, he lowered his eyelashes and chewed the two words repeatedly.

"Although you live with mommy because of my brother, if you want to be my father, you still... to see." After solving the physiological problem, Gu Anzhi looked up at Gu Sheng's eyes and said solemnly.

Gu Sheng was stunned when he heard the words... Do you need to be observed?

Suddenly, he realized what Gu Anzhi meant and couldn't help laughing happily.

This child... is really...

"I will perform well." Knowing to Gu An happily, Gu Sheng only felt that he was so happy that he wanted to cheer now.

Although Gu Anzhi hasn't admitted it yet..., he finally has a chance, hasn't he? Gu Anzhi agrees with him a little, doesn't he?


This is the first time that Fu Qingsi and Gu Sheng and her son had breakfast together.

Last night, she slept on the sofa. Although she became the 'department director', Gu Sheng's sofa was still soft, and she didn't sleep so well.

Looking at Gu Annian sitting very close to Gu Sheng and commanding Gu Sheng to take this and that for him, Gu Sheng was also very happy... Fu Qingsi couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart.

Others say that 'women don't stay'... In Fu Qingsi's opinion, even if Gu Annian is a son, even if Gu Annian is still a child, she can't keep it.

Gu Annian is like this... It's clear that he forgot his mommy when he had a father.

It was indeed a wrong choice to promise Gu Sheng.

Fu Qingsi already has a deep understanding of this.

But even so... Gu Annian is happy and complete, isn't it?

Fu Qingsi thought very sadly.

"Mommy, Mommy~~" Gu Annian's call interrupted Fu Qingsi's self-pity, and Gu Annian's eyes seemed to be brighter than the stars, looking at Fu Qingsi expectantly.

"In the morning... can you ask Dad to take us to school in the morning!" Gu Anian looked at Fu Qingsi with great hope.

Fu Qingsi's first reaction was to refuse without hesitation.

"No, Gu... Your father has to go to work."

"I'm on my way." Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows and dismantled Fu Qingsi's platform with a simple sentence.

Fu Qingsi can be said to stare at Gu Sheng angrily. She clearly remembers that Gu's company is far away from the primary school of the two children!

Bullshit, Gu Sheng...!

"That little Nian wants to be sent by Dad and Mommy together!" Gu Annian was a little sad when he heard Fu Qingsi's words, and then he heard Gu Sheng's words again. He was immediately excited and made a second request.

Fu Qingsi really didn't want to send Gu Anian and Gu Anzhi with Gu Sheng, but she saw Gu Anian's expectant eyes, and Gu Anzhi also seemed to have a trace of hope... Fu Qingsi admitted that her heart softened.

After seven years, Gu Sheng not only changed his residence, but also changed his car.

Fu Qingsi originally wanted to sit in the back seat of the car, but she was pushed to the co-pilot position by Gu Annian. The two children in the back seat whispered that there was a dead silence between her and Gu Sheng.


Fu Qingsi felt for the first time that the road to the two children's primary school was so long that she only hoped to arrive soon.

Gu Sheng looked at the road ahead without squint, as if he had nothing to say to Fu Qingsi.

Fu Qingsi lowered her head and played with her mobile phone. When she was bored, she opened the mobile phone client of Zongheng Chinese Network and read a president's novel called "Don't Escape from the Chief Wife".

What's the most beloved?

"It's not good to play with your mobile phone in the car." Just as Fu Qingsi was fascinated, the man driving the car spoke faintly.

The movement of her fingers sliding the screen of the mobile phone paused, and then she continued to watch as if she hadn't heard anything.

But then she ate her own fruit and realized what Gu Sheng meant by 'bad'.

The head suddenly hurt a lot. Fu Qingsi put her mobile phone back into her bag impatiently and slowly rubbed her temple.

The whispers of the two children in the back seat faintly came to her ears, and it seemed to hurt her head.

Although Gu Sheng was driving, he still noticed Fu Qingsi's discomfort.

As the speed of driving accelerated, Gu Sheng asked, "Do you have a headache?"

Fu Qingsi was silent, and her fingers still gently rubbed her temples.

The car suddenly stopped, and the whispering of the two children in the back seat also stopped.

Fu Qingsi stopped rubbing his temple and looked at Gu Sheng doubtfully. He wanted to hear Gu Sheng's explanation. Who knew that Gu Sheng just threw two words.

"It's here."


Fu Qingsi was stunned and then squeezed his lips silently.

Is it true that she is too narcissistic? Fortunately, she thought that Gu Sheng stopped because she knew that she had a headache.

Gu Sheng got out of the car first. First of all, he naturally helped Fu Qingsi open the door, and then helped Gu Anian and Gu Anzhi open the door.

Gu Annian jumped off his seat and took Gu Sheng's hand very intimately.

Gu Sheng smiled, and the immediate action made Gu Annian couldn't help exclaiming - Gu Sheng picked up Gu Annian and put him on his shoulder.

"Daddy! ......”

Because Gu Annian was 6 years old and his body weight was almost as weak as a 4-year-old doll, Gu Sheng picked up Gu Annian effortlessly.

Fu Qingsi was also shocked. Why did Gu Sheng directly...

A strange feeling surged in my heart.

has the same purpose as Gu Sheng and Fu Qingsi. Parents who sent their children to school were already surprised when they saw Gu Sheng. Originally, they wondered why Gu Sheng came here, and then saw Gu Sheng's movements. When they picked up a child who looked like him, they seemed to realize something...

Then I saw a woman next to Gu Sheng and another child who was still similar to Gu Sheng, and saw the woman's face clearly.

Oh... Gu Sheng's child.

But didn't Gu Sheng's wife run away seven years ago?? Why is it back? Shouldn't those two children be Gu Sheng's children?

The incident that Fu Qingsi ran away seven years ago caused a sensation in B city. Everyone knows that Gu Sheng, the president of the first group of B, ran away from his wife... Although Gu Sheng tried his best to suppress it, there are still many famous mothers in private that taught their daughters not to follow Fu Qingsi and not to follow the woman's way...

But at the same time, there have been countless women who want to hold Gu Sheng's thighs in the past seven years, but Gu Sheng is not moved. So many women secretly gave a thumbs-up and praised Gu Sheng as a good man who loved his wife.

Fu Qingsi has become a negative textbook because of this. Gu Sheng's reputation is gradually increasing.

But Fu Qingsi, who hasn't returned to B City for seven years, obviously doesn't know. Of course, if she knew, she would not react. At most, she would shout injustice.

Fu Qingsi's personality, in addition to stubbornness, is worth learning one thing, that is, her--

I never have the habit of holding grudges overnight.

Of course, except for some people with deep hatred.

Well, such as Gu Sheng.

"Did Mrs. Fu send two young masters here again?" Gu Annian, Li Moran, the head teacher of Class A, where Gu Anzhi was, looked at Fu Qingsi with a smile and said.

"Hmm." Fu Qingsi nodded.

"Huh...this is!?" Li Moran then saw the man standing next to Fu Qingsi with cold air all over his body. She was stunned for a while and then exclaimed.

"Gu Shao!?"

Gu Sheng hummed softly to express his affirmation

Just now, he heard that his son's head teacher called Fu Qingsi? Madam? Whose wife?

Gu Chen's!?

He squinted at the woman in front of him. She was young, seemed to be only in her twenties, with a beautiful face and fashionable clothes... But she really didn't look like a teacher.

Gu Sheng can't help but wonder if this woman can really be her son's teacher? And he is also the head teacher!

(⊙_⊙) Find time to get a position in this primary school? Although Gu Sheng really can't think of any position in this small primary school.

Li Moran looked at Fu Qingsi and Gu Sheng, and then stared at Gu Annian with a watermark on Gu Sheng's face, and then walked into the classroom with his twin brother to talk to his classmates.

After observation, Li Moran found that the atmosphere between Fu Qingsi and Gu Sheng was obviously wrong.

Then... it's not what she thought, is it?

Although the two children are like Gu Chen, they are obviously a replica of Gu Sheng...

Damn it... Is it...

Li Moran felt as if he had found something amazing.

————Small Theater————

One day, Ruohan and the protagonists were drinking afternoon tea...

Gu Sheng [sneered]: What do you mean by calling my wife today?

Li Moran [shuddered]: It's not interesting... The script... Yes, the lines of the script...

Gu Sheng: Yu Ruohan!

Ruohan, who was slowly tasting tea, was excited, and Li Moran breathed a sigh of relief.

Unscrupulous author: Yo, Xiaosheng, what's wrong?

Gu Sheng: You want to die, don't you?

Unscrupulous author [dry laugh]: What's wrong...

Fu Qingsi: Gu Sheng! [ Roar]

Gu Sheng: Hey...! What's wrong with my wife?
