Chief mad doctor

Chapter 0552 Asian Battlefield

"Ye Chong, are you right? You said you were going to participate in the battle? This battle is a waste of time for you. It doesn't mean anything at all. Hearing Ye Chong say that he wanted to participate in the war, Wu Mengsheng suddenly felt dry. Ye Chong had nothing to do and couldn't find a way to improve his strength. He actually told himself that he planned to participate in this battle.

"Well, I want to join this battle. My strength has reached its peak, and my potential has been exhausted. I refuse to make further progress. Reaching the peak is already my highest limit, or the limit of human beings can only do this step. We are not ancient creatures, we don't have that kind of gene." Ye said with a smile.

"Ye Chong, don't joke. You'd better improve your strength. Your current strength is not enough to deal with Chi You. If you think of a way, you can always help you improve your strength." Wu Mengsheng thought that Ye Chong was confused by being stimulated by ghosts, and hurriedly opened his mouth to dissuade him.

"I'm not kidding. This is the truth. My strength has reached the limit. The limit of human beings is the peak. Creation is just a fictional state. The genes in our bodies limit our potential. We can't break through this layer of shackles. Naturally, we are the spokesperson of the earth, beyond the peak and natural peace. Sitting on an equal footing is a blasphemy against the earth.

Every civilization will be destroyed all the time. Because they have touched the bottom line of the earth, they can already sit on an equal footing with nature. That's why there will be all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters, the most terrible of which are perfect creatures. They are brave and good at fighting, and their genes are strong. They can already be on an equal footing with nature, so even if most of the earth is destroyed, nature will attract black holes to destroy them.

If one day human beings reach that level, they will naturally destroy human civilization without hesitation. This is a balance, a balance that cannot be broken. What I can do now is to lead everyone to deal with Chiyou. Chiyou's genes are too powerful, and everyone must work together to be organic. It will defeat him, otherwise human civilization will perish.

Teamwork is very exquisite and requires perfect cooperation. I need a period of time to run in with them, so I can only participate in this battle. The start of this battle means that the relationship between us and Chiyou has completely broken down. Although we have never had anything to do with each other, he has not been in the middle. The country carried out a fatal blow. Ye Chong said in a low voice.

Looking at Ye Chong's serious face, Wu Mengsheng knew that Ye Chong was not joking, so he could only nod helplessly, and then said, "In this case, I will arrange for you to enter the Chinese coalition. I can't give you too high a position, and you can't expose your true self, so as not to be discovered by Chi You."

"It doesn't matter. I originally planned to cooperate with them. If there is too high a position, it is difficult to do this. I'm the same as Dark Raven. Don't give them too high a position, otherwise they won't be baptized by the war, and their strength will not advance but retreat!" Ye Chong said with a smile.

"Well, I'll arrange it. Since you said so, everything depends on you. I, an old man, can only stand by and watch you fight helplessly. I'm really unwilling to say it." Wu Mengsheng said helplessly.

"It's okay. We're all guarding what we want to protect. By the way, you'll go to Mou Jin to get the antidote for a while." Ye Chong nodded with a smile and suddenly seemed to think of something to say.

The antidote? What kind of antidote?" Wu Mengsheng asked with a doubtful face.

"It's the poison gas he gave us. I asked him to invent the medicine. We must use this thing in this battle, otherwise our loss will be too great." Ye nodded and said.

"That thing is so horrible. Didn't Mou Jin say that he couldn't get an antidote? Why did it come out again now?" Wu Mengsheng asked doubtfully.

"Haha, listen to his nonsense. If he can configure the poison, he can naturally find the antidote. He just doesn't bother to configure the antidote. This matter is of great importance. He said that he can't configure it in three days, and now it's almost enough." Ye Chong said with a smile that he still knew much about Mou Jin, and he would not make trouble for himself with things that could not be held in his hands.

"This guy lied to me again." Wu Mengsheng said helplessly.

"Ok, I won't say more. I'll talk to the dark crow about this matter, otherwise it won't be good for me to be tricked in the barracks. Ring them first to let them know that I'm by their side, so as not to make trouble." Ye Chong smiled and then left the room.

Seeing Ye Chong leave, Wu Mengsheng sighed and said faintly, "It's up to you whether China can rise or not. Ye Chong, you can't do anything. In the face of Chi You, you are the ultimate main force and lose your strength. Even if the power of people all over the world is difficult to deal with him, naturally has weaknesses, but Chi You doesn't."

"Shadow, you have heard what Ye Chong said just now. Go down and arrange it. Don't give him a good identity. Just be a small soldier. Let's leave other things alone. Since Ye Chong interfered in this matter, let him solve this matter. We just need to study the bondage as soon as possible. Things in space will be fine.

That ghost is really horrible. If he takes action against the people around us one day, I'm afraid that no one can stop him. As soon as possible, he will develop something that binds the space so that Ye Chong can put down the big stone in his heart, and for us, this thing is also a life-saving card. What will Ye Chong do if Yang Qiaoqiao has an accident? I can think of my toes." Wu Mengsheng looked worried.

"I know." After saying that, the shadow gradually disappeared, and the next moment a recruit egg named Ye Feng appeared in the army list.

"Captain, are you kidding? You are actually going to participate in this battle. If you take action, those guys will be shrimp soldiers and crab generals. They will be killed by us. We were afraid of something, but now it doesn't seem to be necessary. Unless Chi You takes action, who can stop you." After hearing Ye Chong say that he was going to participate in the battle, the dark crow almost jumped up happily.

The others were also stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Don't tell Qiaoqiao about this. I'm afraid he will be worried." Ye Chong directly issued a silence order to everyone. Although he was very strong, Yang Qiaoqiao would naturally worry about himself when participating in such a war, so the best way was not to tell him, so that he could quietly join the army.

"Captain, I don't think you should go. You have to face Chi You, not such a little man. If you take action now, you will expose your strength." The bobcat came forward and said in a low voice. Only then did everyone remember that what Ye Chong had to face in the end was an unwise choice to expose Chi You's strength now.

"It doesn't matter. Chiyou already knows my strength. My strength has reached the limit and it is impossible to break through. In the future, you still need your strength to fight against Chiyou. It is difficult for me to achieve it alone. Now let's feel the pleasure of fighting side by side at the beginning, but I'm just a soldier when I enter the team this time. , so don't give me special treatment. I'm afraid that Chiyou will take action.

Our current strength is too weak to fight against Chiyou. This time, we will regard it as a military training. Human beings all over the world must unite to have a chance to win. Push back and say that things happen are in people. I'm afraid only human beings can deal with this catastrophe. Ye Chong smiled easily.

"I didn't expect that I was of such value. Since the captain has said so, it's worth it." Bobcat smiled and then walked to Zuo Xinwen's side and took Zuo Xinwen's hand. Suddenly, Zuo Xinwen's face turned red. Everyone sighed for a while, and then began to join in the fun.

"Ms. Zuo Xinwen, would you like to be with me? I have such great value, won't you dislike my birth anymore?" The bobcats sincerely knelt down on one knee and said with a serious face.

Suddenly, Zuo Xinwen's cheeks turned red and whispered, "When did I dislike you? Your wooden fish head has never responded to me." After saying that, Zuo Xinwen turned her head away.

"Haha, Bobcat, you can change your name to fool in the future. Hurry up, they have promised you. Hurry into the bridal chamber." The dark crow, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "The bridal chamber, the bridal chamber."

"Yin Ganlian, look at your dark crow and take care of it." Zuo Xinwen hurriedly looked at Yin Ganlian. Yin Ganlian didn't say anything, but looked at Zuo Xinwen with a smile. Zuo Xinwen whispered, "I ignore you." After saying that, he turned around and ran away. The bocat made a contemptuous gesture to the dark crow, and then smiled at Yin Ganlian and said, "The dark crow said that he would divorce you if you didn't let him get in the bridal chamber." After saying that, run.

"Bastard!" The dark crow's face changed, and everyone felt that their breathing was stagnant. They all turned around. They already understood the end of the dark crow and would definitely be beaten. Sure enough, when everyone turned around, they heard a scream. Ye Chong looked at the farce ironically, then shook his head and said loudly. "Stop making trouble and prepare for training." After saying that, I went downstairs.

Early on the second day, Ye Chong left the room and became a new soldier's egg and came to the military region.

"The recruit is good. You look quite strong. Let's go to the second platoon to report. It's under the hands of the Dark Raven Brigadier. The Dark Raven Brigadier is very kind to people, but he prefers to play hooligans and bully the recruits. You should be careful when you go there." When Ye Chong came to the military region, he was placed under the dark crow.

"Bullying new recruits? Humph, the dark crow, look at how I deal with you. You really left me and began to commit two crimes. Ye Chong smiled and then went directly to report.

That afternoon, when everyone was training, they suddenly remembered the alarm. The people who were training ran to the playground to gather. Ye Chong looked at the dense soldiers and sighed that less than 1% of the people who participated in this battle could come back alive.

"Just now, anti-human organizations and sent a challenge letter. Our Asian battlefield was set in Japan. These damn Japanese were destroyed by Ye Chong's motherland. Now they are actually mixed with anti-human organizations. This time, our goal is very simple. We will completely annihilate Japan and kill all their anti-human organizations. Members of human organizations, we must not be timid if we want to win.

What are you going to do in the face of those bastards who intend to enslave your relatives, kill your brothers, and poison your motherland!" As soon as everyone stood in line, the dark crow came out with an angry face and shouted.

"Do it!" Many soldiers shouted out together, and the sound was thunderous, and the wind and clouds between heaven and earth were blown away.

"Very good and imposing. You cowardly are not bad. I don't want 1% or one-tenth of those who can come back alive this time. What I need is 100%. Do you have this confidence? If you don't tell me now, I don't need such a soldier!"

Ye Chong looked at the dark crow that kept boosting morale and moved his heart. He didn't expect that the dark crow that had been with him for so many years finally grew up. Compared with the dark crow that could not leave him at the beginning, the current dark crow is more mature, one less green at the beginning. Looking at the growing dark crow, his heart is also very high. Xing.

I was originally worried about the character of the dark crow. This guy is impulsive and usually has a hippie smile. He didn't expect to have such a military prestige in the army. Yes, he doesn't need to worry about him in the future. At least Yin Ganlian will see that he will have no more problems. Will he be brave and good at fighting in the future? Small.

"Okay, get out of here for training, or I will train well with you. Japan will soon make us. For this goal, we will train well. If there is a little problem, you know me." With that, the dark crow showed a cunning smile. Ye Chong looked at this smile and suddenly blocked his heart. This seemed to be the smile he showed when he trained them.

"Okay, one row and two rows, turn right!"


In an instant, countless orders were issued, and everyone left the playground honestly. Ye Chong looked at a new soldier around him and trembled. He came over with a puzzled face and asked in a low voice, "I don't understand what the brigade commander just said."

"You are new, right? I tell you not to accept the brigade commander. You know, it's too evil. When I think of it, I got goose bumps all over. At the beginning, there were many arrogant guys in our twelve platoons who wanted to challenge it. As a result, all of them were played day by day. It's not an exaggeration. He said that even if his parents came, they would not recognize him.

You must be careful in the future. Although the brigade commander usually plays with us, he will not be vague about big things, especially the military order. Since he said that training should be serious and there should be no problems, you will be unlucky if there is a problem. After saying that, the new recruit next to him hurriedly stood up.

Ye Chong smiled. It seems that this guy really pulled over the way he trained them. His original training method was made according to their personal physique. It's really difficult for these soldiers to adapt to new recruits, even some well-trained special forces. They will be able to spend it easily under their own training. No wonder they trembled as soon as they heard this.