Beast Flame

Chapter 62 I will definitely kill you!

Riding a war horse, Xiaojiu hurried back to the youth camp. Today is the third day. If he can't make it again, he will be implicated by Qi Changfeng, the head teacher.

In order to let Xiaojiu meet Wang Dahe, Qi Changfeng risked disobeying military regulations, so what Xiaojiu is most worried about now is him. He has come to Guan, and Wang Dahe is safe now. Xiaojiu keeps thinking about returning to the youth camp quickly and going back there to train hard until two years. In the future, he will return to the wolf pass and fight with his father and hatred to kill the enemy and defend his country.

The war horse was selected by Ao Shijingxin and ran very fast. Near evening, Xiaojiu had come to the realm of Haoshan, and in front of him was the youth camp where he left for three days.

Looking at the place where he has lived for six years, Xiaojiu felt a burst of warmth. Here, he met friends, got care, and improved his strength. It can be said that the youth camp is a place that Xiaojiu can't forget in his life.

Xiaojiu smiled and said, "Oh, I finally arrived, Ma'er. Thanks to you today, I'll reward you when I get home." Xiaojiu stroked the mane of the war horse, lifted the reins again, and the war horse went to the youth camp.

"Do not let him go!" Suddenly, Xiaojiu saw one horse rushed out from the gate of the youth camp, and someone behind him kept shouting loudly and chasing him.

"Well, isn't this person in charge of Qian Ming?" Xiaojiu looked intently and saw that the man immediately was Qian Ming, the stewmer of the youth camp. This man was in charge of all the food and salaries and military resources of the youth camp. Every year, the property allocated by Tongyun was kept by him. Because the youth camp is not an official military camp, his power in the youth camp is really very large.

In a moment, Qian Ming had come to Xiaojiu's side and looked at Xiaojiu with an obvious panicked look on his face, but Xiaojiu didn't know what had happened, but asked curiously, "Money stew, what's going on?"

Qian Ming shouted, "Xiaojiu, get out of the way!" After saying that, the horse ran forward quickly and disappeared into the vast night.

Xiaojiu looked at him for a moment inexplicably.

At this time, the pursuers have also slowly run to Xiaojiu. Xiaojiu saw that most of these people were the leaders who hunted pythons together last time. When everyone approached, they immediately disared.

"Hors, what's going on?"

"It's you, Xiaojiu, why didn't you stop Qian Ming's bastard! Hey!" A teacher scolded Qian Ming loudly.

"What's the matter? Did the money stewer offend everyone?"

"Don't mention that beast. If I catch him, I will have to skin him!"

"Okay, okay, Qian Ming has run away now, and it's too late to chase him again. Let's go to see Professor Yan, hey!?"

"Yan Jiaotou!" Xiaojiu heard that Yan Su was injured. Before everyone finished speaking, he quickly ran out and rushed into the gate of the youth camp like a gust of wind.

"Yan Jiaotou!" Xiaojiu shouted loudly. At this time, he saw that the school yard was full of people, and Qi Changfeng and Wang Li were also among them, while Yan Su lay aside, with his eyes closed, with a sharp steel knife in his stomach, and blood solidified around him.

"What's wrong with you, Yan Jiaotou?" Xiaojiu ran over. His hand had just touched Yan Su's body, and his heart couldn't help twitching. Yan Su's body was cold. It seemed that he had been dead for a long time.

"What's going on? Who can tell me who killed the head of Yan!" Xiaojiu felt that his heart had never been so angry. Although Wang Dahe was his father, Xiaojiu was really more familiar and kind than Yan Su. Since he came to the youth camp at the age of eight, it has been six years today. Yan Su gets along with Xiaojiu every day and teaches Xiaojiu's training, but he doesn't think about it. In these short three days, Xiaojiu and Yan Su will be separated forever.

"Who killed Teacher Yan! I'm going to kill him, kill him..." Xiaojiu clenched her fist crazily and suddenly felt dizzy on her head and fainted to the ground.

"Xiao Jiu! Xiaojiu!" Wang Li shook vigorously.

Qi Changfeng stood up and said, "Wang Li also helped Xiaojiu to go in and rest. He must be tired and hungry when he came back from the Wolf Pass. Now he encountered such a thing as Yan Su. He was furious and his blood surged up for a moment before he fainted. After a while, he was fine after a rest."

Wang Li helped Xiaojiu and walked in.

"Come on, lift Yan's head into the house."

Late at night, Xiaojiu finally woke up quietly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly jumped down from **.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu!"

"Brother Li, tell me who killed Professor Yan! Say it quickly!" Xiaojiu shouted loudly.

Wang Li suppressed his grief and gritted his teeth, "Okay, let me tell you, it was Qian Ming who killed Yan's head!"

Qian Ming! Why did he kill Yan Jiaotou!"

"The matter still needs to start after we bring back the body of the python!" Wang Li sat by the bedside with Xiaojiu and slowly told the story.

On the same day, after everyone brought back the body of the python, the whole youth camp caused a sensation. The python is a vast mountain mythical beast. The flesh and blood of the body, the meridians, and the outer skin are all rare treasures. Qi Changfeng selected several fire-headed masters who were very good at knives and quickly peeled off the skin of the python. The body of the python became harder. At that time, everyone was very happy. The body of the python was so big that the skin on its body must be made into a lot of close-fitting treasure clothes. If it is used on the battlefield in the future, it will definitely reduce many unnecessary casualties. Qi Changfeng carefully put the skin in the storage room of the youth camp. , this is a place where people patrol the mountain to hunt monsters over the years. It is uniformly under the care of Qian Ming, the steward. On the third day when the skin was put in, that is, this morning, the steward Qian Ming suddenly came to tell everyone in a panic that Yan Su tried to steal the skin. Of course, everyone didn't believe it and rushed to check it. Unexpectedly, when he first arrived at the storage room, he saw Yan Su's body sitting sideways, with a steel knife inserted in his stomach. Everyone questioned Qian Ming. He just said that Yan Su had colluded with his accomplices to transport Jiaopi out of the youth camp. At that time, he happened to meet him. Qian Ming's men accidentally killed Yan Su, but his accomplice escaped and even disappeared.

Of course, Qi Changfeng didn't believe everything Qian Ming said. How could he not know who Yan Su was? While dealing with Qian Ming, Qi Changfeng secretly sent people to sneak into Qian Ming's room. Unexpectedly, he found evidence of Qian Ming's evil deeds for more than ten years.

Qian Ming, as the stewmeritor, is in charge of all the financial expenses of the youth camp, and the military pay issued on it is also managed by him. For more than ten years, Tongyun has not failed to provide good food for the youth camp, but that everything has been dug up by Qian Ming. He only took out a little inside. Point, as long as everyone is not starved to death, and also publicizes the matter of patrolling mountains and killing beasts everywhere. At first, everyone thought that he was really thinking about the youth camp, lack of food, hunting more beasts, eating more meat, and being very good for his body and strength. Now think about it, it turns out that he was worried about his ugly behavior to be discovered, He made such a move, but the brothers of the youth camp were really competitive. Unconsciously, they have slowly covered up everything he did. In addition, the attack of the Li army in Cangyun, and everyone believed more that the food and salary were tense, so no one has doubted Qian Ming.

The brother who secretly searched Qian Ming's room found an account book in it, which recorded in detail that Qian Ming had deducted food and salaries for more than ten years and had been full of his own pockets. What's more infuriating is that in the past ten years, people have patrolled hundreds of mountains. Although not every time they can hunt mythical beasts like pythons like Xiaojiu and others, , the skins of the black bear king, the wild boar king, and the python are also rare good things. These were all secretly transported out by Qian Ming. When Qi Changfeng knew all this, he was immediately furious and hurriedly summoned the man to catch Qian Ming. Unexpectedly, Qian Ming knew it earlier and rode away on his thousand-mile good horse. .

"Brother Li, it's all me. I let Qian Ming go!" Xiaojiu regretted that if he had just known about it, how could Qian Ming escape from him?

"Ninth brother, you don't have to blame yourself. I believe that the head teacher will definitely report this matter to Xiao Yonghou. The money will never run away!"

"I'm going to see Professor Yan!"

The two came to Yan Su's room, where there were four or five teachers. Qi Changfeng sat at the top with a gloomy face.

Xiaojiu knelt down next to Yan Su's body and gently lifted the white cloth covering Yan Su's head. He saw that Yan Su's face was pale. When he died for a long time, his blood could not flow normally, and purple cyan appeared at his neck.

"Yan Jiaotou." Xiaojiu said silently, "Go ahead with peace!" Looking at Yan Su for the last time, Xiaojiu covered the white cloth again and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Qian Ming, wait for me. One day, I will definitely kill you!" Xiaojiu kept thinking in his heart that since he went to the Wolf Pass, he found that his body was full of murder. Now seeing the people close to him being killed, this feeling is even stronger.

"Teaching Hong, how's the matter I explained?" Qi Changfeng asked a middle-aged man next to him.

"Don't worry, head teacher, I have sent someone to send a special letter to Tongyun. I believe that I will arrive at the Tiger and Wolf Camp soon. At that time, Xiao Yonghou will definitely give us a statement that the money can't run away."

Qian Ming! Humph!" Qi Changfeng punched the wooden table next to him.

The next day, everyone carried Yan Su's body out and buried it in the sand not far from the youth camp. All the children of the 33rd team knelt in front of the grave and cried loudly, but at this time, Xiaojiu did not shed a trace of tears. He just looked at Yan Su's tombstone with a cold face.

For a whole day, he didn't get any news from Tongyun. Qi Changfeng couldn't help but be a little anxious. From here to Tongyun's Hulang Camp couldn't come back for a day and a night. Qi Changfeng was so worried about this matter that he was confused. At this time, he was constantly coming to the living room. Go.

When the letter arrives in Tongyun, the first thing that passes through is the Tiger Wolf Camp. If it is just a simple thing, the Tiger Wolf Camp will deal with it by itself, but if something big happens, the Tiger Wolf Camp will be sent immediately to Xiaoyong Houfu. The Tiger Wolf Camp is not only an elite among the elite, but also a super-strong army of the Ao family in Tongyun. As a last resort, Ao Lie generally rarely dispatched people and horses in it. Like the current Canglang Pass war, he only helps there at critical times. However, the Tiger Wolf Camp is not as large as ordinary barracks, so even if he really goes to Canglang Pass, he can only lead the army. After all, how can Tongyun have tens of thousands of people? A master of beast flames.

After another day, Xiaojiu also knelt in front of Yan Su's grave for a whole day, eating or drinking. Yesterday, he had just come back from the wolf and did not change his clothes at night. Now he has been blowing the sand here for a day. His hair is messy, and there are still tears in the corners of his eyes. He looks like a beggar on the street. Well, Xiaojiu's clenched fist has never been loosened and pulled tightly. He believes that one day this punch will hit Qian Ming, deduct military pay, and steal the trophies of everyone's mountain patrol. Such a person will die a thousand times, 10,000 times.

Wang Li stood behind Xiaojiu and gently put his hand on his shoulder. "Jither, go back. You haven't eaten for a day. I know you really want to avenge Yan's head. I also want to, but if you go on like this, let alone revenge, it's a question whether you can stand up in the future. Listen to me and go back. , Yan Jiaotou absolutely doesn't want to see you like this!"

"Brother Li, let me accompany you again."

"Okay, in that case, you can accompany me, and I won't eat if you don't eat." After Wang Li finished speaking, he knelt next to Xiaojiu.

Neither of them spoke. They knelt there quietly like a wooden sculpture. The winter wind and sand kept blowing like a knife, blowing on their faces, messing their hair and patting their bodies. But compared with the pain of losing their loved ones in their hearts, these are nothing. Yes, yes, they are relatives. In the heart of Xiaojiu Wangli, Yan Su has already been their relative.

"Brother Li, do you remember our first day of training?"

"Of course I remember!"

"When the head of Yan trained us on the first day, he said that he was the king of the day. Ha, now I didn't expect him to really go down to be the king of the day." Xiaojiu thought about what Yan Su said on the first day and said with tears and laughter.

"Ninth brother, don't be sad!" Wang Li looked at Xiaojiu and was really afraid that he would be overstimulated and become crazy.

Xiaojiu has looked at Wang Li's worries and said seriously, "Don't worry, Brother Li, I'm fine. Teacher Yan's revenge is still waiting for me to repay. Qian Ming, I will definitely kill him!"

Xiaojiu said again that he must kill Qian Ming, and his tone was like ice.

'Drive... Drive...' A roaring sound of horses' hoof came, and the two fixed their eyes. It was the messenger sent to deliver the letter.

"Ninth brother, it seems that there is news. Let's go back and have a look!"

Xiao Jiu quickly stood up and walked into the youth camp together.