Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 326 Kill the Moon Demon Emperor

"Has anything happened to Yin Hong recently?" The moon god lay lazily on the gums and casually asked the woman kneeling under the bed. The woman replied respectfully, "Your Highness, the Great Sage went to Nanxuanyu a few days ago, and soon took his three gods to the north of the divine world. Others are still to be explored by detectives.

"Okay, you go down." The moon god waved back the woman and said thoughtfully, "What on earth is Yin Hong going to do?" She has always hoped that Yin Hong will fight with Qiyang, and finally she will clean up the mess. But these two seem to be very shrewd. Since Yin Hong returned to the divine world, they have never confronted head-on. Now things are becoming more and more uncontrollable, and it seems that even the creator god is involved.

She also guessed that Yin Hong's strong return must have won the support of the Creator. If the god intends to let Yin Hong contain her and Qiyang, then she has to accept the fact that the divine world is three points.

Youyue got up from the gums, combed it, and came to the outside of the Temple of Light alone. Above the Temple of Light shines with auspicious colors, flowing, and a school of treasures is solemn. If you don't know, you will think that the owner inside is a highly regarded saint.

"I don't know that the god has arrived, and I have missed the welcome." An ethereal voice sounded, but there was no trace of people. Youyue smiled and said, "The God of Light is so arrogant that he doesn't even come out to pick me up?"

"It's better that you and I have different production sites, so as not to cause criticism." It doesn't matter if you don't come out. I just want to ask your attitude. Yin Hong is now insisting on three divine worlds. Will you help him with your flashing love with him?" If he really does this, I will not only help him, but also stop him. This is the answer you want. You can go.

"What a strange person. No wonder he becomes friends with him, hum." The god of the moon left with an annoy smile.

Demon world. Zhou Mu looked at this completely strange gray world indifferently, and the low-level monsters that flew around him gnawed his body. At this time, he was already bloody. His face, his body and four feet were traces of being bitten, and there was no complete place on his body. Many landlords showed their white bones.

If He Yingliang hadn't stayed far away and drove away the powerful monsters he wanted to approach, he would have died. Seeing that he was almost unsupportable, He Yingliang floated to his side like a ghost and seduced him, "Don't hold on. I know you actually want to pay for these delicious monsters, don't you? What's the use of dying like this? Don't you still want to avenge me? Is it worth dying like this? Come on, practice the greatest purple evil magic skills in the world like me! Only when you become a powerful Tianya like me can you have the strength to revenge with me. Come on, come on, hahahaha..."

Zhou Mu had been exhausted for a long time, and his dying willpower was weak to the extreme. Under He Yingliang's magic sound**, he slowly lost his mind and struggled to chase the low-level demons flying around and roaring outside him to eat. But as soon as he took two steps, he fell to the ground feebly and fainted.

He Yingliang walked to Zhou Mu with a cold smile, bent down and opened his fangs mouth and bit Zhou Mu's neck and sucked hard. He Yingliang sucked a drop of blood in Zhou Mu's body, and then swam the blood inhaled into his already dry blood vessels, absorbing his evil spirit. After swimming for several weeks, he fed the blood back to Zhou Mu.

After getting these blood that had been warmed by his evil body, Zhou Mu's body suddenly cut off all his vitality, and the last bit of blood color faded away, and the muscles of his whole body became extremely pale and hardened quickly. But his body condensed an extremely powerful force, which flowed into his body like a sweet spring, which not only strengthened and changed his body, but also repaired his original devastated body at a terrible speed visible from the inner eye.

At the same time, his body also began to emit a trace of green mist with blood. Zhou Mu suddenly bounced up, just like a zombie. His face was completely hardened without any expression, and his eyes were even more empty and terrible, but his empty eyes flashed with strange brilliance. As soon as he swept his eyes, he fixed all the low-level demons flying around him. After that, he disappeared from where he was like a ghost and devoured all these fixed demons almost in an instant!

He Yingliang was slightly surprised to see Zhou Mu's speed and strength. He didn't expect that Zhou Mu had such strength as soon as he began to practice, and his future achievements might be higher than him. However, He Ying didn't care at all in his conscience. No matter how strong Zhou Mu is, he can't escape the fate of being his puppet.

Zhou Mu soon swallowed up all the nearby demons, and even many powerful demons who had just been stopped by He Yingliang could not escape Zhou Mu's devouring. After that, Zhou Mu instinctively resisted the fog and looked for more demons to devour. He Yingliang was afraid that he would encounter a powerful monster and didn't expect anything to happen to him, so he followed him.

Since Ning Zichen became the body of a demon, Juetian has been hiding in his magic palace. Lingyun Demon Emperor thought that it would be better for Ning Zichen to come to the door sooner or later. It would be better for him and others to plan to deal with it first, so that Ning Zichen would not be caught off guard if he killed his door in the future. So he rushed to the Juetian Demon Palace together with the Moon Demon Emperor.

The Juetian Demon Emperor received the two demon emperors in the main hall, and then sat down. The Moon Demon Emperor said to the Juetian Demon Emperor, "Jietian, it seems that you look good, and you have recovered from the injury." The Demon Emperor nodded.

At this time, a handsome teenager brought tea. As soon as he appeared, he was surprised by everyone in the hall. There were men who looked so evil in the world, who were not worse than the most beautiful woman in the demon world. And it's a man! Juetian nodded with satisfaction. This teenager is the most beautiful man in the history of the demon world, and Tianzi is even more rare. He is a personal servant and disciple selected by Juetian.

Zhanyue Demon Emperor has never seen such a handsome young man. Even his most beautiful wife and concubine are not as good as one-tenth of this teenager. For a moment, he was fascinated by him. The teenager took the opportunity to grab his hand when serving tea. The teenager was a little disgusted, but he didn't show it. He just shiversed slightly at the corners of his mouth and pretended to accidentally pour the tea, and the spilled tea wet the file of the demon emperor. Department.

The Moon Demon Emperor jumped up together and let go of the teenager's hand. Ling Yun smiled secretly and looked happily at the embarrassed appearance of the Moon Demon Emperor.

Juetian scolded the teenager, "Infeng, why are you so careless? Why don't you plead guilty to the Demon Emperor of the Moon?" Yinfeng knew that Juetian was reluctant to blame himself, just to prevent the Moon Demon Emperor from having a chance to embarrass himself. However, when he heard that the person in front of him was the Moon Demon Emperor, the wind was really scared. If the Zhanyue Demon Emperor knew that he was the brother of the maid who stole his magic knife, would he still die?