Beast Flame

Chapter 74 Find your brother-in-law at a critical time

"Let's start the selection of battalion members now." After saying that, Ao Twelve jumped off the platform from a high point and walked to the school yard in the distance, where thousands of pounds of sandbags and training bows and arrows had been placed.

Ao 12 slowly walked to the front of thousands of sandbags, "Brothers, there is a place called Youth Camp in Tongyun. I think everyone knows it. Although they are only responsible for training some children in Tongyun, I think their training methods are very effective. Today, I will follow their methods. Law to select the members to enter the camp.

"The first thing in front of you is this thousand-pound sandbag, and then it's there." After saying that, Ao 12 pointed to the arrow target not far away from the sandbag, "Brothers who enter my camp must have a thousand pounds of magic power and at least one bow and three arrows."

"If you can pass both levels, the end is the tower of our wolf pass, where I have placed a large number of Lingqi. After you pass these two levels, you will start from the arrow shooting range and take back the Lingqi within half a cup of tea and hand it over to me, even if you are qualified!"

"Has everyone heard it clearly?" Ao Twelve said loudly.

"I heard it clearly!"

It's about 15 miles back and forth from the arrow shooting range to the tower of Canglang Pass. In addition, there has always been sand on the road, and there are many steps in the tower, so the people who can meet these conditions are not strong, and the camp needs these warriors who can fight against 100.

"Who comes first?" Ao 12 looked at the soldiers on the campus, "It's purely voluntary to join the camp. If you are greedy and afraid of death, don't come!"

What men can't stand is excitement and contempt for themselves. As soon as Ao Twelve finished speaking, he saw a person coming out of the powerful camp and quickly came to him.

"Yang Hei knocked on the little marquis!"

"Yang Hei, little black brother!" Xiaojiu took a closer look. This person is Yang Hei of the youth camp, but he left with hatred. He hasn't seen him for five years. His figure is much tougher and much more mature. The only thing that hasn't changed is that his skin is still so dark.

As soon as Xiaojiu thought about it, Yang Hei had come to the front of the thousand-jin sandbag. With a bang, the thousand-jin sandbag quickly swung with his fist.

"Yang Hei, pass!"

Then Yang Hei ran to the bow and arrow, reached out and grabbed three sharp arrows on the bow string, and shot forward quickly. The three sharp arrows hit the target respectively.


At the last level, Ao Twelve has shouted happily: "Start the timing!"

Xiaojiu also secretly sweated for Yang Hei, and also worried about Ao Twelve. If the first candidate did not succeed, the subsequent selection would be really difficult to proceed.

Yang Hei ran fast and soon came to the bottom of the tower. The biggest difficulty of this level is actually the steps. When you go up, the strength of your legs will be much higher than that of the sand, and because the steps of the tower are very steep, it is not so easy when you come down. You have to Pay attention to the center of gravity of your body. It can't be fast, and it can't be slow to run within the specified time. Only people who know this feeling is neither up nor down can know it themselves.

Yang Hei took a big step and ran up two steps side by one. Then he quickly took down the flag inserted in the city tower and hurried down. Suddenly, as soon as his feet slipped, Yang Hei was about to fall down. Fortunately, Yang Hei had an idea at this time and saw that he was about to fall. Inverted, he simply exerted another force under his feet, and the whole body churned beautifully in the air and landed steadily on the steps below.

The sergeant on the tower applauded for a while.

Just as time was approaching, Yang Hei finally handed over the order flag to Ao Twelve. Ao Twelve was very happy and said to Yang Hei with a smile, "Brother Yang Hei, congratulations on becoming the first member of the camp!"

"Thank you, little marquis!" Yang Hei's face was indifferent, "As long as I kill the Li barbarians, let alone enter the battle camp, it's okay to be a sea of swords and fire!" After saying that, he walked to the camp alone.

"What a Yang Hei, with a murderous face!" Ao Twelve said secretly.

Xiaojiu stood not far from Ao Twelve at this time. Looking at Yang Hei, he also felt very strange. In the past, Yang Hei was a smiling and noisy teenager. Why did he become like this after five years? It is difficult to understand that he recognized the wrong person, but this may be immediately denied by Xiaojiu. The name is the same, and the person is the same. , it is impossible to recognize the wrong person.

"Who's next?"

Several sergeants rushed out of other battalions. They punched, shot arrows, took flags, and made coherent movements until noon. There were only about 30 people who came out to be selected. Except for more than 10 unqualified men, only less than 20 sergeants gathered in the camp in one morning.

Ao Twelve stood still and shook his head. He really didn't expect such a result. How could 20 be enough? At least 50 people had to gather to be a little powerful.

"What should I do now?" Ao Twelve couldn't help but worry.

"12, you said you would do it according to our youth camp, but you didn't do it at all?"

"What do you say?"

"Do you know why our youth camp can train so hard?"


"Think about it, what have I told you before? We train hard to patrol the mountain one day, and what do we patrol the mountain for?

"I know!" Ao Twelve was overjoyed, "Thank you, little nine brother. It seems that my brother-in-law really didn't admit his mistake! Haha..."

Xiaojiu was stunned in the local area. Ao Shishi was serious on the surface, but he didn't expect it to be like this behind him. It's really unattractable, and the sea is immeasurable!

Ao 12 quickly walked to the general platform and looked at the sergeant below, "Brothers, I know that there are people in this world who are not afraid of death, but there are absolutely no worthless people who are willing to die. Now listen, as long as you are the brothers of the camp, the treatment is the same as the tiger and wolf camp, good wine and delicious food, if you fight once Death, the mother in your family, wife and children will be properly placed. Those who have made great contributions will be rewarded separately!"

Ao Twelve's words have aroused thousands of waves. The five battalions are not empty, and not everyone is afraid of death, but death is valuable. After all, the camp is the vanguard camp of the Wolf Pass, and the probability of going out to battle is much greater than others. Now as soon as Ao Twelve's words come out, it's different. What kind of treatment is Tongyun's Tiger and Wolf Camp? Not to mention good wine and good food every day, there is also a salary every month. To live such a life, even if you die in battle, and there is no worries. The relatives in the family can at least live a safe life, so that for these border guards The generals are already satisfied.

"I'll come!"

"I'll go!"

Dozens of people suddenly surged out of the five camps.

Ao Twelve smiled slightly, "It seems that I have to find my brother-in-law at the critical moment!"