The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 909 Continuous explosion (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

~Date:~September 30~

~The car is in the Lost Road HD~ ~#.

At midnight, I wish my friends in advance, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a family reunion... In the face of the flying sword passing through his throat, the middle-aged man did not retreat at all. Not only that, he did not use any mana or magic weapons to resist. He just made the giant stick in his hand more powerful, the air exploded, and the sound of wind and thunder.

The giant stick was chopped down like the top of Mount Tai. Without a real touch, the invisible strong wind had made this self-like monk feel a lot of pressure in his heart. ♀ For a moment, he saw that his move to besieged Wei and saved Zhao did not have the slightest effect, but he did not dare to be careless. On the In front of me, resist the fall of the big stick.

There is nothing he can do. It's not that he doesn't want to cut off his opponent's head first. In fact, even if he cuts off his head, the inertia of the big stick will crush him with an extremely powerful posture. Although he is not a well-bring figure, he does not have the hobby of gambling with others.

In particular, in his opinion, it is even more unworthy to gamble with the vulgar person in front of him.

This monk thought that his cultivation was more than one level better than that of a middle-aged man. Even if the other party was born with divine power, he would never be defeated. Therefore, after the long sword flew, his mind stabilized.

However, when the flying sword light really touched the giant stick, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.


With an extremely crisp sound, the monk's flying sword shattered and turned into endless fragments. It collapsed in all fours. Then, the giant stick continued to go down. In an instant. Then he landed directly on the monk's head.


Another sound, the monk was smashed into meat mud, and it was no longer the same. The yuan god couldn't escape at all.

Such a scene, when it is. Many monks who were still rude and ridiculed Zhong Yuan suddenly thumped in their hearts. Great fear. The fear.

But ♀ At that time, their fear was already too late. After the middle-aged man destroyed the monk in front of him, he suddenly roared again. With this roar, his figure disappeared again. The next moment, he came to another monk who had been very abusive and sarcastic before.

Middle-aged man. He didn't say anything. It seemed that he was not interested in any situation of the person in front of him. What he is interested in is that the other party insults him, so he wants to destroy it.

I think so in my heart, in fact, I do the same. The giant stick is time, and it once again splits down the ♀ monks, which is not as good as the monks who were just killed by the middle-aged giant. He couldn't even make a trace of resistance at all. In an instant, he was also directly beaten into meat by the giant stick.

A lot of flesh and blood, stained on the giant stick, looks particularly bloody.

A middle-aged man, his feet did not stop at all, and it was a sudden shock, and his body disappeared again ♀ moment. Previously, the monks who had opened their mouths and ridiculed to him, Qi drove the clouds to escape the light and changed their shadows. For a moment, outside Chifeng City, the light was like rain, which

"If you want to go, can you go?" The middle-aged man roared angrily, and the huge stick in his hand suddenly became bigger and swept towards a few sword lights in the void.

Before the stick arrived, the fishy wind came first, and the smell was strong, which made people smell disgusting!

However, despite this, none of them dared to cover it up, because their full-service spirit was used in the confrontation with Zhong Yuan. No, the word confrontation is inaccurate. More precisely, it should be: run for life!

"Puff, puff, puff... The sound of the air exploded, and the giant stick was as light as a willow branch. Between the waves, the shadows of the sticks all over the sky were like mountains and the sea. In just an instant, I heard a scream, and then another monk was directly blown up in the void. Within ten feet, all of them were permeated by blood fog.

The simple, direct but extremely effective way of fighting makes everyone present feel alone. Even if it is a monk who has not been affected, it is the same.

"If you meet similar people in the future, you can never provoke them. It's really terrible!"

"I didn't expect that the body could be tempered to such a situation, and I don't know what method he was practicing... In the void, the stick shadows were vertical and horizontal, tearing the air, forming a wind like an endless wind blade, which involved figures one by one into it, turning into blood and drifting away.

"You can't kill me, I'm... Ah--"

A monk who was involved in the shadow of a giant stick just wanted to report himself as a deterrent, but as soon as the words came out, it stopped abruptly and turned into a scream. Then, it also turned into a blood fog and drifted away.

"It's too ferocious, everyone. This savage will definitely not let us go. Let's work together. We can definitely kill it! Ah--"

"Bong--" A void sound burst, and the monk was also blown up by Zhong Yuan, and he died tragically.

In a short period of time, the middle-aged man actually killed seven or eight opponents with the same level or even a slightly weaker level of strength. His brave and fierceness really made everyone present look sideways. Even the Zhentianwei, who is responsible for guarding the city, is no exception.

Zhen Tianwei is a force directly belonging to the imperial court, and it is also the most powerful force under the imperial court. Just like the army of the mortal imperial dynasty, guarding the four-way cities directly under the imperial court ◎ Tianweizhong's cultivation may not be very powerful, but the combat effectiveness is first-class.

At this moment, the team officer in charge of the West Gate of Zhen Tianwei even had an impulse to summon the middle-aged man under his command. Unfortunately, he does not have this right, and only the lord of the city can rule. Therefore, the team officer was so convenient that he secretly made up his mind that he must convey this matter to the city owner and recruit him under the command of Zhen Tianwei.

Although the counterattack massacre of the middle-aged man was only between the lightning shining and the rise and fall of the rabbit and the crane, it still took a little effort after all. In this way, most of the people who were rude before fled and divided into four directions.

The middle-aged man naturally caught up quickly, almost one by one, killed four more, and the rest disappeared.

At this time, the middle-aged man just retreated and stopped on the ground. His face was normal, neither red nor white, and there was no gasp at all. Obviously, the battle just now was not for him to go all out. I can't help but think more of middle-aged men.

A middle-aged man, casually shocked the giant stick in his hand, standing time, the giant stick was as clean as new, and the flesh and blood on it all disappeared. Then, as if he had nothing to do, he put the giant stick on his back, and then strode towards the West Gate and walked over.

In the front, because of the excitement, there are a lot of immortals crowded there. However, as soon as they saw the middle-aged man coming over, they couldn't help but avoid both sides and opened an extremely wide road to make it smooth all the way, without any hindrance, and walked to the gate.

Zhen Tianwei, who is on duty, also witnessed the previous war with his own eyes. For the middle-aged man who has returned to normal and looks a little silly, he is also a little timid. Therefore, he was honest and didn't talk at all. After charging the corresponding fee, he let the middle-aged man into the city.

It was not until the middle-aged man disappeared into the chaotic sea of people and outside the city gate that the hustle and bustle of the past was restored. However, at this moment, there is almost no word in the noise, which has nothing to do with the middle-aged man... The middle-aged man is naturally Zhong Yuan. He thought deeply in the dense forest for many days and finally made a clever plan. That is, use your current "identity" to lead some monks as much as possible, and then collect them wantonly to complete the needs of their own swallowing holy method for monks.

Of course, this is to take a lot of risks. After all, among the monks involved in the pursuit, there is also a golden fairy level. However, Zhong Yuan also has a plan in his mind to minimize this danger as much as possible. However, he can't explain whether this plan can really succeed or not.

There is nothing he can do, because Zhong Yuan is not clear enough about many information about the Lingkong Fairyland. Fortunately, this kind of incomprehension will pass soon, because the mysterious religion he is about to see is the most detailed and perfect organization of the intelligence system in the whole spiritual fairy world. He believes that they will not let him down.

Zhong Yuan strode forward, but he did not go directly to the secret residence of Xuanyou Sect, but deliberately found a luxurious inn and lived in it.

Chifeng City, because of the formation of hundreds of peaks, every inn here, like those spiritual caves, is a wonderful place for practice. At least nearly half of the monks who came to Chifeng City came for this.

Zhong Yuan himself, naturally did not come for this. The reason why he was like this was that he secretly sensed that someone was quietly following him.

Zhong Yuan is very confident about his physical control skills, so he does not doubt that those people came for his Zhong Yuan's identity. However, no matter what he did, he chose to be cautious. Because he knows very well how powerful he is against himself now. He must take the lead step by step without any mistakes, so that he can get the profit he wants from that gap.

~The car is in the Lost Road HD...RQ