Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 195 Beauty Plan

As soon as He Yingqi came out of Ren Xuan'er, she met the four sisters of the Li family, and the four women came when they heard the wind. As soon as he saw it, Li Qingqing asked directly, "Yuyangzi, are you going to the ends of the earth?" Uh-huh." He Yingqi nodded. Li Qingqing and others said in unison at the same time, "I'm going too!"

Liu Bingyi pouted her little mouth unhappily, shook He Yingqi's arm to act coquettishly, and begged, "Brother! Yi'er is not allowed to take them. You promised me that Sister Fei'er will ignore them and don't keep your word! Otherwise, I won't talk to you anymore!" Ren Feier also launched an offensive, shaking He Yingqi's arm, and the two little girls stared at the four Li Qingqing sisters with hostile faces.

He Yingqi looked at Li Qingqing and the four people with embarrassment and said, "This time I'm going to look for the spirit stone, and I don't know where it is. Is it dangerous or not? In case something happens, I can't come here with so many people. Please forgive me. With that, he left with the two little princesses.

Li Qingqing stamped her feet in popularity. Li Yiyi said, "These two girl are always in the way! Since we came here, we have been embarrassting my four sisters." What can I do? Who told Yu Yangzi to spoil them like a princess!"

In this mythical beast gate, in terms of beauty, the four people are far less than the four pavilion masters. Although they know that Huang Yun Pavilion Lord and He Yingqi are like sisters and brothers, and Tianyu Pavilion Lord has long been in his heart, although the other two pavilion masters do not compete with them, it is also a great potential threat. They can't even compare with these two cabinet owners, let alone Liu Bingyi.

Although the four women are all stunning, they are as ashamed as weeds than the roses in front of Liu Bingyi. In addition, He Yingqi spoils these two girls. If they want to compete with themselves and others, they are afraid that the four of them can compete with them, so they are so annoyed.

When Li Qingqing saw that her sisters were angry, she advised, "Don't be angry. What's the use of her even if she is beautiful? Don't forget that she is just Yuyangzi's sister. Yuyangzi can't be moved by her. Why should we be afraid of her?

Li Yiyi said, "Although that's the words, Yuyangzi is obedient to them. If they are disturbed, maybe Yuyangzi will alienate us from us from now on!"

In the end, the four women unanimously agreed to make a "raid attack" for Liu Bingyi. If Yu Yangzi didn't let them go, they wouldn't follow them by themselves? When did they hear it again? So the four little women chased together and embarked on the " Journey" of love.

Because he was afraid that Ning Zichen would have an accident if he stayed alone at the mythical beast gate, He Yingqi also took him by his side and set out for the ends of the earth. It's just that the ends of the earth are just a rumored place in the world. Few people have been there, and naturally few people will know about it.

Rumor has it that the ends of the earth were originally integrated with the world, but they are separated by a vast sea and can also pass through. However, I don't know when there was an extra boundary on the sea. The boundary was so powerful that almost no one could wear it, so the two places gradually cut off contact, and fewer people knew where the ends of the earth were.

He Yingqi and the four asked all the way. Although no one knew where it was, they asked the general direction. He Yingqi thought that it was far away. I'm afraid that no one knew the specific location. Since they knew the direction, they would find it all the way. If you don't believe it, no one will know later.

On Xiaoquan Mountain, a palace falls between the mountains, and the moonlight falls. In the quiet mountains, there may be a few insects singing, adding some vitality to the dead night.

Next to the mountain rock in the backyard of a mountain palace, a young and handsome man looked up to the moon and let out an inaudible sigh from time to time. Looking from afar, the moonlight fell on his body, wrapped in light. Although it had a little dusty fairy, it added a little loneliness.

This young man is Jiao Zhongmin, a little disciple of Shangguan Ziqing. Although he was rescued by Hualong and made great progress in his cultivation on Tianyuan Mountain last time, he was sad all day after returning to the mountain. He sighed and even abandoned his practice. At this moment, looking at the full moon of the fifteenth, I can't help sighing again. I hate the lack of full moon people!

This is a bitter love that is doomed to be fruitless. Now, only he sighs to the moon and feels sad alone. When he saw her crying for another person, he knew that she would never belong to him and he would lose her forever.

"If I had never loved, I don't know if I would be so sad now?" Jiao Zhongmin still looked at the full moon and sighed.

A beautiful girl in a light veil came behind him and comforted him, "Why do you have to abandon yourself like this?" Sister, why is it you?" I'll come to see you." Zhou Meier said, "Brother, you don't have to sigh. Although you have nothing to do with her, this bitter love has also made you grow up a lot, with both losses and gains. In life, you have to love so much, love and pain before you can really grow up.

"Sister, have you ever loved it too?" No." Zhou Meier smiled and said, "But I won't be afraid to love. As soon as I meet someone I like, I will not hesitate. As long as he is worthy of my love, even if there is only phosphorus injury all over the body in the end, I have no regrets! If you are afraid of getting hurt, you dare not love. How do you know when you will meet the right person?

Jiao Zhongmin listened to her lenient understanding and relaxed a little. He smiled at her and said, "I didn't expect that my senior sister would have such an opinion about love, which really surprised my younger brother." Why, can't people who have never loved know how to love?" That's not true."

"Okay, brother, stop indulging in this failed relationship. Although you failed, you have learned a lot and grown a lot, haven't you? Zhou Meier smiled and said, "In the past, you always fought with me, just like a small child, and you don't know how to think about it. But now you are very different. Now you are mature and steady, thinking about others, and more tolerant of others. In the past, I didn't dare to think that my little brother would become such a mature, steady and caring man, at most a calculating little man, hehe!"

"Okay, sister, you made fun of me! Do you still want me to fall out of love a few more times so that you can 'grow up' so that you can bully me and not fight back? After her enlightenment, Jiao Zhongmin was in a cheerful mood, so he joked with her.

"You stinky boy, you don't have a good shape again! I still prefer the little brother in lovelorn, hehe!" The two laughed at each other, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

"Brother, you used to play with your sister here, which made it easy for me to find!" Yuan He came and saw that both of them were there, so he said to Jiao Zhongmin, "Aunt Tian came to see you and is waiting for you outside. She seems to have something to say to you. Go quickly."

Five update every day from around the 9th of next month. Give me some motivation! Thank you all!