The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 719 Shocking Change

There is a saying that it's too late to say, then it's fast!

Although Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jia's series of actions is slow to say, it is actually very fast. As soon as the demon religion is like many old demons, none of them can issue a strong magic power in time to stop it. In the end, Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jia's successful escape. Five-colored aura, a circle of the world!"

After getting out of trouble, Yi returned to Sheng Gu Jiayin, the incarnation and the original master were combined into one, and the mana soared at that time. At this time, with a loud shout and waving his hands, the endless five-color brilliance came out, condensing into a treasure ring overflowing with water. In the center of the treasure ring, the void collapses, and the strong suction is unparalleled. It is like a giant whale swallowing the sea, and the dog eats the sun and the moon. It is extremely powerful and can't resist at all.

Affected by this suction, in just a moment, several old demons' bodies were shifted. At that time, the Tianmo Yinhuo fire array they jointly built was broken.

At this time, according to the Holy Guga factor, he gently raised his hand and grasped the five-color treasure ring. Then, he raised his hand and threw it. The void crossed an arc and smashed it at the heart-piercing monk.

Heart-piercing monk, this moment is really crying without tears.

"Why is it me again, damn it, can't I bully you?"

Cursing goes back to cursing, and the pressure of the monk through the heart has not been reduced at all. He also wanted to escape, but there was an invisible locking power, which firmly locked him, so that he could not move too much at all. He could only watch the five-color treasure ring, fall from the sky and bombard his top door.

Although the five-color treasure ring is small, it condenses the great power of a world. Its power is stronger than the superposition of countless mountains. Is it idle?

Seeing that the monk was going to be severely damaged or even killed. Suddenly, in the oblique thorn, a blood-colored jewel, a long river of stars came, and the strong impact forced him to deviate from the original track.

Even so, under the bombardment of those aftershlight waves, it still made the heart-piercing monk have one arm and broken bones!

However, such a result is the best result for the monk.

"You're lucky!" At this time, the voice of Sheng Gu Jiayin came, "Blood God, do you want to continue to fight with me?"

"Why, the holy aunt killed the leader of our demon religion, and she wanted to leave so easily?" The old man of the blood god said coldly.

"That is, if I don't leave you today, what kind of face does my magic religion exist in the world?" Immediately after that, the star god also walked the way. His tone was cold, and his hatred was strong, even more than the old man of the blood god!


Immediately after that, the rest of the elders of the Demon Sect also spoke one after another, expressing support for the attitude of the old man of the Blood God.

"Hmm--, Blood God, I advise you to think about it. Is it right or wrong to fight with me like this?" Speaking of this, Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiayin paused for a moment, and then continued, "It's hard to say whether the demon religion can exist, but if you continue to fight with me, the demon religion will die, which is certain!

Just now, I was just a small test. If you are still so obsessed, then I'm really rude! Don't think that I'm so depleted and can't last. Really, I don't want to be a hitman of the Emei faction in vain!"

As soon as he said it, when it was, a group of emotional old demons calmed down a lot. They had already speculated about the return of Sheng Gu Gain's killing out of thin air. At this moment, it is basically credible to hear such a statement. If so, then, now, it is insignificant to return to the Holy Gugain, because it is obvious that he does not have the heart to destroy the demon religion, and the Emei Sect is to destroy the demon religion.

However, if they let go of Sheng Gu Jiayin and leave, they are really unwilling. Therefore, one by one, they are all slodled, even the wise man of the old man of the blood god is no exception.

Seeing this, Yigujia stood up because she was carrying her hand. The jade ring hung behind her head and turned into a bright light. The sun was like a wheel, and she did not take the initiative to attack. She waited quietly, waiting for the reply of the old demons.

Of course, Sheng Gu Jiayin is not the kind of person who is willing to give the initiative to others, so she is also quietly restoring her own cultivation and making her own combat strength soar again.

According to Sheng Gujia's words, everyone knows the effect of the delaying of the army. However, it's not so slow. For a while, it's really difficult for them to make a decision.

Just when a group of old demons were in a dilemma, suddenly, an extremely subtle but extremely clear voice resounded in the depths of the yuan god of everyone.

"Promise her to let her go!"

"This is..."

"How is that possible?"



For a while, all the old demons of the Demon Sect ** their faces and their expressions changed slightly. Although their changes were different, there was an amazing similarity, that is, they were all quite happy.

It's a little strange to realize this, but I can't figure it out for a while, so I can only keep myself steady and adapt to the changes.

After another moment, the old man Blood God said in an unusually depressed and extremely difficult tone, "Okay, I admit that what you said makes sense. Now, you can go!"

"Oh? Did the blood god Taoist have figured it out?" Sheng Gujia was a little unsure in his heart. He smiled faintly and tried to say.

"What if I can't figure it out? People can't come back to life after death, but my magic religion will continue to exist!" Speaking of this, the old man of the Blood God paused, and then said in an unusually solemn and ferocious tone, "Holy aunt, this time, because of the Emei faction, we don't care about you. However, I hope you will not appear on the opposite level of our magic religion.

Don't think that if you are strong, you can do everything. You have the same inheritance. If you meet each other again, then we can only retaliate against your magic wave pool by any means! I believe that you should also understand that it may not be difficult for the Emei faction to defeat us, but it is also very difficult to kill us without leaving one!"

"This is natural!" In the first place, he was still suspicious of the old man of the Blood God's rapid response, but when he saw that he made such a threat to himself, he was relieved. Therefore, it was time to reply, "I took action this time just to repay the kindness of my benefactor, Master Li Ning, and there is nothing else! Once, I already understood that there was no reason for the Emei faction to want me to be their knife again!"

"That's the best! Auntie, please!" Between the hands of the old man of the blood god, on the dome of the void prison, the runes transformed by several laws flashed. At that time, a large hole of three feet was cracked. Outside the cave, the mixed smell invaded like a tide. Obviously, this is a real open exit.

"Fear that!" Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiayin didn't say much. He waved his hand casually and flew towards the big hole.

Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiain had just arrived at the mouth of the cave and was about to step out. Suddenly, all the old demons of the demon religion, Qi Qi pinched out the formula. For a moment, above the void prison, all the rules and runes, Qi Qi shone a ray of brilliance, like a strand, shot

For a moment, the sky was shining and crisscrossed, like a huge network, facing the coverage of St. Gugain.

"I knew that you old demons will definitely not be so easy to submit. Sure enough, you are still tired of playing tricks. But what's the use of this?

At this time, the voice of returning Saint Gugain sounded again. At the same time, the five-color treasure ring behind its head is also bright and colorful, deducing a virtual shadow of the world and extending in all directions. The light emitted by those law runes, one line in contact with the virtual shadow of the world, is no longer the previous divine power.

However, these silk threads are really too many. Under the superposition of many power, it also makes the movement of St. Gugain condense a lot, and it is no longer as smooth as before.

"Isn't it ridiculous that you want to sneak up on me with such a little means? Give it to me!" According to Sheng Gu Jiayin, an arrogant roar, the virtual shadow of the world interpreted by the five elements treasure ring, suddenly exploded, setting off the extreme of rage, an unparalleled space storm.

In just a moment, the silk threads emitted by those law runes will either crack or roll back.

At this time, Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jia walked calmly and stepped towards the outer space of the void prison.

At this moment, there was a shocking loud noise, and the sky cracked. As a follow, countless bright spots appeared, some as big as a ball, and some as small as fine sand, dense and countless.

Those who have a little insight will understand that these highlights are nothing else but the endless stars in the Taixu universe.

A star vision appeared, and then a black light shot out above each of them, converging together, like a canopy.


Like the tide sweeping through the ocean, the black torrent pours down in an unsistible posture. Wherever it passes, everything is empty, and nothing exists.

"Taixu fire, this is the secret demon black shuttle of the seven stars in the heavens!"

Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiayin has just self-exploded the world of the five elements and is in a weak time. At this time, it was precisely because she thought that the overall situation had been settled and her mind was relaxed. It can be said that this moment was the most vulnerable time in history.

Suddenly, when I encountered such a terrible attack, I couldn't help but change my face.