Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 40 dilemma

Tian Yuzhen sobbed and muttered painfully, "Why, why is God so cruel to me! Is this the end of the people who approach me? Why, why the hell!!" First, Nangong Shaoqi was disabled, and now Jiao Zhongmin also followed in the footsteps of Nangong Shaoqi. How can she not suffer and blame herself?

"Miss Tian, wipe it." A voice sounded, and the tone was full of concern. Tian Yuzhen raised her head and looked at Li Chunye, who handed him a handkerchief with tears in his eyes. Tian Yuzhen silently took it over and said with choked, "Thank you." Li Chunye sat next to her and looked at her and asked, "Don't you want to see my master?" Tian Yuzhen looked down at the lake and said guiltily, "I'm afraid it will make it difficult for me to see him like this now. Let's talk about it later."

Actually, she is just subconsciously avoiding something.

"Miss Tian, I don't know if there is a question to ask?" If you have any questions, just ask.

Li Chunye knew that it was very inappropriate for him to ask at this time, but now is the time for Tian Yuzhen to realize his heart. Now that I ask, maybe the three of them will be less entangled and less resentful in the future. Li Chunye didn't look at Tian Yuzhen, but looked at the lake, hesitated for a moment, or asked, "Who do you like between my master and Jiao Zhongmin?" Tian Yuzhen heard the words and looked at him in astonishment.

Tian Yuzhen didn't expect him to ask this question, and she didn't know how to react for a moment. However, this is exactly the biggest problem she faces and what she wants to avoid most. However, she still couldn't escape.

"I, I don't know." Tian Yuzhen shook her head confusedly and painfully and said, "I don't know who I like, and maybe I will never understand my heart..." If only she could understand, she would not suffer so much again.

Nangong Shaoqi? I don't know if she likes him or not. She always misses him when she can't see him, but she doesn't know how to face him when she sees him. Jiao Zhongmin? When I was with him, I had a feeling of being held in the palm of my hand and a kind of happiness that I was cared for as a treasure. And Hualong, maybe she is more grateful to him.

Li Chunye looked at Tian Yuzhen, who was suffering from love, and had a feeling of being connected to the disease. The difference is that he knows who he loves, but he can't hurt a woman who loves him for the sake of the person he loves. Li Chunye sighed, stood up slowly, and asked Tian Yuzhen, "Miss Tian, even if you don't like my master, please don't let my master know. Leave him a glimmer of hope. I also know that such a request is too much, but you are the only motivation for him to live. If even you lose it, he really has no reason to live.

After Li Chunye left, Tian Yuzhen didn't know how to walk back to Huangyun Pavilion. Along the way, her mind was full of Li Chunye's words. She kept thinking about who she loved? But I had a headache, and I didn't think of a reason. However, Li Chunye asked her to see Nangong Shaoqi. Her current appearance will never be seen by Nangong Shaoqi. She doesn't want him to worry, let alone make him sad.

However, when she returned to Huangyun Hall, there was already someone waiting for her.

"Why are you here?" Tian Yuzhen saw Nangong Shaoqi and asked in a panic.

"If you don't come to see me, won't you allow me to come to see you?" Nangong Shaoqi looked at her beloved woman who was sad and haggard for another person, and he felt sorry for her and jealous. It was so uncomfortable.

Tian Yuzhen didn't dare to look at his tender and pity eyes. She turned her back and asked in a low voice, "How are you these days?" Nangong Shaoqi looked at the beautiful and thin shadow, and his heart was full of pity. But she is also a little uncomfortable. Is she unwilling to face herself? Nangong Shaoqi said lightly, "Why don't you dare to look at me?" Is that what I annoys you?" No! No, it's not, I just..." Tian Yuzhen turned around and eager to distinguish, but found that she couldn't say anything.

Tian Yuzhen slowly walked to Nangong Shaoqi with tears in her eyes, bent down in front of him and put her head on his chest, crying speechlessly. Nangong Shaoqi sighed helplessly, hugged her trembling body tightly with his powerful hand, and said softly, "It's all my fault. I deliberately wanted to be angry with you even knowing that you were not good. I'm sorry. Jane, cry. If you are sad, cry out loud. It's better after crying. I know it's difficult for you to be among the three of us, but I won't force you. No matter who you choose in the future, I will silently bless you. I just want you to be happy.

Listening to his words, Tian Yuzhen burst into tears and cried silently. Why do they want to treat her so well and so tolerant? Let her not bear to hurt any of them.

"Master, this war with the mythical beast gate, you are going to be the enemy of Shangguan. Have you really decided?" Ziyi asked Hua Binglei, the owner of the Yinyue Palace. Ziyi was very anxious to see Hua Binglei swinging between Shangguan Ziqing and Shi Qianjun. In Ziyi's heart, she still favored Shangguan Ziqing. She always felt that Shi Qianjun was not like a decent gentleman, and sometimes even despicable. Compared with Shangguan Ziqing, he was simply a heaven and a ground. She was afraid that her master Hua Binglei would make the wrong choice and miss her life, so she urged Hua Binglei, the owner of the Yinyue Palace, to withdraw from the war. As soon as the war began, Hua Binglei and Shangguan Ziqing were completely enemies, and the relationship between the two could never return to the past.

Unfortunately, Hua Binglei, the owner of the Yinyue Palace, has already been determined to be the enemy of the mythical beasts and recover the lives of the nearly 10,000 disciples from He Yingqi. Hua Binglei resolutely said, "In the battle of Tianyuan Mountain, we lost countless disciples in the Yinyue Palace, and we must avenge this as a teacher! Even if you want to be the enemy of that person, you won't hesitate!" Of course, Hua Binglei understood what Ziyi was thinking. In fact, why does she want to be the enemy of Shangguan Ziqing? It's just the lives of thousands of disciples. If this big debt is not recovered, how can she be the master of the door? What's more, she has been complaining that Shangguan Ziqing has helped He Yingqi, the "demon crooked way", and now she is also a little angry.

Ziyi shook her head and sighed at the bottom of her heart, understanding that she could not persuade her master to change her mind, so she had no choice but to exit the room.

"Hey, little beauty, why do you have a straight face? Tell me if you have any unhappy things.

As soon as Ziyi saw Xuanfeng, she was too lazy to pay attention to him as a scoundrel. He snorted and turned his head and left. Hey, wait for me. Why did you hum and leave? I didn't mess with you!" Xuanfeng hurriedly followed. Hey, little beauty, who the hell provoked you? Say it and I'll beat him up!" Xuanfeng also followed by the purple clothes, and his mouth folded endlessly to ask questions.

Ziyi stopped and turned to Xuanfeng impatiently and said, "Can you stop annoying me in the future? Do you know that you are very annoying!"

Xuanfeng looked at the purple clothes that left and muttered, "I really hate it? Why do I think I'm cute?"

In a quiet room in Wushizhuang, Guangsi sat down, tasting good tea while listening to the battle plan of Shi Qianjun corresponding to the mythical beast gate.

"Master, this siege of the mythical beasts must be killed, and there must be no source of disaster." Uh-huh." Guangsi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will let Bai Guangbai dive to help you. Humph, don't you want it to die?" The master didn't know that the two magic weapons of the mythical beast master came from nowhere, which were very powerful. Bai Guang and Bai Qian are afraid that they will be his opponents!"