The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 547 The Fall of Wu Lingzhu

Wu Lingzhu, who is in the dust array of Liangyi Liuhe, naturally doesn't know the situation outside. However, at this moment, he incarnates a demon, and is particularly sensitive to the evil spirit in the center of the earth. He can clearly feel that the evil spirit in the earth is definitely attracted by him.

However, his secret method of self-prevention was stimulated, but he did not see the violent torrent of power, which destroyed this world.

Not only that, the speed of the ground closed on that day was getting faster and faster. Even if he kept using the magic method for a moment, even the continuous bombardment could only be slightly slowed down, and it was no longer as before, making it directly stagnant for a moment.

"Why? Why? Is Zheng Yin's mana strong enough to support the three-sided battlefield? How is this possible? He is just a newly achieved immortal, and he is in a weak time? How is it possible?"

At this moment, Wu Lingzhu felt that she was going crazy.

However, it's useless to be crazy. If it's useful, he would rather be crazy. The sky and the earth are closed to the middle in an unswerving posture.

For every nearly one point, the death and death ripple formed by the invisible strangulation is 30% stronger. At the beginning, the black pearl incarnated as a demon only needed a tremor, and the magic sound of the natural sound of the bones around the body was enough to eliminate it. However, after a short moment, not to mention a tremor, even a series of tremors, it is not worth it, and it must be corresponding to the secret method.

Wu Lingzhu also has the intention to temporarily delay the attraction of the spirit of the earth, and attack with all its strength first to stop the closing of this world. Because, obviously, this is a big killing move of Liangyi Liuhe dust array. The power must be earth-shaking.

However, after thinking about it, Wu Lingzhu gave up. Because he is very clear that his own mana is counted. The so-called long-term defense will be lost. In such a way, it may be unobstructed in a short time, but the possibility of victory is not great. However, it is possible to make a contribution in one fell swoop by tilting more strength to the spirit of communication. And this possibility, it is very likely to be very close, maybe, just the next moment.

Wu Lingzhu, who made up his mind, under the general trend of the world, although he became more and more restless, he still held that glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping to have a gorgeous reversal at this most critical moment!

"Zheng Yin, who has just become an immortal, can't have a strong and boundless mana. Even if there are some elixirs, it won't help much. Now, it must be the end of the crossbow. Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, it will definitely be difficult for him to intercept the evil spirit of the earth. At that time,..."

After a moment, Wu Lingzhu did not wait for the earth-shaking explosion, but ushered in the pressure of the sky.


Wu Lingzhu in despair, roared up to the sky, his fists were shadowless, his feet were invisible, and he was crazy in all directions, venting his power.

At this moment, suddenly, the closing of the day was a pause. At that moment, Wu Lingzhu woke up, and her face was full of joy, "Haha, I finally waited, I finally waited!"

Wu Lingzhu is in the midst of the excitement of this emotion. This pair of big mills formed by heaven and earth rotated violently. At that time, circles of ripples were born out of thin air, like ropes, directly on Wu Lingzhu's body.

These ripples do not show a round state. They are all ellipticals, and there are no rules at all. Some are biased to the left, some are biased to the right, some are biased upwards, some are biased downward, all in all directions.

"K-ba, K-ba, K-ba,..."

With the sound of bone fragmentation, a stream of black magic gas was abruptly pressed out of the holes around the Wulingzhu. Before he could escape, he was wiped out by those ripples.

lost the seventy-two demon spirit, the change of the earth demon of Wu Lingzhu, which could not be maintained at that time and returned to the original phase.

At this time, a blood light came empty and rushed into the body of Wu Lingzhu with lightning speed.

"Zheng Shenjun, spare my life, I'm willing to surrender, I'm willing to surrender!"

At this moment of life and death, all the airs, face, arrogance of Wu Lingzhu,... There is nothing left, and there is only fear in my heart. He knew that this might be his last chance, so he summoned his residual momentum and shouted out.

Wu Lingzhu thought that Zheng Yin, the god of blood, would definitely stop and keep him alive for the time being. After all, he still has many secrets. He believes that Zheng Yin, the god of blood, must also be very interested in these secrets.

However, Zheng Yin, the blood god, didn't seem to hear it. The blood was like an arrow, not half slow, shooting straight on the halal spirit of Wu Lingzhu.

In just a moment, the yuan god of Wu Lingzhu was infected by the color of blood.

Then, the wisp of blood light showed its shape, which was Zheng Yin, the god of blood.

"You are such a dangerous person. I've spared you once, and it's already a big mistake. You actually thought I would make a second mistake. Is it really stupid?"

At this moment, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, is in an unprecedented state. Wu Lingzhu's yuan spirit is extremely condensed, which can be said to be a great tonic for him, which is much higher than the sum of the previous five immortals.

After losing the inducing of Wu Lingzhu, those evil spirits in the heart of the earth turned into rootless trees and roots, and easily sent back into the depths of the heart of the earth by Zheng Yin, the god of blood.

As for the evil fire caused by the seven secret demons of the stars of the heavens, although the blood god Zheng Yin can easily deal with it, it is only limited to self-protection. If you want to protect this glacier sea, you have no door.

However, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, saw that so many little Antarctic monks were paying attention to the situation here, but he had an idea and came up with a good idea.

At that time, he controlled Wu Lingzhu's body and shouted in his voice, "Forty-seven Island monks listened to the order, and this battle has ended. It is inevitable that this empty fire is raging in the sea of glaciers, destroying this spiritual land. Come quickly to support and send them to the two worlds!

If the rest of the Taoist friends are interested in helping, please come over. Thank you very much!"

While speaking, the two six-in-one dust array was powerful, and the rainbow bridges built of white clouds were derived and expanded in all directions.

In just a moment, the white rainbow bridge extended to the front of many spectators.

"The alliance leader has a destiny, how dare you not obey?"

"This is good for us, and we respect ourselves as the Lord of the Ukrainian League!"


In an instant, all the monks can get to the white rainbow bridge.