The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 29 There is a baby

Volume 2 The Second Yuanshen

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On the way back, Zhong Yuan suddenly found a very strange thing.

There are more than a dozen demon snakes, all swimming in one direction. Zhong Yuan is very clear about that direction, which is what he has found so far, the territory of the demon snake with the largest territory in the Venom Valley.

In theory, this is impossible for this to happen. Because going to the territory of other demon snakes is obviously provocation, and there must be only one result, strong and weak. With their strength, they are obviously weak. No matter how underground their intelligence is, it is absolutely impossible to find death.

Then, there is only one reason left. In the territory of the demon snake, there is something special, which has a fatal attraction to them. This attraction is enough to make them ignore their own dangers.

"What will it be? It can't be a natural treasure!" Zhong Yuan thought to himself.

At the thought of this, Zhong Yuan's blood seemed to boil all of a sudden. Because, according to the memory of his previous life, the benefits of natural materials and treasures in Mount Shu are really too great. It's like Li Yingqiong, dozens of Zhu Guo, cut má to wash the marrow, change the qualification, and completely achieve the supreme fairy root. The speed of cultivation is called a thousand miles a day.

Speaking of which, Zhu Guo from Mangcang Mountain should not have entered Li Yingqiong's mouth now, and he has no idea. However, not to mention the long road, there will be no danger; not to mention that the Mangcang Mountain is so big that it can be found; even if everything is safe, he also found Zhu Guo. With his current ability, I'm afraid he can't even beat the wood, and the result can only be to look at the plum to quench his thirst and be Therefore, he did not go.

Other good things are almost all because of this. However, at present, a natural treasure may be by his side. If he doesn't go to have a look and touch the opportunity, he will definitely regret it later.

At this point, Zhong Yuan protected himself with the five poison smoke cloud miasma, flew to the tree and walked from the sky. The five poisonous smoke clouds, light and gorgeous, floated through the bushes, really like a cloud, not conspicuous at all.

Zhong Yuan has the blessing of thousands of miles of magic charms, running all the way, not only extremely light, but also fast. In a moment, he came to the territorial boundary line of the strongest demon snake.

At this time, he obviously saw that there were dozens of demon snakes hidden outside the boundary lines on the rocks, in the grass, on the branches, etc. One by one, they were all coiled there, holding their heads high and looking forward.

One of these demon snakes is the most eye-catching. Its body is as thick as a grinding disc, forty or fifty feet long, the snake's head is like a bucket, and there are two ròu tumor-like protrusions on its forehead, about the size of a fist, and a wisp of beard hanging under the jaw. Looking at such a posture, there is a metamorphosive dragon.

In fact, there is no need to test it at all. It is absolutely extremely powerful.

Zhong Yuan did not dare to pry too far on such existence, and his eyes just swept over, so as not to be sensed by it.

Zhong Yuan is from top to bottom and can see these demons and snakes clearly. They were all very restless and kept twisting. Looking at the situation, they not only wanted to rush in, but also were very afraid of the owner inside, so they just patrolled and hesitated forward.

At this time, a breeze blew, and a very pleasant fragrance floated over, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"What kind of spirit y is going to mature!" Zhong Yuan is thinking about it. Suddenly, a sound of "Sh-" came, and it was only seen that the demon snake, which had the appearance of a dragon, rushed forward quickly and crossed the boundary line like an arrow from the string.

And its actions also stabbed other demon snakes. These demons and snakes, one by one, were afraid of falling behind. At that time, they showed their magical ability and rushed forward quickly. At this time, Zhong Yuan just found that most of them could fly, but the means were slightly simple, and they were all driving the spirit of smoke.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan only hesitated a little, and then acted again, followed by "flying" in.

After moving forward only ten feet, Zhong Yuan heard an unusually sharp hiss. After the sound, there were twenty or thirty demon snakes advancing rapidly, and immediately turned around and retreated. The action was like a National Day military parade, which was extremely neat. The rest also paused for a while.

As soon as he saw this, Zhong Yuan knew that this was the most instinctive manifestation of the demons and snakes. This also reflects from the side how powerful the lord of this territory is.

However, these demon snakes did not retreat too far. After another burst of fragrance, they moved forward again.

"Two fists are difficult to beat with four hands, and many heroes can't beat many people! There are so many demons and snakes coveting. Thinking about it, a big war is inevitable. It's better to lose both sides, so that I can pick up a bargain!"

Zhong Yuan followed slowly and walked more than a hundred feet in again, and his eyes began to become blank, because the whole air was gray. Instinctively, Zhong Yuan felt that it was wrong, so he drums up the true qi and urged the power of the five poisons to the extreme.

Sure enough, after entering this vast area, only for a moment, the screams of several demon snakes sounded. Looking at it, it was these gray breaths that eroded into their bodies. Although it is not fatal, it also makes them very painful.

However, even so, these demon snakes have no intention of giving up. Each smoke and luminance burst out of the body to protect and treat it.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan suddenly saw a line of green gold flowing light coming from the front, which was extremely flexible and turned in the void. In an instant, he pierced the head of an injured demon snake. After that, the blue gold flowed without stopping, continued to swim, and pierced three demon snakes one after another, and then fell to the ground, showing its shape.

This blue gold streamer is also a snake, but it is only a foot long, with thick little fingers, a pair of small eyes, and only the size of beans. The whole body is made up for the fine scales the size of a needle nose, just like gold and iron.

If he hadn't seen the power of the green golden snake, Zhong Yuan would have regarded it as an ordinary demon snake, but when he saw that scene, he knew that the green golden snake was the owner of this territory.

Such a strong attack of the green golden snake is obviously to kill the monkey, want to deter these foreign peers, and don't want them to move forward. However, the fragrance blowing from the wind made his action futile.'s work. The remaining demon snakes did not stop because of this, but became more and more fast.

Seeing this, the green golden snake roared again, turning into a streamer again, and shot a thick demon snake rushing to the front of the head. This time, the green golden snake made it more bloody, with a small mouth, sucking the brain marrow of the demon snake clean. Then, he roared loudly again.

Now, a group of demons and snakes seemed to be really afraid and paused. The demon snake with the appearance of a dragon is no exception.