The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 971 Swallow the tonic grass

Du Guangting's two guards are stronger than his, but their combat strength is far worse than him. Because of this, Zhong Yuan was very comfortable to deal with these two people.

In the same way, the two of them were also immersed in the nine doubts. Zhong Yuan was not in a hurry to refresh them and asked them why they could find their [true] real appearance and so on, but continued to fly to the place of Qingming space at an ultra-high speed.

At dusk, Zhong Yuan finally came to the node of entering the green underworld space and stepped into here calmly.

After entering here, he slowly absorbed the sky here. All of a sudden, the restless thoughts in Zhong Yuan's heart disappeared and completely regained his calm.

He understands that he will spend the most relaxing time on this happy land after entering the infinite golden fairy world. Moreover, it will also be the happiest time.

In this green underworld space, Zhong Yuan tried his best to stimulate his own eyes of life and death, went up and down, and found a place where he found it. The sky was more intense. Zhong Yuan stopped and crossed his knees in the void. Then, he took out the two Liuhe micro dust arrays, shook in the sky, turned into a vast white fog, and spread out in this green world. In an instant, Zhong Yuan's own figure was hidden!

With the cover of Liangyi Liuhe dust array, Zhong Yuan no longer has any worries about the safety of his own closed practice. At that time, the six incarnations appeared together.

At this time, Zhong Yuan waved his hand and was included in the space of swallowing the elixirs refined by all kinds of infinite golden fairies, except for the infinite golden elixir, all the other elixirs flew out, divided into categories, listed in the void.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan's six incarnations, without any hesitation, that is, time, took their own hands and took the elixir they wanted.

Although there are many elixirs here, there are also differences between the top, middle and bottom, and the number of top-quality elixirs is limited in the end. Therefore, the six incarnations, at the first time, some people competed. Because Haotian Taoist and Xumi Taoist, the first choice is Baoyuan Shendan.

Baoyuan Shendan is a kind of special kind of elixirs. It is not used for people to take, but to transform the legal treasure, promote the level of the magic weapon, or to develop the magic weapon itself, but it has the potential to manifest.

Haotian Taoist and Xumi Taoist are treasures, and naturally they can be used. In their opinion, they don't have to work hard to increase their skills, practice and seek breakthroughs like a real human monk. Compared with their nature, they are only giving full play to a small part of their power!

In their opinion, if they can further excavate their own divine power and ability through this treasure elixir, then, nine out of ten, their own cultivation can also make a big leap. It is even possible to directly cross that line and become a monk at the top of the immortals.

If there are two Baoyuan Shendan, it's okay, but there is only one. In such a case, no one of them is willing to retreat. At the moment, the two began to move.

The two incarnations are really extraordinary. Although there is no power at all, you can still feel the invisibly sharpness that directly points to the point.

Although the two of them took action, they are ultimately one and the same root, so they are all shallow and easy to stop. After dozens of changes, Haotian Taoist was finally more skilled, but he directly broke the palm knife of the Xumi Taoist and took the bottle of treasure yuan elixir in his hand.

After Haotian Taoist took the Baoyuan elixir, he did not hesitate to directly pull out the cork and swallowed the elixir inside.

After swallowing, in time, Haotian Taoist restored his body, a blue treasure~~ Book Network first release~~ Mirror, suspended void. Above the mirror, the warm blue light like water, rippled slightly, like a blue wave, with ripples on the road.

At this time, the other four incarnations such as Guangcheng Taoist have long been in the state of cultivation. Some of them showed their real bodies, and some of them, like human monks, cross-legged and blamed the power of Nadan.

Seeing this, the Xumi Taoist did not delay his time. In a hurry, he also found a bottle of the remaining elixirs. The best in his mind, he swallowed it and began to practice.

Looking at the void, a bottle of reduced elixir, Zhong Yuan's heart can't help but have a little **.

Originally, these elixirs, Zhong Yuan was ready to leave to him for his practice. After all, for him, it is the most important thing for him to enter the realm of golden immortals. Previously, he got these elixirs, which did not mean to be given to the six incarnations, and it was also out of this consideration.

However, before, after a joint attack between the two golden fairies, Zhong Yuan immediately understood how beautiful the future prospect is and how broad it is, it is the future after all. If, now, if there is a problem with his life, everything will be like a mirror, so he made up his mind and consume Part of the elixir to improve the ability of the six incarnations and enhance the ability to protect oneself.

Seeing that all six incarnations have selected elixirs. After entering the practice, Zhong Yuan took his thoughts back to his own body. During this period, although the main purpose is to improve the cultivation and strength of the six major incarnations, and work hard for the last two treasures of hell. However, during this period of time, his dignity can't be idle, so Zhong Yuan is ready to let his own dignity begin to practice and improve his cultivation again!

Zhong Yuan did not mean to take these elixirs in front of him, although any bottle of these elixirs in front of him had a very good effect for him.

Zhong Yuan waved his right hand and opened the space to swallow the sky. A monk with white hair but a very young face appeared. This monk is no one else. It is the elixirs on the top of the first immortals captured by Zhong Yuan in the Liuze Ruins to make up for the innocence one by one!

This naive man, at this moment, although his cultivation is forbidden and is the lamb to be slaughtered in Zhong Yuan's hand, his arrogance does not diminish at all. After he comes out, he has no intention of begging for mercy at all, just glanced at Zhong Yuan. And in this eye, there is still a disdainful look.

Zhong Yuan did not have that kind of hobby. Others looked down on him, and he also believed that the other party had a backbone and blindly flattered him. Of course, he did not be furious because of this. He punished this tonic, but faint, as if the breeze had passed by and didn't care.

Zhong Yuan, it's not that he doesn't really care at all, but in his opinion, it's completely unnecessary. Because today is the time to make up for the death of naive people.

"Tsupplement the naive man, when you first met me, you didn't kill me directly. For the sake of giving me a certain opportunity, I will also give you a chance to say your last words and what you haven't wanted! Although the Ruins of Liuze was broken, the elixir monks inside were not killed by all the bolts, and some masters still escaped. If I have a chance to meet them, I will tell them your last words and wishes!" Zhong Yuan said solemnly.

"Is it? No matter what kind of last words or wishes I'm talking about, will you convey it? Hearing this, the innocent man immediately changed his expression, showing a rather playful smile and asked.

"Of course!" Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all. He replied, and his face was still very solemn.

"That's good! Thank you very much in advance!" The innocent man stood up and said again, "My last words and wishes are very simple. The last words are to warn my fellows that the heart of practicing to seize the opportunity of heaven and earth must be cruel enough, and any monk who may harm him must be eradicated, and don't have the slightest illusion of anything else.

At this point, the man deliberately paused, and then continued, "As for the wish, I just hope that they can avenge me. As for who the enemy is, I don't know. You should be clear, just let me know!"

After saying that, the smile on the face of the innocent was even stronger. In his eyes, there were a lot of provocative people looking at Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan's expression still hasn't changed at all, but in his mouth, he sighed, "Your last words are very right, and your grasp is also resentful. So, I take back what I said before, and now, I'm going to follow your words!"

While speaking, Zhong Yuan also took action. As soon as he pointed out, he was in the middle of the eyebrows of the naive man. At that time, the yuan god of the naive man was broken apart as if he had been stabbed by thousands of knives.

At this time, Zhong Yuan's hands rotated and danced thousands of phantoms. In an instant, the phantom was united to achieve a magic seal. With a push of the void, the broken yuan god of the naive man seemed to have been strongly attracted. They came out of their bodies one after another and gathered in Zhong Yuan's hands.


At this time, Zhong Yuan suddenly drank in his mouth, and all the fragments of the yuan god of the innocent man were condensed together, like the size of a palm, and the translucent crystal ball followed, and Zhong Yuan put the crystal ball into the swallowing space.

At this moment, the tonic of the Heavenly God has been lost, and his figure has gradually begun to change. In a short time, he can no longer be humanoid and turned into a grass three feet high.

This grass is the tonic grass!

When the patching grass appeared, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all, that is, time, with his hand, the patching grass fell into his hands. At this time, his big mouth was gently inhaled. In the air, it seemed to be a small whirlwind. The void around it was a little distorted, blurred, and flashed.

Zhong Yuan held the patching grass and sent it to the ripples. In an instant, the patching grass became smaller and fell into his mouth. ( To be continued