The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 624 Seal

"Dad be a Taoist friend, are you so confused? Do you really think they are still former monks? Now, they are all demons, their nature is destroyed, and their thoughts are horizontal. If you use this method, you really want to die!"

Seeing such a scene, the voice of Zun Sheng Zen Master rang again. Like Hong Zhong Dalu, he went straight to the depths of people's hearts and knocked away.

In this regard, the old man was no longer sasneer, but ignored it and took care of himself.

Twelve sun demons, it seems that they are really moved by the old man of the corpse, no longer have the slightest tyranny, and they are very quiet, quietly waiting for the old man of the corpse to cast spells.

At this time, the old man urged the great Asura method and pointed with his hand. At that time, the flower had shrunk into a large ball of blood light, surrounded the twelve demons, attached to the yellow light, and suspended under his feet. Suddenly, it grew to the size of a mu, and the thousand-layer lotus petals opened together, Golden blue light. There are a total of thirteen holes in the central lotus room, just like a cannon in the first month, each with a blood-colored fire spewing out, rumbling, with the sound of thunder and lightning, rising dozens of feet. At the high altitude, it will be knotted into a hu treasure cover, and then roll it down.

At this moment, the previous yellow light has disappeared, and the body of the old man's body has also grown violently. There is still a layer of yellow light all over his body, and the giant spirit is also standing in the center of the lotus [room]. The fire in the twelve holes around the four is half the sky, but only one of the holes is about two or three feet high, and the thick blood flames are about two hugs, and the pillar of fire also seems to hold the old man's body.

The old man, who closed his eyes and looked inside, motionless, seemed to devote himself wholeheartedly to the refining and breakthrough.

Seeing this scene, even Zun Sheng Zen Master couldn't help frowning. Because he is really clear about his spirit and understanding of the old man Shibi. Although the probability of breaking through the unity with the yin and yang thirteen gods and demons is very small, in his opinion, the old man Shipi will not create miracles.

The old man is a disciple who wins the Zen master. The better his talent, the higher his understanding, and the stronger his cultivation. After the success, the more merits he will get. However, the key is that once the old man is successful in breaking through and standing above the same class, he is not sure!

Because if you can understand the law of time, your spiritual thoughts should not be washed away by the law of time, and it is basically difficult to shake.

Therefore, this situation is absolutely unwilling for Zen Master Zunsheng to appear. However, things are never based on someone's will. If you want to reverse it, you must rely on absolute power. Although his strength is strong, the old man Shipi still has the location of the divine sword peak. For a moment, he can't break the barrier of Tianyu Palace at all, causing substantial damage to the old man Shipi.

"It seems that we have to start from the yin and yang thirteen gods and demons! The thirteen gods and demons of yin and yang are one and indispensable. As long as they can affect one of them and make him devore the old man, then the old man of the corpse wants to use the breakthrough of the thirteen gods and demons of yin and yang, which is impossible to realize it!"

With this in mind, Zen Master Zunsheng immediately sent a voice to his six apprentices who were in charge of the two six flags.

"Stull, at all costs, stop all the changes in the Tianyu Palace for a moment, so that he can only exist as a defensive barrier!" Immediately after that, he said to the head of Lishan's seven friends, who had been hidden in the dark and had not taken action, "You have made great contributions. Please take a closer look. The changes in the Tianyu Palace will stop, and you will try to get in immediately. After entering, find the altar of the old demon to practice the thirteen gods and demons of yin and yang, and destroy it.

The yin and yang thirteen gods and demons, including the twelve yang demons, were temporarily subdued by the old man with absolute divine power. It is difficult to make a problem. You'd better find the main yin demon altar first. The yin demon was given by the master of the old man of the corpse. It was not that he arrested the monk Yuanshen by himself. He has always been very obedient. Therefore, the old man of the corpse did not have any doubt about it.

However, it is precisely him who is the most likely to reproach.

Because the demon is the ray of Yuanshen of the old master of the corpse, and it is the only hope for his rebirth! For so many years, he has been calm and guarding himself in order to reduce the vigilance of the old man. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he succeeded in one stroke. I don't think he will miss this opportunity today!"

"Yes! Master, don't worry, disciples must do their best!" Zhu Yougong nodded immediately and answered.

Wencheng, Zhong Zai, Bi Ban and other six people, immediately spit out their own blood after receiving the order of Zen Master Zunsheng, and instantly strengthened the power of their own spells at the cost of the reduction of their own longevity. With their blessing, the power of the two-in-a-two-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-

That is, in time, on the two Liuhe flag gates, six golden long rainbows each flew out, a total of six or six or thirty-six long rainbows, shooting together on the barrier of the Tianyu Palace.

The barrier of Tianyu Palace is not a treasure light, but the power of the world that has not yet been fully formed. With the different external pressures, it is constantly changing, making it always in a favorable situation.

However, after these 36 long rainbows were shot, it was like a long dragon. At that moment, the power barrier of the world, which kept rising, shrinking, extending and changing, stopped.

It looks like it's frozen.

At the same time, Zen Master Zunsheng also roared and spit out a mouthful of golden blood shining endlessly. This mouthful of golden blood, in the void, twists and extends by itself, like a dragon and snake swimming away. In an instant, it turns into a full-sized rune.

This golden blood charm, a flash, is attached to the fixed power barrier of the world. That is, time, the golden light, like running water, permeated all parts of the barrier. Just now, there were some slightly trembling barriers, which were completely stagnant again.

At this time, Zhu Yougong did not dare to delay at all, that is, time, turned into a streamer and rushed to the Tianyu Palace. When he was about to collide, a crock suddenly appeared above his head, which looked very dilapidated. However, as soon as the crock appeared, it spit out a golden sword that was several feet wide. In a single cut, the barrier was cut out of a crack.

All meritorious achievements were about to go in, but they found that in the crack, there was an endless blood flame golden needle bursting out. In terms of sharpness and strength, it was much stronger than the full-out blow of his floating cup just now. Under the hard confrontation, you don't have to think too much about what the result is.

However, Zhu Yougong did not dodge, because in his opinion, the master and his six brothers spent a lot of money to create opportunities for themselves. No matter what, he can't give up like this. He was about to do the desperate move. Suddenly, it was dark above the sky, and then five huge golden fingers were inserted like a pillar of heaven. With a few flicks of fingers, he completely wiped out the blood flame golden needle.

Not only that, at this time, the huge golden fingers, like a sharp arrow, shot at the crack.

The blood flame golden needle, which was about to continue to be withdrawn, was blown back by abrupt bombardment.

At this time, such a good opportunity, all achievements will not be missed. At present, protect yourself with a floating cup, and in a flash, he rushed in from the crack.

After entering, he found that this was not a magnificent palace full of extravagance as he thought, but a boundless world.

Here, no huā, no grass, no birds, no beasts,

Yes, it's just a mixed void.

"How can I find this?" For the first time, such an idea flashed in the heart of all the meritorious people.

Closely, between the shadows, he saw that in the distance directly in front of his home, there was a corner of the altar, flashing away.

At that time, all the meritorious achievements were overjoyed, and immediately, they wanted to fly there. Suddenly, he woke up and said, "No, how could it be such a coincidence? I just wanted to find the altar of the thirteen gods and demons of yin and yang, and an altar appeared.

After a little pause, he patted his head and said, "Why am I confused? This is the world of heavenly desire formed by him in the sky. All desires can be done here. Fortunately, I woke up immediately, otherwise, I'm afraid I would become a tonic in this world of desire.

figured this out, but the heart of all the achievements has calmed down. Because he already knows how to deal with it.

Take desire to attract people's hearts as a means, then, as long as there is no desire, everything will naturally be solved.

At present, all the achievements are in this mixed void. They sit down cross-legged, close their eyes, and run the Buddha's secret Dharma "Nirvana Heart Sutra" to make their hearts sink into the realm of emptiness and silence.

Time, minute by minute, I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, Zhu Yougong opened his eyes, and his eyes were blurred with the gray light.

Under this divine light, the mixed void, like the sun melting snow, dissipated one after another, showing a clear world. This Qingming world is a small palace, inside, twelve altars, arranged in a mysterious way.

All the meritorious deeds did not get up, but continued to observe. Soon, the hole penetrated the void and looked high in the sky. An altar was suspended in the air, and the old man was sitting on the blood lotus huā, hanging on it. In the center of the altar, there is a huge flag, blowing itself without wind, hunting and hunting.

At this time, all the meritorious deeds no longer hesitated. The floating cup on the sky tilted over his head, and a thick golden sword light flowed out again and flew towards the flag.