Beast Flame

Chapter 128 Huitian Temple

After learning about the man in black, Wu Tianxing's heart could not calm down for a long time. His children, wife and children were killed, and his wife and his own son left their hometown, and even almost died in his own hands. All this was given by the man in black. This man was really vicious. After killing people He also blamed his only relative. If Wu Bo hadn't sacrificed his life, I'm afraid he would really regret ending his life now.

"Yi'er, what are you going to do now?" Wu Tianxing was still a little happy in his sadness. After all, he hated to admit his identity. Wu Tianxing knew that it was impossible to let hatred accept himself in a short time. Thirteen years, thirteen years of pain and thirteen years of resentment could not be eliminated.

Hate said the grievances accumulated in my heart for many years, and finally calmed down. Looking at Wu Tianxing, who was over half a hundred years old, he smiled, "What else can I do? The enemy is dark and we are in the light, so we have to look at everything, but I believe he should appear soon.

A person's hunch is sometimes a very strange thing. You don't think it's accurate, but sometimes it's so accurate that you can't believe it. The reason why you say so is not just a hunch. The man in black tried to kill Ao Twelve's mother 13 years ago, and ran to the Wu family to kill Wu Tianxing's wife, and then He also blamed and hate. The people who were killed were all weak, even people who did not know martial arts. Even tens of thousands of these people could never threaten the people in black at all, but why did he kill these people? I'm afraid the only possibility is that he will use the deaths of these people to attack Ao Lie and Wu Tianxing. , let them be depressed and don't want to fight, but it may not be true when they think about it. The martial arts of the man in black is so high that they really need to kill. I'm afraid that Ao Lie and Wu Tianxing 13 years ago are not his opponents. So why is all this? I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still can't figure it out. However, come.

"I hope this beast can appear!" Wu Tianxing is worried about what happened 13 years ago. Now I'm afraid that only by killing the man in black with his own hands can he relieve the hatred in his heart and give an explanation to hatred. In 13 years, he owes too much hatred. He silently said in his heart that he will do everything he can to make up for his hatred in the future. He wants to let this more than 20 The old son felt the warmth of his father again.

"Yi'er, come back to Houfu after this matter is dealt with. I know that I am not qualified to be a father, but your body is always the blood of the Wu family. Wutang needs you, and Zhongyong Houfu needs you more." Wu Tianxing's tone was very sincere and almost begged.

"Where it is not the same, let's talk about it later!" After saying that, Hate turned around and left. Once the words buried in his heart for many years were said, he felt that there was nothing to talk about with Wu Tianxing. Wu Tianxing looked at the back of hatred, and tears flowed down again.

Back to the Triumph Hall, everyone has almost eaten. Xiaojiu ate eight bowls of rice due to the huge consumption of physical strength during the day, which made everyone laugh. He was strong and fast. This is the characteristic of Xiaojiu. Now more people have added another one for him in their hearts, which is the terrible amount of food.

At the invitation of Dongfang Xiaoqun, everyone decided to visit Cangyun City for three days. Three days later, these little heroes will guard the wolf Pass again. I'm afraid it will be difficult to play again in the future. Although there is no movement of the Li people for the time being, no one can believe them. It will attack again. If the soldiers do not practice, they will be lazy. Only by maintaining a state of vigilance anytime and anywhere can they be foolproof. With Xiao Jiu Ao and others, I believe that the Canglang Pass will be stronger than before. The five military camps and the vanguard battalion formed by Ao 12 formed a powerful force. If the Li army wants to break through the Canglang Pass, I'm afraid it is It will be more difficult.

After all, young people are young people. Although the people in black have a huge question mark and hidden danger in their hearts, they will temporarily forget when they are happy. Ao Lie, who has experienced too many things, is more anxious and worried. The man in black has been dormant. Once he appears again, he is afraid I'm afraid it's not as easy as in Heixiao Mountain.

Everyone gradually dispersed and returned to their own rooms, but Wu Tianxing could not sleep. Today, for others, it may just be as simple as witnessing the real strength of the little hero of Wolf Guan, but for him, it is of great significance. The son who has been separated for 13 years finally returned. Thirteen years ago Things have finally come to an end. The only thing now is to wait and wait for the man in black to appear.

The next day, Xiaojiu got up early. There are still three days left in Cangyun City. He will not waste it. After all, Cangyun City is the location of the imperial city. Whether it is the bustling streets or the beautiful scenery in the suburbs, it is not comparable to Tongyun City. In addition, Cangyun City's back to Cangyun Mountain adds to its quietness and joy. .

"Twelve, twelve!" Xiaojiu came to Ao Twelve's door and knocked.

Ao Twelve just woke up and saw Xiaojiu and smiled, "I said, Brother Xiaojiu, there is no need to get up so early."

"Oh, there are only three days, twelve. I'm afraid we won't have a chance to come again when we go back. By the way, Xiaoxiao said yesterday that the Bodhisattva of Huitian Temple in Cangyun City is very effective and asked us to go together."

"Bodhisattva, you are a martial arts practitioner, and you still believe those ghosts and gods."

"When playing, I heard that Huitian Temple is a must-see place in Cangyun City."

"Okay, okay, wait, I'll change my clothes and go with you right away."

"Well, hurry up, I'll call Brother Li and Brother Hate."

Xiaojiu was very happy and came to Wang Lihe's room again. He just wanted to knock on the door, but he didn't expect that the two also got up early. After last night's statement, Hate also looked energetic. He changed his clean clothes and tied up his messy hair. When he looked at Xiaojiu's messy head again On the post, he was suddenly very uncomfortable, but Xiaojiu looked at it with a thief's smile.

"Hate big brother, it seems that he is in a good mood. His hair is so well combed."

"Bad boy, how dare you make fun of me."

"Brother Jiu, why did you come here? I can't find you." Listening to this voice, Xiaojiu knew that it was Ao Xiaoxiao. The two seemed to have confirmed their relationship, and Ao Xiaoxiao also liked to be tired of Xiaojiu. He hated to look at them and couldn't help smiling. Xiaojiu and Ao Xiaoxiao treated each other sincerely. Although Xiaojiu was not mature enough, it reflected a manly style everywhere. Of course, Ao Xiaoxiao is also very reserved as a lady. Now that the two of them can do this, they are also happy for them.

The group of people came out of the imperial city and only walked to the street. Everyone along the way looked at them and kept whispering. Ao Twelve knew that they were famous for yesterday's game. I'm afraid that no one in Cangyun City doesn't know them now. Everyone is like being visited by others. However, apart from fame, it is also very attractive for Xiaojiu and others to take to the streets. Xiaojiu's long hair, confident smile on his face, tiger eyebrows and sword eyes. Of course, he is a rare beautiful teenager, not to mention Ao Twelve. He is handsome and extraordinary, coupled with his temperament in a python robe. Generally, rich people can pretend to pretend. They hate that they are slightly more mature than the two of them, but today, the messy hair is raised, giving people a very refreshing feeling. They are dressed in white, and I'm afraid it will be more romantic if they are matched with a folding fan.

Although Wang Li has been deliberately hiding his identity, some people's physical temperament can't be concealed. As the future king of Li of the Li clan, now he has made people feel a force, and Yu Chongqin Zhan and others have lived in the military camp for many years. , let them show a special sergeant demeanor. Some people say that people who are not soldiers can't become real men. Their bodies reflect the charm of men in the barracks.

Although Ao Xiaoxiao is still young, she is a natural beauty embryo. Her beautiful face and dimples are matched with an elegant gauze coat, giving people an extraordinary feeling. If she is not standing on the street at this time, but in the vicissitudes of clouds surrounded by white clouds, some people will suspect that she is a fairy coming down to earth.

It's impossible for a group of people to walk on the street without being eye-catching. Xiaojiu and others' martial arts skills are already masters of Cangyun masters. This time, Dongfang Xiaoqun is also very relieved, so they didn't send anyone to protect them. Think about it. After watching yesterday's game, if anyone else wants to have a beast body and have a bow If the person with nine arrows does it, that person is either stupid or crazy.

After more than an hour, everyone finally came out of the crowded streets. Thinking about the time when they walked a cup of tea, it was the most famous Huitian Temple in Cangyun City. It is rumored that Huitian Temple is the only place for the Bodhisattva of heaven to return to heaven and go down to the earth, so the incense here is very prosperous. In addition to the incense, it is the most famous. It is divination. Last night, Dongfang Xiaoqun mentioned the scenery of Cangyun City to Xiaojiu and others. Among them, there is this Tiansi Temple. Dongfang Xiaoqun has even come here for divination, which is very effective. Although these young boys and girls in ignorance do not believe in ghosts and gods, since they have come to Cangyun City, if they don't come here Isn't it a pity?

"Brother Xiaojiu, hurry up." Ao Xiaoxiao ran to the front and kept shouting to the crowd. Looking at this innocent girl, Ao Twelve looked at Xiaojiu with a smile, "Brother Xiaojiu, be kind to my sister in the future, or everyone here will not let you go."

"You have to remember! Don't be careful of the little black brother's fist!" Yang Hei also coaxed and put out his dark fist in front of Xiaojiu.

Suppressing by force, Xiaojiu can only accept his fate.

Huitian Temple is indeed full of incense. Now it is just early in the morning, but there are already people everywhere outside the temple. In front of Huitian Temple is a wide square, and then there are steps. The steps are all cut with marble, which is very rich. According to what Xiaojiu and others heard, According to Xi, one of the main reasons why Tiansi Temple has such incense this time is that the host of the temple and the national teacher have a deep friendship, so the steps of Tiansi Temple can be paved with marble that can only be seen in the imperial city.

Jingxin, when the name was mentioned, Ao Twelve's heart couldn't help tightening. Jingxin has been appearing at the same time as the Dongfang Xiaoqun since he came to Cangyun City. Yesterday, Ao 12 clearly remembered that Jingxin did not appear at the scene of the martial arts at all. Although Jingxin was smiling on the surface, he gave The feeling is always gloomy and deep. When Ao Twelve thought of this, he couldn't help but doubting, but this was not the place to speak, and he immediately pressed this idea in his heart.

Walking through the marble steps, it happens to be eighty-first, ninety-one. The Zen language of this step is the number of nine days. It is rumored that every step of the Tian Temple must collapse on the steps to pray for blessings or divination to be effective. It is better to believe it than to believe it. Although these steps are not very high, Two people can walk past at once, but in order to respect these legends, everyone still walked up slowly step by step. Fortunately, there are not many steps. If they can't walk for a day like this, Xiaojiu and others will definitely die of grievance.

When you come to the gate of Huitian Temple, there is another wide square. In the center of the square, a huge copper tripod stands firmly on the ground. In the copper tripod, there are three huge Buddha incense sticks, which are as long as a pole, igniting a pleasant fragrance. In the heavy place of the Buddha gate, everyone is also stable. Although there are many people coming here, there are no noisy people. Everyone comes sincerely and leaves sincerely. Some unnecessary words cannot be said in front of the Buddha.

"Brother Xiaojiu, let's go in!"

In the Daxiong Hall in the temple is a huge Buddha statue of Buddha. The golden light is shining. People are constantly kneeling in front of the Buddha statue and saying something silently. Next to the Buddha is Master Guanyin, and there are countless people kneeling down. Guanyin has always been a son-sattva. I think these people are not just to have grandchildren. Hold your son.

Everyone knelt down together. Although these legendary Bodhisattvas can't believe them, they can't be too disrespectful. Now that they have come here, it's okay to kneel down.

Ao Xiaoxiao seemed to be very sincere, forcing his eyes and saying something gently. Xiaojiu's ears were very sensitive. Although Ao Xiaoxiao was already very light, he could still hear Ao Xiaoxiao's words faintly.

"Bodhisattva blesses, blesses father's health, blesses brother's peace, blesses hates big brother, big brother Li, little black brother, big brother Yu, big brother Qin can defeat Li Jun forever, and bless the people in Cangyun to be happy."

"Everyone mentioned it, why didn't they mention me?" Xiaojiu is a little strange.

After a while, Ao Xiaoxiao said again, "I hope the Bodhisattva can bless me and Xiaojiu forever."

Always together, very simple words, but Xiaojiu can hear her determination from Ao Xiaoxiao's words. Xiaojiu does not believe in Buddha, but this time he sincerely forced his eyes and secretly meditated in his heart, "Bodhisattva, if you are really so spiritual, bless Xiaoxiao forever. Happy, bless me to take care of her for the rest of my life and never leave her.

Xiaojiu opened his eyes and looked at the Buddha. The golden giant always kept smiling and looked down at the people who worshipped him. Xiaojiu stood up and looked at a long line next to him.

"What does it do there?"

"You don't know this. That's the master of the temple at will. He is a Taoist monk, and his divination is very effective." A Xiangke looked at Xiaojiu and explained.

"The monk's divination is very strange!" Ao Twelve said softly to the crowd with a smile.

"Let's figure it out!" Everyone lined up in turn and stood in the line. The team was very long and could not be seen at a glance after waiting for more than an hour.

"12, forget it, I really don't know when it will take."

"No, Brother Xiaojiu, I want to have a try." Ao Xiaoxiao is very persistent.

"All right, all right." There is nothing we can do. Ao Xiaoxiao is a girl and the youngest. Of course, everyone will rely on her.

At this time, a little monk came over and looked at Xiaojiu and others respectfully.

"Amitabha, are the benefactors General Pingli, General Zhenli and General Poli?"

Ao Twelve saw it and immediately returned a salute and said devoutly, "Master, you're welcome. It's Ao Twelve."

The little monk smiled and said, "You are all distinguished guests of Huitian Temple. Please come with me."

Half of the queue, it's a little unwilling to leave now, but the little monk is very polite, and everyone has no choice but to go with him.

When he came to a large room, the little monk greeted the crowd.

"Six generals, please use tea, and the host will meet again later."

It turned out that the host was coming. As soon as Xiaojiu heard this, he suddenly became happy. When the little monk left, he said to Ao Twelve and others, "If we had known that the host had invited us, we wouldn't need to queue there."

Everyone smiled and thought that what Xiaojiu said was reasonable.

"Sure enough, it is the holy place of Buddhism. Even the little nine brothers have realized the Zen machine when they come here. It's good." Ao Twelve deliberately said exaggeratedly.


It must have been noon, and Xiangke went back. Even if he didn't go back, the host would have dinner. Just when everyone was impatient, an old monk in a clear yellow jacket came in.

When everyone saw it, it was the host who solved the worries of the great people in the front hall. He couldn't help standing up, gestured from the Buddha, and put his hands together.

"I've met the host master."

Although he looks more than 60 years old, his face is ruddy and his body is slightly fat. He looks at the crowd and smiles slightly, "It's really a great honor for the youngest three generals in Cangyun to come to this temple, Amitabha."

"The master's words are heavy." Ao Twelve said, "I don't know what happened when the master asked us to come here."

Quietly continued to smile, "Buddha is predestined. You are all rare nobles. I have seen countless people all my life. This time I can see you is really a gift from the Buddha."

"Master, please tell me something."

"Laoqi's martial arts skills are mediocre, and the only thing he can do is the art of divination. Since he is destined to see you this time, please let Lao Nag Guan one or two to guide you. Buddha said that helping others is the foundation of happiness. You are extraordinary people and shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the clouds. Helping you is How can Lao Yu stand by and watch all the people in Cangyun?

"So it is." Xiaojiu was happy. It turned out that the old monk begged for divination for his people. If he had known this, the queue should have been too big.

"Then there will be a master." Although I don't believe it, Ao Twelve is still very polite and has been supported by so many people at will. It seems that he must have certain skills. Since he came here this time, it's okay to have a look.

Slowly walked to the crowd and slowly came to the side of hatred, "General Li, let's start with you!"