Shu Song

Chapter 30 The Wind and Clouds

On the edge of the sky, a crescent moon sank in the west, and there was a faint glow on the high and upward Panlong Jiao horn of the imperial city. However, no matter how the light is refracted, it can't shine into the darkness somewhere in this palace.

Xiao Yuying dragged a heavy pace and quietly walked in a place that could not be illuminated by the moonlight. It seemed that he could find a trace of his own comfort in the dark.

"She is here to find Liang Ji!"

In his ears, it was still Gao Yushi's words. Obviously, they were so understated, but it sounded as heavy as a thousand pounds. Muer, Muer, for so many years, my only support has been you. Why is your support not me? Sese's voice trembled softly.

When Panlong boots touched the moonlight on the smooth ground, Xiao Yuyi suddenly stopped and put his hands behind him. He only heard a gentle sigh and stood at the beginning. Looking back, the road was still depressed, unstoppable cold, tightly wrapped around the last trace of warmth.

A bitter smile overflowed on his lips.

"Xiao Yuling, you still have to hold on, and you can't fall down now!" Another sigh, but when he was in a good mood and was about to walk, he heard the moving sound of footsteps in front of him. It seemed to be in a hurry, but taught Xiao Yuling to stop again, slowly retreat, hide into the darkness, and wait for who came!

"Your Majesty!" The hurried voice was Chai Wu's worry.

In the dark, Xiao Yuling's figure slowly appeared in front of Chai Wu after confirming that it was Chai Wu's arrival. What's the matter?" He glanced at Chai Wu and looked behind him again, "What's wrong?"

Chai Wu shook his head, "No, I'm just worried when I see your majesty not coming back for a long time!" He glanced at Xiao Yuling's face and glanced behind Xiao Yuling again, proving that no one followed him, and then he was a little relieved. "I don't know how your majesty's trip? Has Gao Yu ever embarrassed His Majesty again?

Is it difficult?

Xiao Yuling was surprised and took a look at Chai Wu, but felt that there was nothing wrong. Indeed, Gao Yu's previous rude and unpredictable behavior does have many difficulties, and it is no wonder that Chai Wu treats Gao Yu in this way.

"I don't understand!" Chai Wu suddenly came up with such a sentence. According to his character, this sentence was very dull, which also made Xiao Yuling a little absent-minded. It was rare to see Chai Wu appear with such an expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't understand why your majesty and the eldest princess, hum..." Chai Wu snorted coldly, which seemed to be very contemptuous. " Even Han Shen's always neutral old skin is actually thinking about Gao Yu, a literati. Wouldn't this court be subverted without him?"

Xiao Yuling listened to Chai Wu quietly and thought about it seriously, but he didn't say anything for a long time. Just when Chai Wu thought that Xiao Yuling would remain silent, Xiao Yuling raised another topic. In those years, when the Xiongnu soldiers invaded the Northern Expedition, Yanyun was almost ready to fall. King Yanyun borrowed troops from the court several times and did not follow him. The court has never helped him. In the end, King Yanyun struggled for three years. You should have heard of this!"

Although Chai Wu didn't know what Xiao Yuling wanted to say, he could only agree, "Well, almost everyone in the government and even the people knows about this matter. Why did your majesty suddenly mention it..."

Xiao Yuling shook her head, "I was not sure, but it happened that King Yan Yun and Gao Yun went to Beijing before and after. Such a coincidence is so congenious that it has to be thought-provoking!"

"Your Majesty thinks..." Chai Wu was a little surprised and said in the direction of his speculation, "Is it related to Gao Yun that Yanyun was able to drive away the Hungarian soldiers in the north?" After saying that, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How is this possible? He is just a Jianghu..." In the middle of the words, Chai Wu's face suddenly stiffened and said slowly, "If the court can't help, then Xiao Chengyou can only ask for help from the world!" Such speculation made Chai Wu have to be serious.

Looking back at the direction where Gao Yu lived, Sen You really lived in such a great figure?

"Uncle Chengyou is like an exiled prince, and the court is already disdainful of it..." Xiao Yuling continued to say to him, "If my father refused to send troops to help each other in those years, once the rest of his anger has not subsided, but it is a bitter land that is not worth the court's laboring the masses. If there is no wrong guess, my father in those years I don't want to take back Yanyun's land. Of course, including Uncle Chengyou, it's a burden to give up.

"It's just that the emperor never thought that King Yan Yun would last for three years and finally won a big victory." Chai Wu and Xiao Yuling said this and couldn't help but be cold, "So, what does King Yanyun want to do in Beijing this time?"

"Two possibilities," Xiao Yuling said coldly, "one is to have a plan, or a powerful person, or... the imperial court;" Xiao Yuxuan's words really shocked Chai Wu again, "If there is anything else, it should be that Gao Yu."

"According to the father's son's personal soldiers, a person named 'Wang Yun' was able to win a great victory for the behind-the-scenes deployment of Chengyou's uncle. However, after a rest of military service, this person was no longer there."

"Wang Yun?"

Seeing that Chai Wu still had doubts, Xiao Yuling stretched out his hand and drew it horizontally out of thin air. Prompt Chai Wu, "Isn't this the combination of the word 'Yun'?" Xiao Yuling stopped and ignored Chai Wu's accident. "It seems that this time, Uncle Chengyou is likely to have entered Beijing because of Gao Yun."

"It's just that Gao Yun went to Beijing. Why did King Yanyun go to Beijing in person? It's too messy."

"If Wang Yun is really Gao Yun's words, and Gao Yun is involved in the struggle of the court, as he himself said, he will be worried about his life at any time. So in those years, Gao Yu was kind to the emperor's uncle, and now Gao Yu is in danger again. It is reasonable for the emperor's uncle to go to Beijing to protect his comprehensiveness. Xiao Yuling smiled and asked Chai Wu, "Now the Qing family knows why I care so much about Gao Yu?"

"This person really has the talent for governing the country. Don't be a pity!" Xiao Yuling regretted it. It's just that there are many people who covet this precious jade. Since I can know his identity and ability, others will naturally know it. As for how to recruit, it depends on their own ability.

However, what has made Xiao Yuling worried about until now is the request made by Gao Yu before. Why does he have to decide the life and death of the eldest princess? What exactly does he want to do?

After thinking for a while, I didn't know how to speak, but I walked in the dark court corridor one after the other with Chai Wu. I really don't know what Gao Yu is thinking!" Xiao Yuling sighed, "If he is a person in the world with light fame and fortune, he is happy to mediate the court; if he is to fight for fame and cling to the powerful, he often gives me the same feeling... What on earth does he want?"

"Your Majesty! ..." Chai Wu's voice brought back Xiao Yuling in meditation. "Why don't you send someone to follow him? Even if he really has other plans at that time, as long as it is unfavorable to your majesty, something will appear over time! One hundred and one sparse, we can still prevent it!"

Xiao Yuling shook her head with a smile, "This may not be a good idea. Haven't you seen the young man around Gao Yu?" He paused, and there were still ripples in his heart. Recalling the scene of resistance outside the palace gate just now, "Such sincere men are even waiting for the time to sleep. It seems impossible for you to get any traces from Gao Yu's body!"

When Xiao Yuling said this, Chai Wu remembered, "That teenager seems to be called, - again!" He also nodded silently, "That teenager is really a little tricky." Chai Wu got up silently again and turned his head to look at Xiao Yuling. He seemed to be beg for orders, but it seemed that no one could object. "Why don't you go and test it, so that you can know what kind of strength this enemy or this friend is?"

Xiao Yuying originally wanted to oppose it, but since she had reached a consensus with Gao Yu, it would be a little errave if she tried again. But on second thought, Chai Wu's proposal may not be a bad thing. After all, Gao Yu really has a feeling that he can't be grasped. It's not a job to know in advance what kind of deployment is around him.

The two smiled at each other, seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, and still walked forward.

In the darkness, at the turning point of the courtyard corridor, a pair of eyes stared at all this for a long time. What he said just now fell into the man's ear word for word. The smile overflowed on his lips.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

After Xiao Yuling left, Gao Yu was even more unintentionally sleepless. Under the black face and tough request of Gao Yun to go back to rest, Gao Yun had no choice but to do so. Just when he turned around, he still heard something muttering, "'s all the emperor's fault!"

Laughing silently, Gao Yang had to turn over and go back to bed again.

This time, it is not like the Zaiyun who can lie down calmly without disturbing the outside. Now it is tossing and turning, like a thorn on the back, repeatedly sleeping unsteadily.

With such twists and turns, even Zaiyun outside was extremely uneasy. He asked Gao Yun several times if he had slept, but he was answered silently by Gao Yun. Even so, Zaiyun also walked outside the palace gate from time to time, but he did not dare to make too much noise. He was afraid of disturbing Gao Yun again and added worries.

So back and forth, about half an hour later, the door was gently opened a gap. Maybe it was because he had not slept well all night, and Gao Yu's pale face was slightly haggard in the crack. Looking at Zaiyun standing with a sword, Gao Yun ordered, "Zaiyun,..." seemed to be pondering and thinking for a while before saying, "If there is such a human visit, you can't stop it."

"No!" Zaiyun responded resolutely, looked at the sword in his hand, waved it, and said, "Whoever dares to disturb again, I will beat him back to the same place."

Gao Yu frowned, "This is not Jianghu in the palace. It can't be solved by force, and there are some things. I still hope it will come as soon as possible, so you can't stop it as soon as someone comes." It seemed that Gao Yu wanted to order something, but he looked at the sky and avoided the past.

Just as he turned around, he smelled a smile on the edge of the palace wall and was shocked again.

"It seems that you are still very self-aknowledged and know that I will come!" After saying that, but seeing the dark shadow on the top shaking, a few jumps, Xiao Chengyou's figure and close to Gao Yun. But at a close distance of three feet, a cold front blocked Xiao Chengyou's forward pace.

With a cold face, as soon as he saw Xiao Chengyou's smiling face, he said, "You are not welcome here. My master needs a rest."

"Yun, why are you still like this!" Xiao Chengyou smiled and took a look at the sharp sword pointed directly at him and curled his lips. "I'm not here to do anything. Is it necessary to make it so tense? It's not good to hurt me." After saying that, he collided with the Tong fan in his hand and blocked the obstruction of Zaiyun.

Taking a step forward, he saw Yun Qingfeng block again, and returned Xiao Chengyou back to the same place with the tung fan. Suddenly, his face hung up, and Xiao Chengyou roared, "Didn't you hear your master just say not to stop anyone?"

"You are an exception!"

"Uh..." Xiao Chengyou didn't agree. "Yiyun, I'm also a prince anyway. Anyway, I'm also a good friend of your master. Apart from love, when I was in Beiyan, I treated you well..."

"Let him in!" Gao Yu didn't know when he would withdraw and return to it. He looked indifferent and sat quietly at the table. No matter how you can resist, you can only stare at Xiao Chengyou and let him go again, which is extremely reluctant. Xiao Chengyou had nothing to do, but the face of a villain made Zaiyun quite unhappy.

When passing by Zaiyun, he said to Zaiyun in a very soft voice: "I have guessed a set of kung fu over the years. Let's try it another day, and I will definitely beat you down!" After saying that, he laughed and also avoided Zaiyun and went to Gao Yun's side.

Gao Yun didn't seem to be in the mood to watch their laughter and scolding, but ordered Zaiyun to keep it and not to let people get close.

"You shouldn't know when it came!" Gao Yu's first sentence was with reproach.

Xiao Chengyou was a little surprised, but he smiled and said, "Anyway, he has entered Beijing. It's not the same wherever he goes. Anyway, no one can stop me!" He turned his eyes a few times and smiled and said, "That emperor is not simple. I always thought he was a veritable puppet emperor, but I didn't expect him to be really distracted."

"You shouldn't be like this!" Gao Yun's tone remained unchanged, and he still looked like a reproach, which made Xiao Chengyou very unhappy.

"What's wrong with you tonight? Why do I look like a ghost as soon as I come here?" Xiao Chengyou seemed to feel Gao Yun's unhappiness and his face sank a little. Through the candlelight, Gao Yun's pale face was reversed, and Xiao Chengyou wanted to exhale anger, so he overcame a little. In fact, you don't need to force yourself so much. Planning is not suitable for you at all. You can completely stand by and watch this palace. You are now Gao Ying..."

"I don't want to say this!" Gao Yun interrupted him and looked at Xiao Chengyou, "How can I help you to the throne at ease?" Pointing to the wine stains on his body, "From the time you entered Beijing to now, it's not ridiculous, it's okay to be in Yandi, but this is the capital. How can a drunken prince convince the hearts of the people in the future?

Xiao Chengyou was silent.

Gao Yu closed his eyes, slowed down his tone, and said. If this court is not bright, Xiao Yuling will be a good emperor!"

At least, tonight, in his opinion, Xiao Yuling is an emperor who really wants to be good for the people for the imperial court. No matter how controlled he is, he dares not make any sound. He is scolded as a cowardly emperor, but at least, he has the heart to work for the world.

In contrast, this future 95 candidate in front of him, this moment actually made him so disappointed.

Silent, almost dead silence, slowly, coldness spread around.

The throat moved, and Xiao Chengyou skipped the usual dungy and asked, "Are you going to help Xiao Yuying?" Looking at Gao Yu, his eyes are like a torch. Gao Yun kept silent, maintaining the posture of closing his eyes, and ignored Xiao Chengyou at all.

Silent waiting is also a kind of torment. Xiao Chengyou smiled and got up, "Maybe you're right. I'm not an emperor!" Without saying anything, when Xiao Chengyou turned around and was about to come out, Gao Yun made a sound. He didn't know what he said, but he paused in a chaotic tone, but stood up excitedly.

Suddenly, there was no word between them, but it was unnatural to stand there.

"You don't have to keep me. In fact, I'm completely superfluous. Maybe with your ability, it's more than enough to mediate the court. After a while, I will ask for my life to return to the fiefdom."

"Jing Ming may kill you!" Gao Yu said it coldly. Xiao Chengyou turned around and looked at Gao Yun, waiting for his next words. It should be said that you or Xiao Yuling, she can only keep one, the most obedient one!"

"Then I have to go back faster!" Xiao Chengyou said sarcastically.

"No!" Gao Yu slowly returned to his indifferent nature and sat back to the position just now. "The sooner you go back, the more worried it will only make Xiao Ming. This time, it can be said that I arranged for you to go to Beijing, but it is also speculation that Zhen Ming may want to depose the emperor and choose from many clans. You are the greatest possibility, so I just pushed the boat along the water. ."

Knocking on the ebony table, the slender hand is not as plain as the surface, and the rhythm is slightly rapid. "Now the surface of the capital is calm, I'm afraid the inside is already windy and clouds, and the dark is constantly surging!"

"So you want to help Xiao Yuling turn the situation around?" Thinking back on Gao Yu's words just now, Xiao Chengyou almost thought that Gao Yun had recognized Xiao Yuling as the emperor, and the words he had said before to help him get the country seemed a little ridiculous at this moment.

"I thought you and I were in trouble, and you would understand me!" Gao Yu did not refute, but gently said such a sentence.

Xiao Chengyou was stunned and suddenly felt embarrassed. "Then what's the point of your actions? You are obviously helping him."

"If..." Gao Yun suddenly looked chilly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes made Xiao Chengyou tremble. "I also want to kill him? No, it shouldn't be..."

"I miss him more!"