The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 962 World Shock

"Do you know? There is a passage of heaven and man on Qingming Mountain, which can directly reach the fairyland. The real treasure of the infinite golden fairy is in it. There are not many good things in such a low-class world of the human world. Those so-called treasures are all fake, just an external shelf! There are treasures in it, and there will be no good goods!"

"What? Where did you hear that? Why don't I know?"

"Where did the news come from? Don't ask, I'll ask, if the news is true, would you like to break through?"

"Of course, the infinite golden elixir, even the golden elixir can help break the obstacles, not to mention you and me, I'm afraid that after taking it, you can directly jump to the first level! However, I don't understand. Since you know the news, why don't you go by yourself and have to come to me? No way, there is something wrong with this news! I remember that the relationship between us is not so close!"

"Old friend, let's talk about it! Now, the spread of this news is not very large. If you rush there now, you are quite sure that you will get good things. However, although there are not many people who know it, there are many masters. My cultivation is in it, and it doesn't matter. Therefore, I want to join hands with old friends. If you get the treasure, how about you and me adding five?

"Good! That's it!"


The secret collection of Sanlian Mountain.

"Bun, Bun, Bun,..."

A golden light is like a hemisphere, enveling a small crest surrounded by three mountains. Outside the mountain. Hundreds of monks kept bombarding outside. All kinds of treasures reflect each other. As gorgeous as a rainbow!

Suddenly, one of the eight monks in the front, a jade card suddenly moved spontaneously and flew out of his chest. At that time, the man's face changed. He temporarily stopped attacking the golden barrier and held the jade card with one hand. Then, his mind was like a thread, and it penetrated into the jade card.

After a moment. The monk's face returned to normal, put away the jade card, did not say hello to other people, and shook his body. Then he turned into a long rainbow and flew away.

"What's going on? How did Li Tianzhang go?

"I don't understand yet. It must be someone else's sect, and there is a bigger discovery. I don't like this little secret!"

"I don't like it. Without him, we can get a few more copies! Linyuan Xianyu, how can it be compared with retreating and nets? I don't understand this truth. Li Tianzhang is doomed not to become a big deal in the future. It's hard to be with us!"

As soon as the man's words fell, the rest of the people had not yet come (bookstore, the fastest update, and suddenly, a jade card flew out of his chest.

Everyone is very familiar with this kind of jade card, because almost everyone has a share of all the disciples of the big school, which is used for the people of the same family to communicate with each other. Inside, it is all the transmission of the same brothers or teachers.

At this moment, everyone felt unusual. One by one, they all stopped to do it and looked at the generous statement just now. The person who satirized Li Tianzhang, look at him. What will happen after seeing the jade card? As soon as they stopped, all the monks behind them also stopped. For a moment, the originally roaring and fierce mountains became silent.

At the moment when the man read the jade card, his face was uncontrollable **, but it soon returned to normal. Then, the man received the jade card, but on his face, he was extremely calm, but he showed a little embarrassment. I'm sorry, Taoist friends, teachers have a call, you can't delay, this secret, I don't have this blessing, so I'll share it with you!


After saying that, he saluted with his fists in his hands, and then turned into a long rainbow and flew away.

Seeing this situation, everyone's heart seemed to have been caught by a cat, which was very unbearable. They knew that there must be some amazing treasure found. Otherwise, Li Tianzhang and Tong Mengtian, who has just left, are both disciples of the big school. How can they have the benefit of getting it? There is no reason to give up.

"Brother Qin Dao, what do you think?" After a moment of silence, a man opened his mouth and asked a very young and handsome monk.

At that time, the rest of the monks looked over. Because they knew very well that this monk surnamed Qin was the only remaining disciple of the school among the people present.

"My opinion is naturally the same as yours. However, no matter how big the treasure is, no matter how many treasures there are, if you don't get it, everything will be empty. Anyway, I won't give up the treasures here!"

As soon as the monk surnamed Qin finished his words, the jade card on his chest also flashed and flew out.

"Brother Qin Dao, it's time to test your strength!"

"Yes, Brother Tong's appearance just now has lost his usual face. Don't follow in his footsteps!"


Everyone, I was saying a word. Suddenly, the monk surnamed Qin put away the jade card, smiled and said, "Don't worry, Taoist friends, he is a disciple of the magic sect. How can he have any character? How can he be compared with the righteous people of our generation? I said I wouldn't go, so I would never go!"

Speaking of this, the monk surnamed Qin paused for a moment, and then continued, "Just now, it was delayed for a while. The valley is forbidden and has been restored. Let's not delay. Let's attack quickly!"

While talking, the monk surnamed Qin took the first action and released his own magic weapon - the purple light bracelet. While boiling, the purple flame slammed down at the golden mask. At that time, there was a loud noise.

The rest of the monks saw this, and they followed closely and took action one after another. However, their momentum is obviously much weaker than before. There is nothing they can do. At this moment, there is a huge question in their hearts, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate.

After a while, finally, one of the monks couldn't help bombarding and asked, "Qin Daoyou, can you tell us what was the news sent by your fellow party just now?"

"Yes! Our hearts are full of curiosity, just like cat's claws, it's hard to put it down!"


With the first one, there is the second one, and the third one. In a short time, all five people opened their mouths to inquire.

For this, the monk with his own surname smiled faintly and said, "I knew that you can't help asking each other. Well, now, this news is not a top secret. Let's tell all Taoist friends! On Qingming Mountain, the highest peak in the world, there is a passage of heaven and man in the world, which leads directly to the fairyland. Now, most of the monks have rushed to the fairyland!"