The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 379 The Gift of Bliss

Three Gorges.

The old man with dead bamboo and Lu Yu, who were busy, suddenly found that the blissful real person beside him stopped and stood quietly on a mountain peak slightly raised above the water, turning his head slightly and looking into the distance.

That direction is exactly where Mount Emei is.

Zhong Yuan asked the real man of Bliss for a spiritual charm to help destroy the dust, but he did not hide it from them, so the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu were very clear about it. As soon as I saw this, I knew that the spiritual charm must have been launched and began to work. Otherwise, even with the cultivation of Bliss, it is difficult to sense the subtle things thousands of miles away.

However, looking at the expression of Bliss, it seems to be quite dignified. At that moment, they couldn't stop their curiosity. I can't help it. Nowadays, Bliss can be said to be the unquestionable first person in the world. Even if the two brothers and sisters join hands, they don't have the confidence to win, and it is likely that they won't last long.

If you can make Bliss Real people pay so much attention to it, you must not be an idle person.

It won't take too long for Bliss Real to fly to the fairyland. And if they want to reach the realm of Jinxian, they have to stay in the world for a long time. Naturally, they should pay attention to such characters in advance. In case of a real conflict in the future, you don't know the details of the other party, and you will suffer too much.

Therefore, the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu immediately stopped their work and flew forward to inquire.

"Brother Li Dao, but your heart is like God's intervention?" The old man withered bamboo asked in time.

The old man withered bamboo has lived for thousands of years" is also an antique in the world. Among the characters he is familiar with, in addition to Li Jingxu, the real man of Bliss is the only one who is like a god, which makes him afraid.

Xinru Shenni, originally a Taoist, named Xin Yuru. At that time, together with Taixu's ancestor Cangxu, the blood god, the corpse, and their brothers and sisters, they were also known as the abandoned monsters in the universe, and they were the most unique figure in the world. Later, Xinru Shenni was transformed into Buddhism. Although there were many rumors, some said that they had been deceived and turned back to the door by themselves; some said that they were really clear Buddhism; and so on, they were different. But one thing is the same, that is, they all believe that the cultivation of the heart is like Shenni, which has greatly increased.

Although the old man with bamboo has never played with Xinru Shenni, he once watched the island where Xinru Shenni lives. Through the method of hope, it is judged that this person's cultivation is not under it, but a very difficult opponent. I can't say, it's still possible to be on top of it.

For this reason, the old man withered bamboo once thought about it to worship the Buddha's incarnation and learn the wonderful method of Buddhism to test it. Because, according to their observation, over the years, the monks who entered the Buddha from the Tao or from the devil into the Buddha have all soared in cultivation and eventually have a high status and become the mainstay of Buddhism. However, those who are purely a beginner in Buddhism have limited achievements. However, he still didn't do so in the end.

Because "worship into Buddhism with such an incarnation, it seems that the gods do not know it, but it is difficult to deceive the original intention. In those years, he made up his mind to enter the road with a side door. Naturally, he did not want to break his promise because of this.

Bliss Real did not answer immediately, but after a while, he turned around and said, "No!" After saying that, he smiled and said, "My heart is like a god, but you don't have to worry about facing it, because" I know her situation very well. As long as you don't take the initiative to find a quarrel, he will not be an enemy with you."

"Who is that?" Lu Yu immediately said, "In addition to Xinru Shenni, who else in this world can make the real person be awe-inspiring?"

"He is an old friend!" At this time, the smile on Bliss's face converged and said, "Long-browed real life!"

"Long-browed real person, is he still in the world?" The words of Bliss Man shocked the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu at that time, but he couldn't stop losing his face.

Although, according to age and generation, the real person with long eyebrows is only their junior generation, his cultivation makes him difficult. Of course, the reason for the loss of color is not because they are afraid, but that in those years, Changmei Zhenren also had a little friendship with them, and they also agreed to give more support to the Emei faction. But now, instead of helping the Emei faction, they are helping the Emei faction's enemy, but they can't help but feel a little shameless.

In their hearts, although the long-browed real man is square and majestic, he is not domineering and unreasonable.

Bliss Real people naturally understand their feelings. Because if the long-browed real person really appears in front of him, he will inevitably do so. Because this is human reason. At that moment, the smile on his face reappeared and said, "The real person with long eyebrows has soared, and naturally he is not in the world. However, he is in the world, leaving a wisp of motogami in the Emei School.

"So that's it!" At that time, the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu were relieved and relieved at the same time.

A wisp of distraction, and the real long-browed real person, strictly speaking, are no longer the same person.

In particular, I flew up to the upper bound, and the contact was cut off early.

"Brother Changmei, I love the Emei School too much!" After a pause, the old man withered bamboo suddenly sighed.

"With this wisp of motogami, anyone who wants to destroy the Emei faction will suffer a big loss! I can't say, I will be attacked by a big counterattack in the end!" Lu Yu also continued to say.

"Not necessarily, that boy Zhong Yuan once killed Master Lianshan!" Li Jingxu, a real person of Bliss, looked at Lu Yu with deep meaning and said, "I felt a shadow of Master Lianshan in him!"

"What?!" The old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu were shocked again. Especially the old man withered bamboo.

For Zhong Yuan, he was the first to come into contact with and the first to live a good life. However, I didn't expect that Zhong Yuan had such ability. Because Master Lianshan also jumped into a golden fairy. However, for well-known reasons, he has become a golden fairy, but it is hidden, and few people know about it.

Even if Master Lianshan cares less about the Emei School, the distractions left behind are not very powerful, but I'm afraid it's difficult to destroy the idle immortals.

At this moment, the old man withered bamboo, who had been standing firmly on the side of Zhong Yuan, became more determined. And Lu Yu, at this moment, her position was completely firm.

"Zhong Yuan, this is the last gift for you before I soar! I really want to see how far you can grow up?