Chief mad doctor

Chapter 0002 Small Test Knife

"Fire... lighter? What are you going to do?"

"I didn't do anything, save people!"

"Save people?" The uncle looked left and right and saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him. "Well, I... I don't have a lighter."

The young man smiled and crossed his waist and said, "Don't pull the uncle. His teeth are black and his fingers are yellow. You can still smell the smoke on your body two meters apart. It's full of old smoke guns. How dare you say you didn't bring a lighter?

"This..." The uncle had nothing to say and had to take out the red lighter in his pocket and put it in the hands of the young man under the harsh condemnation of everyone.

"Thank you very much." After saying thank you, he hurried to the ward with a lighter.

Seeing that the young man ignored his warning, the doctor suddenly got angry and thought that he could not go on like this and had to call the police. After thinking about it, he turned around and said to the little nurse, "You immediately called the police and said that someone was hijacked in the hospital... Coincidentally? Did you hear me?"

Seeing that the little nurse was staring at the ward where the young man entered in a daze, the doctor shook his hand in front of her.

"Uh...ah! Ah, what's the matter, Director Luo?"


"I told you to call the police, come on! It is said that someone hijacked the patient.

"Oh... oh, oh, call the police, okay." The little nurse quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed 110.

Hey, where else can you go? There was a sneer hanging around the corners of the doctor's mouth, and his mind began to imagine the miserable appearance of a young man being picked out of the room by the police.

"Squeak--" At this moment, I saw a door opened not far ahead, and many elderly people came out of it one after another. They wear all kinds of clothes, some of whom hold dark * bags, but the expressions on their faces are very uniform, and they are helpless.

"It's an expert group!! Hurry over there." As soon as the reporters saw these experts, they flocked up like bloodthirsty flies and surrounded their iron walls densely. Leaving the doctor in place, he took a deep breath, "Alas, I finally got out of my hand."

Reporters blocked the passage of the experts and stretched the microphones in their hands forward vigorously, repeating the same problem with high decibels.

A series of aggressive questions made an old representative standing at the forefront of these experts frown and put his index finger on his thick black-framed glasses from time to time. After a while, he closed his eyes slightly, bowed deeply to the reporters and said, "I'm sorry, she has dragged on this disease until now, and we are unable to recover. It's too late, please forgive me."

Hearing this, the girl's mother suddenly fainted and lay unconscious on the ground.

And the father's eyes widened, looked at the experts, trembled his hands, and kept muttering, "How is this possible? You are experts, how can this happen..."

"But... a young man just said that there was a cure, and the disease you judged was wrong!" Someone shouted in the crowd.

Raising his head, the old representative looked stunned. The doctor quickly came forward and whispered everything just now.

After listening, the old representative widened his eyes and looked at the doctor, "Is it true?"

The doctor nodded seriously.

The old representative was silent for a moment and turned around to discuss something with the experts.

And in the confusion of the crowd and the anxious waiting of the doctor, after about half an hour, the police finally shouted behind the crowd.

"Make way, get out of the way..."

A fat policeman sweated down to the scene. The doctor's extremely dissatisfied face slightly put down and said, "Comrade policeman, why did you come? The hooligan has been in the ward for a while. If something happens, can you bear this responsibility?

And the fat policeman wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeves and smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Something urgent happened in the bureau. We have arrived as soon as possible. Where are the bandits?

The doctor pointed to the ICU ward, "Ouch, it's in there."

"Okay, get out of the way. The scene is very dangerous. Let's deal with it. Get out of the way." The fat policeman pulled out a bulletless pistol, put his hands on his chest with the muzzle facing up, and motioned his men to surround the door of the ward on both sides.

He stood in front of the door and shouted at the door, "Listen, I'm Lu Dayu, the captain of the Jiucang District Public Security Bureau. I'll finally give you three seconds to open the door, we won't be polite. 3......2......1......”

After shouting, he arched up and withdrew one leg. Suddenly, he kicked forward with all his strength.

said it was too late, and at this juke, the door suddenly opened.

Lu Dayu saw the door open and his eyes lit up, but his leg was too hard to stop. He took the opportunity to stretch forward, slipped to the ground, and suddenly turned into a horse.


With a crisp sound, the buttocks of the trousers cracked a big gap. And Lu Dayu also stood upright on the ground because of his difficult word horse. He didn't say anything for a while, and the muscles on his face trembled.

Everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing. Even his men laughed out loud.

Lu Dayu, who blushed, closed his lips and frowned like a twist. After a while, he hummed, "Help me up."

The men on both sides quickly came to help him up.

"It hurts so much. Be gentle, mother, be gentle." Lu Dayu grinned and hummed, and did not dare to move in place. The pain in the ligaments in his lower body and legs made him unable to stop crying, with a variety of expressions on his face. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He raised his head, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Bry back this hooligan who should kill thousands of knives and let him taste my suffering, damn it."

"Team Lu, let's catch him back, what about you?"

"Nonsense, can I still go like this? I must have lived here for a while. Go back and ask for a leave from Deputy Director Bai for me, saying that I was injured at work and had to ask for half a month's leave.

The young man was anxious as soon as he heard it, "Damn it, but I'm going to live for half a month with a ligament strain? Is there any reimbursement?"

"You are all the bastards. How dare you ask me? Take it away. I don't want to see him.

The men came forward to arrest, but the young man was not afraid at all. He smiled and said, "Guys, wait, I'm not a bad person. I'm just here to save people. Why did you arrest me?"

Lu Dayu looked up and down at him and hummed, "Hey, just you? This is a hospital, and some doctors come to save people. You are not a doctor. What's the fun? Get out of here and take it away.

"Wait..." The young man stretched out his hand and held a test tube. "It's okay to take me away, but let me say a few words to the doctor and the patient's family first, at least an explanation. Anyway, I don't have weapons. What are you afraid of here with so many policemen?

Lu Dayu squinted at him, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then put his head to his hand next to him, "To put it simple, don't run."

The young man smiled and walked forward, "Don't worry, you can't catch it even if you run away."


"Hmm!? What did he just say?

Before Lu Dayu recovered, the young man had come to the crowd and said to the girl's parents who were paralyzed on the ground, "Uncle and aunt, your child has been cured."

Men and women looked at him in astonishment, as if they didn't believe their ears.

" mean our Nini's illness? All right?"

He nodded and smiled and said, "Your child's disease is not a terminal disease, but an uncommon parasitic disease..."

Men and women don't care about these technical terms. They care about the lives of their children. As soon as he heard that he recovered, he immediately stood up and rushed to the ward crazily, and the little nurse quickly followed.

"Hu... what are you talking about? CT and MRI have been done, and even blood tests have been done, and there are no parasites at all. The doctor shouted.

And the young man turned around and his smiling face came down in an instant. He held the test tube in his hand high in front of everyone, "This is the evidence..."

The doctor stared at the test tube in his hand, blinked, and suddenly laughed, "What evidence is this? It's all nonsense. Comrade police, hurry up and take him away so as not to disturb the order of our hospital, and there are still many patients to see a doctor.

When the police heard this, they looked at each other and immediately wanted to arrest him.

And those experts began to whisper, as if they didn't believe the young people's words.

The old expert representative standing in the middle held the black-framed glasses, lowered his head and thought for a moment, reaching out to stop the policeman who was about to go forward. "Comrade police, let me ask him a few words."

He squinted and asked in an old-fashioned tone, "Young man, do you think this is a parasitic disease? Is there any basis?"

The young man smiled, walked to him, grabbed his hand and stuffed the test tube.

The patient has no fever or other symptoms, only a strong cough, which is indeed very similar to lung infection. But think about it, her skin is green. Is this a symptom of lung infection?

The old representative frowned and nodded, "You're right. In fact, we have discussed it at a meeting before. This disease is very similar to lung infection, but the green color of the whole body can't be explained. Then this is..."

Excuse me, how is the girl's living environment? Where is her home?"

The old representative was stunned by the question, blinked and said, "We are not immortals. How do we know where her home is? And what does this have to do with the disease?

"Hehe, as the saying goes - only see a doctor, and there is no disease."

Experts looked at each other in consters and didn't know what he meant by this.

The old representative squeezed his lower lip, lowered his posture, and smiled slightly, "Please... give me some advice."

The young man also smiled and said, "I dare not be, the old gentleman is polite. However, you can actually think of her illness when you ask her about her family. As can be seen from her parents, her family is in the countryside. And there is wet mud on the soles of the shoes, which means that they often work in the field, and the little girl will often go to the field to help.

"So what? What does it have to do with the condition?" An expert behind the old representative couldn't help shouting.