Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 107 Virtualized yuan

In the fairyland, a middle-aged man in blue and slightly ugly stopped above a green rippling lake, holding his chest with his hands on his chest and staring at the lake like an eagle, motionless, as if waiting for something to appear. The man muttered to himself, "It's been so many days, and this golden fairy carp should also appear. I heard that it will come out every hundred years to spit out the aura of heaven and earth. Why is there no movement now?"

This man's name is Guangsi, and he is an immortal served by the Tianhe Emperor among the five immortal emperors. He heard that the door of the fairy world was reopened and he was thinking about the lower world. In order to please the Immortal Emperor, I looked around for the golden line fairy carp that Tianhe I wanted to find. I finally found a trace a few years ago, so I stayed in the place where the fairy carp appeared for more than ten years. Today is the time when the golden thread fairy carp, one of the rarest fairy fish in the fairy world, is bound to appear, because they want to raise elixir to the moon on this day to prolong their lives for ten years.

Suddenly, the lake flashed red, and a red fire-like shadow jumped up like lightning, and then immediately disappeared into the lake. Guangsi was very happy and shouted excitedly, "Finally I've waited for you!" A long line in his hand threw at the red shadow under the lake. The fairy carp was extremely spiritual. Seeing the rolled green line and silver line, it immediately dived to the deepest part, extremely fast.

Guangsi had expected this. Over the years, he has thoroughly understood the habits of fairy carp and had a way to deal with it. The green line in his hand was constantly pulling. The green line was as long and short as a living thing, staring at the fairy carp. The speed of the fairy carp and Guangsi was extremely fast. For a moment, on the side of the lake, in a blink of an eye, they went to the other side, and their inner eyes could not keep up with such a rapid movement.

Guang Si chased all the way, constantly playing green flashing spells, and finally one of the green light flashed into the fairy carp. This is a tracker. Once it is hit, it will no longer escape from the palm of the character. Guangsi found its breath and chased it all the way. He was about to do it several times, but he let the fairy carp slip away, which made him pale with anger. Finally, he took out another net made of thread from his arms, threw it out in the air, and suddenly put the fairy carp in it.

slowly withdrew the net, laughed proudly and said, "Let's see where you are going this time!" For decades, I have been watching you for nearly 50 years, and finally got what I wanted!" Tianhe Fairy Emperor has always liked to raise some rare fairy birds and beasts. There are all kinds of rare fairy beasts in his palace, but there are only a few missing ones. This golden thread carp is one of them. If he presents this fairy fish, he will definitely please him.

In a golden-walled palace, Guangsi held a fairy carp to the throne with a somewhat indifferent expression and a majestic man respectfully reported, "The emperor, who finally did not pay the trust, brought the golden line carp back, and hereby dedicate it to the emperor!" The man in gorgeous clothes said expressionlessly, "Guangsi, you have made great contributions this time. If you have any requirements, just say it."

Guang Si was a little hesitant and said with some trembling, "Your Majesty, I heard that the door of the fairy world has been opened, and my subordinates think..." Guangsi was afraid of angering the Immortal Emperor, so he secretly looked up and observed his face and considered whether to go on. Now Tianyi's face is frosty, and I can't see any emotions, and I don't know whether he is happy or angry. It's hard to speculate.

"You want to return to the world." Tianhe's face finally changed a little. He sneered, and Guangsi was so scared that he almost fell to the ground. He quickly explained, "The emperor is well aware! It's not that the villain doesn't want to serve the emperor in the fairyland. It's the most glorious thing in the villain's life to serve the emperor! It's just that the villain Feixian has been so long that he is a little worried about the foundation in the lower world. He wants to go back and have a look. If the emperor doesn't like it, he dares not have this idea again!"

"Why don't you like it? I like it very much." Tianhe said, "Just now, there was a very powerful breath in the world, which is more powerful than ordinary immortals, unlike the power of the world. You can go down to the emperor to find out what's going on and whether there are other immortals in the lower world. However, only you know about this matter, especially don't let Tianyuan and others find your lower world. Otherwise, I can't save you at that time, do you understand?"

Hearing this, he kowtowed excitedly and said, "Thank you for your success. The villain will definitely live up to the emperor's trust. He will find out the world's affairs as soon as possible and return it to the immortal emperor!" Guangsi retreated from the palace, took several attendants, and sneaked into the world.

He Yingqi divided the power of transformation into three parts and gave feedback to three people, of which the feedback to Zhao Baiyuan accounted for the vast majority. Although Shangguan Ziqing and Tian Yuzhen received very little feedback, their skills were not only not lost, but also deepened. It's not bad either. Zhao Baiyuan greedily absorbed a large amount of power feedback from He Yingqi's inner house. The golden light of people's inner elixir is becoming more and more prosperous, and the color is constantly deepening. Finally, it melts like a golden fire and turns into wisps of golden fog, like a star fog shining with golden stars.

Zhao Baiyuan knew that he had finally reached the realm of Huayuan, so he was busy making layers of boundary in the inner government to prevent the leakage of Zhenyuan. However, although his boundary locks part of Zhenyuan, because the power he just absorbed is too huge, he can't control his own power. A large part of Zhenyuan's power is still quickly dispersed, making him anxious like an ant on a hot pot. However, at this time, three strands of Zhenyuan forced in, sealed his inner house, and forcibly collected the cage inside, forcing the overflowing Zhenyuan back.

With the help of three people guarding Zhenyuan, he can concentrate wholeheartedly. In this way, the success rate is several times higher. He tried his best to collect Zhenyuan and condense it into a ball, then repeatedly changed the shape and nature of Zhenyuan, and finally turned into the appearance of a little man. Through the faint halo outside the little man, it can be seen that its appearance is completely different from Zhao Baiyuan. As soon as Xiaoyuan God took shape, he began to absorb a lot of aura from the outside world, and soon it increased several times, the size of a fist. Zhao Baiyuan felt that he was full of strength and couldn't help screaming excitedly. The rolling sound waves shook the nearby mountains and kept shaking, and the beasts panicked.

"Congratulations, Elder Zhao, you have finally become the realm of immortals!" Tian Yuzhen congratulated him. Zhao Baiyuan also said happily, "Yes, I'm also a fairy~ Hahaha, I won't be afraid of anyone in the future. Whoever dares to bully me, I will beat him up!!" With that, he deliberately glanced at Shangguan Ziqing and He Yingqi.