The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 401 Tianxiancheng, Liwei

Chapter 101 Tianxiancheng, Liwei

When these strange birds, beasts and poisonous insects first appeared, they were very small, the largest, and no more than five inches long. However, under the baptism of the Thunder Sea, instead of being worn out in an instant, it is getting bigger and bigger, as if swallowing the energy of the Thunder Sea to strengthen itself.

Looking at this, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming understands the secret of the magic mirror.

Just now, the thirty-six small eggs are the original seeds of the thirty-six supreme insects. With them, thirty-six supreme insects that have long been annihilated in the long river of time, and the hope of rebirth and continuation of the bloodline! ~

"What a pity!"

Looking at the thirty-six kinds of maggots that are constantly swallowing the sea of thunder, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming couldn't help sighing.

Immediately after that, the ascetic head also said, "It's a pity."

Because they all know that this has entered the sea of thunder and swallowed up a large number of thirty-six supreme insects of thunder and lightning, and there is absolutely no hope of survive.

Insects may be evil in nature, but if they are controlled in the hands of a kind person, they can also do a lot of good deeds. Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming did not doubt his identity as a good person, so it was a pity for the blood of these powerful insects. Because once these bloodlines are completely grown, I'm afraid that the ordinary immortals will only have the end of making food in front of them.

If the Emei faction can have their protection, it will definitely be solid in the future.

Thinking of this, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming couldn't help but have such a trace of regret for taking the magic mirror as the first magic weapon to take out the robbery.

However, at this moment, even if you regret it, it's too late. Now the Miaoyi real person washes his head, only hoping that the blood of these thirty-six supreme insects can devour as many thunder and lightning as possible, so that the magic weapons lost later can be less.

Sure enough, as expected, for a moment, there was a bull-headed tiger with five tails, a fierce beast-like worm, and his whole body cracked. Then, with a rumble, from the inside out, the explosion was about to open, and there was nothing left.

Immediately after that, the blood of the supreme worms were bombarded into scum by the thunder of internal and foreign affairs. Before long, the blood of thirty-six supreme worms died. However, their death also delayed the time of Tianjie for half a quarter of an hour, which was more than when Master Baiyun Yuan Jing urged the magic mirror.

With their disappearance, the sea of thunder poured down again. This time, the dwarf Zhu Mei was responsible for taking over.

The dwarf Zhu Mei used a black shining silk mesh. She shook her hand, but it turned into a black canopy, covering the whole small valley, and once again intercepted the sea of thunder in mid-air.

This black silk net, called Shenxiao net, is made of the tendons of adult mountain Xiao, which is more than a hundred years old. It is extremely tough and good at collecting all tangible and intangible things. It is similar to the mirage bottle in Zhong Yuan's hand and the Qibao amethyst bottle in the hand of the white-haired dragon girl Cui Wugu.

This Shenxiao net is the trophy obtained by the real person who killed the Master of Zhushan in those years.

Zhushan Sect was also a big school in those years, with great momentum, far above the red-haired ancestors of Hongmuling and the green-robed ancestors of Baiman Mountain. However, since the death of the master of Zhushan, the dragons have no leader. The elders in the religion are not convinced. In order to compete for the position of the leader, they fought fiercely. After a lot of civil strife, the death of the dead, the disabled, and the large sect has become an inconspicuous small school.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the real person with long eyebrows did not kill the Zhushan religion.

The dwarf Zhu Mei took this magic weapon, but it was very easy. Because this Shenxiao net is good at defense. He persisted for about half an hour, and it was also very laborious, and he felt a little difficult. At that time, he winked at Bai Guyi, who was chasing Yun, beside him, and then pinched out the magic trick and blew up the god's net.

After a loud noise, the sea of thunder was obviously much less. This is not to say that the power of this magic net is stronger than the magic mirror, but that the power of the sea of thunder and light itself is declining.

Aware of this, the Emei masters present are very happy, because this means that the disaster will soon pass.

Sure enough, when Bai Guyi, the man of the cloud, took action, it was much easier. When he blew up the magic weapon in his hand, the soul flying fork of Taiyin, the sea of thunder disappeared directly and turned into a sparse thunder and lightning again. Moreover, it is not as powerful as it used to be.

However, everyone was not happy for a long time. Because then they found that the clouds in the sky did not mean to fade away, but were still like a tide, coming out of the void, like horses rushing over the valley.

At the time, everyone's look was solemn.

At the time when Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming thought about it again, and then, it was necessary for two people to protect Xuan Zhenzi at the same time. Suddenly, Xuan Zhenzi's invisible sword, which kept moving outside, made an extremely exciting sword sound, and a sword light more than a thousand feet long, pierced the sky. With a sword, it penetrated into the core of the disaster cloud.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenzi also opened his eyes again.

"Big brother is awake!"

"Big brother is awake!"


Maybe there was a breakthrough in the way of the imperial weapon just now. Xuan Zhenzi, who had just passed the demon disaster, not only did not look haggard at all, but his spirit was more energetic. At this time, he didn't even look at the disaster clouds in the sky. He turned his head and looked at Miao Yizhen and said, "Brother Qi, give me three more magic weapons!"

Hearing this, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming didn't understand the meaning of Xuan Zhenzi, and he was overjoyed at that time. That is, in time, as soon as the sleeves of the robe were thrown, three magic weapons flew out of a ring, a round and a whip, and the taste was not bad.

After taking over the three magic weapons, Xuan Zhenzi looked up at the sky and looked at the cloud that had already closed. Suddenly, he raised his hand, and immediately, the ring made of beautiful jade turned into a streamer, straight to the sky, extremely fast, not in the thick black disaster cloud.

Then, Xuan Zhenzi concocted it in the same way and sent the round jagged golden wheel and the long black whip into the disaster cloud.

After a moment, there was an earth-shaking sound, and the whole center of the disaster cloud was blown through, and the sky of hundreds of feet in the circle reappeared the blue sky.

The weak but warm light penetrated down, putting a touch of red glow on the Emei faction in the valley.

At this time, everyone clearly realized that the sun was about to set and the day was about to pass.

Above the sky, in all directions, there are still clouds coming out of the void and converging into the hole in the center. However, under this shock, the channels in the void seemed to have been shaken, which was greatly reduced, and the speed of cultivation seemed very slow.

If this is the first time to see this situation, the elders of the Emei School will certainly be quite excited. However, they have just experienced a disappointment, but they dare not have too much hope for it.

In this regard, Xuan Zhenzi seems to have been psychologically prepared for a long time. That is, time, he took out a magic weapon that Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming originally gave him.

This magic weapon, called the Big and Small Tianhua Shen Gong Flag, has a total of 12 sides, which is the number of 12 yuan. This flag is an extremely rare array in the magic weapon. The power of a single side may not be good, and it may even be easily injured. However, once the formation is achieved, it will exert the unprecedented powerful power in the world!

Xuan Zhenzi, obviously has a lot of research on the way of formation. He waved his fingertips casually, and the size of a pole was inserted in a specific place. Then, the white fog dispersed, covering the whole valley, and the rest was unfailing, like cooking smoke curling up to the clouds.

Those white fogs seem to be extremely gentle. As soon as the breeze blows, it will disperse, and there will be no more. However, when it touched the black cloud, it melted away quickly like boiling water and splashing snow. The clouds in the sky are decreasing rapidly. About half an hour has passed. In the sky, all the clouds have disappeared, and there is no longer a single point, derived from the void.

Looking at this, a group of Emei masters have just confirmed that Xuan Zhenzi has survived the disaster.

"Big brother, are you really a fairy now? Why haven't I felt the soaring passage appear? Kan Li's real person Xu Yuan channel.

Xuan Zhenzi nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I have indeed become a fairy. As for the ascension, there are still some achievements that have not been completed. After finishing it, the access channel of the spiritual and empty fairy world will come down at any time!"

Before Kan Lizhen Xu Yuantong opened his mouth again, he was robbed by Miaoyi Zhenqi Shuming. I only heard it, "Big brother, although your heavenly disaster and demon disaster have passed, there are still people here. Although they didn't really stop their brother's disaster, they also separated a lot of our efforts. We have to punish them and correct them!"

"What did my brother say!" Xuan Zhenzi nodded and answered in time.

Then, the momentum on the body was like a river roaring, stacking one wave after another, the higher it was, the higher it was, and it rushed straight to the sky. The breath of majesty, even if it is thousands of miles away, can also be clearly felt.

At this time, around Ningbi Cliff, between the peaks and forests, they were brought over by the heavenly demon **, but they didn't dare to really get close to the monks or were waiting for the opportunity to take action. If you are a little timid, or particularly shrewd and see that the clue is wrong, he will immediately urge him to escape at the fastest speed.

Just as they had just rushed out for a few miles, on the small valley outside the Ningbi Cliff, there seemed to be a sword lotus, tens of millions of sword spirit, tearing up the clouds, and bombarded away the gathering places of those "human disasters" in all directions.

In time, there are countless sounds of howls coming out, one after another. RO