The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 445 Tongtian nun's nun breaks through the magic wave

"Friend, your brother, you don't seem to have much respect for your brother!"

After the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying sent several people to strengthen the attack on Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin, so as to better let her into the hub, she went out of the body and went to crack the forbidden law of banning the colorful spiritual clouds. At this time, there were only five people left in the bedroom as the ultimate mobile force.

At this moment, the black-handed fairy Zhang Li has returned to the madness of the past. He immediately came to Moshi, the poisonous hand, and said with a little sarcasm.

Although Moshi, the poisonous hand, is also very dissatisfied with his barbarian brother, he is more clear that the black-handed fairy Zhang Li has no kindness. Because they are also competing opponents.

Therefore, the poisonous hand Moshi is time, so he completely put away the hatred in his heart, showing a calm face, saying, "Young people, it is always inevitable that things are not appropriate. I believe that it won't be long before my brother understands this.

, "Really? I wish!"

The black-handed Xianlang Zhang Li originally wanted to provoke the infighting between the poisonous hand Moshi and the Red Feather God King, which made the defense of Aoki Palace not so safe. At that time, as the first master in the magic wave pool, he could suppress the battle, and the fisherman would benefit. However, I didn't expect that although the poisonous hand Moshi was a lustful person, he could still maintain a point at this critical time.

At the moment, he understood that his wishful thinking and the air disaster had come true. If you want to capture Cui Ying's gorgeous corpse in one fell swoop, you need to think of other ways.

"Xu Daoyou's first exploration of the magic wave pool is entrusted to you. Remember, be cautious, it's better not to be a treasure than to lose, to prove the change of reality, lay the foundation for us to attack, and then leave!" On the mountain, Zhong Yuan warned.

"Don't worry, the alliance leader. If I can't meet the requirements of the alliance leader with such convenience, I will spend my life practicing in vain!" When Wan Miaoxian Aunt Xu Fei Niang replied, although she seemed very calm, her heart was actually quite uneasy.

There is no way, Qiaocai. In the little memory that Zhong Yuan instilled for him, it not only includes the general map of the array of the magic wave pool, but also all kinds of treasures inside. All kinds of dangerous situations are specific and subtle, so meticulous that she thinks that this magic wave pool was created by Zhong Yuan.

"That's good. Don't be late. You can go in now! No matter how late it is, it will be time for Cui Ying, the corpse, to plan carefully!"

As soon as Zhong Yuan said this, Wanmiao immortal aunt Xu Feiniang did not delay. With a shout, she led the female monk of the Tongtian League to form a one-yuan magic array, and stepped on the auspicious clouds and fell towards the blue waves.

The gorgeous glow is like an unparalleled sword, which suddenly hydrates the pool of the magic wave pool into two halves.

There was a minute of water in this pool. At that time, countless people couldn't stop exclaiming. Because, this small one

The small pool is more than a thousand feet deep, which is incredible.

Wan Miaoxian Aunt Xu Feiniang once walked through it and learned so much information, but she was very calm and dominated the auspicious clouds to move down quickly. In just a flash, everyone rushed out of the pool and fell on the ground.

At this moment, if you look up, you will find that the magic wave pool is hanging hundreds of feet above their heads, shining like a Tianhe.

And the space here is extremely vast, just like another world. Five tall and gorgeous caves are neatly lined up in the empty gates of the five directions, just like the undefended treasure, allowing people to enter and exit. However, the people present in the Tongtian League, even the younger disciples, did not have a fool. They knew that the more so, the more they showed the danger inside. Therefore, unconsciously, they all prepared their most suitable magic weapons and were ready to deal with the changes at any time.

Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang compared her previous experience with the general map of the magic wave pool array. After some deduction, she led the nuns of the Tongtian League and flew towards a cave shining white light.

Wan Miao Xiangu's expression is very certain. Obviously, she is still very sure about her own calculation.

While flying to the shining white hole, Wan Miaoxian's aunt Xu Feiniang also secretly spread the sound and told all kinds of things that should be paid attention to to the rest of her peers and disciples.

As soon as he stepped into the door, a wind blew in front of him, and the roar was very loud, like thousands of trees supporting the wind, like the waves, violent and extremely violent. When I looked up, it was dark, even darker than the night when I couldn't see my fingers.

In that time, Xu Feiniang, the immortal aunt of Wanmiao, flew out of her own portable magic weapon.

The Wu Dunshen pile is not the most proud magic weapon of Wanmiao Xiangu Xu Feiniang, nor is it the most familiar one. The reason why he chose it is that, in his opinion, conforming to the wonderful principles of heaven and earth and restraining the five elements with five elements is the lightest and easiest way.

Five Dunshen piles, although the grade is not extremely high, with the blessing of hundreds of female mana of the Tongtian League, it has burst out unprecedented power. The five columns of smoke have almost condensed into a substantial mountain, slightly rotating around the Ran people, and the wind of the beech is blocked by it.

In this block, the skin of Wanmiao Fairy Aunt Xu Fei Niang couldn't help trembling.

Because she found that the five elements mountain evolved by the Wuxiaoshen pile was the white golden mountain that played the greatest role, releasing thousands of awe-inspiring sword light, almost equivalent to the real flying sword, chopping at the wind and cutting off most of its power.

Five elements of Sheng Ke: Jin Kemu.

The only possibility of attracting the power of the metallic mountains is to invade the black wind, which belongs to the power of the wooden genus. At first, Xu Feiniang, the aunt of Wanmiaoxian, thought that this was only the result of the interaction between the innate prohibition of the big five elements. But soon, he found that this was not because the thousands of white sword lights were turned green by the black wind when they were chopping.

This shows that the black wind is not actually a black wind, but a green color, rich to the extreme, just an illusion.

In this case, it can only be created by the source of pure wood power.

The rest of the five elements of the power, even with the help of the innate legal prohibition of the big five elements, can evolve such a powerful power, but in any case, it cannot be so pure.

Now, Xu Feiniang, the fairy aunt, was not very shocked. Because, according to her previous deduction, what she brought into the Beidong Guishui Palace, not the current Aoki Palace.

The reason why Xu Fei Niang, the immortal aunt of Wan Miao, wants to enter the * Water Palace is that she has been there and is the most familiar: Second, it is the place of the bedroom of the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, and it is the easiest to understand the real strength of this enemy: Third, Guishui Palace is The center of the ban is to take charge of the overall situation. If you want to get a glimpse of the whole leopard, that is the best choice.

It's just a pity that it's a loss!

At this time, Wan Miaoxian's aunt Xu Feiniang understood that the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying had taken another step forward in mastery of the forbidden method of the magic wave pool. Zhong Yuan told her about the general map of the magic wave pool, and the effect that can be played is very limited.

"Please note that this is not the Guishui Palace that I just mentioned in Yue, but the Aoki Palace, where another center of the Magic Wave Pool is located. The center of Aoki Palace advocates defending against foreign enemies. Therefore, here, the danger we encounter may be the greatest. Don't slack off at all!

In addition, no matter what kind of treasure you see, you can't act without authorization. You must maintain the integrity of the one-yuan array. Only in this way can we be invincible!"

Wan Miaoxian Aunt Xu Feiniang led the auspicious cloud and flew towards the inside of the Aoki Palace.

The more you fly in, the stronger the wind becomes. In a vague way, you can see the shadows of countless tall trees swaying and swaying, but there are really countless huge trees smashing at the Five Xiaoshen piles, making a series of roars, and the sound bursting.

In this place where you can't see your fingers, it is naturally the most important to see the situation around you. However, Xu Fei Niang, the aunt of Wan Miaoxian, did not dare to penetrate her own thoughts and explore.

Because she knew very well that since she was inexplicably transferred from Guishui Palace to Aoki Palace, it showed that someone was hiding here. In this case, release your mind,

is simply a live target for people.

Fortunately, Xu Fei Niang, the aunt of Wan Miaoxian, is a famous rich woman. In many treasures, that is, time, she took out a crystal crystal ball the size of a fist and shook it. Piece by piece, holes like a sieve appeared in it, with different lengths.

At this moment, Wan Miaoxian Gu Xu Fei Niang rudely seconded the power of the one-yuan magic array and poured it into the crystal ball. In just one moment, she heard a "crackling", and the crystal ball turned into a whole powder and no longer existed.

However, Xu Fei Niang, the aunt of Wan Miaoxian, did not look angry because of this. Not only that, her face showed a touch of joy. Because, in the end, the moment the crystal ball burst, he clearly saw the end of all the holes.

For ordinary monks, even if they know the end of these holes, it is in vain.

Because it has no meaning at all. If they want to get the treasure in the magic wave pool, they have to take a chance. However, Wan Miaoxian's aunt Xu Fei Niang is different. She has the extremely detailed situation of the magic wave pool told by Zhong Yuan.

Although the forbidden law of the magic wave pool is controlled by the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, with her ability, it is not enough to make wanton modifications. All changes are still based on the arrangement of returning Saint Gugain.

So, these basic things can't go wrong. If there is a real mistake, it can only show that Zhong Yuan's "intelligence" is not accurate.

And the intelligence does not allow this situation. It has never appeared once on Zhong Yuan, the master of Tongtian League! Therefore, this time, Xu Feiniang, the aunt of Wanmiaoxian, was full of confidence.