The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 843 Qingdi Sword

Chapter 843 Qingdi Sword South China Sea, Unnamed Island.

"The first thought is the most rare. One thought can be a Buddha, and one thought can be a demon. Talking about Taoist friends to make this choice, it can be seen that the demon is deep and it is difficult to extricate yourself! In this case, we have to imitate the anger of the Ming king and purify the world!" While the white-browed Zen master spoke, the rosary that had been wrapped around his left hand was also suddenly thrown out.

That string of rosary beads, a total of eighteen, each moment, is depicting a rohan. As soon as he threw it out, that is, time, eighteen rosary beads, soaring, brilliant, golden brilliance, like the sun, faintly, in the golden light, you can see the virtual shadow of the eighteen guardians in the western sky.

The rosary came first, and in front of the Zen master, eighteen rosary beads, in the void in front of it, twisted a huge whirlpool, just before the fairy talked about the dustless sword.

The cyan sword light seems to be gentle and pleasing to the eyes, but in fact it is extremely sharp. In an instant, it pierces the whirlpool. However, at this moment, the eighteen rosary beads are attached to the sword light and are fiercely intertwined.

"Dang, Dang, Dang,..."

Like the sound of a sword, the sword that is like a broken bamboo, under the twist of this rosary, was actually abruptly stopped, and it was difficult to take a step forward.

At this time, the Zen master was not idle. He made a decision immediately, and there was a roar of the demon lion. The body, which was originally thin and dry, like dry wood, stood up like a balloon, and became plump. In a short moment, it was two laps. Moreover, not only that, his skin shows a bronze-like color, which looks extremely strong and powerful.

The Zen master suddenly took a step forward, and before he got the sword light, he shook it with his own fist. At this moment, the Zen master, like an angry King Kong, came to the world.


A shocking shock, the sword light, which had already been entangled by rosary beads, immediately disintegrated and turned into blue flusters all over the sky. It was beautiful!

However, no one is in the mood to appreciate this scene. The female fairy talked about nothing, and the storm was difficult. It was aimed at the weakest Chen Zen master among the monks. Originally, she thought that even if she could not really hurt him, at least she could escape and create a good opportunity for herself. Unexpectedly, the white-browed Zen master was extremely vicious and took advantage of the situation, but counterattacked it with Dezhu pulled his sword, making it difficult to turn it into a virtual one, and he left as soon as he touched it.

The sword light collapsed, and the fairy talked about Wuchen and took the opportunity to withdraw the sword. However, at this time, Kongtuo Zen master, the single-finger Zen master, Yifa Zen master and Yizhen Zen master rushed to the four directions respectively. With Yichen Zen master, they formed the Great Array of Buddhism - the Five Ming kings

Legend has it that the five kings of the Ming Dynasty work together to break through the sky, destroy the earth, and destroy the world, so that the mountains, rivers and the earth can return to the original. It is from this that the five Ming kings destroyed the world. Kongtuo Zen Master and other five people joined hands. It is impossible to destroy the world, but the strength is really soaring.

The five senior monks are connected, and everyone's body is shining, showing a Mingwang Dharma.

Kongtuo Zen Master, the central Fu Ming King;

It refers to the Zen master, who surrenders to the three Ming kings in the East;

A Zen master, for the Southern Army;

A true Zen master, the great king of the West;

Yichen Zen Master is the King of King Kong Yecha in the north.

The five Ming kings destroyed the world. The five eminent monks did not choose to attack immediately, but flew backwards together and went to the five sides of the unknown island. Then, they each pinched the formula and spewed out a white, pure flame from the eyebrows of their own Mingwang Faxiang.

This flame, called the pure flame of the King of the Ming Dynasty, is the greatest reliance of the King of the Ming Dynasty to destroy everything. The pure flame of the Ming King emerged from the five directions of the unknown island. In just one moment, it turned the whole unknown island into a sea of fire purgatory. The foundation that the female fairy talks about Wuchen has accumulated here for many years is almost in an instant, completely destroyed, leaving no point.

However, at this time, the fairy talks about nothing, and she can no longer care about this kind of thing outside her body. She also knew very well about the pure flame of the Ming King. When she opened her eyes, she found that this blazing white flame not only filled the whole unnamed island, but also the endless depths of the void. There is no doubt that the five eminent monks are using this method to ban the void and prevent her from escaping away.

The reason why it is often difficult to distinguish between birth and death is that one party is determined to escape, and there are ten **, which can't be stopped. However, if it can make it difficult for the slightly weaker party to escape, then the probability of killing will be greatly increased. On this point, the fairy talks about Wuchen can no longer be clear.

Talking about Wuchen, the sword light bursts out under his feet, intertwined into a green lotus, holding his body, safe and sound in this blazing white flame. As soon as the flame is slightly closer, it will be twisted into nothingness by the powerful fine sword light, leaving nothing left. At this time, he stared coldly at the white-browed Zen master in front of him and said, "White-browed old monk, what benefits did Zhong Yuan give you to work for him so much that you really want my life?"

"Amitabha!" Zen Master Bai Mei recited a Buddha's name and said, "The Taoist friend misunderstood. Master Zhong did not give any benefits to the poor monk. In response to the invitation of Master Zhong, one is the general trend of heaven and earth, and the other is justice in the world! The general trend is offset, and the sky is reversed. These can be seen if you want to talk about Taoist friends. Unfortunately, not only do not follow the weather, but also blindly help the abuse. Such behavior has been tolerated by heaven and earth!"

"Boh--" The fairy talked about Wuchen and heard it like this. At that time, she sneered, "Old monk, this is the rest of our door to play. You take it out and use it now. Don't you think the class is playing an axe?"

"What you say, today, since the poor monk has accepted the invitation of Master Zhong, he can't let Taoist friends leave the island!" The white-browed Zen master was not angry because of the words of the fairy talking about Wuchen. He was still not slow and seemed to be extremely calm.

"If you dare to be a running dog, the end may not be good! Be careful, the end of a bird, a good bow, a cunning rabbit dies, and a running dog cooks!" The fairy said again without dust.

"Ha ha, at this point, I won't bother to talk about Taoist friends. The poor monk believes in his own vision!" The white-browed Zen master was not affected at all, and he replied in a bland way.

"The vision is so unreliable. I only believe in the sword in my hand!" As soon as the fairy talked about Wuchen, the three-foot green peak in her hand suddenly shook. At that time, a loud "bump--" sound spontaneously burst into pieces and turned into thousands of flowing light, divided in all directions, dense, like a bee coming out of the hole.

These broken flying sword streamers did not go to the white-browed Zen master and others like ordinary swords, but like flowers and rain, sprinkled one after another. When they fell to the ground, they abruptly destroyed the pure flame of the Ming King in the place where he was, revealing a square scorched earth.

These flying swords flowed like seeds, which fell into the scorched earth and disappeared. Then, seedlings emerged in these places, and the seedlings grew rapidly. In a short time, they grew into towering trees, green and shaded, no less than ten thousand.

The power of flames can be said to be the nemesis of wood power. However, at this moment, the king of the Ming Dynasty is unparalleled, but it has not been able to damage these towering trees at all. Not only that, each of these trees has propped up a space of about a hundred feet, making this place a place without fire.

Seeing this, the white-browed Zen master and other six great monks of Buddhism looked sideways.

"Talking about Taoist friends is worthy of being a kendo wizard. It's really awesome to oppress our five Ming kings with the power of restraint. However, the soft can't be kept for a long time, but I don't believe it. How long can you hold on!" When the white-browed Zen master was right, he said in a loud voice.

The white-browed Zen master deeply knows how difficult it is to kill a high-level existence of a fairy, so long before he came to the unknown island to block the door, he had set up preparations for a long-term battle and consume vitality. After all, his six masters have an absolute advantage in this regard.

Therefore, although the white-browed Zen master was relaxed and unobstructed at this time, he was not in a hurry to take action. He is very accurate in his positioning, that is, to prevent Tan Wuchen from suddenly breaking out and breaking through the magic circle. As long as Wuchen can't get rid of it, his cultivation is declining day by day. When his vitality is consumed by more than half, he will attack with the power of thunder. Although he can't guarantee that he will kill with one blow, it will definitely not take much effort.

When the fairy talked about Wuchen, she snorted coldly and said harshly, "Really? Then you can take my move of Taihao Qingdi's sword - Wanmu Fufeng!"

As soon as the fairy's words fell, the ten thousand towering trees suddenly shook. The degree of shaking is not violent. However, with this shaking, invisible winds are born out of thin air. These winds do not promote the slightest fire, but are like sharp swords, cutting the pure flame of the King of Ming.

Not only that, the void around the unknown island, like a broken mirror, was cut out of dense and countless cracks. Because the four-way space is also blocked by the pure flame of the Ming King, in the broken space cracks, there are also endless blazing white flames rushing and roaring. For a while, the power of the retreating flame seems to be strengthening.

However, even so, it won't hurt those big trees at all. Tens of thousands of big trees swayed more and more violently. Gradually, the invisible wind turned into a tangible wind blade. The power of cutting became more and more powerful, deeply cut into the cracks. In a vague way, it seemed that the mixed fireless world could be seen.