Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 305 Sleep in the same bed

So the two went back to meet Zhao Baiyuan and others. Search for the ground and start the latent. When Tian Yuzhen took Jiao Zhongmin and others to travel through the fairyland, she happened to meet the four sisters of the Li family, the five saints of the Tianlong and the six saints of Xueyuan. Now it's natural to take them with them. Although the divine elixir is limited, if the aura released from the divine elixir is locked with Xuantian beads, it is believed that it will not disperse for a while, and it is also very beneficial for them to practice beside them.

Because Tian Yuzhen came to the fairyland for the longest time and the highest cultivation, she has now become the leader of everyone. Hearing her plan, everyone had no objection and were determined to follow her.

Tian Yuzhen said to everyone: "You are also blessed by God, so you got the elixir of heaven. Yin Hong left this elixir to help He Yingqi achieve great achievements, so don't forget to help him when he becomes a great day. Only then did he live up to Yin Hong's kindness to Dan. Everyone shouted loudly and said, "We will never regret to follow the owner of the mythical beast. If it goes against your will, heaven and earth will be destroyed!"

Tian Yuzhen came to Yuanhe again and said, "In the past, you soared to reshape your real body with divine light. You don't know how much better than ordinary people, and you don't know how to enter the world much faster. Nowadays, it is more necessary to take the divine elixir, and the double effect must be faster than others. I also heard that you are the proudest disciple of Brother Yeyue. You are the best among the brothers, and his achievements are above everyone. I hope you can feel the kindness of Yin Hong and assist your uncle wholeheartedly.

"This is what my aunt said. My uncle is very kind to me in Xiaoquan. It is also a great blessing for my uncle to have it today. Even if I am crushed, I will repay this kindness!" Yuan He said excitedly. Tian Yuzhen couldn't help nodding. Needless to say, this Yuan and his day's achievements must also be between his senior officials and his uncle. Only with such people can we complement each other and not be afraid of the failure of the great cause.

So Tian Yuzhen also took everyone to the divine boundary to practice. This divine boundary is the safest. If it weren't for the excellent god, you can't break it with thousands of immortals.

On a barren mountain in the fairyland, a beautiful woman stood opposite to a middle-aged man. The man asked angrily, "Aren't you always angry and want to avenge the destruction of the family? Why did you hinder me when you had the opportunity to kill him? You have forgotten how your master and his fellow family died tragically?!"

The woman was indifferent to his anger, but said indifferently, "I just don't want to take too much advantage of him and let him die so happily." Humph, it's just that you have feelings for him!" You are talking nonsense!" Hearing this, the woman was furious and retorted, "I wish I could eat his meat and drink his blood!" He killed nearly 100,000 disciples of me and hurt my master. I will never let him go for the rest of my life. I want him to pay for his blood!"

"This is the best! But today, you and I have left a living mouth, and the traces have been revealed. The immortals in the fairyland will not let go of you and me. If you don't want to enter the demon world, you can only improve your cultivation in the shortest time.

"You said the same. Since the hiding has been exposed, you don't have to hide. Just kill him and kill him happily!"

"Yes, if we monsters are the true elements of the righteous practitioner, we can instantly improve our cultivation. This is the fairyland. The immortals can be swallowed by you and me. Are you afraid that you can't go up? Hahaha..." The fairyland started to work together with their current cultivation. Except for those old immortals, who can get them!

"What is this place?" He Yingqi woke up and saw herself in a strange room. When she saw Shen Shuyun staying by the bed, she opened her mouth to ask questions. Shen Shuyun replied, "This is my master's seclusion. It's very safe. You don't have to worry. Don't worry about recuperating."

"How long have I been in a coma?" It's been more than a month." How much is January? It's been so long!" He Yingqi looked at him and asked, "Are you taking care of me this month?" Um," Shen Shuyun nodded slightly red on his face, remembering that he had helped him change his body this month, and his face became hot. Although he is also a man, Shen Shuyun usually has little sex and has little contact with people. Except for his own body, he has not even seen other men's **, let alone kissing women hand in hand. So the skin is much thinner than that of ordinary men.

Well, if his elder sister hadn't let a handsome young immortal emperor "abduct" during his recuperation. His master was afraid that the other two female disciples would also be "abducted" and left unattended and "lonely", so he sent him, the only male disciple, to take over this "glorious" task. He didn't have to take over this tiring job. He couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly.

"You haven't had a good rest for more than a month. You're tired enough. Go back and have a rest first. I'll be fine." I'll just sit here for a while." Shen Shuyun didn't want to tell him that because his master never left outsiders, there was only one medicine house outside each room, so he gave up his room to heal his wounds. This is also the main reason why Master asked him to take care of He Yingqi. He was afraid that he would feel uneasy and sorry to say He Yingqi.

"The cold on the ground is too heavy. You'd better go back to your room." He Yingqi didn't know why she was a little disappointed to see him sitting on the cold ground. Shen Shuyun saw that he could no longer hide it, so he had no choice but to tell the truth. "Actually, this is my room. I don't like luxury, the residence is simple, and I never leave people to stay. Except for a few masters and apprentices, there is only one medicine house for alchemy or diagnosis.

"That's why, you don't say that you are afraid that I will occupy your room, right?" Uh-huh." Shen Shuyun nodded honestly.

"Come on." Huh?" Um, I told you to come up and lie down. What are you still doing there?" I'm afraid this is not very good, is it? Shen Shuyun's face turned slightly red and said awkwardly. Although he is a man, he is not used to being too close to people.

"What's wrong with this? If you don't come up, I'll be embarrassed to occupy your bed again." With that, He Yingqi was about to climb out of bed. Shen Shuyun was afraid that he would move to his injury and hurriedly stopped him, "Don't do it. I'll just listen to you."

Shen Shuyun didn't take off his clothes and went to bed with his clothes. Shen Shuyun lay beside He Yingqi and always felt not used to it and felt awkward. I feel uncomfortable all over.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" He Yingqi turned her face and looked at him with a charming smile. After listening to his words, Shen Shuyun's face turned red like an apple, smiled awkwardly and said, "Where." Very basic, isn't it? Don't think wrong... I want to pat my own bricks)