Chief mad doctor

Chapter 0425 War

"Damn it, why haven't the reinforcements come yet? Why hasn't anyone told us that there are so many powerful biochemicals in Beijing!" At this moment, a foreign middle-aged general in the Allied headquarters roared, and his whole body was full of sparks. Obviously, he was a strong biochemical man.

"General, please calm down. According to my observation, the biochemical people who are struggling in Beijing should be from Ye Chong of Shuangye Building, Fengning City. Although there are only more than 20 people, each strength is in the second stage, and even in the second stage is the peak, so I It's difficult for our people to rush in. A woman covered in white veil said in soft and incomparable words.

Although the woman looked weak, when she heard the woman's words, the irritable general suddenly became angry and even looked at the woman with a flattering smile.

"Let's wait. Don't think about launching nuclear weapons. Remember our original agreement. If you launch nuclear weapons, I don't guarantee that there will be 30 or 40 powerful biochemical people in your own country." Suddenly, the voice of the gauze woman became extremely cold, and everyone around her trembled for the chilling murderous spirit in his tone.

"Then we can't wait so indefinitely. You should know how much people consume every day. Although our countries are rich, they can't support it for a long time, or you can do it." Suddenly, the hot man opened his mouth and said that the white veil woman could only be described as mysterious.

Two days ago, when Ye Chong was still on Mount Everest, the woman came to the United States and other countries with more than a dozen people in black and began to discuss the invasion of China. At first, everyone thought he was joking, but when the man in black behind him showed his skills, everyone was stunned. More than a dozen black People are actually pseudo-perfect creatures, and they are all powerful guys.

For a moment, all the leaders of all countries were stunned, but because Ye Chong killed more than 20 of their pseudo-perfect creatures and hundreds of second-order biochemicals, everyone was afraid, so they refused, but the woman told everyone that Ye Chong had been on Mount Everest for three days, which made all People are moved.

The land of China, a thousand-year-old land, is full of treasures. Many of the things left behind for thousands of years are millions of dollars, so in the eyes of everyone, the whole China is golden money. In the end, after confirming that Ye Chong disappeared in Fengning City, everyone decided to take action, but the condition is that the white gauze woman wants to send it. Send 30 pseudo-perfect creatures to take action, otherwise refuse.

The meeting was full of old foxes. Naturally, it can be seen that the white gauze woman was very anxious about invading the Chinese land, so she directly raised the price.

But the woman actually promised everyone and agreed not to take away anything that belonged to China. Everything was handed over to them to divide up. Even when they were in danger, they could send pseudo-perfect creatures to help. In an instant, everyone was about to smoke happily and immediately signed the contract, but the woman There is a very strange condition.

That is, nuclear weapons can never be used, or even powerful intercontinental missiles can't be used, not to mention other terrorist weapons. Although everyone is puzzled, there is no doubt that after all, women can send 30 pseudo-perfect creatures out, except Ye Chong can forcibly fight against 30 pseudo-perfect creatures, and who else has this ability? He can leave some military strength for himself without using missiles.

And many good things hidden in Beijing, if they are bombed by missiles, I'm afraid they will be really worthless. At that time, they will steal chickens and rice, so everyone readily agreed. Just last night, the troops of 12 countries landed together. In an instant, the troops by the sea were annihilated in an instant, and six divisions were not After a night, all of them were annihilated. The troops under him were basically in other frontiers, and it was difficult to be transferred back.

As for Beijing, there are only more than 10,000 soldiers, and the others are some special forces and so on, a total of less than 20,000, so many aggressors arrived in Beijing happily. However, because of the addition of Zuo Xinwen and others, many biochemical people under Wu Mengsheng are also of good strength and rely on one Some weapons repelled four or five waves of biochemical attacks.

"No problem. My people will come and gather soon. Let them take action then." The woman's voice was very light, but it made people feel sweet. Everyone had an impulse to tear off the woman's veil, but no one did so, because people who could do this position were not idiots.

It is absolutely not easy for a woman who can command more than 30 pseudo-perfect creatures. If you want to be strong, you have to weigh how many catties you have. Otherwise, you will die in minutes.

"That's good. We won't use nuclear weapons, but we don't have much time. The longest is tonight. If we still can't attack tonight, we will use nuclear weapons, because even if we mobilized troops, food and water are difficult to keep up, and more than 10 million troops eat and drink a lot." He said something casually, and then continued to sit on the stool.

"Lu Yu, I've been looking for you for a long time!" Ye Chong, who was above Tianjin, looked at the dozen pseudo-perfect creatures fighting below and immediately smiled. As soon as he arrived in Tianjin, he was still wondering why there was no great damage in Tianjin. It turned out that Lu Yu's strength was very clear to Lu Yu, and he would not know more than a dozen pseudo-perfect creatures. Falling wind.

"Ye Chong, come quickly to help. The joint attack of the twelve countries is not a joke, and these people who fought against me don't seem to be foreigners. They should be from our country. Looking at their appearance, they are extremely demented and blind. I'm afraid they are controlled. Hurry up and find a way. Although these guys are strong Not strong, but stronger than energetic.

I'm not afraid of pain, and their bodies are as hard as iron, and they still retain some biochemical human abilities, which makes me have a headache. Come here quickly. Lu Yu saw Ye Chong and roared directly.

Ye Chong was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed. He flashed behind the pseudo-perfect creature behind Lu Yu and punched him in the abdomen, but Ye Chong felt as if he had hit a piece of steel for a moment, and his hands were a little painful.

"It's really hard." Ye Chong looked at his red and swollen hands and said helplessly.

"Ye Chong, stop playing. I know that your current strength is definitely not comparable to the beginning. Hurry up and take action. There are several pseudo-perfect creatures below. They are chasing and killing the people here. I don't want them to die. Hurry up." Suddenly, Lu Yu roared out.

Ye Chong was stunned for a moment and looked down. Sure enough, several dark shadows were in the crowd, constantly erasing one life after another. Looking back, there were at least thousands of people who died under several shadows. Suddenly, Ye Chong's eyes were extremely red.

"Very good, very good!" Ye Chong suddenly laughed, and his strength surged all over his body.

"Go to hell!" Ye Chong roared out. In an instant, the surrounding space began to shake, and the black force came out of the space and wrapped up against the dark shadow below.

Seeing the shadow wrapped up, the shadow quickly retreated, and then circled and looked at the black power around coldly. Ye Chong did not intend to let them go like this. After snorting coldly, he saw Ye Chong rushing down.

Seeing Ye Chong rushing over, the six dark shadows below did not seem to be afraid of Ye Chong. Unexpectedly, someone began to condense their own water and fire forces to hit Ye Chong hard, because there were many civilians below. Otherwise, Ye Chong would have thrown down a storm and ended them.

"Bum!" With a loud noise, the wings used behind Ye Chong suddenly waved, and a large amount of black energy material wrapped around the wings. Ye Chong hit it with a ferocious face against the power of water and fire.

"Boom!" The earth began to tremble in an instant. Ye Chong's blow directly penetrated the power of water and fire and penetrated the four people behind them. The other two still looked cold and attacked Ye Chong fearlessly.

Seeing the two crazy people, Ye Chong suddenly frowned. His violent power did not scare these two people. There are only two such people. The first is the real deathless dead, but these guys don't look like this. The second is a puppet, similar to Alice's puppet.

"Is that the mysterious man?" Suddenly, an idea formed in Ye Chong's mind. It was designed by a mysterious man to leave Fengning City to go to Mount Everest. After he left, he was besieged by the twelve countries. Someone must have gone to inform, and the traitors in the Shuangye Building had been cleaned up.

That is to say, it has nothing to do with the people of Shuangye Building, so only Wu Mengsheng and the mysterious man know that Wu Mengsheng will not foolishly tell this matter, so in the end, only the mysterious man is left, but what is the purpose of the mysterious man doing this? I can feel that he is Chinese.

But why he helped other countries invade his motherland is a little strange. If these pseudo-perfect creatures are his masterpieces, how powerful his power is, and more importantly, what a strong spiritual power it is to control so many pseudo-perfect creatures, even if it is himself. Now I dare not boast that so many pseudo-perfect creatures are controlled.

And now it seems that there are more aggressive pseudo-perfect creatures, that is to say, his spiritual power is more horrible than he thinks now. So is this guy still a human being? When did he become a perfect creature? After becoming a perfect creature, he got nothing. It's just powerful.

If the mysterious man is the same as himself, then where does he get such a clear understanding of perfect creatures? What puzzles him most is why he knows the thing of controlling the heart. He can know things thousands of years ago and wants to control so much. How much does he have to cultivate?

In an instant, countless doubts surged into Ye Chong's heart. Ye Chong was also confused. In the face of such a mysterious enemy, Ye Chong also had a headache. The most terrible thing for him was not the strength of the enemy, but the mystery of the enemy. His current strength and how powerful the enemy is, he has the ability to deal with it. Unfortunately, the mysterious man I don't know anything about him.