Beast Flame

Chapter 41 The python appears

The night of the 30th of the twelfth lunar month is the most important festival in Cangyun. On this day, the people in Cangyun are decorated with lanterns, and the youth camp is of course no exception. Early in the morning, all the people were busy. It snowed for a few days, and many places were still white. Qi Changfeng ordered everyone to clean up as soon as possible to celebrate the festival. Of course, it is necessary to eat some good food. The prey that usually came from the mountain patrol has been taken out. In the past few years, the thirty-three teams have patrolled the mountain 25 times, all of which have returned with a full load. Not to mention wild boars, black bears are tired of eating, but I don't know whether this is good luck or bad. In five years, they I haven't met the legendary mythical beast once. Fortunately, there are many prey every time, and everyone doesn't care about it. The first name on the current hero list has long been the word Xiaojiu, and Wang Li followed closely. Not only that, but even in the youth list, both of them are in the top two, but Xiaojiu is still the first. Wang Li is the second. In recent years, Xiaojiu's shooting skills have been greatly improved and have reached the power of hatred. With one bow and six arrows, Wang Li has always been at the top of strength. Just half a year ago, he finally broke through his achievements and became the fifth person after the hatred of the youth camp.

In the evening, the whole camp waited quietly, because the meat was about to be served. Except for the 33 teams, the rest of the people still had little chance to eat meat, but there were still some teams that had the opportunity to patrol the mountain, but their results were not very ideal.

Five years have passed, and Qi Changfeng has climbed on his white hair. Today, he looks very excited and has brought out all the good wine in the barracks, but the only one who can drink can be the head teacher, and the other teenagers can only do it.

"Chief teacher, you are finally willing to take out the Xinghua Village."

"It's the festival, everyone drink happily, hehe."

"That's right, head teacher, I heard that these wines were sent by the hateful child in our youth camp!"

Qi Changfeng laughed and said, "Yes, these wines are sent by this boy, but he is not a child now. He is already the main force of the Wolf Pass. Because of his repeated achievements, the owner of the Oriental City rewarded him with a large amount of wine. This boy is really good. I still remember that we old teachers and asked someone to send some It is said to be filial to us! It's rare!"

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Come on, everyone fill up the wine, drink happily today, and continue to train more excellent teenagers for Cangyun next year!"

The leaders held bowls together and drank it. Such a good wine is really not so easy to drink. Dongfang Xiaoqun, the owner of Cangyun City, is a person who attaches great importance to clear rewards and punishments. If you have made great achievements on the battlefield, you will get a great reward. On the contrary, you have been mediocrely, and you can only be allocated the lowest food in the barracks. It is because of this that the Wolf Pass once had a fight, and it also depends on strength. If you can't go out, you can only die. The people of the Li people are not so easy to deal with. It is because they killed ten masters of the Li clan with beast flames within a month that they got the attention of the Oriental Xiaoqun. Yuncheng specially sent 50 altars of carefully brewed wine, and directly promoted hatred from an ordinary sergeant to a battalion commander. When Qi Changfeng and others heard the news, they were happy for more than half a month.

Yan Su looked more mature than before and came to his team with a bowl. When Xiaojiu and others saw him coming, they immediately stood up.

"Good teacher!"

Yan Su motioned everyone to sit down, and then he also found a seat and sat in the middle of the group of teenagers.

"You don't need to be polite. Today is a holiday, and you should eat well. That's the right thing." After saying that, he looked at Xiaojiu and Wang Li with a meaningful smile.

"I said, Wang Li Xiaojiu, when you go to the battlefield, remember to bring me some good wine. Don't forget that the wine in the head bowl is all on you."

Wang Li didn't say anything and sat aside in a daze.

Xiaojiu immediately stood up and said, "Don't worry, the head teacher, next year's wine will be wrapped on Brother Li, right? Brother Li?" Xiaojiu pushed Wang Li with his hand.

Wang Li was stunned and squeezed out a smile, "I'll try my best, teacher!"

Yan Su looked at Wang Li. For some reason, Wang Li usually likes to talk and joke, but as long as he mentions the killing of the enemy, Wang Li looks particularly heavy.

"Maybe I think too much. Wang Li is a cautious person. Probably, he doesn't want to talk big easily before he gets a good record. After all, no one can guarantee that he will always be a victorious general on the battlefield." Yan Su thought secretly in his heart.

"I believe you, Wang Li, you are the fifth teenager in our youth camp, and you will not be worse than hatred!"

"That's it, that's it." Xiaojiu has a smile on his face.

"Come on, Xiaojiu, I'll give you a bite." Yan Su picked up his big bowl and sent it to Xiaojiu.

"Drink for me!" Xiaojiu looked at Yan Su strangely, "Is it true? "Teaching head."

In fact, Xiaojiu has long wanted to taste what this wine tastes like. Why do the leaders love it so much? Every time he hear the strange sound when they drink, Xiaojiu can't resist his curiosity. Of course, he will not let go of the opportunity to send it to the door.

"If I ask you to drink, you can drink it. What does a man, mother-in-law look like?"

Xiao Jiu quickly took the big bowl, raised his head, and drank it in a sip.

"Cough..." Xiaojiu coughed violently, and his throat was like a fire. "Teaching, this thing is really bad."


Yan Su laughed wildly, "Bad boy, I really don't know how to enjoy it. Hey, it's also true that wine is something that men drink. You are still children and don't know the sufferings of the world. When you really understand it, you will find that there are not many things better than wine in the world."

Yan Su's words revealed the truth of the world. You have not experienced every bit of life. How can you taste the essence of wine? Although there is only one word difference between a man and a boy, the meaning of the two is very different.

Xiaojiu was still coughing. Yan Su had stood up, returned to the leader's team, grabbed a jar of good wine and poured it into his bowl.

At this moment, a sergeant hurried from outside, looked at Qi Changfeng, and immediately knelt to the ground.

"Chief teacher, it's not good. Something big has happened."

"What's the matter?"

"A few villagers from Haojia Village came outside. They said that there were fierce beasts attacking their village. Now the whole village has been eaten up, leaving only a few outside."

Haojia Village is a village near Haoshan. The number of people in the village is relatively large, about 500 people. They usually make a living by growing some vegetables for young people. Now they don't expect such a thing to happen.

"Did you ask them what kind of beast they are?"

The sergeant trembled and replied tremblingly, "They said it was a giant python, but its head was like a dragon, with two horns, but no four claws."

"Is it a python!" Qi Changfeng said involuntarily.