Beast Flame

Chapter 119 Banquet

The banquet was held in the largest triumphal hall of the imperial city. This is the place where the celebration of merit conferences have been held in the past hundred years. In the hundreds of years of history of Cangyun, there have been countless victories, great achievements, small achievements and all oddities. It has been 13 years since the last banquet was held in the Triumph Hall. At that time, Ao Lie and others pactized Miaojiang and became famous in the First World War. He once reveled here until dawn. At that time, the Oriental Xiaoqun was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager, and now it has shown his king's wind everywhere. The victory of the Wolf Pass is not a big deal. The first battle a hundred years ago was still deeply engraved in their hearts. Although the Oriental family repeatedly concealed the credit of China, when The war in China is really too earth-shattering, and it can't be covered up by a little means. The victory of the flying tiger flame has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Cangyun people. In fact, in Cangyun, the biggest enemy is still the Li people. Unlike Miaojiang, they just rely on some poisons and poisons to achieve temporary victory. The Li people have With its own strength, the natural dragon flame is powerful. Although many people think that the dragon is not as good as the dragon, in fact, as long as it is cultivated properly in this world, any kind of beast flame can exert its great power. The war a hundred years ago has been proved that the dragon flame can defeat the green dragon, which has also become the East. The eternal pain of home.

Ao Lie, Wu Tianxing and Dongfang Qing came to the Triumph Hall one after another, which was full of banquets, and the big table at the top was the place where the city owner Dongfang Xiaoqun was located.

According to their identities, everyone's positions have been arranged for a long time. This time, more people came. Basically, some of the most powerful people in Cangyun arrived. Dongfang Xiaoqun sat at the top, next to him were Jingxin and Dongfangqing, in Cangyun, Ao Lie, Wu Tianxing and Dongfang Qing. It's the same. They are all ranked as marquises, but Dongfang Qing also has another identity. He is both a marquis and an uncle of Dongfang Xiaoqun. Here he is also half a master, so his seat is leaning next to Dongfang Xiaoqun, and the other person is the national teacher of Cangyun. This person doesn't know what magic power he has. Anyway, he has always lived in Cangyun City and followed the Oriental Xiaoqun anytime and anywhere. Everyone didn't have much opinion when they saw him sitting next to the city owner. That's the world. People who have no interest in people's eyes have no interest in their own eyes, no matter how they are, others will not say anything. Just be so calm. I'm afraid that any person in the quiet position of Ao Lie or Wu Tianxing will have a lot of opinions.

Xiaojiu and Ao twelve hate and others are in the lower position of Ao Lie, while some of the people in Wutianxing Wutang do not have seats. Wu Tianxing has no objection to this. After all, the great achievements of the Canglang Pass this time are obvious, and the banquet held by Dongfang Xiaoqun is mainly to reward Xiaojiu and others.

Niu Meng is now the main personnel of Wutang, and he sits close next to Wu Tianxing. Since he is the adopted son of Wu Tianxing, of course, his status is not ordinary. In addition, Niu Meng's natural divine power may no longer have any enemies in Wutang, so he sits there and other brothers of Wutang also have no objection. In Wutang, maybe he We will also be jealous of Niu Meng, but now that everyone is out, they will immediately unite as one.

As half the owner of Dongfangqing, none of the Dragon Soul Barracks attended the banquet, but elsewhere, other tiger and wolf camps, martial arts halls, and dragon soul warriors gathered together. For these elites of vicissitudes, Dongfang Xiaoqun is still very thoughtful.

Xiaojiu looked at Niu Meng on the opposite side and smiled. The two were separated for six years. They didn't expect that the meeting would be in the highest honor in Cangyun Kaixuan Hall. If you really say it, no one may believe it. Six years ago, the two were just two children playing and playing on the river beach, and now, as Cangyunzhi The appearance of an important person makes people sigh that the world is changeable.

Dongfang Xiaoqun stood up, and of course, everyone could not sit when they saw this.

"Dear princes, heroes of Cangyun, we gathered together today. It is really gratifying. The victory of the Canglang Pass has greatly hit Li Jun. Here, I would like to dedicate this first glass of wine to our little heroes of Canglangguan. What do you think?"

The reward of meritorious ministers has no room for everyone to refute. Although Dongfang Qing and Wu Tianxing felt a little unhappy in their face, the credit of the Canglangguan was already the fact of iron plate Zhanzhan. Moreover, this victory was all the credit of these teenagers, and Ao Lie did not contribute. Although Dongfang Xiaoqun did so. It's a little biased, but the world speaks on facts. You Dongfangqing and Wu Tianxing's subordinates can make achievements in the future. They also have such treatment. Thinking of these, the two are relieved. Everyone picked up their wine glasses and drank them in one breath.

"Good wine!" Dongfang Xiaoqun laughed and shouted loudly.

Everyone sat down one after another.

"Guys, it is a big event for me to win such a victory and defeat the Li army. Thinking of the Li barbarians, they have always stared at us. In their eyes, our Cangyun is like a piece of fat meat. A hundred years ago, they did not succeed. Now we have the camp of our Canglang Pass. He can't take half a step into our vicissitudes.

Dong Xiaoqun kept saying that the name of the camp also came out all of a sudden. In the Ao family in Tongyun City, the father had Ao Liehu Wolf Camp and the son had a wolf camp. It can be said that he did not leave the father and son soldiers. Ao Twelve relied on himself to form a camp without relying on his father's power at all. At this point, Wu Tianxing is still very I admire it, and when Dongfang Qing said this sentence in the Dongfang Xiaoqun above, he also took a close look at Ao Twelve, which is another goal. He is naturally suspicious. Everyone wants to take the position of the Oriental family. Xiaojiu is the same, so is Ao Twelve. These people are all people with extraordinary potential, born beast flames and martial arts wizards. Once you gain power, I'm afraid that the dragon will swim in the deep sea and can't control it.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qing didn't feel worried and drank a glass of wine silently.

The meditation next to Dongfang Xiaoqun has always been smiling. Others looked at him and didn't know what he was thinking. They couldn't know whether he was happy or worried.

Wu Tianxing looked in the direction of hatred and saw that hatred was just bowing his head, as if what happened in this banquet had nothing to do with him, let alone looking at himself. Wu Tianxing picked up the wine disappointedly and was heartbroken. No one would have thought that thirteen years ago, when Wu Yi ran out of the house, the young man was dying. The breathless Wu Bo desperately took Wu Tianxing's feet and said a sentence with the last trace of strength: The person who killed the young grandmother was a masked man in black.

When Wu Tianxing heard this sentence, it was like a thunderbolt and injustice. The great injustice fell on an eight-year-old child. Wu Tianxing ran out of the loyal and brave marquis like crazy, but there was still Wu Yi's figure there.

"Do you hate Yi'er?" Wu Tianxing didn't feel that he asked himself, his face, eyes, and the temperament exuded from his body were all that kind of imagination. Wu Tianxing wanted to ask, but he had never found a chance, and he hated it and would not give him this opportunity at all.

During the banquet, it is nothing more than that you come and go, drink and drink. Dongfang Xiaoqun is happy. On the one's sake, it is because of the victory of the Wolf Pass and defeating the Li army, and the other is his own reason. As a city owner, it is infinite in the eyes of others, but who can really feel the pain in his heart and the courage on his shoulders? The people, the enemy always kept in his heart, and the troubles were lingering and came one after another.

"Drink more, everyone!" Dongfang Xiaoqun smiled happily and said that it was time for him to release his heart after a rare reunion in 13 years.

After half of the wine tour, the Oriental Xiaoqun slowly stopped and looked at the main force of the vicissitudes below. Finally, it was the theme of tonight, that is, the reward.

If you believe what you say, you should be rewarded for making such great achievements. Dongfang Xiaoqun always believes that rewards and punishments are the most powerful way to govern the army.