The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 428 The Book of the Devil's Way: Evil Fate

Golden Whip Cliff. Zhu Wen's boudoir. After the defensive prohibition set up by the dwarf Zhu Mei was fully opened, that is, the time, a palm-sized dark golden magic wheel was taken out of the magic weapon bag at the waist.

Then, the delicate jade hand scraped empty. In an instant, dozens of mysterious runes appeared in the air and fell into the magic wheel.

At that time, the magic wheel "buzzed" for a while, flying over the void by itself, where it was suspended, and there was no wind rotating, making a tinkling sound. This sound is very pleasant, just like the wonderful sound of heaven. If you listen carefully, you can enter the realm of enlightenment that can be encountered but not sought.

However, in the face of such a graceful Tianyin, Zhu Wen not only did not concentrate on listening at all, but also took out a magic charm and hit his body, forming a layer of powerful brilliance shield to protect himself from its influence.

The reason for this is that Zhu Wen is very clear that this top-quality magic weapon is not a righteous treasure to help people practice, but an incomparable magic magic weapon. Now, it has still been transformed by the Taoist immortal sacrifice, which is much better. Otherwise, no matter who gets this magic wheel, for the first time to use it, it will be a flying dance, golden lotus everywhere, strange fragrance everywhere, creating a fairy world fantasy that can be imagined in the minds of the user, so that you can unconsciously indulge in Among them, the camel will eventually become its advanced tonic.

Of course, if you are determined enough to pull out, you can also use it to exert the power beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

The name of this magic weapon is Evil Fate Dharma Wheel!

The most core way and the most original way of Buddhism is called cause and effect. If there is a cause in the world, there will be an effect, and if there is a result, there will be a cause. After understanding the way of cause and effect, you can display many magical power that even monks think is incredible. For example, the small wheel three-phase divine method of Buddhism can borrow the power of the future to support the present, so that a mortal can become a peerless master in just seven days. For example, the silent reincarnation of Buddhism can completely pass on the power of this life to future generations, so that a newborn child can have unparalleled combat power.

And the devil's way with the Buddha is really a sworn enemy. The most core way and the most original way is evil fate.

mortals understand evil fate, and only think that it is an emotional entanglement between men and women, but in fact it is not. The way of evil fate is also all-enclusive and broad.

Evil fate, contained in cause and effect, is the deepest cause and effect, the most quintessential cause and effect. In this way, the evil fate is far less profound than the cause and effect, but because of the huge cause and effect, it is very difficult to understand that the devil's way specializes in this evil fate, but it is very easy to make great achievements.

Because of this, although Buddhism is determined to destroy the demon, it has never succeeded. From time to time, it will be counterattacked by the demon gate and suffers great losses.

This evil fate wheel is the treasure refined by a great demon who ravaged the world in ancient times. Later, this man was defeated and died by the Taoist Jinxian Guangchengzi. This evil fate wheel was in the hands of Guangchengzi.

Although the evil fate magic wheel is a magic treasure, it contains the wonderful principle of the origin of heaven and earth. Therefore, after Guang Chengzi got it, he could not bear to destroy it. Therefore, he sacrificed it to him with his own immortal method and cut off its magic nature, so that it was easy to be controlled by the righteous monks. However, in this way, it also makes the grade of the evil magic wheel fall from the treasure to the best magic weapon.

This evil fate wheel was collected by Guangchengzi in the Guangcheng gold boat and was discovered by Zhong Yuan. After referring to the information mentioned by Zhu Wen, this magic weapon is the best magic weapon for Zhu Wen to deal with the dwarf Zhu Mei. Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all and gave it to Zhu Wen.

In addition, he also taught Zhu Wen a matching magic supremacy book "Insistent Evil Demon Dafa".

Zhu Wen looked at the evil wheel suspended in front of him and whispered, "I am willing to practice myself and turn it into your tonic. I only hope that you can really help me understand these thirty evil fates!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Wen's beautiful face changed greatly, and the endless resentment turned into real black smoke, which came out, wrapped around the void, and formed a skeleton, flying around.

Between flying and dancing, there is a constant roar, and the voice is sad. Even if it is hard-hearted, it will be unbearable to hear it.

At this time, Zhu Wen's face was also distorted, like a devil coming out of hell.

For this, Zhu Wen didn't care and looked pious. That's right, he devoutly spit out a series of spells. This spell sounds no different from the sacrifice of the gods in the world, but it is definitely different. Every time it is spit out, it turns into a substantial rune. It is dark, but crystal clear, like a black crystal floating in front of it, emitting a shining brilliance.

With the recitation of this spell, Zhu Wenxiu's mana is also running in a completely different way from the past practice.

"'K, click, click,..."

It's only a moment of work, and the bones in Zhu Wen's rest are broken.

At this time, according to common sense, she can't stand at all. It will only be on the ground like a ball of soft mud. However, there is a mysterious power in her rest, which makes her still stand there as before, and it is as stable as Mount Tai.

Then, "'Pu, Fu, Fu," Zhu Wen's whole body, skin, tendons and veins are broken. If not, the power of the mysterious child is still there, maintaining her human form, I'm afraid that it will really become a ball of meat mud.

At this moment, Zhu Wen's mouth has opened incompetently, but the sound of recitation is still constantly, and the black runes are also constantly flashing.

This is Zhu Wen who used the power of the soul in the golden elixir of Xiune to recite.

Although the sound is much weaker, the revealed rune light is getting brighter and brighter.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Zhu Wen finally stopped reciting runes. At this time, in his lifeless eyes, there was an incomparable light.

"'In my blood body, in my soul, in my magic power, in all my sacrifice, evil power, come!"

With a strong roar, Zhu Wen's golden elixir melted in an instant and turned into a half-gray flame. In an instant, Zhu Wen's soul was destroyed and integrated into it. Then, Zhu Wen's bones and flesh were also turned into ashes, and the power of essence was also integrated into it.

"Brother Tao, have you ever felt that there is magic?"

Ji Deng, the eldest disciple of the dwarf Zhu Mei, was practicing swordsmanship with his younger brother Tao Jun. Suddenly, if he felt something, he said at that time. While speaking, his eyes wandered around, trying to peep out some fw. However, nothing was achieved in the end.

Tao Jun's introduction is still shallow, but he also knows a lot about the great name of the dwarf Zhu Mei. At that time, without thinking at all, he replied, "'Brother, worry too much. This is the Golden Whip Cliff, the place where the master is stationed. Which devil dares to approach? Don't you die?"

"'That's true!" After the fruitless observation, Ji Deng also felt that he felt wrong. At that time, he also nodded and echoed Tao Jun's words.

However, as soon as he nodded, he felt a more awe-inspiring magic. Although the magic spirit is still fleeting, the clear and incomparable feeling makes him deeply understand that his own feeling is not wrong.

"'No, there must be a devil who sneaked into the Golden Whip Cliff! We should be careful!" Ji Deng said in time. His eyes were shining, and he had a long sword in his hand. He couldn't wait for Ke to see this at any time. Tao Jun was also nervous. While holding the sword to defend himself, he said, "Brother, Sister Zhu is still in the room. She is alone. The devil will not go directly at her, will he?"

At this moment, an awe-inspiring breath of magic came out and went straight to the sky. Although this breath is invisible and colorless, in people's feelings, it seems that there is a thick column, which supports heaven and earth and no longerhe. The place of this breath is Zhu Wen's boudoir.

Seeing this, Ji Deng could no longer speak, that is, time, to urge the sword light to turn into an emergency electricity and shoot at the place of Zhu Wen's boudoir.

Tao Jun also followed closely. However, he has not yet learned to fly with the imperial sword. He can only launch the land soaring skill, jump and jump, and rush to Zhu Jia's boudoir.


Before Ji Deng approached Zhu Wen's boudoir, he was blocked by abrupt barrier. The magnificent power, at that time, he flew backwards. In his chest, his qi and blood kept toswipe, which was so dangerous that he was suppressed by him.

If the qi and blood spew out, you can't recover at all without a few years. Of course, if there is a tonic of the day's material treasure, it is another matter. But how can that kind of thing be easy to find?

After Ji Deng calmed down the ups and downs of qi and blood, he still couldn't calm down. Because he found that the barrier was the two-phase fairy array arranged by the teacher Zhu Mei for Zhu Wen.

Although the two-phase fairy array is not a top-level array, it is better than a comprehensive one. He defends not only tangible foreign enemies, but also invisible gods and demons. Therefore, it also has certain benefits for the practice itself.

Now that this array has been opened and there is no damage at all, according to reason, there should be no devil breaking in, but the magic spirit comes out of Zhu Wen's boudoir, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

"Is it possible that the devil went in with Sister Zhu? Or, the strength of the devil is far above the teacher? In an instant, Ji Deng had two conjectures. But soon, he thought of the current situation and unconsciously said to himself, "What do you want to do? It's still important to save Sister Zhu!"

In the moment, Ji Deng did not hesitate to take out the treasure given to him by the dwarf Zhu Mei to protect his life, and bombarded it towards the two-phase immortal array in front of him.