Shu Song

Chapter 37 Question

The noisy street seemed to become ruthless in the eyes of Gong Jin. Originally, there may be one or two people in this lonely world, but at this moment, the person who can accompany her can't even rest in peace.

On the hundred-foot tower, the pain of the whip, how can it hurt under the nine springs? It's just the ignorance of looking at the coldness and whiplash of his body with tears under the tower.

Walking aimlessly, the scenery on the street became blurred in an instant. Gong Jin only felt black in front of her eyes and fell down.

"Girl, are you all right?" A man's voice sounded when Gong Jin was in a coma, and he opened his eyes slightly. The military uniform was awept, carrying the sun, but he couldn't see his face clearly. Girl, girl, are you all right? Jin Yunfeng shook Gong Jin's coma look, but suddenly pondered how to deal with it.

He ordered the guards behind him, "Go back to the camp first. The girl is unconscious on the street. I'll take her to see the doctor first!" Holding Gong Jin horizontally, Jin Yunfeng walked vigorously and ran on the street.

However, Jin Yunfeng did not take Gong Jin to the hospital to see the doctor as he said. Instead, he held Gong Jin and sneaked into the big house, avoided the strict guards in the palace, and handed Gong Jin to Gao Yu.

Exploring the pulse, Gao Yun said that Gong Jin was fine, but just said that he was depressed in his chest. But what Gao Yu didn't understand was that Gong Jin had always been good at it. Anyone who was a practitioner must be in good health. How could he faint on the street for no reason?

While Gong Jin was not awake at this moment, Gao Yu was a little disapproving Jin Yunfeng's behavior this time. "This incident of King Chengming has just passed, and the poison of King Chengming's self-harm was deliberately accidentally hit by Gong Jin on that day. If people meet Gong Jin with me at this moment, it is difficult not to make mistakes."

Ji Yunfeng didn't think of this, "My subordinates know that they are guilty, but... I think that Gong Jin is our dark line. If we leave her unconscious in the street, I don't know if anyone will disadvantage her, and then..."

Gao Yun sighed and nodded to Jin Yunfeng. He didn't say anything more. He just changed the topic, "Is there any movement outside?" After a pause, he asked again, "Is there anything wrong with Han Shen? Did he come to you during this period?

"No!" Jin Yunfeng frowned and replied, "I do everything as the prince said, but Han Shen seems to be very calm. I haven't found much of my subordinates in these periods of time, and I'm really anxious!"

"It won't be long before he comes to you!" Gao Yu's solemnity seems to have increased a lot because of this topic. "As long as you do everything according to the instructions I gave you, not to mention that Xiao Yuling and others can hide it, it is not difficult to hide it. But..." The deep lock between his eyebrows had inexplicable pain at this moment, and the figure that suddenly flashed from his heart still deeply touched his heart.

"But you have to treat Mu'er well. From that moment on, you are Liang Ji. The Liang Ji she is looking for..." Gao Yue looked at Jin Yunfeng solemnly, "I know your person and your habits. I can rest assured to give Mu'er to you. Don't live up to her in this life!"

"The Prince?" Jin Yunfeng is a little inexplicable. Why did Gao Yun suddenly say this? Miss Su has not always been a prince! ......”

"I'm an ung beless person. Maybe one day I won't wake up in my sleep!" A bitter smile, astringently spread on his lips, Gao Yu has never felt how difficult it is to force himself to laugh and smile as indifferently as usual, but now, he has definitely realized this difficulty.

Only he knew the pain that came out of his heart with his own love with a knife.

Jin Yunfeng was silent and at ease. It's not that he didn't know Gao Yun's illness, but in front of them, Gao Yun was always such an easy-going person. He had never seen him look so depressed. Even in the danger he faced, his face did not change, but so, a kind of despair shrouded in despair. With his whole body, he taught himself to fall and go to the abyss of no return...

Both of them were silent until Gong Jin spit out a mouthful of blood. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was Gao Yu. Suddenly, there was a feeling of facing a savior. She pulled the corners of Gao Yu's clothes and begged, "Sir, please save him. I beg you, Gong Jin, please!"

"Save him?" Gao Yu was puzzled, let go of Gong Jin's hand and helped her lie back**, "What's the matter?"

"Son, have you forgotten that our people, Guan Yu, who you sent to lurk beside Xiao Yuyu, has been sent to us from the palace over the years. Please help him!" Gong Jin was full of blood and dizziness, but her thoughts supported her and kept begging.

When Gong Jin said this, Gao Yu remembered, "Yes, a teenager was indeed transferred from the Qingxiao Pavilion and sent to Xiao Yuying's side to lurk. Why was it found?"

Gao Yu thought to himself, if he was found, how much did Xiao Yuying know about his clues at this moment?

"No!" Gong Jin hurriedly defended, "How could Guan Yu drag me back, but he was later by Xiao Yuling and Xiao Yuyi..." Speaking of this, Gong Jin couldn't help sobbing, her face turned pale and sad, "... But later he was sent to the eldest princess by Xiao Yuying to catch the news for him."

Bing Ming's side!

In Gao Yun's heart, a jade-like man's face suddenly appeared. His delicate appearance once flirted with Ming in front of him and touched his nerves.

It turned out that it was him... the undercover agent he sent to Xiao Yuling in those years, and then changed his name to Guanyu, lurking beside Yingming, as her favorite face.

Gao Yu looked at Gong Jin, and his expression was no longer as gentle as before, but overflowed, "Isn't he dead?" Somehow, as soon as he knew that he was dead, Gao Yu unexpectedly rose a sense of pleasure from his heart, but he couldn't imagine that the chess piece he placed beside Xiao Yuyu was actually ** wrong... to make himself hate him!

Gong Jin couldn't help sob at the thought of Guan Yu being hanged on the head of the city and was ruthlessly whipped by soldiers. "Although Gong Jin knew that Gong Jin's request was too much, now asking the prince to save a dead subordinate will not only expose his identity, but also cause more danger. However, but...but I still hope that he can rest in peace for the sake of his loyalty and devotion to the prince for so many years!"

Gao Yu turned his head and didn't look at Gong Jin's helpless appearance at this moment, and his voice became colder and colder. But from Gong Jin's appearance, Gao Yun also learned a general from his heart, "Have you ever taken an oath with Guan Yu?"

Gong Jin was stunned, but Gao Yu's wisdom is so good. How can this matter between them be hidden from him? "Sir, save him, okay? Over the years, he has sacrificed himself for the prince and accompanied the fierce and murderous princess, and Gong Jin is also in the brothel. Gong Jin knows that he is ashamed to bargain with the prince. But..."

"But he should not, should not, blasblasve the person I love most!" Gao Yu suddenly roared at Gong Jin. When he said this sentence, even he was stunned. What on earth is he doing, his favorite person! - Zhenming?

It should be the person he hates the most. Although Zhenming was indeed his favorite person, there is nothing left but hatred.

Gong Jin looked at Gao Yu in astonishment. She had never seen Gao Yu like this. Even Jin Yunfeng was stunned. What's wrong with Gao Yun today? The first time it was because of Su Mu, but this time it was because of the enemy, - Zhen Ming!

"The prince still won't save him!" Gong Jin was desperate and sat down. There was no vitality in his eyes. He just looked at the front, and tears kept scratching his face.

"No, don't go in!" Outside the palace gate, there was a slight sound of clouds. Gao Yu was so nervous that Jin Yunfeng took Gong Jin to hide and got up and walked out of the front hall. Looking from afar, Xiao Yuling was stopped in front of the door by Zaiyun as usual. Without Gao Yun's order, no one could step into this.

"If the emperor comes again, how can it be done!" Gao Yu said softly, secretly sortied out his moment of chaotic mood just now, and instantly returned to his usual elegance.

"Mr. Gao is really enviable. There is such a good guard around him, and his martial arts are above General Chai. He can be said to be one of the best talents." Xiao Yuling smiled, looked at Gao Yu, and sat down directly towards the chair in the hall. "I'm here today, and I have something to ask you."

"But it doesn't matter!"

"What do you think about King Chengming this time?" When speaking, Xiao Yuling has been staring at Gao Yu's expression, trying to capture a trace of a possible look from his pale face to further implement his doubts.

Since Xuan Jinyu mentioned that there was another master behind Zhenming, this matter has always been like a thorn in Xiao Yuling's heart, and it is difficult to sleep and eat. When he comes today, he doesn't want to plead guilty face to face. First of all, there is absolutely no reason. With Gao Yu's intelligence, how to shirk it will never depend on him. Second, there is no need to fall out with Gao Yun now. If you face the enemy head-on, Gao Yun, a literati gentleman, is far more difficult to deal with than the unparalleled martial arts.

Therefore, today, I just want to test Gao Yu's look. If there is a slight difference, then it also represents Xuan Jinyu's right. He is on the side of the Ming Dynasty, and the agreement reached with him is insignificant.

When Xiao Yuling didn't ask that, Gao Yu probably guessed what he wanted to do.

Xiao Yuling is not a stupid emperor, but on the contrary, he also has some strategy, but he can't see the long-term, but he also has some means. This is Gao Yu's evaluation of Xiao Yuling.

Since Xiao Chengming successfully got out of prison, Gao Yu has expected that Xiao Yuxuan would come to ask questions. At least, he did not dare to ask questions head-on for the time being, but he would still beat around to explore the truth.

Gao Yun smiled as usual, but he was a little wiser, "Xiao Chengming's death is good for everyone. Since the matter along the Huai River has passed, why should your majesty be worried about it?"

"I don't want to ask this!" Xiao Yuling was a little impatient with Gao Yun's ambiguous answer. At this moment, he only felt that Gao Yun was as slippery as a loach. No matter what he wanted to ask, he could easily stop him back as long as he didn't want to answer.

"I just don't understand. Obviously, Mr. Gao is also shameless in the world about the matter of Uncle Ming this time, but why... Obviously, he is only one step away from seeking justice for the people of the world, but the gentleman saw him come out of prison safely and was at large, and bit him back, saying that he was killed. Frame and silence.

"Your Majesty doesn't think it's good?" Gao Yu asked, "Xiao Chengming can have a safe place to go, but he is controlled everywhere, and the eldest princess still plays the game of checks and balances of her court. Such a situation does not hurt anyone!"

"The one who benefited the most from such a situation is my aunt, how dare you say it!" Xiao Yuling was a little angry. In the face of Gao Yun's calm and teasing tone, he suddenly felt a sense of madness and impetuousness.

Gao Yu laughed again, "Your Majesty, hasn't your majesty listened carefully to what Gao said before?" He shook his head with unconcealed disappointment on his face. "Gao Yu thought that your majesty had understood what I meant. It turned out that in the end, Gao Yu was still singing a monologue alone. Your majesty was completely out of the play!"

"Have you had enough?" Listening to Gao Yu's words, "You know that I don't want to let go of King Chengming, but..." After all, Xiao Yulian couldn't help it. Under the stimulation of Gao Yu's words, she vented her dissatisfaction in one breath.

Gao Ying smiled, more than that! Looking at Xiao Yuling, he did not shirk and said frankly, "Yes, it is indeed my idea to keep Xiao Chengming, and there is no need to be questioned by people all over the world. According to Gao, the emperor who benefits from it should not accept such an approach!"

"I benefit from it! ..." Xiao Yuling said in a moment, "Don't say that the emperor's death has no explanation for those suffering people. On this court alone, the eldest princess still controls the changes of the court very well. From this point of view, it's not good for me!"

"So, if Xiao Chengming really sent Xiao Chengming to the court to behead him as the emperor wished, who would be the person your majesty felt would benefit the most? It's Han Shen!" In the end, Gao Yu's voice was also amplified a lot, but he couldn't help coughing.

This cough seems to be endless.

Xiao Yuling knew that Gao Yu had always been weak. Under this fierce debate, he was afraid that it affected the old disease, and his anger suddenly fell into half, but he still couldn't bear to take a breath. "Even if the most beneficial person is Han Shen, no matter what, he will not benefit the eldest princess. This Let her continue to consolidate her position, not help me!"

"How does your majesty know that Xiao Chengming's life is not a bad for the eldest princess?" Gao Yong swallowed and endured the backgas that could not stop. His face suddenly turned pale and held the corner of the table, as if he would fall down as soon as he touched it. "Your Majesty doesn't understand the truth that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold, so that he can't break the form of the court!"

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Xiao Yuling still doesn't understand what Gao Yu is thinking. His solemn face still doesn't have a trace of brilliance.

"Even if Xiao Chengming is dead now, it will be of no harm to your majesty!" Gao Yun held the table and gradually calmed down the churning in his heart and swayed it step by step. Like a minister Geng Zhi, he persuading bitterly, "If Xiao Chengming dies now, then Han Shen will take the opportunity to sit together in the court. It is Han Shen's hand in hand, and Han Jun, the son of Han Shen, is besieged outside. At that time, your majesty really There is no way to fight back!"

Gao Yu smiled bitterly, "One more step back, Han Shen has no bad intentions. What about Princess Ming? Is she the kind of person? How could she be willing to let Han Shen sit alone? Of course, she would do everything to trip Han Shen. At that time, no matter who lost or won, it would not be good for His Majesty. His Majesty would only be the emperor who fished on the anvil and was slaughtered by others.

Gao Yu's step by step approached, and every sentence was like a sharp sword, removing Xiao Yuying's dignity and defense naked. He looked at Gao Yong in astonishment. He never thought that this humble man would turn pale as soon as he was excited. What was hidden in his mind would be so broad that the whole court was almost between his fingers.

It's ridiculous that he, the king of a country, didn't understand what Gao Yu meant when he mentioned it many times. Such a short-sighted vision, how can you really be worthy of being the head of a country compared with the talents of other countries?

"Sir! ..." Xiao Yuling opened his mouth bitterly. For a moment, both of them were silent, and Xiao Yuling suddenly didn't know what to say. Only after being at a loss, he recovered himself a little and broke his panic. "Yunling, Yuling never knew that what you considered would be so broad..."

"No need to say, I understand!" Gao Yu also took a few steps back and returned to his seat, holding his forehead with one hand, which seemed to be very tired. "Gao Yu just hopes that Your Majesty can attract Han Xiao as soon as possible. As long as Han Xiao leans against His Majesty's side, Han Shen will not be crushed in the future to save his son, and he will still not do anything to the emperor. What is it like?"

"Even if he really fights against the eldest princess, His Majesty can use Han Xiao as a shield, so that Han Shen has to join hands with His Majesty to get rid of Yu Ming. At that time, His Majesty took the opportunity to join hands with King Chengming. After all, he was the one who followed the previous emperor to fight the world and used his strength to disintegrate the power of Han Jun's border. At that time, China Han Shen is the only one left. Your Majesty should know better than Gao!"

"Sir, everything is clear!" Xiao Yuling suddenly looked confused, "It's strange that Yuling is stupid and dull, and I don't understand Mr.'s painstaking efforts."

"It doesn't have to be like this. It's not all useless for you to work. Isn't it a reward to be listed in the position of three public officials?" Gao Yu paused, thought for a moment, and then said to Xiao Yuling, "Your Majesty, Gao wants your majesty to do something in person."

"Save Guan Yu, who is now hanging from the tower, and give him a thin coffin and bury him!"

Hearing this, Gong Jin, who had been hiding in the inner hall, suddenly couldn't help crying and wanted to sob, but in the end, she could only touch her mouth with her hand to prevent her sobs from going out and disturbing others!