Beast Flame

Chapter 33 Thousand Catties of Divine Power

A burst of blue light flashed, and everyone has seen the sandbags that have been hit high, sandbags with 800 forces!

"Wang Li actually hit 800 sandbags!" There was a shock in my heart.

"This boy is so awesome." Qi Changfeng was very surprised. With a trembling voice, he announced loudly, "Wang Li has passed the 800 force road!"

"That's great!" Yan Su clenched his fist hard.

The members of the 33 team have quickly surrounded Wang Li. The scene was very chaotic for a while, and the members of other teams are also talking about it. This time, Wang Li really became famous with one punch.

"Well, please invite our first master to appear."

Now it is a sandbag with 800 forces, and Wang Li has passed this level. Seeing the arrival of hatred, some people have begun to worry that Wang Li's strength is too strong. They really want to know whether they can pass this level.

"Hate big brother, I believe you!" Xiaojiu encouraged and hated again.

"Hate, real strength." It turned out to be Wang Li who spoke at this time.

"I will!" After saying that, he walked over, and now there is still a faint punch print of Wang Li just now outside this 800 sandbag.

"Hate, you must hit it!" Someone is already screaming loudly.

There was no expression on his hateful face. He proudly moved the joints of his fingers, then clenched his fists hard, and exhaled a slight breath in his mouth. His face was red in an instant, and then a monster pattern that he had never seen before appeared in the middle of his eyebrows. The monster had blue-faced fangs and a long pointed head. The horn opened two huge eyes and looked at the hatred again. At this time, he seemed to have been affected by the beast flame, and his face also showed a ferocious expression. He opened his mouth wide, roared, and his long hair fluttered quickly.


A loud voice sounded, and 800 sandbags were punched, and the fine yarn and stones inside kept falling out.

Hate's punch directly hit 800 sandbags.

Wang Li was stunned, and he was nervous and hated. He was indeed the first master of the youth camp. Compared with him, he may be really much worse.

"Hate, pass!" While Qi Changfeng spoke, he kept looking at the broken sandbag, and his heart was full of too much shock.

"Congratulations on both of you passing this level. The next level is 900 sandbags."

If you don't win or lose, you have to keep competing. This is the cruelty of the game. In the end, there will always be one person losing.

Now everyone around them has no sound. They are waiting, looking forward to another performance of hatred.

And can Wang Li pass the 900?

"Wang Li, you'd better go first!" Hatred walked to Wang Li's side.

Wang Li nodded, "Hate big brother, thank you!"

"Thank me, thank me for what?"

"Thank you for giving me dignity. I see your strength!" Wang Li smiled and saw that he smiled very sincerely. If he could really fight with the master, he might be happy even if he lost.

"No, fight well. I hope to wait for you there!" I hate to point to the sandbag marked with a thousand.

"Well, I'll try my best!"

With continuous beatings, Wang Li's physical strength also consumed a lot. Now he seems to be really a little tired, but he still gritted his teeth and walked to the front of 900 sandbags.

Long Yan gathered again, and Wang Li punched.

The members of the 33rd team looked quietly, but this time, 900 sandbags were only blown away more than ten feet high and did not rise again.

Wang Li finally failed.

Wang Li's expression was always so calm that he slowly walked to Yan Su's side.

"Teaching, I let you down!"

Yan Su hugged him tightly, "Disappointed, Wang Li, I'm proud of you. You are the pride of Team 33."

"What do you think of Wang Li?" Yan Su cried excitedly and shouted to all the people around him.

"Wang Li, you are good!"

"Wang Li, the youth camp is also proud of you."

"Wang Li,..."

A huge voice sounded all over the campus. Although Wang Li did not hit 900 sandbags, he was recognized by the whole camp. He was a talented teenager and lives up to his reputation.

Wang Li walked to the side of hate, "Hate big brother, continue, I hope you can hit it!" Don't let me down!"

Hate did not say anything, looked at Xiaojiu, and then walked directly to Qi Changfeng.

"Head teacher, I'm going to hit a thousand sandbags directly!"

There was a dramatic scene in the game, and I hate to hit the sandbag directly.

Qi Changfeng thought for a moment. It's really difficult for him to make a decision. If he hates to pass the level of thousands of jin, it's okay. If he can't pass, is it Wang Li first or hate?

"Hate big brother, you..." Xiaojiu was surprised.

Hate has seen Qi Changfeng's worry, "Chief, if I can't fly a thousand pounds of sandbags, the winner of this game will be regarded as Wang Li's."

Wang Li was shocked. He knew that hating to do so was not look down on him. From the hateful eyes, all he saw was confidence. He believed that hatred would be able to blow away thousands of sandbags.

"Good!" Qi Changfeng was cruel, "What the man said should be done. Listen carefully. If you can't beat a thousand pounds of sandbags, the first place is our Wang Li!"

"Hate, punch!"

"Thank you, head teacher."

Hate slowly walked to the sandbag with the strongest strength in the sand boxing field. The beam above was marked with a large thousand words. Since this sandbag was hung in the youth camp and only three people flew by it, will it become the fourth? How horrible it would be for a person with a thousand pounds of magic power.

"Brother Xiaojiu, let's see the real strength you hate big brother!" Hate roared at Xiaojiu, and the beast flame on his body rushed out like a fire, and hate was standing in the middle of the flame.

"Arrogant the world!" Hate shouted loudly.

Suddenly, all the flames on his body spewed out more fiercely, making waves of beast-like roar.

"Xiao Jiu, watch it!"

After saying this, they hated the punch, but what everyone saw was not the fist, but a fierce beast with fire rushed to the sandbag fiercely.



The sandbag and the wooden beam made a sound at the same time, and the huge waves hit everyone present.

The sandbag was hit three feet.

"Hate that it succeeded."

"Oh, my God, hatred is a thousand pounds of magic power!"

Qi Changfeng ran over quickly and hoarsely.

"Congratulations on becoming the fourth person to fly a thousand pounds of sandbags in our youth camp!"

"Hate big brother!" Xiaojiu shouted happily.

Wang Li stood aside with a burst of excitement in his heart. He hated that he had been preserving his strength in order to be able to fly a thousand pounds of sandbags so that everyone could see his real strength.

Wang Li now finally understands why Hate directly hits thousands of sandbags. Every attack will consume a lot of internal strength of the human body. If he hates to hit 900 sandbags, he may not be able to hit thousands of pounds. You know, from the beginning of the game to now, Hate has hit seven punches together, from 300 to 800, every One punch is not that simple, so in the last punch, I hate the decisive decision to challenge Qianjin directly. I hate not only the strength, but also the smart and terrible.