Shu Song

Chapter 8 Dream Breaking Thunder 2

The man in black did not answer, and seemed to have no intention to have a debation with Su Muduo, and just wanted to get out.

Su Mu blocked with his backhand, blocked the retreat of the man in black, and returned him to the dark place in the room again. Who the hell are you?" Su Mu tried to get something from his mouth, but the man in black seemed to understand that he never made a sound, but hid himself in the dark.

Su Mu saw that this was ineffective and kicked the door angrily. The last glray of light refracted by the moonlight finally disappeared. The groping in the dark is Su Mu's anxiety and uneasiness.

I just don't know when the room became more silent. As far as I can see, there is still boundless darkness, and a door separates everything outside.

Suddenly, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground pulled all Su Mu's attention and tripped his feet to find out. Er, when did you fall down?" Su Mu couldn't help but be suspicious, so he kicked his foot. Otherwise, the familiar voice sounded.

With drunkenness, Han Xiaosheng jumped up from the ground, tripped over the tables and chairs beside him, and the cold light suddenly came. Su Mu was suddenly shocked, "You're not dead?"

"Ah?" Han Xiao, who was still dizzy, seemed to be unable to turn around for a moment, but still groped for the chair that tripped under his feet. "Why is it not dark in the middle of winter?" Suddenly, I thought of something and suddenly shocked, "Where's the beast?"

"Who?" Su Mu was puzzled, but when she heard Han Xiao's drunken words, Su Mu reminded loudly, "There is another person in the room."

"I know!" Han Xiao shouted angrily, then got up and fell to the ground again. Han Xiao couldn't help but be furious and shouted wildly through the wine, "Who turned off the light if you want to fall me to death?" He grabbed it, but he had a fight with the cold front in the dark. He was sobered a lot in an instant and exclaimed, "Aren't you Shang Zhixin?"

Shang Zhixin?

Su Mu in the dark is even more suspicious, "Who is Shang Zhixin?"

"The beast during the day."

Su Mu's eyes widened, "It's not him," suddenly felt all the inconvenience in the dark. Su Mu groped to light up the candlelight in the room, and the faint light suddenly appeared, and the candle core rose with white smoke, surrounding the room. The wine rose. At the moment when the candlelight suddenly lit, Han Xiao clenched his hands with the handle of the knife and stabbed the people in front of him like crazy.

At this moment, it is completely bright.

"Ah..." The woman's scream rose like a demon. Is there anyone else in the room? Su Mu followed the voice and looked at the woman in the apricot red dress she had seen before. Her beautiful pupils looked at Han Xiao as if she were looking at the devil, full of fear, "Kill,... kill!"

Su Mu was still stunned for a moment. In an instant, the woman's eyes looked at Han Xiao and suddenly turned pale.

The sharp blade was full of blood, splashing blood all over his body, which made Han Xiao's drunken eyes ferocious. At this moment, he looked at the blade in his hand in disbelief and asked indily, "What's the matter?" Another glance at the man who was wildly cut down by himself on the ground, the son of Shang Zhixin during the day.

Before he was clearing, Han Xiao only felt black in front of his eyes and fell towards the body beside him.

"Death,... kill people! ..." The woman in the room exclaimed crazily and ran out of the door of the wing room.

Suddenly, a crowd of people in the Chuguan suddenly surged, and the person in charge came here to inquire, but Su Mu only covered his mouth and vomited on the porch outside the door.

————————This is the dividing line of failure——————

Last night, I dreamed of a fat pig-like snake playing hide-and-seek with me. To be correct, it chased me and was almost eaten by it in the end. Why did I still fail so much in my dream? It was not my turn to YY at all. I was depressed and failed!