Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 389 Dome Shot

"It's strange that the law of heaven has collapsed. How can there be a natural disaster?" He Yingqi looked at the heavier and heavier clouds in the sky in surprise and said to herself.

That day, the disaster came extremely fast and fiercely. For a moment, the sky was held by thick thunder clouds, and thick thunder lights flew between the clouds. A group of thunderstorms landed, which darkened the earth. The sky seemed to be much lower by this heavy thunder cloud. Even He Yingqi felt the oppression and danger of this natural disaster. .

The thunder and lightning are like blazing, and a large area of pouring down are like blue sea water, and the terrible thunderstorm keeps collapsing the void. The mountains touched by the thunderstorm like the heavy rain were all bombarded into large and small deep pits, and those flowers and plants were ignited by the thunderstorm, and they were burned away for a moment, and there was no ashes left!

And those flower butterfly demons escaped in panic under the disaster and made a frightened cry. A piece of thunder flashed down, and a large area of flower spirit butterfly demon was turned into flying ash.

He Yingqi saw that all Lei Yan was concentrating on the blood rose and wanted to break it. He rushed forward and formed a boundary to protect it. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the innocent little demons into the boundary.

The thunder disaster saw that the thunderstorm was blocked from the boundary and became more fierce. The clouds in the sky rolled over, like a sea that was boiled, and the thunder and lightning tongues were twisted into a ball, like a meteor shower, and the sky that passed by was also shaken and shattered!

In the face of such a terrible thunder disaster, He Yingqi is also frightening. Although this disaster is far worse than the last four elephant disaster in the evil world, He Yingqi's current cultivation is still very difficult to resist. It's just that this flower king saved his life. Anyway, he has to protect the flower king even if he fights his life!

He Yingqi knew that this boundary was bound to be destroyed under the thunderbolt like a meteor stone. He pulled out two divine swords and a magic knife from the inner house. The triangular momentum floated outside himself, waved with both hands, and the spiritual formula of one hand was played out. As he waved, three divine swords and magic knives carried a strangeness. The terrible power expanded and finally formed a divine array in the boundary.

As soon as the divine array became, the wind and clouds changed. Two divine lights and a black flower burst into the array and rushed straight to the clouds, dispersing most of the thunderstorms in the sky with an equal momentum. At the same time, the three divine lights twisted wildly in the disaster cloud and twisted the robbery cloud into more than ten strands. When the divine light rushed into the cloud, a beast roared, like a roar of a beast injured by the divine light.

In the faint, I saw a very tall beast hidden in the thunder cloud and fought with the three-headed divine light.

"I said, where does the natural disaster come from between heaven and earth now? It turned out to be the ghost of this beast!" However, I don't know what this giant beast is. Judging from the fact that it can bring down such a terrible disaster, its strength will not be under He Yingqi!

He Yingqi protected the blood rose with the boundary and roared into the clouds to fight the giant beast. As soon as she rushed into the clouds, He Yingqi saw a huge mountain-like beast with a thousand feet fighting with the three divine lights rushing out of the array. The giant beast rolled with terrible lightning and lightning all over. It looked like a unicorn, but it had only one horn, two wings, and a long tail like a tiger tail, which was very strange.

This giant beast turned out to be a mutation of Kirin, called Thunder Beast, which is good at controlling thunder and lightning. It belongs to the alien fierce beast after ancient times, and it is very terrible. It was originally the king of beasts nearby, but later he didn't expect that a blood rose had grown here, which faintly threatened its status.

Before, it tried to get close to the valley, but the blood rose was so terrible that it almost killed it!

This time, it wants to take advantage of the most critical time of the birth of the King of Flowers and have no time to deal with it, so as to severely hit the King of Flowers and kill him. Although a king like Blood Rose is usually extremely fierce and unbeatable, there will be a short time of weakness at the moment of birth, that is, when the flower body condenses into a human form.

It felt that the king of flowers was taking shape, so it rushed over. It thought it could kill the enemy smoothly, but it unexpectedly met He Yingqi. As soon as the angry thunder beast saw He Yingqi, it became fierce. It shook two lightning wings, rolled up a terrible thunder and lightning hurricane to disperse the three divine lights, and roared angrily at He Yingqi.

Because the two magic swords and magic knives were arrayed, He Yingqi had to take out the flame halberd to respond to the enemy. A halberd waved continuously, rolling fire like waves, drowning the huge thunder beasts into it. However, soon a piece of blue thunder surged up in the sea of fire, devoured and rubbing with the sea, making an earth-shaking sound.

He Yingqi's own strength is slightly inferior to this thunder beast, but there is a magic knife and two magic swords below, and from time to time a large area of divine light magic flowers to kill the thunder beast, which also reduces a lot of pressure on He Yingqi. Although it took a lot of effort to suppress the fierce beast, at least the thunder beast had no time to take care of the flower king.

One person and one beast beat the sky dark, and the rose king below also burst into a large area of blood. The blood rose was like a round of red sun, and thousands of blood rays shot out, reflecting the sky red. At the same time, the blood light shot into the thunderstorm and quickly swept away the thunderstorm.

These blood awns are twisted like a blood sword, and finally all converge towards a thick blood column connected to the sky in the middle, instantly converging into a blood column with a diameter of hundreds of feet, connecting the sky and the earth. A terrible evil spirit of domineering the world is like a crazy ocean, sweeping the world!

The thunder beast felt such a terrible breath and was about to escape, but there was a slow and urgent roar from the sky. I saw an unknown how huge blue dome was bouncing forward here, and the sky it passed was completely shattered and twisted!

It turned out that the Dome came to take this opportunity to get rid of the opponents who will compete for hegemony in the future! If it can kill the Flower King, not only will there be a strong enemy in the future, but if it can refine the Flower King, the benefits to it can't be expressed in words!

When the giant egg saw that the flower king was about to be born, it suddenly stopped and rotated rapidly in the void. An unparalleled force pulled the space repeatedly and collapsed, and was twisted into chaos by the flying egg!

The dome finally became a blue light, with an extremely terrible breath of destruction and smashed through the heavy space, and the sky also trembled under its power!

He Yingqi saw that the Dome was so fierce. Looking at the blue light hitting, the heavy void was constantly disillusioned, and felt powerless and desperate. No one could catch it under such an attack! I'm afraid that the blue light mass will be bombarded, and not only will the king of flowers die, but also that this mountain group and this space will be annihilated in an instant! And he and the Thunder Beast also have to be buried with him and smashed to pieces!