Chief mad doctor

Chapter 0350 Traces

"Ye Chong, we have found all the information about foreigners who have recently entered our Fengning City, but basically people from large countries such as the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom, and no one from small countries sneak in." Zuo Xinwen put a thick list in front of Ye Chong.

"Ye, I know. You go down first. I'll think about it again. If it weren't for them, who else would have made trouble." Ye Chong said casually, and Zuo Xinwen turned around and left.

"Well, what did the captain say? Did the captain think of anything?" As soon as Zuo Xinwen left the office, she saw Dark Raven and others standing at the door and looking at herself anxiously.

"No, it seems that Ye Chong has no clue." Zuo Xinwen shook her head helplessly.

"It's really troublesome this time. Even the captain has no clue. This bastard has been hiding so hard that he hasn't found him until now." The bobcat clenched his fist and said viciously.

Suddenly, Ye Chong's door opened, and Ye Chong slowly came out.

"Dark Raven, Yin Ganlian will follow me, and the others will stay and continue to look for information." After saying that, Ye Chong left. Yin Ganlian and the dark crow looked at each other and followed Ye Chong.

"Captain, why did you ask us to come out?" The dark crow asked doubtfully.

"Of course, it's looking for someone. Since he has the habit of sucking blood, let's find the place where he appears most often. There has been no accident except for the murder of people in the European Union, so where does he come from?" Ye Chong looked at the dark crow with a smile and asked,

"Hospital!" Dark Raven and Yin Ganlian said in unison.

Ye Chong nodded with a smile and joked, "Sure enough, there are couples who share the same voice."

The faces of the two people were instantly red when they were teased by Ye Chong.

"Captain, don't talk nonsense." The dark crow shouted hurriedly.

Ye Chong smiled and got on the car directly. Dark Raven and others were also people with status in Fengning City. How could they not have a car? Ye Chong closed his eyes after getting into the car.

"Let's go to that hospital. There are at least a dozen hospitals in Fengning City." The dark crow suddenly got in trouble and hurriedly asked.

"Of course, it is Union Hospital. Union Hospital is the largest hospital here, so even if you lose a few packs of blood, no one will care. Other hospitals are different. Once you lose blood, you will immediately find it, which will expose yourself." Ye Chong said with his eyes closed and smiled.

After hearing this, the dark crow nodded and drove towards the Union Hospital.

"You two went down in private to ask if you had lost your blood bag. I'll go somewhere else to have a look." After saying that, Ye Chong walked to Wu Mengsheng's office.

Dark Raven and Yin Ganlian didn't think so much and walked directly to the blood bank.

"President Wu." Ye Chong walked into the secret room and looked at Wu Mengsheng, who was still studying.

"Come on, find a place to do it first. This is where I do research, and it's not big. Just find a place to do it yourself." Knowing that Ye Chong was coming, Wu Mengsheng did not even raise his head and was still studying Ye Chong's genetic template.

"Something happened in Fengning City." Ye Chong said lightly.

"I know that there is a vampire on TV these days. It should be some miscellaneous biochemical person." Wu Mengsheng still lowered his head, but his voice seemed a little excited.

"I guess it should be a country targeting us and the European Union, so it came to sabotage." Ye Chong sat in ** and said with a smile.

"You're wrong. Now the international situation is chaotic and you exist. Generally speaking, even crazy countries will not take action against us, so this will definitely not be done by a small country." With that, Wu Mengsheng stood up and walked to Ye Chong and handed Ye Chong a copy of information.

Looking at the data on the data, Ye Chong's face suddenly changed.

"Let's not talk about this blood-sucking biochemical person, let's talk about you first. In recent research, I found that your genetic template is very confusing, mixed with human genes and the genes of perfect organisms.

Perfect creatures belong to the most perfect existence in the world, so they have their own arrogance. Even their genes have a trace of arrogance. Human genes and their comparison are like a beggar and a rich man living in the same room, and the rich will naturally feel very much that they dislike beggars.

This problem arises with your human genes and perfect biological genes. Your rampage is caused by the continuous rejection of human genes by perfect genes, so you fall into a murderous situation.

At that time, your human gene was suppressed and the perfect gene was completely released. Because the power of the perfect gene is too powerful, it needs a momentary explosion to consume this power. The perfect creature exists at the top of the biological chain in nature. In his eyes, human beings are like ants in the eyes of human beings. Like.

It's not worth mentioning. It doesn't matter if you kill a few. However, when the genes in human blood enter your body, it will stimulate the awakening of human genes, thus suppressing the perfect gene again. As you increase the power of the perfect gene, the power of the perfect gene will more and more surpass the human gene.

When you are completely out of control, it is when the human genes in your body disappear. I still haven't thought of a way to solve this problem. You'd better use less of your ability. Wu Mengsheng took a sip of hot tea and looked straight at Ye Chong.

"How could this happen?" Ye Chong asked in surprise.

"It's very simple. Perfect creatures should not exist in our world, or they should be the product of another world, but I don't know why they suddenly appear in your body. The law of the jungle is not only in nature, but also between cells and genes.

The power of the perfect gene is not controlable by human genes, so this problem occurs. Of course, if you can bring the power in the human state to the level of the perfect gene state, you will not become a murderer, but this is absolutely impossible.

Any eastern relationship has a limit. Even if you reach the limit of human beings, you can never surpass the perfect gene. There is an insurmountable gap between the two. Unless your human genes have qualitative changes, it is absolutely impossible. Wu Mengsheng's voice seemed a little helpless.

"I understand. I will deal with this matter. Could you please tell me if you have felt a strange atmosphere around the hospital recently?" Ye Chong collected the information with a serious face and looked at Wu Mengsheng.

"This is a hospital, and there may be strange breaths at any time, and I'm studying your genetic template, so I don't have time to pay attention to things outside. So I can't help you, but I have some clues.

I have experienced this kind of vampire biochemical in the UK. When I was studying in the UK, I saw this technology, but it was not developed, so it was not put into use. Thinking that more than 20 years have passed, their blood-absorbing biochemical may have been completed.

You can check the British who have entered the country, and what marks do the British fools like most, so there should be a pair of bat wings tattoos on the shoulders of vampire biochemical. That's all I can help you with. I will continue to help you study your genetic template, but I hope you can come again in a few days. I have a new discovery here.

I need your help. If it succeeds, the perfect gene is likely to become easier to control, and the chance of becoming a murderer will be greatly shortened.

Listening to Wu Mengsheng's words, Ye Chong nodded heavily, and then stopped talking and went straight out of the secret room.

Now that there are clues, it is much easier. Just search for people of British nationality directly. There must be blood-sucking biochemicals among these people.

"If I had known it was so simple, I would have come directly to Wu Mengsheng. This guy is really a living encyclopedia." Ye Chong smiled helplessly.

If this matter really has something to do with Britain, then you will really go around the UK. Of course, someone will find him to satisfy his wishes.